Tuesday, January 12, 2016

To Michael Savage Jan. 12th, Tuesday, 2016 AD


Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I watched Trump's appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
I didn't like that the first Q was about immigration, especially he started with a point with Muslims. It's just vicious. The tone also wasn't really neutral. Jimmy sounded like "is this true, how this can be?"
Trump was straight forward. He said that there is tremendous hatred out there toward America, it's coming in and we have to protect ourselves.
You still have to "explain" to TV "workers" this thing? Really? Then he did so called 'mock interview' and Trump answered why he wants to be the next President.
I was glad Q about that big-deal-Mexican-drag-dealer was left out. As you advise him to leave it out, because there is nothing to be gained. To me just mentioning of the person's existence is too much of
honor for that lowlife. Why do it?
You're so right that the vermin in the main stream media are out there to prey on every normal or good thing to discredit and damage it. It's their 'genetic' code, their blood-type.
I just came out with something; MSM's blood-type is P+ (main stream media's blood-type is Poison plus).  ****************************************************************

Interesting cultural thing I found on Russian TV about Orthodox tradition of Christmas time.
It called "svyatky" - a "Christmas-tide," which last 12 days.
This is the happiest time of the year for believers. They play a puppet theater with Biblical themes, cook and bake certain foods in certain ways, galore folk music, etc.
It's fun to watch; at 1tv.ru/sprojects_utro_video/si33/p107776.

Second part of Putin's interview with Bild.de will be published today.
A little excerpt from it is at ntv.ru/novosti/1593799/video.  Putin says that O's referring to Russia as a "regional power" is derogatory.
It will do world of good if O would listen or read the interview fully. I'll link the English version when it comes out. **************************

Deutsche-tran admitted that Europe wasn't ready for the huge influx of refugees. Now some locals are threatening to take the law in their hands, at ntv.ru/video/1249720. 

[No wonder. She is the head of the insider snake. Arch enemy within.
What do you think all those young men from Middle East, Africa or whatever hell-hole they came from are thinking, are feeling and thinking when they see women acting and dressing so "loose" according to their mentality? Of course they're going to think that those are asking for a trouble. And, trouble they give them. What they think about the men who let their women out like that? You think they're going to be scared of those?
Europe's culture and mentality is so far away from those who just massively invaded it with grudge and revenge in their hearts of minds that there NEVER will be ANY kind of reconciliation. In million years. You can put oil and water in the same bottle and shake in hope of mixing. try and see what you get. The only mixing is that they are in the same bottle, but they'll never mix inside that bottle.
It can not happen. That's one of those things. Fight between Gods can not be won. It's unsolvable and unending. 99.99 % of them do not believe we have the same God. They believe their God is different, the only one and the best.
When I hear the pervert-drag-addicts of the West using word "tolerance," I want to tell  them to give that crop to those "lovely invaders" to eat. See if it files up their stomachs.
How you can 'tolerate' someone who wants you dead, so he can get you 'stuff," wants to kill you personally, so he can get more reward after life - forever, is absolutely beyond my comprehension.
Those "tolerance" preachers are the ones who think I can not have my own opinion about their behavior and other things in life, that I should agree and go by them all the time. Now they're asking for "tolerance?" De-tran should be executed for committing "high crimes and misdemeanors" against not only Germany, but entire continent of Europe, which will be inevitably spread to American continent and beyond. ]

At rt.com/news/328575-syria-russia-airstrikes-rebels report says that RF's air-force is providing support not only for Assad, but for 7 000 rebels. I assume those considered the "good" ones?
I can only hope. I don't know who and how is checking them out and determining those things.

Yesterday Pentagon official told AFP that US forces destroyed .S.L's cash store estimated Millions of dollars in it, which was being used to pay wages and run the war. It took 2 of 900kg bombs to destroy the facility. It's at rt.com/news/328597-isis-cash-store-bombed. 

[If western men would not be sleeping in donkey's ear, would this type of things go on unnoticed for so long? How they much cash got in there? Nobody was watching, seeing, hearing?
What about such huge organizations like CIA.DHS? What they were busy smoking?

Bundy brothers, Ammon and Ryan, may God bless them, heading the group of occupying the fowl refuge in south of Burns. Oregan, are sticking up to federal government's BS in their backyard.
They cut a part of the gov. fence to replace it with a gate to able access the postures.
At rt.com/usa/328572-oregon-fence-bundy-down. 
Also rancher brothers said that they will not end the occupation until Dwight and Steven Hammond are released from jail.
[Jailing those men on stupid changes like that, especially one of them in his advanced age, is a disgrace. Nothing else to spend taxpayer money on, right? Take good-heated, real American working men, prosecute them on "t.r.r.sm" charges and lock them up? This is BS of highest order!
We should do something about this situation and those men out there. The're our fellow citizens!!! ]

After 5pm. Your 3rd hour is about to begin. I heard first 2 fully.
You were talking about courts, the law, your lawsuit of 5 years that your "antagonist" lost in supreme court yesterday. You won because he took it there and they refused to gear it. You advised everyone to stay away from lawyers and court system, That arbitration is not faster and/or cheaper than the court, etc.

[Isn't it something? I just wrote about the law, the discrimination, lies and how it's almost no way for a good person to stand up in society for his/her rights in honest way. Unless you also use the same unscrupulous ways to proof your point, there are many levels of wires already in place to stop you. is Also it's interesting coincidence that your "antagonist" was arrested on domestic violence charges the same day - yesterday.
You will not believe what I'm about to say; I'm a middle age woman, never harmed anyone, never was sued by anyone. I had many haters throughout years who hated me just because there were rotten and hateful to themselves. Got racially attacked and injured by a young Hispanic woman who's name I didn't not even know. After injuring me and playing with a BS of the law, which let her loose back to streets, she went out and injured 3 more grown people, 2 women and one man, in broad daylight, none-other than Coney Island amusement park full of people and children. She pleaded guilty, took 10 years of imprisonment with fun, like she got away with something worse and won already, and in handcuffs went to prison like merry go lucky. Who knows what she did even worse that would threaten her life all together. For some like that prison is an  ideal place to be. No work, free food, bastard she dropped will be taking care of by system, by stupid, idiotic taxpayer, and she is much safer there than anywhere else.
Now that I remember that vermin exists, I need to find out if she is eligible for parole, because in the court they were so caution to talk to me and give me ant info. They didn't give me other victims names either, so I could contact and find out the details (if they'd like to give it to me, of course) and write about it. Like the whole place was there to protect her. You should see how 2 big policemen were behind her so I couldn't even see her physically. She was so far anyways that no Olympic athlete could jump over. Why they were cautious of me? What I found out later, looking at papers, she signed different last names on the first and the second orders of protection. You might think law enforcement, Assistant DA and the judge can read? Any of them asked and got her real ID?
Talking of disappointment. Court of a mass. Or I haven't been lucky to meet normal ones, or that's the case, I'm not sure. I avoid to deal with any of it with every choice I make from my side of the story.]

5:45pm you're talking to your lawyer Daniel Horowitz, who dealt with very scary characters (he is a defense attorney and represents them), about "el-chappo-n-sean-penn-story" and taking calls from listeners.
That story stinks to high heavens, there should be much more to it that meets the eye we never can find out. That's a boring story for me, because I don't care for any of the characters involved.
Before Horowitz you interviewed ex-DEA agent and writer Michael Levine.
He talked about how decades ago, when crime was extremely rampant in Argentina created by leftists, the right wingers got harsh methods to curb it. The tactics he discribed were what in Russian they call "klin klinom vishibayut," meaning "pull out of wedge with a wedge."
Of course in lala land of ours that sounds horrible, but apparently in worked in there with good results. He also was careful in his words and in his tone and repeated that he doesn't "suggest" that we should do it here. Even a man of that caliber and of that specialty was talking like a wuss. I felt like he was weighing his words to able them to walk on egg shells.
Anyway, if I'd talk to you so slowly and with unnecessary details, you'd hang up on me long before I made my points.
5:57pm. you put an excerpt from a speech of el-jefe of ours, said that you're not going to listened to
"State of the Union" speech, you can't take it, if the rest of us believe in Snow-white, Cinderella and Pinocchio, we should.
[I believe in all of them ;), but I'm not going to listen. I'd listen to Rush's comments about it. He always listens. He says that is his job. ]

Russia; After a huge snowstorm, blizzard is intensifying in Moscow with winds gusting 20 km per sec. and able to take people on the streets off their feet, at 1tv.ru/news/weather/299808.

[I absolutely love Moscow, but never lived there because of the weather. I like warm and hot. Always visited it in the summer time. Only the winter time I was there was Dec. of 1991, when I was coming here. Although I had a fur coat, it was slight and I arrived with cold and almost no voice. I know people who like cold, they live there like fish in their best pond. Not my pond.
I'm in my cozy bed right now surrounded by even cozier stuffed animals who are happy that I'm home with them. I made a tea with fresh mint and need to let my eyes rest from this screen. ]

Oh, good news; Iran said it will soon release 4 American sailors who were taken hostage in there.
[How soon? Why there is no end of that sentence? What's the deal? Can we know about it. If not, so do it already then let us know. Trump knows, he talked about it, even explained (in one of his rallies) how he'd have it done and got over with long time ago. It made so much sense, it was ridiculous why nobody was doing it?
No thinkers, no advisers, no doers, no watchers in WH, is that it?]

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