Tuesday, October 27, 2015

To Michael Savage Oct. 27th, Tuesday


I listened to you yesterday just a little bit. You were talking about the invasion of Europe, D-t's betrayal of Germany, fear of the same happening in here. Also your book should be out today.
I didn't check yet.
You still believe that something can be done and there are people who still want to protect this country.
In my opinion talking, screaming, ranting, writing books about it is important, but doing something about it is necessary today. Shouldn't we start to stop planned invasion, tomorrow it will be critical.
Actually, in my opinion, you can do much more than talk and write about things. But...

Let's go to Int'l news; Yesterday's RT.com/news/319733-russia-jets-syria-strike reports that Russian fighter jets hit 285 terror targets in 3 days.
[I wonder if any of those pilots is of middle age and still single? Just asking... :)]

Chief vermin of .S.L calling all Muslims to fight wherever they're. I won't be surprised that lots of them will. The way they multiply without consideration how to take care of those coming out of them, they will look for other people's stuff. As simple as that. Most of the refugees are young men
of service age.
Everyone who knows basic biology knows there is nothing more aggressive and reckless than a teenage man because of raging hormones. 99.99% of middle eastern women are not use to be in any workforce, can't do it, won't be allowed to do it, and themselves, most likely than not, won't be willing to do it. It's a bad name. They put first cousin minors together. Some as little as 12-13 y. of age; stay home, consume food, have unprotected sex, consume every possible resource on earth and multiply as much as possible. Like species which don't have control over their faculties.
Who decided it suppose to be that way? oh,allah-inshallah, who else? theybent over, pray toallah to take from stupid-dirty-infidels-who-work and give it to them.
Can you tell me I'm wrong? Because they are doing that born-to-eat-sh.t-%^&-n-multiply business, you, the more advanced civilization should pay, you should work and be killed by them, should they decide so, so they'll be reworded will more sex. Sex, sex, sex, food, food food, ask for it, look at the broker upstairs in the sky working for you, that's all.
All of them like that? No, there are some, very few Muslim countries where some women work. Still very low percentage to make up for all the population growth and resource consuming. If course they are going to explode as a society. They're tribal, sectarian. ethnic, denominational, you name it, difference between them all. Ones it is not their family or tribe member ruling to get enough food, everyone is wrong.
My suggestion to solution of the problem for overpopulation of planet Earth? I have a solution and it's already tried and have been successful in the world. If you pick up my call and be willing to listen, I'll tell you. Otherwise I'll write about it in a separate book. ***************************
You're very bad on handling callers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder for "civilized and morally decent society" I might add. It would help some of those societies suffering from over-hormonal disorder to improve themselves.
Type of conservatism you believe in, unfortunately, has 2 vital point that are in our society and in this time and place are extremely self-destructive and can become fatal.
Which ones are whose? the ones when you talk about - you feel very good. Yes, to say what you're saying about those 2 issues is nicer, politically correct and better just for your physical safety.
I disagree with 2 issues in main stream conservatism, that's why I consider myself center-right.

Let's go to media for better or worse; H. Kissinger wrote an article in WSJ recently calling Russian intervention in Syria reasonable. Also says the whole order in Middle East is in collapsed state and US should join Russia now.

You should put it on your site. That should be helpful for listeners who hear only bad things about Russia and its policies. Your website is poorly ran. If someone misquotes you or takes you out of context (as you mentioned yesterday that Drudge did), at least retaliate against it.
You miss out lots of essential stuff.
Did you hear that one refugee man rapped a woman in train Station in Germany? I just heard it on radio. Another report was saying that it's not an isolated incident, actually they're afraid that it might became an epidemic.
Oh, well. That's what D-t maybe was looking for. Who knows? A mind is a terrible thing to lose.

Look at pathetic reality of today's Ukrainian local elections at NTV.ru/novosti/1556367. 
Where are Americans and Europeans teaching them how to live their lives?

In the meantime .S.L blew up 3 hostages taken from Syrian army with historic columns of 2000 years old Palmyra, which is on UNESCO list of world heritage sites, at 1tv.ru/news/world/294992. 

American boxer, world and Olympic champion Roy Jones Jr. nickname(s) RJ, Junior, Captain Hook, Superman, got Russian citizenship, at 1tv.ru/news/social/294989. He says that he's not into politics, he's a sportsman and sports should bring people together. By representing Russia that's what he wants to accomplish. [I love Roy, he's also a musician, artist, actor, he is fun to watch.]
He met with Putin in Crimea in August of this year and asked for citizenship to be able to do business in Russia freely. He love the country, loves Crimean climate, wants to open a boxing school there and relocate his family to Simferopol. Besides he's also a fishing fan. His first fight under Russian flag will be on Dec. 12th of this year.
After his visit to Crimea Ukrainian government terminally ill with fetal Marasmus disease of brain-cells, put him on the same list of more than 7500 names of people called separatists and t.rr.rists who are banned from Ukraine. He is accused of "crossing border" of UA without permission. DUH? Anybody can explain those mass murderers in Kiev that Crimea is not Ukraine, never was, never will? Maybe ancient Russian educational method should be used, such as hit the head with a brick? There is a world criminal politician in kiev called anton-gerashchenko-the-scorpion who should be first on the list to get the final meal, should you ask me.

Today you started the show talking about your book and saying that it has 40 points of action to stop/change the direction of deterioration of every branch of government in our country. You said that those top notch military men who were able to protect this country are being pervasively purged.
You're right, but I couldn't listen more than 30 minutes. I'll check your book soon, though.

So long.


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