Monday, January 11, 2016
To Michael Savage Jan. 11th, Monday
Blue it is. Cold came to NYC. Central Russia is freezing. Last night was - 4*F in Moscow.
You have to hear the full interview of Putin on Jan 5th in Sochi with 2 reporters of, at
He is explaining, in plain words, with facts, step by step, what happened throughout last decades between USSR and Europe and then between RF and EU of today. Also explains the deal with Crimea and conflict with Western Ukraine taken over by armed crowds in streets of Kiev who overthrew the legitimate government 2 years ago.
Q comes to my mind; Is O watching, listening, contemplating, asking his "advisers" about this interview or he is in a place between 'not interested' and 'oblivious?'
The least he should know is one thing; sanction in this case, which have no meaning to start with, backfire in one way or the other.
Do we have any journalist in this country who is intelligent enough to talk specifically about this issue?
I don't find one. All I read is 180 degrees apposite of the reality. Just like the s.tan itself is writing their checks.
I saw a video from Russian hospital where doctor beat the hell out of a patient, because he "touched" the nurse, who complained to the doctor about it, then, when the dude wasn't moving, tried very hard to revive him.... with no avail. I didn't know to cry or to laugh.
That video had audio also. It wasn't clear that the man was also drunk or what and what did he really do to the nurse. Doctor stood up for the nurse and the young woman. What should he do, call the police? What police had to do? Doc. took the matter in his hand, he acted macho, it just ended up tragic. He was also being attacked by another man who was with that patient.
Now they're going to indict the doctor. I wonder how that video leaked into public domain. To me that's a sign of 'democracy' right there. That's the good news.
Security cameras, tapes and such, in the building where I reside (and writing this from right now), would be destroyed (by those who run the company) so profoundly, so swiftly, that no Mr. Bratton and alike could get hold of. No Qs asked. Hands down. I promise.
My place is ran by self-certified-n-proud street thugs who would not hesitate to lie to police, curse out God in court, spit at judge's face and shove all the laws made for last 200 years - "you know where" of those dead or alive who made them.
These are bunch of double-n-triple layers of criminals, who were grown on welfare checks, got there jobs because of their skin color ONLY, right now couple of them are milking the system and the company who hired them, committing fraud and other crimes left and right and nobody can find out because there are no cameras on their heads and they control those who supposedly should protect tenants. All of them with rap-shits, Most of them women, one is only man who has been a crackhead and drag dealer all his life (he's about 70 now) and is extremely proud of it. He got away with it all his stinking life (got caught only once), never worked, dropped 9 children out of wedlock (all of them are grown now), never fathered any of them and still doesn't care to know where they are - alive or dead. Cashing welfare checks, dealing and using drags and multiplying carefree made him think that the world is a party place and he should have even more. If you would see and hear how proud this man is; ALWAYS, I mean every time talking about it, bragging what he did sometimes for crack (I can't put that in here), you'll know that this society is rotten. After 4 years of rehab, he says he is rehabilitated, - don't you believe it. I see him at least 4-5 times a week and notice that half of his brain is dead and the other half is running on the left over of the old, damaged one. The genetic code of the programmed it's running on calls "conman-ship and bullshit-artistry." He was hired because and only because of his skin color.
Unlike my color which draws resentment, rejection and emotional and physical violence and have nowhere to go for help, these people get plenty of help from al-sharpton-charlatan types and the government. Their bias, their hostility to this society is absolutely institutionalized.
There is comedienne by the name Sheryl Underwood, who is black and openly says that she is a Republican. In one of her shows she asks her own people; "Black people, why do we hate our own country? Do you know that we have no place to go?"
If I'd say exact the same thing, I'd be attacked and called every name in every way possible.
Another one that I like - Eddie Griffin says; "after 400 years no African spared a canoe to come to pick us up."
"ONLY skin color matters" business is blooming after 150 years and not showing signs of subsiding.
Because of the media, as the sewage pipe of this country's conscience, every day regurgitates their phony "cause."
Only me, myself and I can do this job. All I have to do is ask Qs; simple, plain, easy to understand.
I'll ask everybody who wants to discus this issue regardless of the color. First I'd welcome their own intellectuals, then everyone in the streets f this city. We can set up a live-steam and do it that way.
It's time we have a normal discussion about black racism and prejudice against whites in this country. Do you know who'd be on my side right away? A successful businessmen who is a contributor on Fox Business network - Charles V Payne, who says; if we won't talk about this, it will never change! He's passionate about discussion how their own community's mentality do more harm to them than others groups in this society. He said it very sincerely and throw his hand to the air, that it stuck in my mind.
Starbucks of all places wanted to have a discussion (the other way around, though), why not we?
I have done all preparations, know how to put ingredients together and show in a simple way that everybody and see hear and understand.
Doc. I remember a few days ago you were ranting asking the minority members if they can have forgiveness after so many years and let this go away from out society.
I'd use word 'forgiveness' 24 years ago when I was new and didn't have the real picture of reality in here. But now I can only say that ONLY-n-ONLY lawsuits after lawsuits and more lawsuits about discrimination against whites, with showing and showing and showing the reality of daily life with live-time stream can shut those mouths attached to biggest behinds in the world.
No, Dr. Savage, you're ranting for nothing. Honorable word 'Forgiveness' will sound funny to those who I know and deal with daily. They will NOT. As long as they can get paid by intimidating, harassing, discriminating others, running in the streets screaming and rioting and pushing the society further in the corner and more attention and more rewarded for it, why would they?
Unless someone sponsors me and equip me with a professional hidden camera - streamed live to lawyers specialized in "human and civil" rights, whose cousins are heads of big TV channels, so we can broadcast right away, you will never know how 'democracy' works in NYC every day.
Talking of racism against whites? It's institutionalized, it's being paid for. You can't talk about it, because nobody will hear. Media taken by vermin, who hate the majority of this country, will even turn it against you. You can NOT say the right things in this country out of fear of losing your good name, job, reputation, harming your career or even life.
The only way out of this is only and ONLY to show and show and show.
Only Mr. Trump can help me to do this by providing tools and protection, should I be threatened by haters. He is completely independent in every way and I'm independent completely and totally.
We do not depend on anybody for anything. And, we are on opposite sides of the spectrum in social life. he had too much I have almost none. He is the doer, I'm the conceptual. He likes to be in the front of the crowd, I like to watch it from behind.
Our co-operation I imagine like this; he provides the tools, I do the kitchen work, he goes out with the ready dish.
Things I experienced and I know - he has no clue about. Things he knows about finance and economy in general, I'm almost clueless.
Real Estate he built and running in NYC, leaves my mouth open with owe, amazement, admiration and great please while watching passing by. Real Estate? I have an idea. I have been a Licenced Real Estate Sales Agent in NYC and one of the apartments I sold was 2 blocks from where he lives and works. God willing, we meet and I'll be motivated to renew my Licence and work in that filed again.
I remember when I started in a group of 10 among new agents I was The Star. I had 3 exclusives in 2 months. It came to the point that I could't answer to all the calls. I had to take massages and get back to them. It was overwhelming. Then, after a few months, came Sep. 11th, 2001. Phones were dead.
But my manager to me that it's going to recover and why. there are 3 conditions for growing market. Those condition were all there. We were optimistic and we were right. Then, after a few years it started slow down and really slew down. That was when I decided to move to travel Europe, moved to South France and live there for a change.
The problem with Real Estate is that it's a commission job and if you're alone and depend on that income it can become difficult. Especially for me who didn't have a thick "Rolodex."
Connections, connections, connections is the name of the game. Location, location, location is the name of the business.
Lots of top brokers I came across had spouses who were doctors, lawyers and other steady job or business professionals who could support someone on commission job.
Between having no connections and a one connection like Donald Trump for me could result in making no money to making unlimited amount of money. I mean - unlimited! I mean it.
When I dived into the deep waters of that profession, I was going more and more excited, my imagination was taking me deeper and further.
NYC's high end residential market is pretty much covered by 4-5 biggest sales agencies which got their clientele "under control" or to be nicer - "covered." If I wasn't able to break in tight-net circles, because was an outsider, I could definitely be making fortune internationally. 10 years ago Russians were buying in NYC like crazy and Moscow was being built insanely. I could help Trump make more fortunes. It would work both ways. Not only me getting a half of the profit, but him making more fortunes.
Maybe it's true that God sees, but waits. I believe God has perfect timing for me. He had to run 4 years ago. Why he didn't. He said he didn't know it either. he said it on TV. Everything has a reason, let's believe. Today we know more than 4 years ago. I certainly do.
Should everything be smooth and easy on my life I would walk not knowing what's really going on in this city, in this country, in this society. Should I write a book about last 4 years of my life, it will look like a fiction. Only place I haven't been is a jail. Not yet, anyway. :) Knock, knock on wood. You never know, right? He said so in the interview with WSJ reporter, that I wrote about yesterday. while talking about his children.
It's a miracle that I came to America with $30 and no English, a briefcase and a carry on. Educated, reporter of a newspaper, dressed like millionaire. You should see me coming out of JFK and getting in that black Cadillac in my stiletto heeled very soft Australian make black leather booths, a fur coat nobody that I met later had (black and white goat fur that I bought with my last rubles in Moscow) and dandy black hate. I though I was in the right place. Opened blank new chapter of my life from scratch.
Little that I knew that as a European descent, Caucasian, Christian person, educated, not connected, innocent, well mannered, considerate, soft spoken, shy, generous, moral, yes, I said MORAL (I know now this word is only in dictionary and almost obsolete in its meaning), I have to be the most disadvantaged human in this country. My own small ethnic community, members of which mostly live outside of NYC, looked at me as an almighty who can help. I don't know why. They knew I had noting, they knew the situation back home, they knew I need a job and other things very well. I didn't ask anything though. I'm not used to asking. They did. Asked for help from me. I did help. I taught church's privet school which was charging good money. I volunteered. I help here and there and everywhere.
I volunteered for NYPD also. I became an Auxiliary police officer and did community service for my lovely neighborhood of UWS. I loved it.
The problem for someone like me is that I wasn't belong to almighty Jewish community to get some sort of support, not financial, but any other. Jews are very organized and have lots of support system for each other. I had Jewish friends who get helped at the beginning. Even if that was finding them a job, or helping to evaluate their degrees, etc. At least they had place to go to ask Qs. I've got some basic info. that every new comer needs from them. I applaud them for that.
Powerful whites don't care about because I'm white. Nosir. They'd hire blacks and others before me. Most blacks hated and still hate me because simply I'm white. Very few come out of mental and emotional trap that their own people like al-sharpton put them.
The first time I'm openly writing about this. But... it's time. It really, really is.
Should I have a camera on me for last 24 years living in America, my right hand would be tired by signing under the filed lawsuits. I should authorize others to sign and hire accountants and money managers.
The laws about "rights" for all minorities on the books of this country are 180* turned against majority of people in this country, who wrote those laws, who gave those rights to minorities. Read Larry Elders books; "Showdown," "What race got to do with it." "Stupid black man," and more he has. Read "The big 10 lies about America" by Michael Medved. They have mic. I don't. I need mic!
I need a screen of big TVs, - all over the place.
That's what I need. I'm ready like never before.
You're right, Dr. Savage while was ranting, saying to silent majority; "if this go like this your children will live like stranger in this country."
Silent majority or silenced majority? You're right, it's SILENCED MAJORITY!!! That's the name.
Nowhere I have lived that I felt that so many people were so scared to talk about what's going on around them and in front of them in broad day light. They pretend it's not happening. They walk away like wusses. They become emotionally blind, deaf, mute and impotent. just to be able to survive. They do not want to procreate anymore. Consciously or subconsciously they don't want to
bring victims into this world. They can't protect themselves, how they can protect their offerings.
I don't have children not because I couldn't and didn't want to. I love children. My bed is full of stuffed animals. One day maybe I'll publish their stories. I didn't have them because I did not feel safe, secure and protected. Surrounded by liberal bozo-men in NYC, a decent woman who is not too outgoing can't find any. If there are even some out there, they are like me, they don't get together with strangers and mandatorily shagging up to figure things out. They mind their own business in their own small circles. I had no circle to go to that would take me places where I wanted to be.
See what happened to Europe. They stopped having children. They're intimidated, they're scared. Look who are multiplying rapidly. Their enemies who hate them, wants them dead in their own country, while eating lots of free food and enjoying everything already built.
That's a precursor what's coming here. Everything from there come here in a matter of a few years. We need a MAN, a giant, strong, hardheaded, competent and fearless to be able to protect this country. Who has a family that he deeply cares for and will NOT stop on anything in order to protect them. That person for now can be only Donald Trump.
About guns and those ranchers being chased by this governemnt, I have to say that I believe that those types of men are the core of this country. Only those types can make us survive.
Guns in NYC? - maybe not a good idea, but states should have their say on this individually. I can not move to rural area and live without my own protection. There is simply no police presence in close proximity in vast areas in this country.
Over the weekend I watched 2 press-conferences by Police commissioner Bratton, one from last Sep., another from last Dec. I learnt couple of things. One of them that there is no clear law for street vendors, or there are so many that nobody can figure out. I always wondered how and why our streets are being uncontrollably flooded by them and not for one only concern. There is more than one problem that meets the eye in allowing those businesses to flourish. A real serious one.
I can't write about it directly, you see. I have to get to it by asking many innocent, regular Qs to let you hear the answer from "experts." See how "freedom of speech" works. You have to go around in circles to be safe before pointed out something right in the middle.
I heard all 3 hours of your show today. Interview with Trump was good.
He doesn't need to be a rigid conservative. Two major principles those types believe in, are totally counterproductive and will only help finish this country sooner than later.
Those are only theoretical believes, seasoned with nicest words in dictionary, but don't fit in realities of today and can turn dangerous to the security of this country.
Russian and Ukrainian sides met in Kiev to discuss Donbass issue. Minsk3 agreement should take effect from the beginning of this month. Minsk2 was completed only half way by UA.
At if you want to see what mentality most of the youth has in Ukraine, watch the 3rd minute of the clip.
So long.
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- Happy coming 2016 year of Lord in just a few minut...
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