Yesterday I heard only part of the second hour of your show. Yes, before yesterday Trump was great in Burlington, Vermont, which is a Sanders'-land. He was a mayor there and last time 2/3rd of that state voted for O.
He held a rally just a few blocks from Sanders' campaign headquarters. Crowds were huge, lined up for 15 blocks, 20 000 free tickets were given out for 1400 sits auditorium and policy of "pledge allegiance to Trump or go home" was enforced. He called it "loyalty oath." Yeah!!! That's what I'm talking about!!! Finally, somebody talks business, - for real.
The video from his rally - It's a little more than an hour and worth to watch every minute of it. Especially appealing to me is when he talks about Generals Douglas MacArthur and George Patton (at 22min.).
I started blogging for Trump 4 years ago when he first attempted to run and was disappointed that he stopped. Somehow didn't delete those couple of entries and now I'm continuing it, which is at I write everything I want to say to him or about him in this blog. All I have to do is to copy this and past this in there, which, I admit, I haven't been persistent in doing so.
I should do it right now. Wait.
OK, I'm back.
Yesterday in Sochi Putin presented Russian Passport to Ezio Gamba, the head coach of Russian Judo team, who is Italian, at
Under his leadership Russian men's team won Olympic championship in 2012 in London, where Putin was personally cheering.
Putin is a master in Judo himself and ranks at Hachi-dan (8th grade). Very few in the world ever had Ju-dan (10th grade) - the highest.
Did you hear that in Germany Adolf-the-cuckoo-hitler's book called "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle) was published and was put on shelves for sale at the first time?
Yessir, it's at In that country by law after 70 years of author's death his/her work(s) belong to society.
It's apparently 2000 pages, almost half of which are commentaries by historians.
I couldn't care less what is it about, I hope it's all about his struggle with his mental disease and unrest of his demonic soul. May he burn in hottest pot of the hell.
On a good note; it's the 90th anniversary of creation of our lovely cartoon character-Winnie-the-Pooh, at
About 2:30am Sunday, the 10th.
Some stupid wrote an article in cuckoo Newsweek about Putin's so called "plans" to take Odessa and his New Year address to Federal Assembly of RF. ???
What kind of mental illnesses can make those bozos working in those type of lowlife businesses come up with their conclusions, remain a mystery for psychiatry. That's the way I see it.
Maybe I should come up with new kind of psychological analysis on them. *******************
Any psychiatrist is reading this blog? Please respond. I need co-operation.
The only wrong thing Putin did so far is that he didn't take Kiev 2 years ago. That's all.
The bloodshed and distraction will continue and Slavic brothers will have family feud as long as EU and the US will our a gasoline on fire. Putin knows that, he has been extremely patient in my opinion. But everything and everybody in life has a limit, so should his patience.
He is a master of martial art, which keeps him calm, concentrated, focus and forbearing. So far.
To me he has been too liberal. Russia use to Empire type of governance and so called "democracy" (which is phony-baloney) imported from the West is not working in there. It will damage RF.
Am I the only one thinking like this? No. Very prominent historians, politicians, political commentators do deep analysis by comparing historic facts and taking nation's phychosocial realities
in count.
At, most of the people in Nederlands as of today don't want association with Ukraine and according to the Law, EU's decision must be unanimous. Referendum is scheduled at April 6th.
More detailed report is at
I won't be surprised that those in EU Parliament will step out of their own boundaries and break their own policies and go for it, should almighty profiteers put pressure. Look what IMF did. Do not forget this project called "democratization of Ukraine" is a "bullying Russia" project.
This is a proxy war which incited a civil war already, destroyed entire regions and killed 1000s of innocent people so far. Russians and Ukrainian alike. Nobody in the West is able to differentiate and nobody cares to do so anyways.
This was cooking for a long time. Only USA in last 5 years invested $5 Billion in this "project." This is a number many months ago. I'm sure cooking process which follows this 'special" recipe, started making its preparations from 1990-1991, when former Soviet Union collapsed. Monsters in the West were waiting for it and jumped into the kitchen with burning enthusiasm. And, burning they did.
About 4am, good night.
10:38pm, reported about Putin's interview with German newspaper Bild.
He said “We did everything wrong from the outset,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with German newspaper Bild. “We did not overcome Europe’s division: Twenty-five years ago the Berlin Wall fell, but Europe’s division was not overcome, invisible walls simply moved to the East. This created the foundation for mutual reproaches, misunderstanding, and crises in the future.”
Russia’s most crucial mistake during these years was a failure to clearly declare and actively protect national interests from day one, Putin said.
“We have failed to assert our national interests, while we should have done that from the outset. Then the whole world could have been more balanced,” Putin said.
[He is right. Has been too tolerant, polite, quiet, co-operating, you name it. And, as we see, so far, that type of behavior did not work with the West. Look at aggressive encroachment toward its borders by NATO, sanctions for no reason to a normal or at least sane mind of those who see those things from both sides. I'm not Russian, not ethnically or by heritage, haven't step a foot on Russian soil for decades, but what US and EU are doing to RF today is abominable to me. It's so disgusting, I have hard time finding right words to describe. Why USA, who is already militarily stretched out all over the world, set its cite on Russia and pushing to have a hot conflict with only other superpower in the world, is beyond me.
Besides a few big-money-criminals in here invested in their interests and put their chips on the resources of Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine, particularly in Eastern Ukraine, there is the head of all of this, who at least don't mind to see white christian men are killing each other, who resides in WH. With one word and one signature he could stop this murderous, bloody and counter-productive adventure, which can blow-back at our faces at anytime. ]
Lavrov said "NATO is actively investing enemies, Russia is not."
Lavrov said "NATO is actively investing enemies, Russia is not."
It's official; from Jan. 1st, in TX, guns can be openly carried in more places, including hospitals. ****************************************************
Yesterday in appreciation of the day of "Support Law Enforcement," governor Greg Abbott's mansion was led in blue. or @GregAbbott_TX
Enjoy this video from governor's site; Yesterday in appreciation of the day of "Support Law Enforcement," governor Greg Abbott's mansion was led in blue. or @GregAbbott_TX
"O should end lawless executive amnesty," gov. says. I just followed him on twitter.
My twitter account is @starlet737. I don't like to put my name. I let others to discover me. :)
Check Gov.'s twitter; at Jan.7 he retweeted from Juanita Broaddrick's account about Clintons' past and called it a "bombshell." Well, we all heard of that. We know that Bill dropped his pants every time he saw a woman he could prey on and she was OK with that. She stuck by him, didn't she?
She was and is a career women with a same degree in education. She could leave him a long time ago and maybe even do better. ??? She is scary to me, anyway. Something is unsettling and unnatural about that woman and her entire career path to me. I also would not put my money on her health.
I remember one of Jacky Mason's shows from years ago where he says; "They found hours and hours of sex tapes with Jennifer Flowers. I heard those tapes. I couldn't walk for a year and a half. They asked him if it was he. He said 'no.' They said "it's your voice." He said "that's my voice, but that's not me." And, if I might add, he got away with it, didn't he? He lost his law licence and his behavior is stuck in all decent people's minds. Practically he almost got away with everything illegal he did, theoretically he did not and he's still not. Not in my book. He should be gone to jail for perjury at least for short period of time. Others gone. Law doesn't say what you should NOT lie about. Law says nobody should lie about ANYTHING under oath. That's it, point.
I juts came across to Trump's interview with WSJ's reporter a few moths ago. He talks very simply about the problem with health insurance in this country.
It seems like everyone should know and agree that there should be cross-states-bidding on insurance products, but still there is not. Should I be the interviewer I'd ask how is he going to bring that wall down. Also with tax code. Compere how many words are in Bible vs. US tax code? I forgot right now, but years ago Steve Forbes wrote a book about it. He should know by heart. I'd interview him next.
Above mentioned interview is at
At 7:42min. he said that he's a nice person. For me it would be a very interesting concept to elaborate on. So many interesting Qs can be asked about and around it. ******************************
Apparently on CNN poll at that time he come the last one on "niceness." I wonder who or what type of constituency of theirs CNN asked Qs and how did they formulated them.
Look who put that interview out. What kind of hater is that? What is Illuminati and what it got to do with Trump?
Another one is here; It's an old one on CNN. Still Bush was in office. It's about war in Iraq which he says was based on lies.
At 1:50min. he says "everyone in the world hates us. I go to Europe, I travel a lot, Germany, England, everybody hates us."
He is so right. I'm glad that ONE person notices it. Only ONE so far I heard the truth from. Without the objective facts and the right feelings about existing world around us, we can NOT make normal political decisions as a nation. We'll be ran over, stepped on, blown up from within or get into Armageddon all together.
For example; if tomorrow, when Parliament of RF - Duma starts working after winter break, Putin gets a pressure with agreement of the law makers to says "enough is enough," we can't do business with the West anymore, EU and US should get out of our backyard, get out of our country's affairs with our brethren and get out of our lives!???
What is going to happen when he puts all Western ambassadors out of the country, rightfully throw all those little-cuckoo-spy-NGO's out, shut down all sorts of phony "research-institutes" financed by foreign governments who are "teach democracy" in there? Do you think he doesn't know what they're doing there, why, they are there and who sent them for what reason? He has head the almighty KGB,remember?
He said it on TV. I heard the numbers he read. Numbers of organizations and the huge amount of money being provided for them to be there. That's like a big foreign army invaded Russian territory in plain cloths under false pretenses.
He is too liberal in his foreign policy, that's how I feel.
On a good note; did you know that Trump periodically invites Iraqi injured war veterans to his amazing Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida? Yes, he say it at 3:40min. in above clip.
Another good news for weed smokers. Yessir. There is a "occupy weed street" organization. Did you know it?
I'm done, this is too much. Good night
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