Saturday evening news from Russia.
Military operation in Syria; aim - .S.L.
At report says that Russian air force destroyed important infrastructures of of .S.L.'s positions. 100s of militants have deserted their posts and ran toward European shores. Intelligence being updated twice a day and by all facts in effected areas there are no civilians. Graphic is full and schedule of flight is thigh. Pilots relieve each other periodically; take offs and landings are continuous. Center of commend and information of operation located in Moscow is open to the media at all times with show on the screen and experts' commentaries. At 2:50min. Chief of central commend of air force of RF Andrei Kartapolov says that according to their intelligence on the ground there is a panic and about 600 militants left their positions and headed toward EU. Also he mentions that before the operations and any particular air strike US DoS and HS were informed to move out their air crafts and people in service. US side confirmed that in those areas only militants live and no civilian residential dwellings were hit.
mw [Better to EU than to Russia. What went around came around to EU. Sooner or later those murderers had to end up in Middle Asian republics, in Caucasus and eventually in mainland Russia.
Russia rightfully is sick and tired of picking up their dead son's bodies and ending up in unending wars perpetrated by US and NATO in the name of "democracy." There is no democracy here and no one in 3rd world knows what it is and wants it in there anyways. In middle east people lived without it for thousands of years and will be living without it for the end of this civilization. There was an 90 years old Afghan man who claimed he was Syrian when he got to Germany. How he was physically able to get there and pull a lie too? There are Kosovo Muslims who got their "independence" from Christian Serbs (thanks to drank-faced-perv-billy-the-willy) taking a big potion of their land (to accommodate their average of 9 kids for the family headcount), and list can go on and on.
Human smuggling and displacement of masses to change the demography, face and the culture of Europe and the West in whole. That's what exactly going on now. To me civilian casualties are inevitable anyways. Some lived in those areas and stayed with their men. Some are ready to die for them, because they're the ones to feed them. Look at the next report.]
UN is ready to change US for war crimes says the head of Human Right's department, because its military air force hit the vicinity of MSF (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, partially destroying it and killing 19 people; 12 of its member doctors and 7 civilians including 3 children. After letting Washington know about this, strikes continued afterwords anyway.
It's at
At reports that OSCE in Lugansk region of Donbass is monitoring the compliance with Minsk 2 to move certain caliber weapons 15km back to rear from firing points.
After meeting of "Normandy 4' in Paris a few days ago, Minsk agreement's compliance deadline, which was fixed at December 31st of 2015, sides decided that it can be extended due to big volume of necessary arrangements, at
France's Hollande said that implementation of all the points in agreement will take more time than originally thought and sides don't mind to move the deadline to next year.
Sunday evening news from Russia;
"Search and destroy" that's the name of Russian mission in Syria, at
Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting from Air Base in Latakia showing planes flying in pairs, being technically checked after every landing. Couple of days of Russian mission already yielding results equal to almost a year of work of West. The first time in history military operation is being shown on live TV for the whole world to see.
Couple of things really pleased my ears;
1. before starting attacks Russia warned US military and civilians to leave the area.
2. PM of Iraq asked Russia to bombed .S.L in their country.
[What the West and O do not understand (because they simply choose not to hear Russian side), is that in Syria there are a few thousand extremists from Russia and from territory of former soviet republics are fighting in ranks of .S.L and should they win they're not going to stay there, their plan is to go back where they came from and continue their ideological mission using dangerous weapons.
What American Russia-hating-war-mongers do not understand, I believe on-purposely, that before we have been attacked in 9/11 by "t.r.r.sts," Russia was attract. Below is a quote from wiki.
"Series of explosions hit Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing 293 and injuring 651 people and spreading a wave of fear across the country. The bombings, together with the Dagestan War, led the country into the Second Chechen War.
The blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 September and 13 September and Volgodonsk on 16 September. A similar explosive device was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September."
Look at the numbers of victims and tell me who much of this you saw covered by American verminic media?
There are lots of different people live in Today's Russia and its surrounding areas. Russia, more than 2 decades now was fighting wars in Northern Caucasus's where Chechnya and Dagestan are located.
One of them took 8 years and lots of Russian lives, because of "humane" approach to populations where those murderers lived. Don't you think Russia did not have bombs to drop and clean up the mess without any casualties? Boom! - straight down and peace and quiet would follow. But, no...
They had to play "western" game of masochism, be a "nice" guy while burying their sons. By the way those Muslims are having average of 10 children per family (laying with their first cousins when still are considered "minors" by our standards), while Russians go to school, get education, both parents work and are having average 1 child per family, if that.
What part of "survival of the nation" O doesn't understand? He hates P, that's it, end of the story!
I heard his saying that Russian forces are doing this work, but....... because they don't "differentiate"
"moderate" ones from "extremist once" on the ground. He literally said (with his tone and fingers sticking like a lecturer) that "this's a recipe for disaster and I reject that." Really? How much does he know so far and why he and his "allies" weren't doing it so far? - this is my Q!
There are so many groups and frictions in those countries that if Russians will be confused, then Americans definitely have no clue - whatsoever.
Syria is mostly Muslim today, but its historic territory has been one of the first centers of the early stages Christianity. Word "Christos" first was announced there. I can go on and on with historical connections of that area with Russia, but that's not my mission today. Protecting that area from barbaric actions of destroying churches, manuscripts, religious icons, monuments of every religions which lived and built that area prior, is a holy war. Yes, Russia is conducting Holy, but not religious war today in Syria. NATO generals should kiss Russian pilots' behinds. ]
Russia is acting according to every Int'l law says commander in-chief, at
This is a 14 min. clip showing the chronology of events and I'm not going to go through it. You can watch and see yourselves.
Who and why is trying to make Russia target of disinformation, at
One of them is Turkey, which expressed its "resentfulness" to Russian military operation in Syria.
[Its coming from its own long time internal conflict with Kurds, who also live in Syrian territory. It doesn't need to be anybody else's concern but its own, as far as I'm concerned.]
Another one is Saudi, which is calling Russia to stop its operation, because in their own imagination Russia only wants to help Assad to stay in power.
[They don't like Assad, we know that, but they don't mind to put their noses into Yemen to support whoever the hell they're supporting, for what all Russias and we, the American, should give a .... about!] This is 11 min. clip and you should watch it.
Neighboring Jordan took already millions of refugees and says to Int'l community that it has no room anymore. In its camps are not only Syrians, but also Palestinians, Afghans, etc. Asked at least to give credit from IMF saying that what is being funded by Int'l community is less than 20%.
But look at this at; hear that lots of those who are streaming toward better live saying that they're for .S.L. Loo at the 7:50min. into the clip.
[Yessir, exactly! Wait to see what possibly can come out from those groups of "poor and suffered" refugees.]
Anatomy of anti-Russian propoganda, at You can see pictures on Internet put up by anybody who wants to say anything and blame Russia.
Dmitri Saims of "Center for American National Interests" says that disinformation happens in the war. Every side wants to push its own agenda can show any fake pics to make a point. Effort is done to say that Russia is committing atrocities. Putin from his side said that RF gov. is ready for those type of attacks and its military is not hurting civilians.
[Anybody can put anything on internet these days. who doesn't know that? And those t.r.r.sts actually are very good on social media. They're using 7th century ideology with 21st century technology.]
Trump said that Syria without Assad will become like Iraq and Lybia, at
He was talking to that goatee-guy on "meet the de-press-ed" program while the latter was trying hard to push his to say something bad about Russia's intentions. T. said "let them do it, they'll be bogged down there like they did in Afghanistan where they spent a fortune and became bankrupt."
Somebody should tell Trump that RF from the beginning loudly announced that it's not planning ground combat in this conflict. Maybe I should in my blog after I finish with this one.
In the meantime uncle PP is planning how to take back Crimea. In his hallucinations he put Donbass next to it. Donbass wasn't "taken" from him, it's still in part of a state called Ukraine. Crimea also wasn't "taken." Its inhabitants in legal referendum overwhelmingly voted in favor to get together with the other part of their homeland. It's at His face is of a monster. To me uncle PP is really a scary looking man.
Another amusing fact; apparently it's true that good old USofA already spent $500 Million to have cia train its own rebel army in Syria to fight both Assad and .S.L.
When Russians got into action and the news hit the fan, General Lloyd Austin testified that we have only 4-5 people on there on the ground in Syria. $100M of tax payer money spent on each person on the ground? Is this a fiction movie theme with main character called Big-Fat-BS or what?
Unfortunately, I'm sure that $$$s was real.
You (as 3rd most-listened to talk show host in America) should find out who was the contractor and whose beck it was sitting on. We, the listeners need and want to know that.
So long.
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