Tuesday, December 29, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 29th, Tuesday (stryabdds*)


Yesterday I listened to your show's first 2 hours. You were live, unlike most of other talk show hosts.
It was very good, especially the first hour. When you fake a laugh to mimic someone who said a ridiculous thing, it's so funny that I laugh out loud.
You said that according to polls majority of American public thinks that we're losing the war against t.r.r. Then mentioned the monster, "money-exchanger-in-the-temple" - Soros and tried to worn against his "crafty" ways of destroying currencies of nations. He's not only a money-monster, he's a self-hating lowlife. If someone hate himself or his own, what he can wish or do to others?
"Open society?" - my donkey's behind!
He is a dangerous and reckless creature who works against civilized western world. For real.

In Russian media there are wide ranging discussions about the results of passing year.
That can be a theme of a separate book for me. ****************************************
One thing overall sits firmly in my mind about Russia; such a huge country can not be run by weak, inept or stupid people. Just the opposite; this year Russia showed that the world is not an uni-polar place like American politicians feel and portray as such to us.
My hope is that our foreign policy makers will grow up, get wiser and understand that we have more in common than not and try to make the best out of it against the real enemy, which is growing like a multi-headed monster in Middle East.
Did you know that in soviet times, in 50's-90's educational system was the best in Europe? That's what studies say. No wonder, after almost quarter of century living in here, I'm still surprised on inefficiency of the educational system (including in Ivy colleges) that I thank God that I grew up and studied there.
This problem is not only not being solved, but turning from problematic to tragic by every passing year. Bending over for every scary idea and person in order to survive, has been a motto and mantra
for educational institutions' mission statements.
Just today I saw a peculiar thing; a name of a research center working on specific health problems of a very small group of people. To me it's a double discrimination and a waste of taxpayer money against general public.
Democracy suppose to work for majority's will, isn't it? Let's look up and check the definition.
Of course, it should not left out the rest in a ditch. That's a given and I agree with that. But...
minorities not only have the same rights, but using and abusing those and stepping on majority in every level. They're coming up with more pressure by the day imposing their own ways.
I call it "soft totalitarianism" so far, but to me it's on its way to becoming a "fascism."
I hope I'll be wrong on this. It will take a mighty man with guts, means and virtue to get this hot mess of today's society into sensible realm where common sense can do the basic job.

Having said that, the soft bigotry of low expectations from one group of people to another inside the same society, grows and spreads around the world. For example, let's go to the religious aspect of it in the world. The way Assad is blamed for everything by American government and its spokes-mouths - vermin in the media, don't apply to Saudis. WHY?
The way one scary criminal who was born as a damage good or successfully became one is put on pedestal in this society, the same approach is being taken toward those types of groups in the world in the sphere of Int'l relations.
What bothers anyone to see and feel that that country is the head of the snake? What stops anyone's to understand and admit that we can not play a game with different rules. One of them should be; if we're not allowed into their "holy" places, they MUST not allowed them into ours. I can go on and on, but that's a big chapter. Why give tools to those who can't make their own, to have something that you don't have or don't have enough and pay for getting it? On top, that money is only coming back to finish with everything you have and stand for.          ***********************************************************
The biggest downfall of the political ruling class of this country is not knowing the history, thus not being able to come to terms with reality.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not a person who thinks that everything written in history books are correct, meaning they happened exactly the described ways. Just looking at the highlights of historic human events starting with reasons, occasions, developments and finales of those, and using common sense to analyze them through today's possibilities and conditions, will take as to the most productive and safest direction.
Today I listened to Kadlow a little (who was substituting for Heraldo), he was saying most sensible thing that you and I agree; - close the border and stop the immigration all together, until new rules are in place. System called "broken" by those who work in it, by those who went through it like myself.
When and which administration is going to start the general cleaning job to fix it?
Do you know how people like I feel when seeing this "liberal-progressive" lawlessness toward others? I went through long and scrupulous process to be here legally and become a citizen.
Why others are not required to do so? Are those who are decent and law abiding should finally understand that they were chopped lever? Is the whole thing a joke or a show? What else if phony too? Should I become bad to compensate for trouble and humiliation I was put through being "checked" and waiting for years on line?
Immigration's reason is not "help" others first, it's helping Americans and their society first. This scale is never used. Everywhere you look in the press and the media the talk of the town is "how much others don't have, how much they need and how we can give it ti them." Interesting. What about us? Anyone in the world gives a damn about us?
My answer is simple; "categorically - NO!" No one! None whatsoever.
Most of the rest of the world is busy having unprotected sex and multiplying rapidly. The rest is the others' problem. Somehow, in some sick, mentally distorted way, media tries to make us believe it should be our problem. What about women who know how to reproduce start thinking before how they're going to take care of those they create?
China rose because it stopped unruly breeding of its citizens. India is not doing it, Indonesia and Africa either. So, where we're going to go with this.
Civilized world has lots of garbage and backwards world has human as trash. When child dies, mother forgets it the next day, because she has so many more at home and keeps making them using her uterus as a factory.
Oh, tell me I'm cruel, how can i say this type of thing, right? NO. I don't need to say those "un-nice" things, I can show their results. I didn't have children thinking that G-d is stupid, he is going to work for me and drop manana from sky all my life. I did my calculations all my life. Why others do not do it? 5 times a day do meditation by bending over and ask Him to make others work for me? Nice...
They know that's so embarrassing that they cover their bodies, heads and in some places even faces. That isolates them from questioning, engaging in conversation, telling her to think before getting laid that night, etc, etc, Who wants to hear that?
That's why all the wars happen; - all for territory and resources.
Look at the scale of human reproduction and military conflicts on the map. You'll see the clusters.
With Islam, which promises more sex afterlife's heaven, the death looks like a most enticing bargain to be grabbed as fast as possible.

After 3pm. You started the show with a local crime story in San-Fran. You say that media is not publishing the name of the suspect, because it's probable is not a white-male. That's true. They don't even say "black" or "African-American" anymore. They just don't mention the full description of the person if it looks like a minority member.
You're calling O a "maniac-doctor in WH" who tells us to look the other way, because "the reality is not good for us." That's true on his part. Reality is one way, but lies can be in million ways.
Of course, it's easier to avoid a one way street where you can face unpredictable difficulties.
Some are born with genetic code of finding and using the screwy-dewey paths in life. You'll be surprise to know how many "functional" ones I have met personally in my life. They have jobs and careers, houses, cars, some are lawyers and doctors, including my dentist for 20 years. I always had a low opinion about him as a human and had a gut feeling that he can not be trusted as a person.
The man is 70, lived a life of a cunning-cheap-sh.t. many years ago, before dying his mother asked me to pay attention to him. I felt she knew that the son had a problem. I'd assumed that was only a character/personality issue, because he wasn't settling down. I wasn't interested anyway. Couldn't care less, forgot about it and saw him when I needed a dentist in his office looking at my teeth, instead of the face and behind. If you ask me, he can not be trusted as a dentist also. Why? Because he says "I couldn't find the hole, I opened my own hole" for root canal job. He says it jokingly. After he makes you laugh, in a week or so, you realize that he was not joking after-all and needs to pull your inflamated tooth out. Couple of days ago I saw him for Christmas. He said something about himself that shell shocked even myself. I asked him such an innocent Q as "what is your favorite food/dish."
My imagination couldn't go so low about anyone that I knew personally in my life. All the suspicions i had about him were the only the light surface of a dark ditch of his personal life. But... no one can suspect it. He's one of those who lived every minute of his life trying very hard to fit into every situation with every one at every minute of the day. Actually his "flexibility" (which to me always looked like condescending/cunning/lying behavior) to fit-in the moment, was a turn off rather than appealing. He never got married, had children, never wanted or belived in such "stupid" things which will cost money, wearing ties (which I believe were made in ottoman empire) that he brought himself to this country at least 40-45 years ago, living in a house all alone with couple of street cats (making them work, such as catch mice in his old, rotten house), that he never takes to a doctor and when they die he throws them in the garbage.
He and his "married-but-still-wh.ring, semi-literate, middle-school-drop-out receptionist" laugh after everyone who calls and goes there.
Once he said "smart people don't come here," of course believing that he's the smartest one there is.
He wanted to complement me that I was the second smartest one in there, that's why he could only tell me that.  See how smart I am to tear his cover? Oh, yeah, he shouldn't think that about me. And, I believe he never did, he was 'clever" enough to guess that, otherwise he wouldn't introduce me to his mother, cousins and some. It's just one of those genetic things; no matter how much, how long how good one covers up his perversion, it will come out eventually.
These things happen to me. I discover things about people when I wasn't even looking for it. Now that I wasted this time talking about this low-life, I have to finish my story. For Christmas I took gifts for both of them - pervert-n-ho. Just a good will, a gesture with holiday spirit. I wouldn't do it if it wouldn't be Christmas. Why would I? The ho took hers, liked it, said 'thank you, sister,' but when she saw his gifts which was a tie and a phone (to update his atrocious. old and ugly ones) she got so berserk that almost jumped me and beat the sh.t out of him. He was so amazed by the phone, he was glowing, in a receptive-gracious mode turning it around, examining, rubbing against his chest, smiling, checking the rest in the box, when the strike came down on him. How ugly, fat, short, crooked feet, semi-literate ho-receptionist can beat her boss up for being happy of receiving a gift on Christmas from a family friend? How? I was lucky she only came on to me with all her teeth widely showing with lips opened and stretched back as much as possible, like an enraged animal.
I was so shocked, I wasn't in protective mode, so I didn't take a step toward her, I just backed off in calm disbelieve and she turned right to him. Thank God!
He didn't try to protect me or himself. What if I would? Would I get in fight, end up in hospital and/or in police custody? What would happen then? I know lots of people who would get back to her and anyone who'd come on to them and strike immediately. Rightfully. Under the penal law if someone is violating your private space (which is a foot) in an hostile and dangerous manner, you're entitled to protect yourself by striking first, which  called "self-defense."
But, what bothers me is the thought "what if it would happen?" What if we'd get on each other psychically? What would he do? Would he get in between, which one he'd protect in front of law enforcement? What is it that that she controls him so badly that scares the heck out of him?
Pervert who used to "be" with his own uncle (sorry, but true) living in his house (while the old man had his own house and a married son and a grandchild, but don't want to be there), can go to group-men parties and do his receptionist for a full time at the same time?
How much Viagra is needed for that for someone 70? Can dentist prescribe it for himself? The old man is dead now. He was like a s.tan; paranoid up to hell, stingy, nasty, made his (dentist's mother, who was his sister) cry last time I saw her when she was leaving for hospital. He literally said to her in front of me; "go, die and don't come back. I have to live my life, I don't want to take care of you." She cried, the poor thing. I respected her. I was so shacked what happened in front of me. I was speechless from shamelessness of him for saying it in front of a guest. Even if he could think that, he never should dare to say out loud. Plus, he wasn't pressed to help. He had his own place, his own house to go and live his stinking life. Her, in his late 50's son (the dentist), at that time could help and provide. She could also have a home-attendant for free. No wonder, that was the last time I saw her. Imagine that you have one son, a medical doctor, forever single, don't like to spend penny on nothing, have a 2 story house with a basement and a backyard and your own pervert-old-brother screams "go die" at you?
After her funeral I told the son (the "doctor") what the old man said to his mother, how he treated her badly. Disgusted by the whole thing. I said "he made her cry in front of me, your uncle hated your mother and by doing so expedited her demise. How can he love you or care for you? What is he doing in your house anyway? He has a bad spirit and probably will hate you too." He wasn't surprised, he didn't express doubt, like he expected it, but shrug his one shoulder and continued to wash whatever it was in the kitchen. Should it be anyone in this world, who would insult my mother with a death wish, scream at her not to get back to her own house from hospital, including her own brother or brother's God, things would turn way much different in my house. As they should for everyone who is sane.
But not him, not my dentist. He's a different product. His lopsided mentality has many levels of weirdness. Split personality disorder is the foundation for receptors of his brain sells, which suffer from shortages of electricity going through nerve-wires. The man can change his mind and behavior in split second.
Imagine, just imagine, if I'd be arrested and/or injured, my explanation would be "I was giving my doctor a holiday gift, which he wanted, needed and was excited about, and unexpectedly was jumped by his ho-ho-ho-receptionist. In the process of defending myself got in fight and here I am." Would it make sense on the news? There is no camera in that office. Who would believe that?
She took her gift, why was she berserk about him getting something he wanted and liked?  Why?
This Q I'm asking to readers. I'll leave the comments open at the bottom of this entry;
"how much of a wh.ring one should do to hold a receptionist job in a pathetic, old fashion, one doctor office for 25 years?"
I'd like a reader(s) of this blog characterize or diagnose the condition of these type. Psychiatrists, psychologists and related to those fields' professional opinions are greatly appreciated.

Savage, now you're talking about some actors, Loui-somebody criticizing Trump, Sam Jackson jr. being raciest, etc. What do you expect from actors in general anyway? Why are you wasting your breath on them? Very few of them are in their right mind to start with. No one checks the level of illegal drags in their system at any given time.

I watched CharlieRose's interview with Assad. Looked at pictures of devastated streets of Aleppo.
I heard on Russian media that Assad said he's not going to act like Yanukovich (the ousted Ukrainian ex-president), meaning he's not going to go away easily, he will stay put and fight. He believes that the US and the west like puppets, he is not the one, but he is legitimate and has the support of Syrian people in general.
When our media says that Assad's troops bombed Aleppo, it's hard for me to believe. Why should I believe that? Why would Assad want his country destroyed? I don't see the logic and the motive.
Extremist are all men, they have some sort of specific clothing and heavily armed. They're the ones coming toward cities in northern and western areas in Syria. Why would Assad want the people in their homes be killed? It would not help his reputation, his power and his standing.
.S.L is the one on the move encroaching territories. He says there is no "moderate" opposition. "Anyone who is fighting with weapon and kills people is a a t.r.r.st," he says.

Watch this documentary film called "World Order" and historic interview with Putin in it, at youtube.com/watch?v=ZNhYzYUo42g. At 37th min. hear what head of captic church in Egypt says; 100 churches are burnt in Egypt. Christians were kidnapped and beheaded in Lybia on camera on the shore of Mediterranean where the vermin is pointing the knife toward Europe saying "we're coming for you."   
At 47min into the tape, in an interview at March 9th, 2011 Qaddafi says that they're preventing the invasion of Europe by Africans. If Libya's stability is compromised, Europe will follow.
He was right. I thought that man was crazy the way he talked at UN assembly, but apparently he was one of the smart ones in his country.
Be careful what you ask for, you might as well get it.

 Oh, well, my personal deep conviction why world has been, is and will be full of fights, because the man in charge don't know what's going on and underneath is acting on his basic primal instincts.
Only a few women in the world like me know, but don't have the power even to talk about it.
This blog is the only power I've got so far.

So long.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 25-26-27 (Fr. Sat. Sun.) holiday weekend edition

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate today.

I celebrate Christmas 2 times; one today, and another one in Jan.6th, which is on Orthodox calendar.
This one for me is more of a commercial/entertaining one, the other is purely religious. That's when I go to Church.
Because I was born and grew up in former Soviet Union, where the biggest and longest holiday (because of the winter break) was the New Year, still 1st of January is the height of my emotional state of the season.
So, I'm all over the place until the 13th of January. I use every little joy I can get out of small things in life, because I don't have big things and don't know when and if I will get those. But, neither I chasing anything nor I'm even concerned. I take every day as a gift and try to make the best out of it. Can I try harder and do better job on it? Yes, of course.
I could, and still can, have most of material things that anybody has most of others have should I do 3 things; compromise 2 values I was raised on, and be very persistent at that.
In terms of holding on to spiritual virtues, I am on the very top line with some very rare people who possess and live by them. It's not an easy life, though,  I assure you. I can show it too.
Today I watched very little TV. Turned on Savage Nation (just to give him a business, which readers of this blog should do too), but it was "the best of," which I already heard.
On Int'l front the news is not too bad and not too good either.
Russian military service choir sang the "Rudolf the red-nose reindeer," which usually they do in New Year eve, bringing Russians into festive mood. It was in English and they did the heck of a good job. At  ntv.ru/novosti/1587348/video.  

Today Putin met with a big group of high ranking people in art and entertainment business, headed by Minister of Culture Medinskiy, and discussed preservation of UNESCO and other nationally recognized sites, their state funded projects in passing and in upcoming year, etc.
at 1tv.ru/news/culture/299022.

Defense Ministry of RF released updated numbers of operation in Syria, at 1tv.ru/news/social/299024. So far there were 5240 combat flights, majority of which targeted oil reserves and transportation means of t.r.r.sts.
Their are more numbers in this report. ***************************

In the meantime, Ministry of Finance and Rada of Ukraine cooking an idea how tot to pay the loan of more than $3 Billion to Russia, at ntv.ru/novosti/1587349.
Deadline was 5 days ago, another deadline is at Dec. 31st, another one should be in 6 months.
But bozos in Rada today were talking about indefinite "moratorium" on payments.

[Should miracle happen and I meet Putin in person my first Q to him will be "don't you think it's time to take Kiev?
I feel that further escalation of events, which gives Kiev and its western trouble-making-sponsors phony feeling that Russia can be corners until it's ruined and on its knees, is a dead-end and escalate to a devastating war.
Western powers today are acting like nuts. Putin should feel that. How much he is going to tolerate and how long can he wait?
After 4 years and 300 000 lives in Syria, half country is devastated, middle east and western world is messed up with huge population shifts, finally America got a hint to join Russia on its course. Yee-haa! Stupid unawareness of American main stream media, money-pushing-lobbying-business, special interests and other "things" called "human factors" are a huge filter for reality and truth to surface.
Is there a way to change and improving it? Yes, still there is. Only I have the vision, the project and the plan, just need a very wealthy and independent person's sponsorship to realize it.
You will not believe how fast the entire house of cards called "main stream media" can come down.
Who believed that soviet Union could collapse? Nobody, including my own father. Who belived their own eyes seeing twin towers coming down in broad daylight in NYC? Nobody, including myself.
There are huge changes for the worse in world's stability and most of Americans don't even know about it. It's OK for today, but tomorrow, we shall talk again.
It's about 11:30pm on Friday, Merry Christmas again and good night! ]

Saturday, Dec. 26th.
Last Monday EU extended sanctions against Russia for another 6 months, despite admitting that it hurts them back. Despite growing protests from their local industries (industrial and agricultural alike) they were able to reach a consensus.

This method is wildly used by US foreign relations policy makers to get their way without direct military intervention.
The process is; insight discontent of public from within, encourage protest, then use $$$ to entice to organize a revolution, or civil war. From social unrest to political destabilization the goal is to overthrow existing governments and putting their own cronies instead.
Change the course of political events and
Actually I don't mind them to do it, should they differentiate good from bad. Lots of times what they have considered good, ended up being bad and coming back and hurting us all. The reason is; - no knowledge of history and sometimes recklessness driven by greed on the part of some individual decision makers in power.
Remember how they warmed up a snake in Afghanistan? Trained and armed him and his "soldiers?" Did we see them coming back and raining hell on American people or not?
Any lesson learnt? What are we doing in that nasty place now? Can we devastate all of that crappy crap and bring American young men and women home?

In the meantime, US decided to strengthen its military presence in Europe. For the year of 2016 it allocated $780 Millions of taxpayer money for that project.
[Nice. I wonder which monkey sits on the neck of that underwriter. ]

Trump called himself the "Ernest Hemingway of 140 characters." I agree. he should use every possibility of social media in every way possible to its perfection. O's campaign was very well organized by young people who know how to use Internet to its max.
He should find and hire those. No need to be over-confident. It's still too early in the race.
Things are changing daily in the world. He has to keep up, be able to sort things out and stay on top. He has to see currents, waves and tides on time and react to them fast.
Vermin in the media is out to get his character down.
He needs a counter-force; more educated, more knowledgeable, more experienced, more enlightened, totally and completely, drastically and dramatically independent.
It should be tough to be so high up there. Be surrounded with the same people most of the time, who basically are "yes-men," can cause confusion without suspecting it.
People who can manage to get around rich, famous and powerful (unless they're born inside those clans) are aggressive and charismatic with all sorts of compromising traits.
I can go on and on telling how things turned around most rich and powerful during the history very many time, but that is an another whole post. ****************************************
We all know about Trojan horse, heard about traitors of their own countries, duel-agents, corrupted judges, crooked lawyers, shyster doctors, - you name it. Look at the sewage system of entertainment industry. I mean, the list is endless.
How is he going to have really honest, decent, loyal and really knowledgeable people around him is yet to be seen. I didn't check who is advising him on foreign affairs now. Is anyone even there? Who?
Look what G.W. had - Candy Rice. he had her PHD about cold war with USSR. She was working hard to bring that cold war back. Now look at O; another Rice, who is not qualified either for that type of sensitive position. What does she know? How much? from where? She graduated from collage? So what? O took her with him while meeting Putin as his "foreign policy adviser."
Oh, I'm so touched; - boo-hoo!
I'm still trying to guess (because it's nowhere can be found) what she might advised him to do.
So far things are stale between those 2 superpowers or even gone a little more down the hill. Sanctions against RF as extended, as of today in Syria Americans giving weapons to whomever they find more appealing to their taste while flying their drones to watch the fights from above, etc.
Russian defense said that at the time of downing of Russian SU-24 military jet there were about 50 American unman air-crafts/drones hovering around. Don't you believe that US has seen the pictures?
Hello? Who are they kidding? Putin? The ex-head of kgb? Com'on now, it's unbecoming of a head of state to undermine his worthy adversary. Putin always refers to Americans as "partners," as he is a diplomat and a true statesman. In his press-conference he said "turkey liked US's behind" and cnn went berserk calling him a "potty-mouth." So what? Sometimes one has have to be to get the real flavor out. I don't care when people swear. I live in NYC. I want to hear the point and care if its true.
Trump also used F-word when he was in one of his casinos talking to selected group of people. He wasn't running at that time. Media went after him calling him a "foul mouth." Boo-hoo to that too!
Only preachers and teachers at work should be held to high standards of speech. Politicians don't know what they're reading anyway. So, what's better; - soft lie or harsh truth? F-word is not a word in NYC, it's considered a space between them. It's a ventilator of true emotions. Go check the entry in Wikipedia about Ivanka Trump. See what quote they put from her in the Business section of entry.
Did she say that? I don't know and I don't care. When I read it, it just made me smile.
One thing I know for sure; if it's even true, whoever put it out there meant to cast her character in a lower standing than average reader used to or expects. If I'd interview her and she used the f. word I'd laugh and will leave it there. Why would I put it out?
Honorable profession called "journalism" is a some kind of dirty business in this country.
I just found out that a few years ago one of the Holly-woody-weirdo clowns by name bill-maher. That's one weird mix looking like a rat to me.
You call those types "Government jesters," which sounds appropriate. This particular one could play a nasty-rat character on Halloween without mask or costume. Campare to this jesters had wisdom, they were smart, their impute was crucial. This one is an ugly-big-mouth who doesn't even have 1% of skills that professional clown has.
He compared Trump's hair color to one type of monkey's who has reddish color. At first Trump sued, but it didn't go anywhere. ???? Did he withdraw the lawsuit or it was dismissed, I'm not sure. Wiki is not a source I can trust to quote. Was it dismissed or settled out of court with agreement not to publicize the result, i don't know and I can't find in any source that I trust? Wiki is not of them.
Did Mr. Trump dropped it? ??? If yes, I wonder why?
There is another ways to win in those type of dirty games besides going to court. While responding to gutter-rat like that one must use the same rules with the same tools.
I'm so eager to know the answer to how that ugly episode ended. If Trump didn't get compensated and felt satisfied and thus dropped that lawsuit, I'm ready to get close to gutters of Hollywood and start making fun of that rat's existence until cows come home.
That's why I need to talk to Mr. Trump personally. There is nobody can give my massage the way I can. I can't write my plans in here. The only way is the miracle that he'll pay attention to this blog and arrange a meeting.
Even, if even he didn't not become the next commander-in-chief, with my concepts of engaging with
the rest of the world, especially with only another super power of the world - Russia, he can do more than anyone. I promise. There is a lot can be done than anyone out there realizes.

Now Int'l news; at 1tv.ru/news/social/299090 report reflects of major Int'l affairs in passing year.

At 1tv.ru/news/polit/299091 commentary is about the biggest events in the world and Russia's place in them.

At 1tv.ru/news/economic/299093 - main events in Russia; exchange rate of ruble, price of oil, import substitutions, energy bridge to Crimea.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 19-20, weekend edition


Sat. Dec. 19th.
Qaddafi's cousin said that sarin gas was stolen from Lybia and already have been used by vermin,
at RT.com/news/326497-gaddafi-cousin-isis-sarin.

Assad said that the West wasn't getting involved in fight against .S.L for last 4 years of the conflict, because it wasn't threatened yet. Now they felt the danger that's why got involved. He thinks that with cutting their supplies and with military forces on the ground, in a year .S.L can be stopped.

[To me there is no obliterating that parasite. If even they will be killed in masses and run away in droves from Syria, the remnants will spread around to other areas. There are 3 countries next door - T, S and Q which are aiding and abetting them right now. What makes anyone think that those will forget about them just like that? There is tremendous amount of money being made left and right in this chaos right now. This is not only military crisis, this is a huge mental health genetic crisis specific in the areas of the world where people multiply rapidly without normal judgment and consideration how to provide for those that they bring into this world. Of course there are not enough resources for survival for more than 6 Billion people on this planet already.
This is the one and basic reason for all the human conflicts, but in this particular case, in this place and time this fight is "seasoned" by nasty ideology which is impossible to change. Because it's covered under the "religion," meaning "God."
What is God?
Who can change God?
Who can fight against it?  Nobody.
God was always used as shield to fight political wars. It takes element of individual responsibility away by portraying a person as "a mere obedient 'do good-er' who is acting on Almighty's behalf."
I, we, the normal people, consider religion a "good thing," because we look at the good sides of its teachings. But, alas, religion can be used, as it has been for centuries, as an enticing tool to trick, control, dominate and kill one another.
They all start with good words. How else? Isn't it about God and its massage? God is good, thus the massage should be wonderful. Isn't that right? Yes, of course!
You'll be surprised (maybe not you personally) that how in this particular religion the switch from the first word - "peace" to the last word "death" has been created like a "short cut" on computer. It really don't take many words in  between. Once you believe and go after first one, you'll end up with the last one very fast. Top it off with inbreed-genome, raging hormones, empty stomachs, no room at home because so many of you, psychotic breeder-parents who want you to become "martyr" in the process of getting them food, etc. You've got the picture.
No society like that can psychically survive while behaving in that manner. As we 're witnessing right now, instead of containing and fixing it, the liberalism of more civilized world is going to let it spread around the world until it will take us all down. With that type of thinking those societies and people can not uplift themselves to a better life. They'll take us all down, should we get all mixed.
Why you think obamao (your word) wants to bring them here? He's showing his true colors.
I'm not surprised.
Do I dislike people from Middle East? Why would I? My father was born in Middle East, he spoke 2 of middle eastern languages, I have friends and relatives from there.
I'm talking about the army of refugees invading Europe and will end up in America eventually. Among them are conquers and opportunists from all over the world who got nothing to do with Syria and its crisis. None-whatsoever.
I don't know them, they don't know me. Why would I support them? Any answer? Oh, they are in trouble? I see. I didn't put them there, why should I pay the price? They have a solution for themselves? Not 99% of them. They're busy inbreeding. Most of them would not even understand the Q, let alone coming with an answer.

Solution? My solution? Yes, i actually have a very simple solution. They should be where they belong and make their own country better for themselves. If they can make it much batter than where I am at, then I can go visit them or move there to be next to them, among them, or even become one of them. How about that?
I came to America and scarified lifetime to be here and be an American. I had to earn it. I had to show merit. i had to wait for many years. Nobody welcomed me with flowers or even words or gave me anything for nothing. 99% of those refugees hate America. They're coming here with a big grudge in their hearts and entitlement approach in their minds. They will not get over their own mentality of hate for generations to come.
I'm not saying that we should not have immigration policy from middle east. We should take the best and brightest and those who can contribute and want to become an American not only on paper.
Shutting borders down for next 7 years for every one is necessary for stopping the downfall of this society in whole. Undocumented hordes are going to kill us all, no doubt about it in my mind. Do I want to be wrong on this? Yes, I pray for it.

Reason for continuous immigration policy of this country was and suppose to be the benefit for America and American's first, not the other way around, as the verminic media makes people around the world believe. This is one of the biggest world-class-lies the vemin is pulling through.
Somebody should confront and stop this madness. There should be massive lawsuits against the crime of chronically false reporting. It's a fraud of massive scale. Fraud is prosecutable, and the media fraud (which can endanger country's security and its citizens' lives), should be the harshest.

Look at today's date remember this; it will take millions of deaths for this country to do something profound and drastic to protect its citizens. It's not matter of 'if,' it's matter of 'when." Unfortunately.
In a better note, I heard that woman t.r.r.sts, who die for their cause, will be reworded with "non-bending-p.nis in paradise (Rush quoted an imam saying it).
Pretty good deal for a d.ld. for them. Hope it's not led painted. Let me stop here.] **************

Yesterday UN came up with a peace plan for Syria the way Russia was seeing it before. You could see the satisfaction on the face and in the voice of Lavrov. He said that common sense prevailed and ousting Assad before solving .S.L's problem was a very, very dangerous path to pursue.
He is so right. This decision saved lots of good, innocent lives in Syria already.
Americans generally do not know geography, history and untainted social psychology as science, not
a political agends. The one they teach at "liberal" colleges here is tainted with political cuckoo-ness of perv-'progressive' professors who come up with their own words and definitions while "explaining" it.
Oh, I found couple of names of lectures they give at SIPA at CU. I noted those a few years ago when I was there checking out what was going on. I'm sure they're improving their drag-addict "creativity" by semester. I wonder how advanced they've got already. Maybe I should check it out again after the winter break.

O and UN told Turkish gov. to get out of Iraq. So far US got a finger again.

Most notable event of the week was Putin's press-conference, at 1tv.ru/news/polit/298584. 
He is the only President in the world who does this. There were almost 1400 journalists from around the world, 44 Qs were answered.
I watched the parts which were interest to me. A young Ukrainian journalist asked a Q in a stupid way. The way in which something untrue can be presumed like a done deal.
Putin was patient. He answered fully and truthfully. It was about so called "Russian military personal" being in Donbass. Under the world "personal" one can assume a group, thus "force."
There are no Russian military "forces" in Donbass Putin said. There might be individuals who went to fight by the side of local self-defense fighters and protect local civilian populations, DUH? Of course there are people who have people there and want to protect them. Those are their families and extended families. But there are no "forces" in there.
[You know what? Too bad there were not and they are not now. Should they be there, thousands of innocent lives wouldn't be lost and entire residential areas wouldn't be burnt down.
Once beautiful, friendly and thriving city by the name Kiev has become a dangerous place, a ground for neo-nazy forces who are killing their own brethren, because the US and EU promised them some "things."
No wonder, vermin in the main stream media, in this case British first, are writing that as if Putin admitted that there were Russian military forces in Donbass.
One little logic in this case can go a long way to discover the truth. My Q is; how came Ukrainian military (I call them Kiev's thugs as the readers know) and private groups are fighting in Donbass, but don't go to Crimea? The answer? Very simple. They know that Russian military forces are in Crimea - for real.
It's shocking to me to that anyone in their right mind in the media can not grasp an idea that Russian military is as mighty as NATO and US's military together.]
Look at the side effects of so called "European integration." Everything in UA now is down by type of force and money, which "suppose" considered criminal in democracy.]

There was a scare on Air-France plane; at 1tv.ru/news/world/298587.
[I don't understand; why people fly to so far places and spend there money there. Why those French don't stay put in their country and support their own economy? ]

So long.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 17th, Thursday, 2015


Putin had his annual huge press-conference and answered to economic, political and even personal Qs, which took more than 3 hours. No other President in the world, that I heard of, does this; at

Then he spoke about Foreign policy of RF, Syria, Turkey, NATO, USA, about huge contraband business of oil on industrial scale stretching from Iraq and Syria through Turkey to across Europe,
at 1tv.ru/news/polit/298447. He repeated his definition of downing of Russian military jet as an "hostile act" from Turkey. He wasn't sure if there was 3rd party involved in instigating that "beck stubbing" action, but expressed his thoughts that it looks like NATO wasn't into stepping in to protect Turkey's provocative behavior.
He said that if

After 3pm, you started your program by putting clip from O's speech how we're "successfully" fighting extremism-n-t.r.r.sm. You say that radical Islam is working to take over the world for 1400 years and coming here little by little, piece by piece. Paul Ryan - "the beard" is on the side of approving $1.3 Trillion to break down the canvas of America as we know it. You know what I'm talking about. No need here to go into list of things they are planing to spend it on.
Also that Putin praised Trump. I didn't hear what exactly he said yet, but the fact that head of foreign power praising a Republican candidate is a big deal. Usually they like dem.s, because those throw money out more and hate their own country more.
Now you're reading comments from Facebook page and saying that smart listeners don't call, they're listening and working on computer and doing things at the same time. Sometimes they disagree, most of the times they're not, but that is like anything else; you don;t agree on everything.
Are you talking about me? :) It sounds like. Throughout many years I've got through couple of times
only. Just the thought of calling you is stressful and being on the phone with you is nerve racking.
No one knows how you would react and were the conversation might lead to. You're very bad taking calls and are usually hang up on callers. I was lucky on my first time, you said "A..., it's a pleasure talking to you" to me, asked your producer to take my email stay in touch and sent me your newly published book at that time. This was march of 2014.
Right now you're badmouthing Facebook, saying that hoody-man is not satisfied with $Billions and wants more through cheaper labor, but using his product. Well, I tell you; I never liked it, never understood the importance of it (beside publicizing something or somebody to promote and/or sell stuff), don't have it, don't check anybody's anything on it.
If you have something on your Facebook, I'm not going to check it out. That's all.

At 3:45pm you're saying that Cruz can't win, because he doesn't have the "packaging." Trumps towers over the others, he commands attention, although his grammar is not perfect and he sometimes does not finish his sentences, but that's how NYers talk, because they're practical, thus fast. Those types also know that the other person they're talking to is also fast and doesn't need too many words to the the point.
Very, very true. I'm one of them. Actually my brain works faster than my mouth (as appose to MarcoRubio) and in the procces of talking I'm not fast (because I'm trying to edit my thoughts) but I'm short. If I talk long it would be because I cover many different topics in one conversation. Sometimes even those who're graduated from Columbia University and work there and know me for many years would say; "wait a minute, what are we talking about now, we finished the other topic?" Yes, we did. Not because I speak fast, but because I reached the point and got the feeling that there is nothing much to add and there is other thing connected to it worth talking about. Also after some deep political talk I'd switch to comedy to went it off. I'm a Gemini (like Trump), we can do 2 things at the same time comfortably, even the opposing ones to get a balance. For example I can write this blog and go play with my neighbor's grandchild and read children's books and play with toys.
I also write children's stories, witch keeps my mind on nicer, better, brighter and kinder things. I had a happy childhood and wasn't expecting the world and humanity to be so cruel as it is, sometimes.
So, going back in little emotional ways and reflecting on things brings me to the point of still believing and waiting for a magic and miracle, goodwill and kindness, reminds me of Faith, Hope and Love. "And the best of these is LOVE" - 1Corinthians 13:13.
Kids love me and dogs are crazy for me. They jump on me on the streets.
I'm talking about totally strange dogs walking on the leach with their owners. So many times the owners will be staring surprisingly to figure it out; "do I know you?" I say "no, your dog thinks we're related." I mean, with the dog, not the owner.

At 1tv.ru/documentary/ts=899 you'll see the entire press conference of Putin divided by topic. It can save lots of time.
To hear what has been the problem and prognosis of relations with Ukraine, watch that segment when one Ukrainian journalist is asking a stupid Q. he is taking it very seriously and answering with all his heart and in all legal details.
That's what I like about P. He thinks before he talks.

At 1tv.ru/news/economic/298454 Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov says that Ukraine's deadline to pay its debt to RF is Dec. 20th and if it won't come forward with appropriate solution the latter will follow its financial interest through the courts.
P wanted to compromise more and more as long as reputable country or bank will take the responsibility for UA. But, in reality, as we see, after bla, bla, bla, US and EU do not believe in UA's solvency.
From January 1st things will get worse in trade. Until now there was no tax on Ukrainian goods. From Jan. 1st, there will be. It's going to get worse before Euro-trash get its hands off of these 2 brotherly countries.

You had an interesting discussion with a caller name Joe who was the head of tech company about internet regulations. There was lots of info to be hear carefully. If country would prioritize its safety first and the business seconds that right there will change the course of events. That man said that people in European governments do not act on behalf of their nations for a long time already. They go for their own profits. You were adding to the info he was giving and the picture got worse before you finished with his call.
I was having a little something to eat and while listening thought that a little beer will help me to slow down and collect every thought and idea crossing my mind, when you said to listeners;
"now you go and have a beer or something." That was so funny, it cracked me up out loud.
That's why I listen to your show. Very often when something crosses my mind you just put it out in words. Like telepathy at work.

O's allocation os $1.1 Trillion is for funeral arrangement of the United States of America, - with a stroke of a pen. Black-magic that is.
But wait, one more very strange thing happen; at about 5:38pm after you screamed "that p.tz in WH"
the volume of the show got cut off. I was in the kitchen, sipping my beer, waiting for it to restart. After a few of minutes I went to my computer and had to turn on the station on internet again. I was listening on Tunein. Surprisingly until the end of the hour, which was the end of your show, there were only commercials. ???  I wander what happen? Did they shut down that stream? Who and why?
And, why those who can do it, can't do against vermin?

In terms of Internet, I have very low opinion of it. I think its harmful side is way more dangerous than the benefits it brings. Yes, I use it, some people make a living on it, but it also destroys lots of things and can destroy all. I mean entire human civilization. It all depends on technology and no one can guarantee its proper protection and use. No one. Look at that putz-Ash-Carter. What would you expect when people like him, Ryan (he beard), "fine-stain," "jar-rat," "lyncher" and others are in power.
God save us! Many years ago I've got a gut feeling how to prevent the possible Armageddon coming from computer technology. Nobody was thinking that. I mean, some very smart people, such as silence professor at Columbia University would agree, but I couldn't even mention the solution to the problem. Once only I mentioned it to an Egyptian lady who was teaching engineering at college in here and, of course, she was "surprised."

You're right that Internet was created by DoD by taxpayer money to keep us safe. All those buccaneers got on the bandwagon. I'm not saying they didn't do anything, they did a lots, but still, in times like this they should be forced to help in security issues of this country. I say select, select and draft, draft. When I became a permanent resident of the US many years ago and ran and got registered for selected service.

So long.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 15th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning. Yesterday I couldn't listen to your show.
The most worrisome news of last week to me was "master" Biden's visit to Kiev. Why?
Look at the results of it. He went to say them "we're behind you (as long as you're against Putin), keep doing what you were doing," which means an encouragement to increase the number of deaths, injured and more distraction of  cities, towns and villages in Donbass.
IMF is not going to help pay the gas bill owed to Russian in the amount of 3.3Billion. Biden's son is in gas business in Kiev, although in DOS they say one got nothing to do with another. Yes, I agree, besides they are a family - father and son. Hello?
Big portion of the money given to UA is being heavily invested in military - sure sign if preparation of bigger war.
In one hand, Biden said that they should abide by Minsk agreements, in another he said that they're doing everything right. ???
Although he mentioned that United States became a country because it adopted federalism.
The media translators in Kiev left that part out the context.
In southeastern Ukraine people were killed because the Kiev's opposition to federalization. That's all.
Now, "the master" from WH shows up and talks from both sides of his mouth. Go figure.
Don't forget when big-fat-.ss-cookie-distributor-Nuland went to Kiev, the first stop from airport was the building of FSB (like our FBI).

In the result of blowing lines carrying electricity to Crimea which created a black-out for a week rare animals in the zoo died from cold and hunger. I heard about this couple of days ago and will check the facts and get back to it later.             *************************************
The time (before, during and after) of uncle-biden's visit to Ukraine, Kiev gave an order to its thugs to open fire in buffer zone, establish at the time of seas-fire, and to advance into residential settlements in Donbass. That dude is like a match to a fire with his stupid face and idiotic mind, especially when he appears in person. All he said in rada he could say over the phone or write in an email. Why he goes there in person? This is happening every time. His physical appearance is more of a sign of a trouble making than anything else. He has nothing to do at work in DC?
Do you think America gives 'kwams' about Ukraine? America couldn't give a damn. It's all to keep intimidating Putin personally and persistently. At this time he was there thugs took "Uragans" and started marching through the center of Odessa demonstrating their "might".  Why Odessa? There is no war there. Just to show off and scare mostly and historically Russian city in southern Ukraine. Remember May 2nd massacre by fire last year? Dozens of people were burned alive and nobody is found and punished yet? Why Biden don't take couple of experienced retired law enforcement men for a trip with him and ask him to teach the locals how to "investigate." In this day and age of every phone having a camera, there should be hundreds of pictures of perpetrators available.
After Biden's last spring's visit to Kiev the air assault started on the city of Donetsk, which was a beautiful, blooming, European city with 30 big public parks with fountains and music. maybe you can see the pictures on internet before from that city's website. Why don't any American journalist goes there and shows us today's pictures? What happened to the city, what happened to the people who were living and working and raising their families on their historic land?

It's so disgraceful for this nation (of more than 300 Million) to have those types to represent us.
In the meantime verminic members of dark and dirty media industrial complex are busy selling their special brand of snake oil to us.
See how they treat trump? They never show the crowds. He said out loud to the media in one of his stops; "why don't you show all this big crowd in here?"  They still didn't turn around just to prove him wrong. That's how obnoxious they've gone.

Is that true that Biden's son was thrown out of military reserve because of his use of cocaine? Yessir. At nbcnews.com/news/us-news/joe-bidens-son-hunter-kicked-out-navy-cocaine-n227811. 
Check it out. The man is a drag addict. But wait....  Who ever checked the father? Who checks those bozos in congress?
How you call his boss? - "The thin, smoking man?" That's true and funny at the same time.

Today European Commission should give an answer yes or no to none-visa regime for Ukraine with EU.
It's like a tragicomedy to me. The whole "tashkhala" of maidan was about "dignity" and "integrity" to be "Independent" from....      who? They didn't even know that.
Those who organized street thuggery were streets thugs with no jobs and mostly coming from other towns of that country to hang in the middle of the beautiful capital city, get free food, money, who knows what else, get attention of cameras, meet and be cheered by drag-addict visitors from the West (like foaming-mouth-McCain and scary-eyes-nuland), who went there to offer them free money and western life. On big placard in maidan dominating pictures were of laced women panties with euro and dollar signs. Some also were in pursuit of going to Bavaria and drinking beer for total happiness. Just in case, while screaming, they threw in couple of more overused words such as "anti-corruption," "revolution of 'dignity'" and some such.
Nobody stopped them on time, including then president Yanukovich.
This is the deepest part of this tragedy. pay attention now;
In the result of street thuggery (which never ever would be allowed in America) civil war, brother-killing conflict broke out. Scores of dead, regions ruined in eastern side of that country which asked for federalization. Under the careful instruction of western powers (such as federally run USA and Germany), their sack-puppets in Kiev decided to call 't.r.r.sts' those other citizens of the same country who were asking for federalization. Killing of their own people they didn't call war, but ATO - anti-terrorist operation. Newly elected president is an oligarch, much, much richer than the previous one.
That was one of the "huge" achievements. Why they called ATO instead of civil war? Because according to UN convention people in war can go to another country and ask for asylum.
From ATO, when bombs coming down on their homes, they can't. So they trapped them in there or the best in Russia. Which is in my view wasn't the bad outcome. Those who don't know Russian people and its survival spirit might not get it fully. It they'd be forced to flee to turkey, then it would be very bad outcome in my view.
Today, I assume, majority in Kiev are waiting for decision of European Commission granting them "no-visa" status and are ready to flood Western Europe. Maybe in the middle of next year when going will get easy, will see half Ukraine empty. Oligarchs will divide the abundant land in between themselves, then sell for bargain prices to their "westerners" puppeteers and jet between continents.
One of them has 3 citizenships. That what people know. How much more they do not know?
Actually they all have their OWN TV networks. Can travel and be fully entertained for their hearts' desires. Uncle PP's house looks like WH in DC, maybe even better inside. He has more money than potus and comes here and asks for more. I wonder why nobody in that country tells that low-life to pay for their gas bill? He has the dough. What seems to be the problem?
Ironically those in southeastern parts of Ukraine (who are being killed as "t.r.r.sts") might end up being the only Ukrainians left on ruined and abandoned Ukraine.
Well, for those "laced-pantie-n-German-beer-lovers" i wish many, many dirty Euro- floors to clean for living.
In Russia they called Biden's son "cocainest." Maybe it should be "cocainist?" I'm not sure.
I'm thinking; in America bank comes and take your house if you don;t pay your mortgage right? Government can out you in jail if you don't pay your taxes. So, if Russia is not getting paid $3.3 billion owed to it, why not taking Kiev in sit there?  Just for fun. that would be more of force, reason and excuse for everyone to run to Europe and hopefully get a better life.
Common now, everybody knows it's difficult to build a ruined and bankrupt country ran by cocaine-addicts who is showing a fiction play called "democracy." How much more water it can take?
I agree, it's easier to run away get on welfare and/or wash toilets. Especially if you have a push behind your behind that you created in your own mind. What can be the problem. It's no-brainer.
Now it's 2:30am and raining in NYC.

Evening; you had a substitute today and I didn't listen. All schools were closed in Los Angeles area today because of some sort of treat.
At 1tv.ru/news/polit/298312 potato-face-catchup-kerry meeting with Lavrov and Putin.
[Look at his face. What's wrong with it. Look how Putin is forthcoming and smiley and look at him looking like stoned. Can he be in physical pain? And, what our ambassador is grazing on? Just asking.]
At 4:40min look at another disturbed face. Big-fat-.ss-wild-eye-nuland can't bring her hostile and aggressive eyebrows down. She looks like a violent-pig.
Who would like to sit in front of that nasty face? What is she trying to express with that type of body language?
I'd not be comfortable to sit around that create and tolerate that nasty attitude by pretending that I don't see it. I'd confront her by asking if she'd like to relieve herself from her own posions, such as to go to bathroom and come back when her eyebrows will be in the right place. Yes I'd would!
If I'd be in Putin's place I'd not take any nasty attitude and disrespectful body language from nobody and nowhere.
Yes, I would not. That's just me.

One thing really bothers me about publicizing this type of sensitive dialogue on this level; - the presence of the media, especially in that quantity. Do you hear the noise of those cameras. People around the table couldn't hear each other. What is that?
I don't think anyone needs a specific source to find out the factual news. Vermin in the main stream media are there not to "show" the news, but to put it their way.
To me there should be close circuit cameras with audio transmitted live or later by showing the time on the tape. When people are discussing global issues concerning safety, security and survival, they should be left alone to talk without being surrounded by so many no-goodniks with their electronics.
They could't hear each other for God's sakes! What kind of serious meeting can be held in that ambush like situation?

My day was made by the news from Ukraine though; Avakov and Saakashvily almost got on each other's neck.

So long.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec.13th, Sunday


Today was an unusually mild weather in NYC for this time of the year. The end of next week will feel like a usual mid-December. Climate summit deal is so out of range of my interests, I can't even start telling you. It was "warming," then was proven that it was "cooling," now it's "changing. Changing in which way? Nobody knows. The whole thing for the big shots is to arrange another big
bottomless batch of piggy bank and shove it around the way they want. That's all.
Am I against clean environment? Yes, of course. I personally can't tolerate smoke and detest smokers no matter who and where they are. That's just a beginning. All the toxic chemical productions should be regulated and strictly controlled and shut down fast if need to be. I'd put much stronger punishment for those whose action cause forest fires, would shot down production of products made by chemicals which are overwhelming the volume of trash and don't deteriorate quickly and safely.
I have many of those things in my mind.   **************  
I can go on and on on this, but those who tell the world "climate is changing," let's get together to pull a shenanigan, is too much for me to follow.
Look at those faces who are ecstatically clapping themselves. Any of them is a scientist?

Now the evening news from Russia.
At 1tv.ru/news/world/298173, report says that Turkish boat was coming close to Russian military weasel, which was anchored (very important factor) by a Greek Island, and didn't answer to multiple calls of communication. When it got within 600 meters, Russians opened a warning shot.
Only after that turks turned around and left.
Why was this provocation done?
By the predictions of one big shot Russian politician (who has been very good in his prognoses of outcomes of events for decades), big war is looming at the horizon, because Int'l community is not helping Russians to get rid of .S.L. All the big players, near and far, from Turkey to the US are wheeling and dealing on it.
[Very true, I agree. There are concrete examples.]

At 1tv.ru/news/world/298168 Putin gave a strict order to destroy anything which comes close to Russian forces in and around Syria, on Black and Mediterranean Seas.
Results of military operation in Syria Putin discussed with the board of Ministry of Defense.

In France only Marine Le Pen seems to have pair of cojones; at ntv.ru/novosti/1583418/video. 

After the t.r.r.st attack in Homs, Syria (at ntv.ru/video/1240860) and the letter Assad sent to UN expressing his "surprise" by silence of international Community, at Security Council of UN the US
stopped the mentioning of those facts and after 24 hours didn't even go back to it;
at ntv.ru/novosti/1583399. 

I checked your book at Barnes and Noble in UWS. It's in there, on the first table on the left.

So long.

Friday, December 11, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 11th, Friday


Yesterday you started the show by saying that you wanted to leave out talking about t.r.r.ism and Trump for a day, but couldn't.
I could hear the first half an hour of the show only.
Do you see how the left and GOP rhinos are ganging up on Trump? How they twist his words and come up with with something else.
Bunch of idol people who wanted 15 min. of fame under the sun, got together in front of City Hall and stupid programs' cameras "protesting" what he didn't say and what he didn't mean.
Some vivirito-h..chi-mama character (I'm going to name her 'wee-wee-pad-mouth), some self-hating cuckoo fatso-rabbi and a raciest-against-whites "reverend," - a street-fighter-type woman ran their pathetic mouths and showed scaring faces and called the city and the country to "obey" their words. Called the city "not to deal with Trump." Look at the faces of bunch of thugs. No comments needed.

If I'd have fracture of the money that Trump has, I'd sue, expose those faces and names, have their background and daily life exposed to public. You will not believe how fast they'll run away and hide.
The city "comptroller, scotty-springer-boy" looked like an ugly-n-stoned comedian in one package.
The whole picture of that crowd reminded me a group of sick hyenas, hissing, conspiring to attack a Tiger who walks alone. Yes, Lions and Tigers walk alone. They don't need to be in groups. Any and each of them can scare the heck out of any pack of hyenas.

All Trump has to do is put his words differently in the same sentence. Also should get trained to pronounce certain words that can be voice edited (Fox News does that all the time) differently, so it would be if not impossible, but very difficult to alter.

He doesn't need big name trainers for this. He needs one with proper education, common sense and opportunity to tell him what seems to be a simple solution.
Something old-bag-Walters said about Trump after her second interview. Why Trump has to put up with those imbeciles in the media, it's beyond me.
I understand he needs an exposure, but he's already a brand on his own. He should get on with his own media empire by now.   *******************************************************************

Look at this report at ntv.ru/novosti/1582222/video; German sources discovered the routes of contraband of oil and communications technology with .S.L. They go through turkey. Technology is bought on turkish markets broad day light. German paper wrote an article about this.

In the meantime biden's son is heading the corruption in Ukraine (he is on the board of oil company), while his father periodically visiting (as he did last Sunday) and giving anti-corruption speech.
Rada is treated worse than a clown town for Washington, as far as I'm concerned. Even circus can be watched and appreciated much more seriously.
As Prof. Cohen mentioned last Tuesday, Ukrainian "democracy" is an American project. That created new cold war between us and RF and DC is not toning down but instead fanning the flames.
Dec. 20th is the day the debt in the amount of $3.3 Billion should be paid to RF by UA gov.
Just recently there was a blown off of electric supply lines to Crimea and escalation of  hostilities in buffer zone in Donbass by UA thugs. Everybody with common sense can smell a rotten set-up; let's start the full fight again, then blame Russians for doing it and have a excuse not to pay to debt.
We'll see what will happen before that date.
Biden is so brain dead that stood in rada and said that he will work until Crimea is back into Ukraine.
If that man is not psychotic, I'd like to know what is his diagnoses.
How in his old-n-rotten-brain-sells the spark such ideas enlightened him?
What s.tan whispered in his old-n-half-deaf ears that historic Russian soil populated by Russian people until this very day should become under the control of USA and "obey" the rule of its crony-thugs who can't even pay their debt to them? This is worse than global irony of our days.
Is he seeing nightmares and liking them so much that wants to experience those in his awaken times too?  That's how I feel about this extremely troublesome man for all of our safety.
All I can pray is that heavens give more patience to Putin. I don't think I'd have his patience in dealing with so many irrational humans for so lang. That man has nerves made from iron. Even iron can bent and melt under pressure and heat.
Biden, his foaming-mouth friend mcshame, his son and alike are running amok. Running really loose while doing it and getting overconfident, should you ask me. But O is in charge, by and large this is on him.
Dr. Cohen said; every time P talks about O he treat him as an partner, but when O talks about P, he is being condescending, dismissive and inappropriate.
P is doing the dirty job in Syria right now that USA was not and could not do for a long time.
If the hub and the vermin are not destroyed in Syria, the left-overs will retrieve to Libya and set up their shop in there.
Bite-me-biden blamed Russia for corruption in Ukraine. What??? Can you believe your ears?
Look at his demeanor, his face, his utter stupidity! Dr. Cohen called it "total hypocrisy or total ignorance." I call it psychosis of highest degree. There is also paranoia, which has several degrees. He tops it all. This man should be labeled "out of service" and send to retirement.
At that position he is an utterly dangerous cuckoo who embarrasses my country and jeopardizes American lives. As simple as that.
My solution to keep him busy working on something after retiring from politics and public sphere, should be the recommendation letter to a snake breeding sanctuary to feed the animals looking better than him. Their poison can be used for anti-venom and in some other medical remedies. Cuckoo-Biden's poisonous mind can bring Armageddon to all creature of the world.  
"Washington comPost-n-Atlantic-Council have been flagship operation for this cold war" Dr. Cohen rightfully says. Talking of enemy within....OMG!

In the meantime Poland is asking to "borrow" nukes from nato to "protect" itself as if from Russia. Also just recently nato offered Montenegro to join in, which Russia called it a 'provocation.'
"This is a doubling down on Russia, despite what happened in Paris. Nato continues to push Russia on air, sea and ground; push, push, push. Even if they don't want actual war with Russia, but force it on its knees, they're literally playing with a fire. Anything can happen. For J.Kerry to say that
expansion of nato got nothing to do with Russia? - It's a perjury!" Dr.Cohen said.

In the meantime erdogan-boy is sticking finger to Washington's face saying that they won't get out of Iraqi territory and won't close its borders with it. Turkey is becoming a liability to nato.
It's far not the first time TR is showing the finger to WH.
Remember they didn't let American troops to use their territory for shorter route to Iraq? Yessir.
Your ally don't allow you to walk through its backyard? Nice...  Enjoy the 'friendship' pentagon!
I want one journalist who gets paid for doing this type of work to investigate and publish how much USA pay TR to keep its old-nukes (that are no more needed whatsoever) on yearly bases. ? ? ?
They do not admit that gave TR nukes, but everyone kind of knows it from somewhere.
Dr. Savage is up to par on this? Wiki is stupid stuff and has lots of crooked things published. So, don't bring that up, please.

Watch this report, see how the place ran by "Biden & Son" LLP is doing business in Ukraine;
at 1tv.ru/news/world/298064. In my book LLP stands for Lying, Looting and Patronizing (in a negative way).
Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, which really looks like a rabbit because of his front teeth, had been treated as such in the streets of Kiev and in Rada. He was "reporting" results of 2015 done by his cabinet. Look at the brawl he caused with his continued lies.
At 2:24min. into the tape one MP is literally picking him up and removing him from the podium.
It's beautiful to watch. In the street people burnt the tax code, threw carrots and screamed folklore at him. One man is wearing a rabbit costume. For a bunny lover like myself it's degrading to rabbit nation. I love rabbits. He should be associated not with rabbit but with a crooked-face-snake.
Offer to him to resign was objected by EU and thus delayed for now.
Yeah, Ukraine got itself an "Independence" alright. For real!
"Independence" by western powers was explained to them as not paying their bills in $Billions to Russia and shed their own blood for it. While 'B & Company' are watching, having fun feeling so 'important' and making money on it too.
Oh, look at the front cover of this clip; ntv.ru/novosti/1582500/video. So cute...
At 3:20pm, just turned your show on; you're asking how we, your listeners, would do if we'd have the power of radio and its outreach to so many people. You want to turn your show to us, because you treat every day like it would be the last day and you cherish it thoroughly.
Oh, wow. I thought you don't even like to take a phone call. How did this happen? Can I get through from now? I see how long this promise will last?
If not turning the show to your listeners, the least you can do is to invite experts like Dr. S.F. Cohen regularly. You don't know as much as he knows about certain things which are extremely important to our future survival. Plus, most of your listeners will relate to the topic he knows personally.
Now, at 3:30pm I'm going to try to listen to you as much as i can, before getting on something else.
You better stick with a topic and give me facts, like I usually do.
At 3:34pm; you're asking how we keep love, hope and humor going? Telling that Teddy peed on the carpet right before the show and you've got so mad that you started laughing.
I don't understand; don't you know when dog pees in some place where he should not he's asking for attention, because he needs something? I thought you knew that. I'm disappointed. I don't like to hear you got "mad" on 10lb innocent creature, your baby, that's why right now i'm taking a break from your show. That's the pay-back.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 9th, Wednesday


Wee hours of the morning.
You know what bothers me that no one is asking, demanding and getting answers for?
Maybe you asked ones, if I'm not mistaken, but no one including you knows the answer to this;
why are the sites on Internet which are teaching bomb making and recruiting to commit crimes, moreover int'l t.r.r.sm, are not being shot down?
That's an amazing thing to me. NSA can track everybody, but Internet is running like a lightening in the skies that no one has control over?
If I post an ad on craigslist saying "wsw looking for wsm" do you know what will happen?
I'll tell you; it will be flagged and removed almost immediately. Do you know that "white woman can not meet a white men" in this country? Put an anonymous ad yourself and check it out.
Can you tell me when it became a crime? I don't know, but it certainly is treated as such in broad day light.

Trump's power is in his financial independence. He has resources to hire any amount of lawyers to sue and sue and sue ans sue some more, until the entire lying-verminic-media-industrial-complex comes down like house of card.
I, as a conceptual, would put the list of accusations, and lawyers will file the paperwork. Beauty!
That would be a one big "cleaning the sh.t up" operation, which will help in rehabilitation of the "spine injury of civility" that this society suffers for a long time. I qualify it as a chronic condition right now and it can become lethal at any time.
Let's do this; 1. diagnosis, 2. treatment and 3. prognoses. You see 2 are already mentioned above and the 3rd depends on Trump's agenda, attitude and actions.
Those come with many other things in the package.
One man never can know everything about everything at anywhere and every time, it's impossible.
It takes a wise man with God's given good instinct and common sense to keep good and smart people around himself, get the best out of them and use it with the right perspective in place at any time.
Too much money, too much power, too much glory can spoil a man and take him to the ride from
"confusing" to "jeopardizing." I can write a book about this just relying on my own life experiences.
Look what Proverbs 29:18 says; "where is no vision, people perish."
I also like another one very much; 1 Corinthians 13;13; "Hope, Faith and Love and the greatest of these is LOVE." In some translations it says "charity," but I prefer the "love," because it is a wider concept. Not every charity is done because of 'love,' unfortunately. Harmful plot can be woven under the name of charity and good will. Look what Saudis are doing under the name of charity while supporting and sponsoring hateful ideology and actions towards others all throughout of world.

I know one thing for sure; Trump needs someone to tell or consult him on how to say the same things but be on the safer side. he doesn't need a "image maker," he is authentic in that, but he needs someone who is a professional linguist. Who has the gift and professional training in use of words in the context the right and firm ways, so vermin in the media can not pull a hunt on him and get the satisfaction.
Should he put couple of things differently, he'd avoid being called 'anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, xenophobe,' you name it. Simply he's not, he can't even be. Look at his own life's choices.
People like him usually are much nicer and better to others `than the ones who pretend they "represent" something.
They represent the 5th column, as far as I'm concerned.
Trump's first battlefield in the war for survival of this country should be the battle against the "enemy within" - the 5th column, - the internal bacteria, virus, bleeding and gangrene all together.
Second step is the fight against "foreign enemy." the simple, primitive step of precaution is to shut the borders down all together for extended period of time. The least to say. Anybody wants to be "reunited" with their family, should go the other side for "reunion" party. All middle Easterners should be eventually go back to their countries and build a better life for themselves.  All those refugees should get back to their own homes in their own homelands. That's THE BEST solution for them also by far. Why anybody is not doing research for this? Anybody asked them this Q?
PEW polled them on this? I don't think so.
What I'm saying is not new, unusual or bad. You should see ecstatic faces of those who were rejoicing and saying 'thank you Russia and Russian people' because in the result of Russian actions they were able to get back into their homes. It's just like getting a second chance in life. What can be more joyous than to return to your own home and continue the life you knew.
Let's help those people to build their own society. With their mentality, which we have no control over, they're not going to assimilate and/or be totally happy. Those who know nothing but lay with their first cousins, drop babies, eat, sleep, than do the same thing over and over generations to come
You offered to build a city for them. That might help too. Not a bad idea, I don't mind, but why should WE pay for it?  Why not Saudis pay for their food and cloths, instead of paying for building 200 masques throughout Europe. Why those "righteous" in their 7th century desert 'costumes' are not taking all Palestinians to their 'holy' country and give them refuge? WHY?
What seems to be the problem? They don't have money? No place available?
Did you see the picture of airplane cost $280 million, which was belong to one of those ran into a huge wall and crack opened in the middle? This was years ago, but you might be able still to find it.
The entire Internet burst out commenting "that's why God gave them camels."
Did you see 'the big shot' among them sitting next to Putin talking to him barefoot? The rest of 'regular' ones were wearing closed toe shoes,but the "big idiot" was wearing open toe sandals without sacks. I wrote about this the day I saw it. I still can't get over with that ugly picture.
I'd be in Putin's place, would NOT talk to him in that outfit. His staff should stop and tell "we have a code of conduct and you can't walk around in your desert sandals in Kremlin." That's all. If he doesn't want to comply, because he's "rich," then make him poor over night. As simple as that.
No disrespect should be tolerated by a world power like Putin. To me, that was more than disrespect, it's an insult.
We have a dress-code to go to regular restaurant in the city. You can't be served if you're barefoot.
You know what their conservatism reminds me sometimes? You can take every man out of garbage, but you can not take the garbage out of every man. I just alter that my way.
To be fair, I agree on one thing that they announced when lazy-eye french president was elected. Because he's not married to the woman he's shagging up with, Saudis said that they can't visit them as a couple. I agree. I'm not sure they're married now, but don't care to check either.
Lazy-eye ran Paris-DC-Moscow, took pictures, then praised religion of peace and said that he's going to take in more. Go figure.

Evening; today you were talking about implementing a law prohibiting marriages between first cousins which is already on books in 36 states.
Yes, I agree, genetic mutations between close relatives can cause health problems. That's why it's prohibited in scientifically advanced societies. Where I grew up it should be 7 times removed, which generally meant if you could find out that you were related, it was a 'no-no.'
I wrote about this topic extensively in this blog just recently. I said what gun can not do, sperm can.
Sorry, but it's true. Look at map of the world throughout centuries. Look how it changes and why.
Look at last 2000 years, where is Assyria, what's left from huge Armenia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, etc.
Look what's already going on in Europe at 21st Century. In Serbia just last 20 years, average christian family had 2 and muslim family had 9 children. What do you do when you have all those hungry mouths? How much prayer can bring manana from sky?
To me there is no lower human, meaning lower-life who can't feed hungry mouths, but keep having fun and making them. Then, whose born became a problem for the rest of society.
It's shameful, shameless and very aggressive behavior, which without curbing is going to swell into bigger and more devastation problems for humanity.
It has a precedent of being curbed, such as China's one child policy. What was wrong with that? Nothing, as far as I'm concerned. People there were pushed to think before multiplying like animals.
Isn't 'thinking" and using "judgment" what human should do first before acting like any other creature on the planet.
I have another Q for rigid conservatives; when you talk about the topic of multiplication, do you know ho much money and natural resources one human consumes in its lifetime? No? You should check it out, then we'll talk again. ****************************************************

You want to see what kind of "western" weaponry vermin of .S.L are using, watch this clip;
at 1tv.ru/news/world/297924. 
From where exactly they get it from? That's my Q? According to Amnesty International the ones you see in this clip are made in USA.

At 1tv.ru/news/culture/297931; finally daytime electric supply in Crimea is restored (with some left over shortages) thanks to mainland Russia's efforts.

At 1tv.ru/news/economic/297921 Medvedev is furious about IMF's recent "cover up" for UA.
RF says that if they won't get $3Billion (actually it's $3.3Billion) from Ukraine, it will take UA to court. In the history of its existence IMF never have been so lenient acting against its own rules and interests.
"What other member countries who were suject to the rules and regulations all those years will say about this?" Medvedev says.
[Well, everything is done for political reasons, as we see. Anything against RF and Putin goes.]

Newest Russian submarine Rostov-on-Don started targeting .S.L from under Mediterranean sea,
at 1tv.ru/news/economic/297932. 
[Looks good to me.]

So long.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec. 8th, Tuesday


It's the 3rd hour of your show now. Today you were mostly talking te.r.r.sm, its roots and effect on our society and Trump's suggestion to stop Muslim influx temporarily until government will figure out what's going on. Pew research result is more than concerning and Trump is right; even 1% of people of Muslim community in here, who approve of violence in this society, is unacceptable, let alone 25%.
You said that in your book "Gov. O" you wrote that there should be a moratorium on immigration for 7 years. I haven't read the book yet, but I was saying it for a long time. Not only me, I met quite a dew people who were saying that, including many who are on gov. subsidies. They too, are against this flooding and saying that push come to shove there are going to be riots on the streets.
That's what we need, right?
At 5:35pm you're talking about sects and their differences, saying that you're not suggesting a litmus test, but we should be reasonably asking people, who want to come in, they're belong to.
You say that wahhabism is mostly responsible for ideology of 'j.had' an we should look into it.

I disagree that we should look at anything religious, simply because it's practically impossible to do. How are you going to check what anyone says and determine if it's true or not?
Immigration is in such a mess that I can't even start telling you about it. Total shot down is the only way for now. I suggest for 10 years, at least.
American jurisprudence still has 200 years old language and mentality, meaning tools and technology in place today. It's not improving, not advancing, nothing. Only the variety of ways of screwing it getting more and more diverse. The people who use those "colorful" ways and succeed in them, are only becoming more arrogant, more embolden and more obnoxious, which results in spitting in America's face. If you know that you lied, you deceived, you committed a fraud and crime and passed and even got rewarded for it (such as given a welfare), what will make you respect that system and country? Live a fraudulent lives become normal state of mind for those type of people. I, who don't socialize much, personally got to know several of them and their families. You think they're shy to tell anyone? Nosir, They're proud and better of financially than me and many other Americans.
How would I fix it? I'll fix it beautifully, should I given the job. Just a job for a year. No more.

Look how the mass of insanity gone wild; you said that 72 of DHS employees have been on t.r.r watch list and they still were hired? "We live not in "strange," but "eerie" times, - you say.
Your show in ending and there is a word going around that UK might ban Trump for entering it?
Is this a rumor or something more? I didn't hear from another sources yet.
About your ban, as I wrote about it before, should I be in your place, I would not care less.
Who wants to go there anyway? I have been there 3 times, which is more than enough.
Maybe, just maybe, if someone will fly me on a personal jet as a guest, I'd prefer to land in a some rural county side to enjoy the nature and say good bye to one of western civilizations.
I love when you throw stones at their cuisine and dentistry every time you open your mouth mentioning UK. It cracks me up. :)

You know what Trump should not do? He should not give interview to the vermin in the media, like
hairy-beck-crooked-minded-george-stephano-pou-pou-pou-pou-polos or some other twisted ones on BBC or other garbage like that.  Why he even bothers? He don't need to, absolutely not.
He doesn't know about this or what? Who are his advisers? How much those advisers knows about psychology, use of words in the right context, the practical world of today and its social trends, about immigration, about anything....?  Have they been an immigrant, have they gone through the system,
do they speak languages, have they lived in overseas at all; where and for how long?
Where their backgrounds comes from, what are their affiliations, what's their mental state, their compromising ability and degree in loyalty.
Yesterday I heard on the radio that WH's chief lied on his resume that he worked for British Queen and was hired. How that can happen?
Trump will neither be the first nor the last one to be betrayed by someone from his inner circle. he should be careful with that. Even monarchs, emperors and despots who could kill anyone at their will with their hands have been betrayed. We are talking about the man widely followed, observed and under the control of security services. I know it called "protection" and I'm very glad that he got it, but it also keeps the person under control. His phones are topped, his families phones are topped, everything he does is checked.
Well, all i can do at this point to pray that he and his family are safe and will stay safe.
Main stream media is talking about him raising his hand comparing him to fur.r? Do you see how low and dangerous is that. They're the one trying to creating danger for him by trying to put nasty labels on his sleeves, while at the same time "accusing" him for doing it.
Do I see the s.tanic people "interviewing" him? You better believe it. I Know s.tan, when I see it.
How? I have met so many s.tanic souls and minds, especially last a few years, that only me, myself and I can point those to him.
How? He should ask me that. It's the time. I'm ready to answer, explain and show the facts.

Now let's go to most important int'l news that no one covers, including yourself.
Last Sunday shoe-eating-Biden went to Kiev like to his dacha. It's such a homely trip, OMG!
He feels like home in there, he controls everything, gives out hundreds of millions of $s, distributes pieces of his mind left and right. At this time they said $200 Million, just like that, like sunflower seeds. Afterwords there was a bigger number of $$$, etc. Who is counting anyway? O is playing on his grudge and hatred against P and RF and will NOT stop on anything to achieve fulfillment of gratification of his ego.
He will not spare lives if Americans and America in its entirety. That's just my take on this. I really sincerely hope I'm wrong on this.
Look here;
bozo-biden said that corruption in Ukraine caused by Russia, at 1tv.ru/news/world/297852. 

Look at the other game, - the money-money one, played by O against Russian interests; at 1tv.ru/news/polit/297853. 

In Minsk, Contact Group met to discuss state of affairs in Donbass, at 1tv.ru/news/polit/297851.
Representatives from DNR and LNR expressed concern about escalation of situation in the region in the result of Kiev's "soft aggression" in the form of  advancing further into agreed upon territories.
Representatives of OSCE in the region also reported that last a few days 7 residential areas, such as villages/settlements, which were in the buffer zone, were taken over by Kiev's aggressors.

In the meantime IMF is coming down so softly on Ukrainian's failor to pay the debt back, that it is breaking its own rules established for many years. US also rejected to secure the $3.3Billion debt Ukraine owes Russia for gas, that it offered to help pay previously.

In the meantime, in Syrian territory Russian military found the black box of its downed bomber jet.
It was presented to Putin by Minister of Defense Sergai Shoigu. P said that it should be opened and analyzed with int'l experts in the field to show the world what exactly happen.

So long.


Sunday, December 6, 2015

To Michael Savage Dec.6th, Sunday


You know the internal BS already. How cowardly media and "administration" are careful to name 2 vermin who killed 14 people and injured scores of them in CA as vermin.
Yesterday one of the public channels showed a group of people preying in a masque in San Bernadino, CA. They all looked "innocent," of course.
[How else verminic media thinks those people have to look like while sitting in their worship place - to us, the viewers? Picture of group of people got together doing whatever they're doing should tells us anything about what is in their minds and hearts in one way or the other?
That's why we need a new type of media - NToM!  The type who will be ran by totally independent people, such as me, as a conceptual and commentator, others such as expert in social media and marketing, a psychologist, a sociologist and the professional cameraman and /or film maker and many, many lawyers. As many as looking for good commission cases. ]
The imam of that masj.d in CA said that his Islam is not what t.r.r.sts used, one young lady said that she is "nervous" because she is wearing a headscarf/higab, another lady said that she was born here, that this is "her country" and she must not be afraid.
No one in there said "I condemn t.r.r.sm," I condemn that demonic couple who committed that heinous crime, that is reprehensible!" Not one.

Viewers of this country are so dumbed-down with these type of constant poisoning of a subconscious, that I'm afraid, that most of them think this is a normal thing to report of watch.
Only the type of media I have in my mind will be able to rip the cover and show the demon's face underneath of this type of fraud called "reporting."

[Do you hear another thing, another group of people's example vermanic media is using to poison this society further more? I can talk about it later.**************************************]  

Now, let's go to real world, real reporting and sane politics and politicians. 
At 1tv.ru/news/social/297685; last Thursday in Georgievyan Hall of Kremlin Putin addressed Security Council of RF with many high ranking military, political and civilian guests, among them the spiritual leader of All Russians - Patriarch Kirill.
He lay the ground of policy perspectives for coming year in connection with t.r.r.sm. He started with min. of silence for recent victims, then said that Russia can not fight this fight alone, there should be a global effort against that growing treat.
[He threw a stone in US's backyard (2:00min) by saying that they know which power got into other people's country, imposed its rules, made a "kasha," then "washed its hands."
He is absolutely right; to impose our views and values, shake up those structures/regimes, which messes up those societies and create chaos and vacuum, we can blame only ourselves. And when the self-ruled thugs come in and take over and take their own devastating actions, we ask "what happened, how did this happen,? OMG, we wanted all the "good" things to happen." Yeah, right!
The difference between real world and Disney World is the class I should teach on my show, when
I, writer of this blog, start. ********************************************************************************]
At 4:50min Putin also says that when he watched the tape of ambush of the Russian bomber-plane,
he saw the domestic "ugly faces" of their own, from Caucasus's. He used slang "morda" which sounds much batter then polite sounding "ugly face" in English.
[I love Russian mighty language. Its folklore is heart-warning and mind-cheering.]

In terms of "Climate conference" in Paris started Nov. 30th and still going on, one thing is obvious;
it turned to a political forum, at 1tv.ru/news/polit/297686. 
Despite constant efforts made from turkish side, Putin avoided erdogan-boy all together. No picture taking, no handshake, no hello-n-bye at all.
Watch the entire tape. I'm not commenting on it. I know everything in there already. You'll see American policy and how it's being handled in middle east from the other side of the equation.
[Good! Why pay attention to a 7th century verminic-mind-carrier, who did not apologize for the death of 2 Russian military men? Look at the types of atrocities committed by turks throughout the history, you'll get the picture. When their whole nation will stand up and say "this is wrong," then we can talk. How about that?
As far as I'm concerned they should discus "global cooling of relations between powerful nations, which can bring the the point of boiling or frying the entire planet." I just made this up. I should remember this. *******************************************************************]
In the meantime, Iraqi government told Turkey to get its forces out of Iraqi soil withing 48 hours, otherwise it will appeal to UN Security Consul, at 1tv.ru/news/world/297701.
[Turks are wondering in Mosul area for some time now.]

Here are the pictures taken by Russian military aircrafts proving that turkey is buying oil from .S.L, at 1tv.ru/news/world/297687. 


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