Friday you had a substitute and I didn't listen.
Yesterday only 2 reports were relevant to my work in this blog; report says that Lavrov said that US is refusing to cooperate with Russians in the fight against .S.L. “We are ready to back the patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army, with our air support. However, Washington is refusing to inform us of the locations of the terrorists and where the opposition is based,” Lavrov said in an interview with the Rossiya television channel.
“The most important thing for us is to find people who will be true representatives of the armed groups who will confront terrorism among other things,” he added.
Another report at says that Syrian Free Army, which is so called "legitimate opposition" in West's eyes, which is "as if" (mw) fighting against both - Assad and .S.L, refused Russia's assistant in fighting t.r.rists.
I'd say (should I be in Putin's place) "the hell with you, I don't have time and means to come down to talk you one by one and neither I give a damn."
And, I'd shell my way until the entire territory (which is reportedly is bigger than Great Britain) occupied by vermin-.s.l is a dessert - for real.
What can I do? This is the way I feel. Why would I lie? Who do I work for? Nobody! Who is paying me for writing this? Nobody!
I still remember in Afghan war Russian solders coming back and caskets, lot of mothers' lots of teenage sons - dead, torn in parts, rotten, and because Soviets didn't want to be like "heartless Americans" put a little nuke in there and finish the whole thing, had to give up and become a laughing matter for Americans. Ohhhhhh ...... didn't it feel good? I'm sure it did.
Especially when comedians would take on it? I'm positive. But, unfortunately that laugh lasted until 9/11 of 2001 when the same vermin Americans were aiding and training got back and caught up with them from the skies.
Americans made so much mess for Soviets/Russians and their interests throughout the world that
Russia can not take it anymore. They are not able to handle all the consequences of Americans mess in their hemisphere, in their backyard and inside their country anymore.
This is the truth spoken by an American who is American not by chance but by choice/merit and still is.
But... the THUTH is that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for good old US of A and its minions to hurt and harm Russia and its interests directly and indirectly all over the world.
O went to shake el-jefe Raul Castro's hand to show "he got it under control" at this cold war with Russia. Oh, well, as I wrote about it before, Castro asked for reparations. Loooots of greens.
What happened? I have a feeling that we will hear about that "payment for handshake' after too late, meaning after it'd be paid for already. Otherwise simple logic would tell anyone that O would say NO right off top, isn't it? So....
Let's go next, wrap-up the week news.
I follow the local news daily basis, know about all the crime and accidents, even most of the sports' stuff. But my thing is to write about something that isn't there and/or can be easily found by average American. That is Int'l news especially involving the relations with the only another super-power in the world - Russia. We only have the partial news twisted by all corners and/or entirely opposite commentary to the real news form all Int'l agencies on darn-damn TV.
Usually those are the self-hating, America bashing also and their mission statements should say "to destroy America and the rest of the world as fast as we can." If that's not what they claim on doing they should be sued for false advertisement and put out of business.
Is Russia a better country? I don't know. I haven't been there almost quarter of century. Am I more sympathetic To people there than here? NO! The difference between me and other who report anything on Int'l political news is; what I can see, hear, check, compare and come to conclusion/opinion goes through many years of life in different systems of state governances (socialism, capitalism and in-between), education in humanities, knowledge of different languages, cultures, people and their mentality, training in medical nursing, self-training in many subjects including physiology, work experience in lowest to highest places in NYC and finally common sense and impartiality.
Having said those things (which are not all), let's go ahead and do the Int'l news. Don't pay attention to my English language skills, i never had a class of English language in my life and many time I don't even look at the screen what I'm typing, I try to just manage to record my thoughts.
Should I read over I'd make many corrections myself. One CU professor told me that my English is better than the CU graduates with MBA. So, As long as I'm not teaching it, you'll not judge me negatively. But, if you judge, than pay for my private classes. Wouldn't it be nice? It least I'll get something out of doing this besides loss of enormous amount of time and energy. So far my only reword has been my clear conscious. This much I could do, this much I did.
Should I have a sponsor who'd pay my expenses to travel and show you that you don't see and can't find out yourself, I promise most of those made-up faces reading texts by trained-mind-game-language-"experts" on their teleprompters would be embarrassment.
Only Trump can do it. He's independent and he has means. How can I meet him? I have no clue.
All I can ask anyone reading this is that if anyone has anyways to tell him to read my another blog addressed to him called ", I'll be grateful.
Actually I'm going to go there today and put a suggestion how to handle main street media who is out there to destroy his character thus his candidacy. You can check too.
Trivial news (compared to ones I usually cover);
1. Marine LePen called F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" referring to his complacency to Deutsche-tran. D-t is my name for her.
2. Lazy-eye-F-ollande (my name for him) wanted to prove that his brain inside look like his crooked eyes, decided not to sell Mistrals to Putin from whom he had contract with advance payment (because D-t said so) but instead, returned the monry to RF and sold it to none other than Egypt. How Egypt got those Billions of euros for a luxury like that? You do the math.
3. In Chukotka region located in Far East of RF, where the day starts for 9 hour zone country, no resident, no scientist recorded any sign of "warming" in temperatures at nay time before and now.
mw[ Maybe the wine that Papa-of-Rome is drinking at least ones every week is tainted with caffeine, so it gets his head hot.]
4. Because of virus of liberalism is continuing to successfully infect every aspect of Russian open society, there is more crime. That's why there is a talk by gen. population to reinstate the death penalty. Russia had to give it up years ago because EU requested it as a condition to access court of Human Rights. mw[To which I say boo-hoo!]
Now that relations with west are no good anyway so what's the heck?
Even Dr. Phil says "you can't make up for it, screw it!" Oh yes, he said the same words on TV.
Oct 19-22 in Sochi group met to discuss Russia's role in Ukraine and Syria. That's a none-profit organization which meets yearly. Putin was very open in his speech. He said that he's going to hit t.r.r.sts where they are before they get into Russia. Those in Syria had took control over a huge territory and got huge arsenal. Should they get into Damask and Aleppo they could declare their own government, at
Ukrainian conflict wasn't in the center of agenda. It understood as a sad situation which was perpetrated by Washington. Ex-ambassador of US to Washington said that Washington conducts such policy to be able create jobs. Putin said that is not the best way to create job, that it'll harm security of the world eventually. In forum gen feeling was that's time for the US stop meddling in Syrian conflict and get out of the way leaving others to clean the mess professionally.
At report says that during last 3 weeks of RF's actions in Syria, Russians destroyed 819 military objects on the ground.
Vermin were getting their fuel from Iraq thought Euphrates river. That route is destroyed now.
The most important and visible achievement is that attacks on Damask are stopped by now. Russian air-force is working 24/7 in front of many Int'l journalists who are commenting on anything they see and hear. "Nothing to hide and everything to be proud of," says Russian reporter.
So long.
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