Tuesday, January 26, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 26th, Tuesday


Snow is melting today in NYC. Nice and bright sunshine.
Yesterday I listened to the first part of your show. You were fuming.
You started your show today by talking about elections in general, said that Trump is going to be on the next hour. Talked about Teddy's cardiogram. He'll be OK.
You've got an article on your web site called "diseases without borders" and want us to spread the word through our social media sites. I don't use Face-hook, very rarely Twitter.
I tweeted it for you already @Starlet737.
I'm not using my name, because I have not done and still don't do anything commercial.
Maybe I should start. ??? Soon it will be 6 years I have been blogging. Money will help me to get socially more involved, first of all in politics.
I don't even know how to do it. Not yet. Someone can give me ideas on comments box? thx!

It's after 4pm now and Trump will come on on the bottom of the hour. He is right to be worn Fox News with not willing to participate in another BS-show scheduled by them on Thursday.
Why would he. He knows that dem-controlled-lame-stream-media is against him. he said it so many times. We saw it with out own eyes already.
They already show their poisonous tongues, their violently hostile minds and faces in a form of a so called "nice looking woman."
In the first debate she didn't look nice, she looked scary and emotionally violently aggressive. Dark smoke was coming out of her nostrils and she was ready to jump him and bite on his neck. That's what I saw. And she started with a nasty comments trying to shmere him with mud before asking pathetic Qs.
Roger Ales should be ashamed of himself. Don't you think he's  ............................  let me stop here.
4:36pm mr. Trump is on.
For your Q about defense he said we need people like Patton and MacArthur and we can find them today in our military schools.
You asked all sorts of Qs and I will link it from your site, after you'll post it in there.
You think this was the best interview of all with him so far.
"Hide, run and fight" is today's commend for military by O.
You said that your listeners should remember and never forget that all the people who are attacking Trump now, attacked you for years. I agree.
You're asking to call the show to comment, but I don't want to. You're bad in picking up calls. 5pm.

Wow, look at that! Look what I found; today is 135th Birthday of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. 
In Nov. of this year will be 130th of Gen. George Patton.

3rd hour; you're talking about the US Navy being ran by a woman under O's watch. Calling Sanders a man from Katz'sdeli. Yes, he could be the one who gives out tickets. Will kill my appetite though.

1. To me the basic and absolutely necessary thing should be the drag test of all politicians. From the presidential candidates, members of Congress, governors, all Mayors of the cities, I mean - all of them. We all have doctors, right. So, what seems to be the problem? It's not even any additional effort needs to be made to release records about their physical health as well as about the state of their minds.
A little effort, which will be worth making, to me, would be the mandatory tests by 3 independent General Practitioners, Psychologists and Psychiatrists, who will be randomly picked by (I prefer by drawing) an independent commission.
That will clear the field so good, we'd not even believe in our own eyes.

2. The second law should be that they can not have any foreign investments or accounts at the time of their service and their family members can not be involved in doing business with government.

3. Lobbyism should be abolished. All members of Congress should get very highly qualified people running their offices-affairs (in both sense). I don't want "interns" picking up their phones and checking their emails.

4. No one while in any gov. office should be able to run for another job while getting paid for the one he/she is not doing.  Hello???
How someone can be paid as a senator, a governor, a mayor, etc. when he/she is not at work?

Can I get paid at any job while openly being on national TV and radio and asking for another job? What are you talking about? This is the biggest scam of this system.

5:40pm you're talking about generations of immigrant coming to this country and working hard to survive and succeed.
Statute of Liberty doesn't say "give me your poor" to feed for free, it says "to get a job."
I agree.
Don't let me start with that "Liberty" thing. Do you know the history of that statute and how the whole thing came about?
I have couple of real Liberty symbols in my house. Now that I remember this, I might open my heart and send them to Mr. Trump. ********************************************************

5:47pm. you're talking about human jealousy. OMG! You're right, there is no limit or reason for it.
That don't go under any column of  reasonable thinking. It's a monster on its own merits.
Some are born with that inside their hearts and minds, some are the living monsters themselves.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be enough or satisfying to some of those d.mons.
They're all over, every step of the way.
I used to think that poor people are better than the rich. That was the mentality in socialism, there I grew up. In there you simply could not be rich unless you stole. Well, I came to America not to become "rich" but to freely do what I wanted to do, what I was good at, and what I considered my mission. So far I haven't done it publicly and haven't seen the results - financial and/or moral.
I have done this for my soul only. So far this blog has been only a spiritual journey.
If even this won't mount to anything else, I'll still be very glad that I have done this.
6pm. You're done for today.
I want to talk about disease and immigrants. I'm an immigrant, I'm a naturalized citizen. I had to come with permission to exit the old country and with permission to enter this country.
Do be able to do so I was required to have a medial report about infectious diseases I might have. Also a x-ray picture and check up of lungs. Then, when I had to go for interviews for permanent residency, they required me to go to a doctor here and get those things done in here.
At that time I was working in Ivy college, had a privet insurance, went to an UWS doctor and had it done in his office. Took all the medical records, letters from work places (there was time when I worked in more than 1 jobs), did the copies of paychecks (just in case), have made photos from in 2 different places, have done fingerprints in 2 different places, etc.
Everything was more than asked, more than enough and presented in variety of ways.
I still remember the immigration officer who had my file in his caseload and interviewing me 2-3 times before I become a permanent resident, - Mr. B.rg.yne. He was amazed by me.
He said "in my long career (about 30 years) in this department, interviewing countless people, I haven't seen anybody else as ready and eager to become a US citizen as you are."
We chat-chat about other "easy ways" people can get in. He really didn't like it.
"When they get in easy, they don't appreciate. The motivation is not there and in result they don't try to help themselves either." he said to me.
Now, my Q is; why would I try so hard and others don't and we suppose to be treated the same?
Where is the equality in this? Isn't this a discrimination of highest degree? Knowing that Europeans have heath care in much higher standards than the rest, why should I go through all sorts of hustles (not that I minded at that time, to me it was a pleasure to comply and prove myself worthy) and others don't?
When today's administration all the time is talking about "others" while "forgetting" to mention
US-WE the people of USA, thinking we're low-lives, we're as "smoked" as them, don't think that we have feeling of self-worth and we will NOT dare to question. Any Q they don't like has an "ism" in it, which attacks not only the subject of discussion, but also the person, thus shutting down the discussion all together.
Immigration is not a processes to "help" everybody around the world at first, but, to do good to society of the US - first and foremost.
Nobody knows about those things. Only me, myself and I. You want facts? I'll give you facts!
Mr. Trump is winning because "silenced" majority of this country is behind his beck. That's all.
People of this country who love it, want to keep it prosperous and strong, in general are smart, but most of them still don't know very much about lots of things going on around the world.
We already know that 2 oceans might not keep us safe in here anymore. The world is becoming a smaller and smaller place by the day. Even by the hour. Can society of amorality as its normal standard and living with legalized daily dope consumption catch up with it?
That's the problem. That's the question. It's old and basic as "to be or not to be."
As the saying goes "what goes around, comes around." It has a wisdom of ages. Came from Sanskrit. You do the math.
I'll get the chapter from Shakespeare and put in here later. *********************************
It's my Q too; should I waste my time, my life worrying and doing this,
or go out do like the rest, play the same game, have some "good" time?
After all life has a limit and no one can give the hours I put in here back to me. I don't have children.
Why would I care?
That's my Q to myself and the answer is "because I care." To be grateful to my country is in my genome, in my upbringing and education. That's who I am.

So long.

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