Wee hours of the morning.
Happy Columbus Day! He was as adventurous as me. All those who cross long distances to get something new and basically unknown to them have "adventure" genome. See, I just "found" a genome and created name for it too.
Today will be a parade on 5th between 47 and 72 and concert at Rockefeller Center.
Those teachers and/or self-hating-dem/libs who talk and teach kids bad stuff about that man should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
I have a wonderful book about his journey and I'm happy that I followed him to this land! Too bad he wasn't my grandfather and didn't leave me a fortune. :) - just kidding!
Now this; at youtube.com/watch?v=-KHCNk9BYy4 puts BBC reporter in his place by nicely giving the facts with statistic about US's and NATO's behavior in the world and especially toward Russia.
I just found this and wanted to show the readers. This foaming-blood-mouth-war-monger suggested to arm .S.L to fight Russians. He should be dead by now. Living a life without a brain function and blab out of his s.t.nic behind is worse than death. So look before I delete it. I don't insert pics in my blog, especially like this. This was an exception for an extraordinary lowlife creature.

RT.com aired this interview on "Cross talk" with Peter Lavelle in Oct. 3rd.
youtube.com/watch?v=1O_I5WEl_W8. Very interesting.
This is funny; in Dresden, Germany demonstrators were chanting "Putin to Berlin, Merkel to Siberia" at youtube.com/watch?v=ssHRPEmNLSI.
President ooh, la - la of Frence didn't sell Mistrals to Russia, as contacted before UA "crisis," but instead decided to sell it to Egypt, where 99.99999% of people want French people dead.
Go figure.
mw[How Putin can psychologically stand dealing with many of those world cuckoo so called "leaders," is almost a mystery to me. I can only have wild guess or two. Those dressed up bozos can be health hazard for me to just be around.]
I heard first 2 hours of your show today. You talked O's incompetency, which can become dangerous for us, cholesterol, diet, US Navy carrier's called back from Persian Golf for maintenance reason (which you do not believe in), etc.
About the last one you said that in your opinion O was afraid that Russians might do something to it while in Syria. I don't believe it's the case, because Russians already were in Syria for decades. They have had 2 military bases on Mediterranean. They just started using them and deployed air-crafts to
carry on the mission against vermin.
Now; America and its allies, 62 in all by American sources, are in Syria for a year. Russian President called the 11 country coalition. I believe 62 is an exaggerated and phony number just on their list. When have you seen those 62 talking together what to do? Never? I'm sure of it. How 62 people can agree in one thing? More than handful of decision makers can't be coordinating anything, as far as I'm concerned. I believe Putin's number was correct and it still shows that even 11 couldn't do anything useful.
My feeling is they're watching and enjoying that Russians are spending their power and resources, but still complain as if they didn't want it, so it won't look humiliating for them. It was a horrible shame for a US general to tell in Congress that after a year and half a Billion dollars expenditure they have 4 or 5 trained soldiers fighting on the ground.
Another point of mine is that if even O brought back the Navy carrier back out of the fear of escalations of tensions, it was a good move. Should different forces anywhere in the air or on the ground alike start operation it will inevitably bring to some kind of accidents and thus tragedies.
The problem is who and how is going to coordinate simultaneous actions controlled by separate centers? I'm not an military expert, but you don't need to be an expert to understand that even the same control center in one airport can have human and/or technical errors, which can cause accidents.
Plus, who can trust who these days? I don't think I'll blame Russians for NOT trusting any American info. Who knows who and when can pull a provocation in order to get on a path of all out hot war to satisfy blood-foaming-mouth-n-war-mongering-mccain and alike in congress.
Putin said very clearly that they asked US and their allies to get together in this. "If they know better than us why don't they share the info. about whereabouts of targets so we will be more effective?" - he said. No answer as of today. Syria has been and still a friendly state in middle east for Russia. They have been doing business for decades. Russians have their people live and work there, they have mixed families living in both sides of the borders and constantly traveling. Finally, what about so called "interests"? When US went to Kuwait against Saddam papa-Bush said "we have interests in there." US has 800 military bases around the world as I see published in the press. Even the number don't get into my imagination. Is this a true number? Where are all those, why are so many of them and how much is the cost? You should find these things and let us know. **********************
In the meantime evening news from Moscow reports that FSB (FBI for us) averted a possible t.r..r act planned in Moscow. At 1tv.ru/news/crime/293995 report says that bombs were being made in an apartment in residential building in central Moscow to be used in public transportation system of the capital. Participants (6-11 for now) are belived to be .S.L sell and trained in its camps in Syria.
T.r.r acts are not new in Moscow or in Russia. But how many of those do you remember?
Most people of this country don't know, never heard of, because when those are happening in there no vermin in the media cares and reports those as an important news. If anybody even juts in case mentions it briefly it sounds like it should be a good news to us. "More Russians dead, so what's better than that?" - that's how it has been presented so far. Check fsb.ru for more info.
I don't forget about the act in Ankara 2 days ago. I'm waiting and following to see if anyone takes responsibility, then I can come to some sort of my own guess. Turkey is playing with many hands today. Between its alliance with NATO, between sectarian and ethnic divisions among their brethren in faith and with long lasting Kurdish problem, there are a few sources this attack could come from. The head of Bar Association of that country blamed the government on TV. They also have left and right and by following all accounts I agree with sources saying that modern Turkey never was so divided before like it is today.
Syria was one of multi-ethnic/cultural countries left in middle east where under "dictatorships" (in our standards) different people at least lived in peace. As we see with prior examples in history that most countries' in the region which were crocked up by outside interventions of "good will" became radicalized and worse.
Russia's foreign policy is not to go out to build nations from outside by imposing their standards of a right way of living like US does. It shrunk its military presence from around the world and while building "capitalism" tries to keep its businesses with its geopolitical allies in order to survive the harsh times in economy.
But no... America didn't appreciate its political and economic direction toward open market economy and free and fair elections observed by the world, because someone in Washington still gets chills by hearing the word "Russian." After-all its a still white and mostly Christian nation, so "why leave it alone let's ruin it," that's what G.rem.yaWr.tes spiritual pupil heard in Chicago church sitting there for 20 years and that's what he's exactly doing now.
Dr. Cohen is right to say that Ukraine and Russia conflict was created in WH and can be stopped there with one word - "stop." But no.... WH's motto is "let's blow this country's resources as well as Russians as much as we can while we can." Good job, el-jefe, yes you can!
So long.