Wee hours of the morning.
I didn't watch the GOP debate yesterday. I'll see and hear the highlights today.
See what's going on in Donbass, at
Heroic Dariya Morozova, who is Human Rights representative of DNR reporting that there are many hostages taken from Donbass under so called ATO, they're being killed and tortured and what is being done to people of Donbass from Kiev is a real genocide.
This young woman work very hard last 2 years, she work in dangerous situations when 2 enemy sides had to meet in the dark of the night in the middle of nowhere to exchange hostages. I mean, anything could go wrong. She is a real hero. We need citizens like that in here; devoted and fearless.
Also check at and about things going on in southeastern Ukraine.
Did you know that couple of mouths ago Soros's "Open Society Foundation" and another bozo-named none-profit of his were banned in RF? Yessir!
RF's General Prosecutor's office decided that those are "undesirable" due to their potential harm to Russian society.
[Unfortunately, there are some organizations that are still operating on foundation's money. That's not the end of his verminic work. In one of the colleges in Russia (I don't want to name it) they burnt 53 books published by Soros. In qualification of those says; "they were expressing distorted perception of history and spreading harmful ideas to our society." What a nice thing to hear.
It's a coal-mining town and it's cold in there.
What a delight to have so much extra paper to lit up the old fashion wood furnace!
I mean, I don't like the idea of "burning books" (I'd throw in the garbage in NYC), but if they have no use or can even harm thinking minds of young generation, why not warm up a little? It is actually putting in use.
To me that's what it exactly have use for. Tossing is just going to overwhelm the garbage.
OK, I agree, I'm a good girl. Recycle.]
Yesterday's WSJ at 11:30pm published this;
Russian military airmen are helping civilians of Syria to survive food shortage,
The region that suffered the most is called Deir ez-Zor, which suffers blockade for already 4 years.
Humanitarian aid is jointly prepared by both Russian and Syrian governments.
[Deir ez-Zor is name of a desert. Has a very dark and nasty connotation in everyone's mind who knows about Armenian genocide committed by Turks 100 years ago. Turks took 1000s of people and kill them in that desert. In the area where mass graves were found, the victim's descendants built a church, which is already bombed and destroyed.
Armenian Genocide Victims' memorial, check at,_Der_Zor.
You can see the photos before and after.
Throughout decades that area was inhabited, small towns were built.
Now Der Zor is a name of a town too. Starving town at that. What are the odds? Desert is being socked by blood of innocent civilians again in 21st Century. Century of Technology, Space exploration, nukes, social media and starvation. ]
The food is going to be dropped from aircrafts from 4000m height.
Now "moderate" opposition, which called "patriotic" is helping Russians and Syria military to fight .S.L.
I heard only your second hour today. Why don't you have a podcast on your website? You were saying that the 3rd hour of yesterday's show was brilliant, because you gave the list of agencies that should be closed, if Trump becomes the President, in order to save this country.
You also said that Cruz could be good attorney general, but not the President. Also Rubio should ran a Ben-Rubio ice cream corporation.
Turkish gov. arrested its own members of intelligentsia, 18 of them to be precise. !5 of them are released already, 3 are still detained. Those were among 1000 academics from 90 colleges who signed a declaration denouncing military action against Kurdish rebels.
So long.
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