Oct. 29th.
Look at this report from yesterday at With the help of Russian air force Syrian Army was able to clean up about 50 residential areas from out of control of vermin.
Look at that heroic Russian reporter Sergei Zenin riding with soldiers getting close to city of Duma which is on the line of fire. They're 3 kms away from it. This hero also was reporting from Southeastern Ukraine not too long ago. Do we have an American reporter on the ground there? Nosir!
At 1:42min you'll see a solder showing holy book left by vermin on ruins, but it happened to be a booby-trap. They already know tricks like that and they took precaution to neutralize it.
At 2:20min Sergei says they're in arms length to enemy line that he can hear their leader calling for evening namaz. At 3:18min; as soon as cameraman looked up the other side started firing. Crossfire is literally over the reporters' heads. In military language - "position is compromised."
In the meantime, NATO might be increasing its numbers along Russian borders. Ne fi.a cebe!
My got feeling is that this situation is not going to subside unless Russia shows a big bloody stick to NATO. Longer it takes, worse it will get. Hope I'm wrong on this one.
Locally; I watched highlights of third Republican debate. Trump was good again. Before this he called Carson low-energy candidate like Jeb. Carson answered that T didn't do 18 hour surgeries. Duh? He's not a surgeon, but I'm sure he had countless 18 hour workdays in his life.
Should I be answering to Carson, I would ask "how long ago was it?" He's not in training to increase his workday hours in coming years, is he? He's already..... retired! Another thing is that he wasn't doing those prolonged surgeries alone. Should he collapsed from fatigue in operating room, the procedure would be continued without him. Trump was the captain of his boat. No one would sign anything without him and/or his permission. Another thing; all those infant-brain surgeries so far are experimental and I'm sure without signing of a release form no one would take on them. It's not a routine thing that can go under malpractice. I want to know if he ever was sued when those patients died. I don't think so. One of them were actually adults; 2 sisters conjoined in head who died. What happened he his career? Nothing. He looks like he can't see. His eyes are hardly open. He has no experience of managing anything. He didn't even hire nurses or staff. He might complain and refuse to work with some of them who he didn't like, but that's all about it. Still the hospital management will decide to fire the person, transfer, reassign to another crew or whatever. How much he knows about history and geography? What about political science and government, foreign policy and conflict resolution? They don't teach those disciplines in medical schools. Dealing with people and complexity of their characters in business and political world is not similar with dealing with them when they're heavily sedated or in medically induced coma. Picking into kid's brain, when you have protective papers signed for outcome of it, doesn't make you 100 enemies, 40 lawsuits and multiple life treats a month that big business deal-gone-wrong can.
I like when Trump mimics his opponents. He did one very good move mocking one of his competitors. I loved it. Rubio talks so fast, sometimes I thing he learned the stuff by heart. He was wright to call media "democrat super PAC." T.Cruz offer to buy moderator a pot-brownie. Hahaha!
Brownie is too good (that's my bear's name) to go with pot. I like word 'reefer' better, the way Niles calls it in "Fraser."
[I like when people think before they speak. Also I think that without resigning the position of their government jobs, no one should be allowed to run for WH.
No sitting member of congress, governor or other should be allowed; Hillary, Rubio, fat-Chris, you name it.
Who will pay me if I will not go to work but run around looking for another job? Publicly at that, plus many months or even years. It's a high class circus.]
I didn't listen to your show today. Didn't check your book yet either.
Paul Ryan of Wis. is the new speaker of the House.
Oct. 30th, Friday.
Another circus started in Vienna today as if to 'consult' about Syria.
This one involves RF, several big players of EU and ME, at
[I wonder how many of them have ever been in Syria, live there, speak the language or just simply have a clue what's going on in there? ]
Look at this, at Ministry of Defense of RF announces that western media, following Reuters' "rare journalistic achievement" for writing as if 80% of Russian air strikes were not pointed on .S.L, continues to spread disinformation after RF officially refuted that "burst out."
China strongly warned US against minor incidents that can spark war because its destroyer sailed in territorial waters of South China Sea, at
World forgot about poor and suffering people in Eastern Ukraine. In the town called Svatovo in Lugansk region which is still under control of Kiev's thugs, ammo depot exploded and burning for second day. Two people are dead, 8 injured, many homeless, Moscow offered help to people and assistance to "Ukrainian authorities" in liquidating the fire.
Although recently I didn't write, but I didn't forget about heroic people of Donbass who are martyrs of nazis of our time. Supported by USA, may I add. What a pity. Look at those faces; homeless, in dark, in cold, hungry and look at barry-from-honolulu. How he can sleep with conscious like that?
Those people are THE hardest working people in entire planet Earth. There are none-others that have any harder work than those people generation after generation. What have they gone through history of human kind, what they achieved and how they survived is unbelievable. And now this; devastated in ruins of their own homes, on the soil saturated with their ancestor's blood. May Almighty God rain horror on the heads of those who did it to them in this world and in the other. Amen!
Evening; I listened some of your show today only. you were proud of having been profiled in the New Yorker a few years ago. Maybe when you were young that meant something. Who is buying that thing today though? Not me. I also laugh on Noble Prize, unless it's in science. See how many stupid politicians got the "peace" one?
In Russia Putin met with his National Defense Council to discuss protection of Russian people from all sorts of treats, among them radioactive, chemical and biological, at
"Treats can be not only foreign, but also domestic in the result of disaster, spread of infections. etc.- he said. We have to actively transform industries to ecologically safe technologies."
Just the availability of hazardous materials in huge quantities is a danger on itself. One little mistake, shacking a ground in earthquake can unleash a catastrophe of enormous proportions such as in Fukushima nuclear plant.
In Vienna talk about Syrian crisis continues between 19 major players in the world, at
So long.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 27th, Tuesday
I listened to you yesterday just a little bit. You were talking about the invasion of Europe, D-t's betrayal of Germany, fear of the same happening in here. Also your book should be out today.
I didn't check yet.
You still believe that something can be done and there are people who still want to protect this country.
In my opinion talking, screaming, ranting, writing books about it is important, but doing something about it is necessary today. Shouldn't we start to stop planned invasion, tomorrow it will be critical.
Actually, in my opinion, you can do much more than talk and write about things. But...
Let's go to Int'l news; Yesterday's reports that Russian fighter jets hit 285 terror targets in 3 days.
[I wonder if any of those pilots is of middle age and still single? Just asking... :)]
Chief vermin of .S.L calling all Muslims to fight wherever they're. I won't be surprised that lots of them will. The way they multiply without consideration how to take care of those coming out of them, they will look for other people's stuff. As simple as that. Most of the refugees are young men
of service age.
Everyone who knows basic biology knows there is nothing more aggressive and reckless than a teenage man because of raging hormones. 99.99% of middle eastern women are not use to be in any workforce, can't do it, won't be allowed to do it, and themselves, most likely than not, won't be willing to do it. It's a bad name. They put first cousin minors together. Some as little as 12-13 y. of age; stay home, consume food, have unprotected sex, consume every possible resource on earth and multiply as much as possible. Like species which don't have control over their faculties.
Who decided it suppose to be that way? oh,allah-inshallah, who else? theybent over, pray toallah to take from stupid-dirty-infidels-who-work and give it to them.
Can you tell me I'm wrong? Because they are doing that born-to-eat-sh.t-%^&-n-multiply business, you, the more advanced civilization should pay, you should work and be killed by them, should they decide so, so they'll be reworded will more sex. Sex, sex, sex, food, food food, ask for it, look at the broker upstairs in the sky working for you, that's all.
All of them like that? No, there are some, very few Muslim countries where some women work. Still very low percentage to make up for all the population growth and resource consuming. If course they are going to explode as a society. They're tribal, sectarian. ethnic, denominational, you name it, difference between them all. Ones it is not their family or tribe member ruling to get enough food, everyone is wrong.
My suggestion to solution of the problem for overpopulation of planet Earth? I have a solution and it's already tried and have been successful in the world. If you pick up my call and be willing to listen, I'll tell you. Otherwise I'll write about it in a separate book. ***************************
You're very bad on handling callers.
Liberalism is a mental disorder for "civilized and morally decent society" I might add. It would help some of those societies suffering from over-hormonal disorder to improve themselves.
Type of conservatism you believe in, unfortunately, has 2 vital point that are in our society and in this time and place are extremely self-destructive and can become fatal.
Which ones are whose? the ones when you talk about - you feel very good. Yes, to say what you're saying about those 2 issues is nicer, politically correct and better just for your physical safety.
I disagree with 2 issues in main stream conservatism, that's why I consider myself center-right.
Let's go to media for better or worse; H. Kissinger wrote an article in WSJ recently calling Russian intervention in Syria reasonable. Also says the whole order in Middle East is in collapsed state and US should join Russia now.
You should put it on your site. That should be helpful for listeners who hear only bad things about Russia and its policies. Your website is poorly ran. If someone misquotes you or takes you out of context (as you mentioned yesterday that Drudge did), at least retaliate against it.
You miss out lots of essential stuff.
Did you hear that one refugee man rapped a woman in train Station in Germany? I just heard it on radio. Another report was saying that it's not an isolated incident, actually they're afraid that it might became an epidemic.
Oh, well. That's what D-t maybe was looking for. Who knows? A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
Look at pathetic reality of today's Ukrainian local elections at
Where are Americans and Europeans teaching them how to live their lives?
In the meantime .S.L blew up 3 hostages taken from Syrian army with historic columns of 2000 years old Palmyra, which is on UNESCO list of world heritage sites, at
American boxer, world and Olympic champion Roy Jones Jr. nickname(s) RJ, Junior, Captain Hook, Superman, got Russian citizenship, at He says that he's not into politics, he's a sportsman and sports should bring people together. By representing Russia that's what he wants to accomplish. [I love Roy, he's also a musician, artist, actor, he is fun to watch.]
He met with Putin in Crimea in August of this year and asked for citizenship to be able to do business in Russia freely. He love the country, loves Crimean climate, wants to open a boxing school there and relocate his family to Simferopol. Besides he's also a fishing fan. His first fight under Russian flag will be on Dec. 12th of this year.
After his visit to Crimea Ukrainian government terminally ill with fetal Marasmus disease of brain-cells, put him on the same list of more than 7500 names of people called separatists and t.rr.rists who are banned from Ukraine. He is accused of "crossing border" of UA without permission. DUH? Anybody can explain those mass murderers in Kiev that Crimea is not Ukraine, never was, never will? Maybe ancient Russian educational method should be used, such as hit the head with a brick? There is a world criminal politician in kiev called anton-gerashchenko-the-scorpion who should be first on the list to get the final meal, should you ask me.
Today you started the show talking about your book and saying that it has 40 points of action to stop/change the direction of deterioration of every branch of government in our country. You said that those top notch military men who were able to protect this country are being pervasively purged.
You're right, but I couldn't listen more than 30 minutes. I'll check your book soon, though.
So long.
I listened to you yesterday just a little bit. You were talking about the invasion of Europe, D-t's betrayal of Germany, fear of the same happening in here. Also your book should be out today.
I didn't check yet.
You still believe that something can be done and there are people who still want to protect this country.
In my opinion talking, screaming, ranting, writing books about it is important, but doing something about it is necessary today. Shouldn't we start to stop planned invasion, tomorrow it will be critical.
Actually, in my opinion, you can do much more than talk and write about things. But...
Let's go to Int'l news; Yesterday's reports that Russian fighter jets hit 285 terror targets in 3 days.
[I wonder if any of those pilots is of middle age and still single? Just asking... :)]
Chief vermin of .S.L calling all Muslims to fight wherever they're. I won't be surprised that lots of them will. The way they multiply without consideration how to take care of those coming out of them, they will look for other people's stuff. As simple as that. Most of the refugees are young men
of service age.
Everyone who knows basic biology knows there is nothing more aggressive and reckless than a teenage man because of raging hormones. 99.99% of middle eastern women are not use to be in any workforce, can't do it, won't be allowed to do it, and themselves, most likely than not, won't be willing to do it. It's a bad name. They put first cousin minors together. Some as little as 12-13 y. of age; stay home, consume food, have unprotected sex, consume every possible resource on earth and multiply as much as possible. Like species which don't have control over their faculties.
Who decided it suppose to be that way? oh,allah-inshallah, who else? theybent over, pray toallah to take from stupid-dirty-infidels-who-work and give it to them.
Can you tell me I'm wrong? Because they are doing that born-to-eat-sh.t-%^&-n-multiply business, you, the more advanced civilization should pay, you should work and be killed by them, should they decide so, so they'll be reworded will more sex. Sex, sex, sex, food, food food, ask for it, look at the broker upstairs in the sky working for you, that's all.
All of them like that? No, there are some, very few Muslim countries where some women work. Still very low percentage to make up for all the population growth and resource consuming. If course they are going to explode as a society. They're tribal, sectarian. ethnic, denominational, you name it, difference between them all. Ones it is not their family or tribe member ruling to get enough food, everyone is wrong.
My suggestion to solution of the problem for overpopulation of planet Earth? I have a solution and it's already tried and have been successful in the world. If you pick up my call and be willing to listen, I'll tell you. Otherwise I'll write about it in a separate book. ***************************
You're very bad on handling callers.
Liberalism is a mental disorder for "civilized and morally decent society" I might add. It would help some of those societies suffering from over-hormonal disorder to improve themselves.
Type of conservatism you believe in, unfortunately, has 2 vital point that are in our society and in this time and place are extremely self-destructive and can become fatal.
Which ones are whose? the ones when you talk about - you feel very good. Yes, to say what you're saying about those 2 issues is nicer, politically correct and better just for your physical safety.
I disagree with 2 issues in main stream conservatism, that's why I consider myself center-right.
Let's go to media for better or worse; H. Kissinger wrote an article in WSJ recently calling Russian intervention in Syria reasonable. Also says the whole order in Middle East is in collapsed state and US should join Russia now.
You should put it on your site. That should be helpful for listeners who hear only bad things about Russia and its policies. Your website is poorly ran. If someone misquotes you or takes you out of context (as you mentioned yesterday that Drudge did), at least retaliate against it.
You miss out lots of essential stuff.
Did you hear that one refugee man rapped a woman in train Station in Germany? I just heard it on radio. Another report was saying that it's not an isolated incident, actually they're afraid that it might became an epidemic.
Oh, well. That's what D-t maybe was looking for. Who knows? A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
Look at pathetic reality of today's Ukrainian local elections at
Where are Americans and Europeans teaching them how to live their lives?
In the meantime .S.L blew up 3 hostages taken from Syrian army with historic columns of 2000 years old Palmyra, which is on UNESCO list of world heritage sites, at
American boxer, world and Olympic champion Roy Jones Jr. nickname(s) RJ, Junior, Captain Hook, Superman, got Russian citizenship, at He says that he's not into politics, he's a sportsman and sports should bring people together. By representing Russia that's what he wants to accomplish. [I love Roy, he's also a musician, artist, actor, he is fun to watch.]
He met with Putin in Crimea in August of this year and asked for citizenship to be able to do business in Russia freely. He love the country, loves Crimean climate, wants to open a boxing school there and relocate his family to Simferopol. Besides he's also a fishing fan. His first fight under Russian flag will be on Dec. 12th of this year.
After his visit to Crimea Ukrainian government terminally ill with fetal Marasmus disease of brain-cells, put him on the same list of more than 7500 names of people called separatists and t.rr.rists who are banned from Ukraine. He is accused of "crossing border" of UA without permission. DUH? Anybody can explain those mass murderers in Kiev that Crimea is not Ukraine, never was, never will? Maybe ancient Russian educational method should be used, such as hit the head with a brick? There is a world criminal politician in kiev called anton-gerashchenko-the-scorpion who should be first on the list to get the final meal, should you ask me.
Today you started the show talking about your book and saying that it has 40 points of action to stop/change the direction of deterioration of every branch of government in our country. You said that those top notch military men who were able to protect this country are being pervasively purged.
You're right, but I couldn't listen more than 30 minutes. I'll check your book soon, though.
So long.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 25th, Sunday
Friday you had a substitute and I didn't listen.
Yesterday only 2 reports were relevant to my work in this blog; report says that Lavrov said that US is refusing to cooperate with Russians in the fight against .S.L. “We are ready to back the patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army, with our air support. However, Washington is refusing to inform us of the locations of the terrorists and where the opposition is based,” Lavrov said in an interview with the Rossiya television channel.
“The most important thing for us is to find people who will be true representatives of the armed groups who will confront terrorism among other things,” he added.
Another report at says that Syrian Free Army, which is so called "legitimate opposition" in West's eyes, which is "as if" (mw) fighting against both - Assad and .S.L, refused Russia's assistant in fighting t.r.rists.
I'd say (should I be in Putin's place) "the hell with you, I don't have time and means to come down to talk you one by one and neither I give a damn."
And, I'd shell my way until the entire territory (which is reportedly is bigger than Great Britain) occupied by vermin-.s.l is a dessert - for real.
What can I do? This is the way I feel. Why would I lie? Who do I work for? Nobody! Who is paying me for writing this? Nobody!
I still remember in Afghan war Russian solders coming back and caskets, lot of mothers' lots of teenage sons - dead, torn in parts, rotten, and because Soviets didn't want to be like "heartless Americans" put a little nuke in there and finish the whole thing, had to give up and become a laughing matter for Americans. Ohhhhhh ...... didn't it feel good? I'm sure it did.
Especially when comedians would take on it? I'm positive. But, unfortunately that laugh lasted until 9/11 of 2001 when the same vermin Americans were aiding and training got back and caught up with them from the skies.
Americans made so much mess for Soviets/Russians and their interests throughout the world that
Russia can not take it anymore. They are not able to handle all the consequences of Americans mess in their hemisphere, in their backyard and inside their country anymore.
This is the truth spoken by an American who is American not by chance but by choice/merit and still is.
But... the THUTH is that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for good old US of A and its minions to hurt and harm Russia and its interests directly and indirectly all over the world.
O went to shake el-jefe Raul Castro's hand to show "he got it under control" at this cold war with Russia. Oh, well, as I wrote about it before, Castro asked for reparations. Loooots of greens.
What happened? I have a feeling that we will hear about that "payment for handshake' after too late, meaning after it'd be paid for already. Otherwise simple logic would tell anyone that O would say NO right off top, isn't it? So....
Let's go next, wrap-up the week news.
I follow the local news daily basis, know about all the crime and accidents, even most of the sports' stuff. But my thing is to write about something that isn't there and/or can be easily found by average American. That is Int'l news especially involving the relations with the only another super-power in the world - Russia. We only have the partial news twisted by all corners and/or entirely opposite commentary to the real news form all Int'l agencies on darn-damn TV.
Usually those are the self-hating, America bashing also and their mission statements should say "to destroy America and the rest of the world as fast as we can." If that's not what they claim on doing they should be sued for false advertisement and put out of business.
Is Russia a better country? I don't know. I haven't been there almost quarter of century. Am I more sympathetic To people there than here? NO! The difference between me and other who report anything on Int'l political news is; what I can see, hear, check, compare and come to conclusion/opinion goes through many years of life in different systems of state governances (socialism, capitalism and in-between), education in humanities, knowledge of different languages, cultures, people and their mentality, training in medical nursing, self-training in many subjects including physiology, work experience in lowest to highest places in NYC and finally common sense and impartiality.
Having said those things (which are not all), let's go ahead and do the Int'l news. Don't pay attention to my English language skills, i never had a class of English language in my life and many time I don't even look at the screen what I'm typing, I try to just manage to record my thoughts.
Should I read over I'd make many corrections myself. One CU professor told me that my English is better than the CU graduates with MBA. So, As long as I'm not teaching it, you'll not judge me negatively. But, if you judge, than pay for my private classes. Wouldn't it be nice? It least I'll get something out of doing this besides loss of enormous amount of time and energy. So far my only reword has been my clear conscious. This much I could do, this much I did.
Should I have a sponsor who'd pay my expenses to travel and show you that you don't see and can't find out yourself, I promise most of those made-up faces reading texts by trained-mind-game-language-"experts" on their teleprompters would be embarrassment.
Only Trump can do it. He's independent and he has means. How can I meet him? I have no clue.
All I can ask anyone reading this is that if anyone has anyways to tell him to read my another blog addressed to him called ", I'll be grateful.
Actually I'm going to go there today and put a suggestion how to handle main street media who is out there to destroy his character thus his candidacy. You can check too.
Trivial news (compared to ones I usually cover);
1. Marine LePen called F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" referring to his complacency to Deutsche-tran. D-t is my name for her.
2. Lazy-eye-F-ollande (my name for him) wanted to prove that his brain inside look like his crooked eyes, decided not to sell Mistrals to Putin from whom he had contract with advance payment (because D-t said so) but instead, returned the monry to RF and sold it to none other than Egypt. How Egypt got those Billions of euros for a luxury like that? You do the math.
3. In Chukotka region located in Far East of RF, where the day starts for 9 hour zone country, no resident, no scientist recorded any sign of "warming" in temperatures at nay time before and now.
mw[ Maybe the wine that Papa-of-Rome is drinking at least ones every week is tainted with caffeine, so it gets his head hot.]
4. Because of virus of liberalism is continuing to successfully infect every aspect of Russian open society, there is more crime. That's why there is a talk by gen. population to reinstate the death penalty. Russia had to give it up years ago because EU requested it as a condition to access court of Human Rights. mw[To which I say boo-hoo!]
Now that relations with west are no good anyway so what's the heck?
Even Dr. Phil says "you can't make up for it, screw it!" Oh yes, he said the same words on TV.
Oct 19-22 in Sochi group met to discuss Russia's role in Ukraine and Syria. That's a none-profit organization which meets yearly. Putin was very open in his speech. He said that he's going to hit t.r.r.sts where they are before they get into Russia. Those in Syria had took control over a huge territory and got huge arsenal. Should they get into Damask and Aleppo they could declare their own government, at
Ukrainian conflict wasn't in the center of agenda. It understood as a sad situation which was perpetrated by Washington. Ex-ambassador of US to Washington said that Washington conducts such policy to be able create jobs. Putin said that is not the best way to create job, that it'll harm security of the world eventually. In forum gen feeling was that's time for the US stop meddling in Syrian conflict and get out of the way leaving others to clean the mess professionally.
At report says that during last 3 weeks of RF's actions in Syria, Russians destroyed 819 military objects on the ground.
Vermin were getting their fuel from Iraq thought Euphrates river. That route is destroyed now.
The most important and visible achievement is that attacks on Damask are stopped by now. Russian air-force is working 24/7 in front of many Int'l journalists who are commenting on anything they see and hear. "Nothing to hide and everything to be proud of," says Russian reporter.
So long.
Friday you had a substitute and I didn't listen.
Yesterday only 2 reports were relevant to my work in this blog; report says that Lavrov said that US is refusing to cooperate with Russians in the fight against .S.L. “We are ready to back the patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army, with our air support. However, Washington is refusing to inform us of the locations of the terrorists and where the opposition is based,” Lavrov said in an interview with the Rossiya television channel.
“The most important thing for us is to find people who will be true representatives of the armed groups who will confront terrorism among other things,” he added.
Another report at says that Syrian Free Army, which is so called "legitimate opposition" in West's eyes, which is "as if" (mw) fighting against both - Assad and .S.L, refused Russia's assistant in fighting t.r.rists.
I'd say (should I be in Putin's place) "the hell with you, I don't have time and means to come down to talk you one by one and neither I give a damn."
And, I'd shell my way until the entire territory (which is reportedly is bigger than Great Britain) occupied by vermin-.s.l is a dessert - for real.
What can I do? This is the way I feel. Why would I lie? Who do I work for? Nobody! Who is paying me for writing this? Nobody!
I still remember in Afghan war Russian solders coming back and caskets, lot of mothers' lots of teenage sons - dead, torn in parts, rotten, and because Soviets didn't want to be like "heartless Americans" put a little nuke in there and finish the whole thing, had to give up and become a laughing matter for Americans. Ohhhhhh ...... didn't it feel good? I'm sure it did.
Especially when comedians would take on it? I'm positive. But, unfortunately that laugh lasted until 9/11 of 2001 when the same vermin Americans were aiding and training got back and caught up with them from the skies.
Americans made so much mess for Soviets/Russians and their interests throughout the world that
Russia can not take it anymore. They are not able to handle all the consequences of Americans mess in their hemisphere, in their backyard and inside their country anymore.
This is the truth spoken by an American who is American not by chance but by choice/merit and still is.
But... the THUTH is that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH for good old US of A and its minions to hurt and harm Russia and its interests directly and indirectly all over the world.
O went to shake el-jefe Raul Castro's hand to show "he got it under control" at this cold war with Russia. Oh, well, as I wrote about it before, Castro asked for reparations. Loooots of greens.
What happened? I have a feeling that we will hear about that "payment for handshake' after too late, meaning after it'd be paid for already. Otherwise simple logic would tell anyone that O would say NO right off top, isn't it? So....
Let's go next, wrap-up the week news.
I follow the local news daily basis, know about all the crime and accidents, even most of the sports' stuff. But my thing is to write about something that isn't there and/or can be easily found by average American. That is Int'l news especially involving the relations with the only another super-power in the world - Russia. We only have the partial news twisted by all corners and/or entirely opposite commentary to the real news form all Int'l agencies on darn-damn TV.
Usually those are the self-hating, America bashing also and their mission statements should say "to destroy America and the rest of the world as fast as we can." If that's not what they claim on doing they should be sued for false advertisement and put out of business.
Is Russia a better country? I don't know. I haven't been there almost quarter of century. Am I more sympathetic To people there than here? NO! The difference between me and other who report anything on Int'l political news is; what I can see, hear, check, compare and come to conclusion/opinion goes through many years of life in different systems of state governances (socialism, capitalism and in-between), education in humanities, knowledge of different languages, cultures, people and their mentality, training in medical nursing, self-training in many subjects including physiology, work experience in lowest to highest places in NYC and finally common sense and impartiality.
Having said those things (which are not all), let's go ahead and do the Int'l news. Don't pay attention to my English language skills, i never had a class of English language in my life and many time I don't even look at the screen what I'm typing, I try to just manage to record my thoughts.
Should I read over I'd make many corrections myself. One CU professor told me that my English is better than the CU graduates with MBA. So, As long as I'm not teaching it, you'll not judge me negatively. But, if you judge, than pay for my private classes. Wouldn't it be nice? It least I'll get something out of doing this besides loss of enormous amount of time and energy. So far my only reword has been my clear conscious. This much I could do, this much I did.
Should I have a sponsor who'd pay my expenses to travel and show you that you don't see and can't find out yourself, I promise most of those made-up faces reading texts by trained-mind-game-language-"experts" on their teleprompters would be embarrassment.
Only Trump can do it. He's independent and he has means. How can I meet him? I have no clue.
All I can ask anyone reading this is that if anyone has anyways to tell him to read my another blog addressed to him called ", I'll be grateful.
Actually I'm going to go there today and put a suggestion how to handle main street media who is out there to destroy his character thus his candidacy. You can check too.
Trivial news (compared to ones I usually cover);
1. Marine LePen called F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" referring to his complacency to Deutsche-tran. D-t is my name for her.
2. Lazy-eye-F-ollande (my name for him) wanted to prove that his brain inside look like his crooked eyes, decided not to sell Mistrals to Putin from whom he had contract with advance payment (because D-t said so) but instead, returned the monry to RF and sold it to none other than Egypt. How Egypt got those Billions of euros for a luxury like that? You do the math.
3. In Chukotka region located in Far East of RF, where the day starts for 9 hour zone country, no resident, no scientist recorded any sign of "warming" in temperatures at nay time before and now.
mw[ Maybe the wine that Papa-of-Rome is drinking at least ones every week is tainted with caffeine, so it gets his head hot.]
4. Because of virus of liberalism is continuing to successfully infect every aspect of Russian open society, there is more crime. That's why there is a talk by gen. population to reinstate the death penalty. Russia had to give it up years ago because EU requested it as a condition to access court of Human Rights. mw[To which I say boo-hoo!]
Now that relations with west are no good anyway so what's the heck?
Even Dr. Phil says "you can't make up for it, screw it!" Oh yes, he said the same words on TV.
Oct 19-22 in Sochi group met to discuss Russia's role in Ukraine and Syria. That's a none-profit organization which meets yearly. Putin was very open in his speech. He said that he's going to hit t.r.r.sts where they are before they get into Russia. Those in Syria had took control over a huge territory and got huge arsenal. Should they get into Damask and Aleppo they could declare their own government, at
Ukrainian conflict wasn't in the center of agenda. It understood as a sad situation which was perpetrated by Washington. Ex-ambassador of US to Washington said that Washington conducts such policy to be able create jobs. Putin said that is not the best way to create job, that it'll harm security of the world eventually. In forum gen feeling was that's time for the US stop meddling in Syrian conflict and get out of the way leaving others to clean the mess professionally.
At report says that during last 3 weeks of RF's actions in Syria, Russians destroyed 819 military objects on the ground.
Vermin were getting their fuel from Iraq thought Euphrates river. That route is destroyed now.
The most important and visible achievement is that attacks on Damask are stopped by now. Russian air-force is working 24/7 in front of many Int'l journalists who are commenting on anything they see and hear. "Nothing to hide and everything to be proud of," says Russian reporter.
So long.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 22nd, Thursday
Look at I was pleasantly surprised to see young Syrian women backing up men on the defense line. 120 of them shown in this report. These are 17-18 years olds who just graduated from high school. Wow.
All the able women in Syria should take arm. That's my conviction.
I couldn't let my father and brother go to front line and not to join them. Actually, I'd go before them.
I'm a white woman; when I get mad and get mad. I haven't yet. though. Thank God. But I grew up learning and believing that some things in life can not be compromised. Some are even much less critical than life and death situation like it is in Syria now. If enemy is at your doorstep killing your family and destroying your home, there is no place to retrieve. That's it, end of the story. I'd not run as refugee leaving my homeland to vermin. But, obviously, there are many who don't think like that. Maybe most people would choose to save their skin. Always in history there are less heroes and people with courage than average people in majority.
Trump is going strong no matter what low-lives write in the media. Yesterday Rush was saying that he never saw Republicans trying to destroy their own front runner like they're doing to Trump.
Well, I have not formed an opinion of mine on this particular issue, because I didn't follow politics as long as he did. Why would they like do so. My answer is that it's a club and Jeb had membership in it for a long time. Trump is still an outsider to that club. That's how they acted the last time when nominated that old, foaming mouth crazy and lost. I tend to agree with Rush on this.
Apparently US and Turkey were "angered" by Assad's visit to Moscow,
mw [For that I say boohoo!]
Argentina's Kirchner praised Putin and his actions in Middle East calling him a "world leader,"
A good news; on 130th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Argentina and Russia, Russian culture days started in Buenos Aires, check
I did not forget about Donbass, actually it's the first thing on my interests' list. There is a relative quiet in terms of a hot war, but the devastation, reliance on humanitarian aid, almost no means of surviving in healthcare, jobs and other daily things persist. If even with God's will guns will not fire again, it will take many, many year for this freezing war to end. Yes, That's what I call it, not a "cold war," but "freezing war." Those poor people are exposed to freezing from now on.
How they can live under Kiev's rule after all of these? How many Minsk-BS-whatnot-agreements can help to patch-up wound in peoples' hearts? Heal their memory? Don't we remember nazism after 70 years? Don't we see it in middle eastern conflicts? It's absolutely beyond me.
Putin let this people down. As soon as the first bomb came down on Eastern Ukrainian regions he should take Kiev and sit there. At least that I'd suggest him to do should he ask me.
Looking back at ruins and counting the dead and wounded, that scenario would be the most peaceful one. Much, much, much less people would be perished and I believe the reconciliation between 2 Slavic brethren would be restored by now.
Anybody who deserved to be dead for peace to triumph is in Kiev's ruling and underground-ruling class.
So long.
Look at I was pleasantly surprised to see young Syrian women backing up men on the defense line. 120 of them shown in this report. These are 17-18 years olds who just graduated from high school. Wow.
All the able women in Syria should take arm. That's my conviction.
I couldn't let my father and brother go to front line and not to join them. Actually, I'd go before them.
I'm a white woman; when I get mad and get mad. I haven't yet. though. Thank God. But I grew up learning and believing that some things in life can not be compromised. Some are even much less critical than life and death situation like it is in Syria now. If enemy is at your doorstep killing your family and destroying your home, there is no place to retrieve. That's it, end of the story. I'd not run as refugee leaving my homeland to vermin. But, obviously, there are many who don't think like that. Maybe most people would choose to save their skin. Always in history there are less heroes and people with courage than average people in majority.
Trump is going strong no matter what low-lives write in the media. Yesterday Rush was saying that he never saw Republicans trying to destroy their own front runner like they're doing to Trump.
Well, I have not formed an opinion of mine on this particular issue, because I didn't follow politics as long as he did. Why would they like do so. My answer is that it's a club and Jeb had membership in it for a long time. Trump is still an outsider to that club. That's how they acted the last time when nominated that old, foaming mouth crazy and lost. I tend to agree with Rush on this.
Apparently US and Turkey were "angered" by Assad's visit to Moscow,
mw [For that I say boohoo!]
Argentina's Kirchner praised Putin and his actions in Middle East calling him a "world leader,"
A good news; on 130th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Argentina and Russia, Russian culture days started in Buenos Aires, check
I did not forget about Donbass, actually it's the first thing on my interests' list. There is a relative quiet in terms of a hot war, but the devastation, reliance on humanitarian aid, almost no means of surviving in healthcare, jobs and other daily things persist. If even with God's will guns will not fire again, it will take many, many year for this freezing war to end. Yes, That's what I call it, not a "cold war," but "freezing war." Those poor people are exposed to freezing from now on.
How they can live under Kiev's rule after all of these? How many Minsk-BS-whatnot-agreements can help to patch-up wound in peoples' hearts? Heal their memory? Don't we remember nazism after 70 years? Don't we see it in middle eastern conflicts? It's absolutely beyond me.
Putin let this people down. As soon as the first bomb came down on Eastern Ukrainian regions he should take Kiev and sit there. At least that I'd suggest him to do should he ask me.
Looking back at ruins and counting the dead and wounded, that scenario would be the most peaceful one. Much, much, much less people would be perished and I believe the reconciliation between 2 Slavic brethren would be restored by now.
Anybody who deserved to be dead for peace to triumph is in Kiev's ruling and underground-ruling class.
So long.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 20th. Tuesday
To understand how Russians are sick and tired of being sick and tired of t.r.r go back and check the entire history on its soil. Look at first war with southern vermin who were forcibly converted to the religion for which they're killing and dying. Those who converted them don't want to take them nowhere close, - the Saudis. Chechens that I talked to in France told me, I haven't check it though.
Those weren't ones with high education.
Look at hospital hostage taking in Budeonnovsk, Stavropol region of Russia in 1995.
Evening; I checked on wiki, according to which Turks and Persians brought Islam to northern Caucasus. 400 years they're fighting and fighting and multiplying and multiplying.
Now, after 2 Chechen-Russian wars after the end of soviet union that area is still problematic no matter what. There is no way Russia should agree that those many ethnic groups (mostly Muslim) in Caucasus to become independent. First, there are small and they are many of them, 2nd, they can't sustain themselves and run as a normal entity, in terms of having normal government and civil society, 3rd they'll be fighting in between each other and their territories will become a convenient hub for t.r.r.sts from all over the world. Fly-fly and land there with no visa needed, - right on Russian's backyard. It's a safety issue, it's a survival issue for Russia. Those Republics all have autonomous status already. In resent several years Chechnya was with Russia's support was building tremendously. Build a huge masque in Grozny carrying the name of the current president's father's name who was killed by his own.
Talking of huge; in Moscow just a month or so ago opened up a masque, which is fit for 10 000 worshipers and wait to hear this, are you ready? - it's a biggest one in European continent.
Putin was there, talked about how their domestic Islam has been such peace loving part of everything else. Let me stop here, I don't want to go about this on and on.
But look at this; yesterday in Krasnodar region authorities prevented a possible bomb blast planed by a young Muslim man who just got a job as an assistant mechanic in an electric grid. He planted a bomb and was aiming the time of blast when most people would be at work in order to cause a max. casualties. You never could guess that that innocent looking young person can think of doing something like that.
I heard first 1.5 hour of your show yesterday. You were talking about the demise of Europe. Yes, it's a conquest in front of our eyes. Deutsche-tran is going to cursed by her own for her legacy.
Do prefer Germans over Arabs? I'm not sure. I never liked Germans. Never liked their language. They're good classic musicians, I give it to them. Their prejudice against others was stopped only after WWII, thanks to tens and millions of dead soviet solders, then I took it's turn in bending over and condemning themselves until that trend took a turn all the way 180 degrees and now went down the hill head first and D-tran opened the gates of Halloween. I see bottomless pit of hell having a sign - "no return." A few greedy industrialists asked the D-tran-merkel to bring people who'd be working on production conveyor lines. But... cuckoos do not understand that the amount of welfare they're going to give to those people is going to motivate them NOT to work. Plus the enchilada of all the human factors and conditions, - their goes the Germany and the rest of 27 cocoons who were not getting along and were cocooning in donkey's ear!
I read that migrants were planing to sue Germany? Good job. Didn't even took off 9th century clothing, but wanted to live all their live for free. Guess what? After man is full, he wants to have sex, right? Or before? You tell us. And, those in middle east prefer the old fashion "unprotected" type.
Did you see the pics of Putin greeting and hosting Saudi delegation just recently who went to Moscow to talk Syria? Besides they're wearing their traditional clothing which come from way before invention of sawing machines, but one of them was also in his summer sandals with no socks. This one was sitting one on one with Putin while the rest were sitting in a row. All of them had white head scarfs, only one of them on the row had pink. Go figure.
Today you were talking about the word in Arabic which means "human conquest" as oppose to "military conquest." Yes, of course, you have to be there to do something "there." Of course you have to reproduce in much higher rate than others to become the majority and take control of the power. Democracy would be the peel that will kill its producer, the West. Middle east lived without it and will live without it.
Now Ukraine; If I'm not mistaken I heard Paul Gregory on your show ones. he sounded kind of OK, at least he was a person who was following the news, I guessed at that time. Yesterday he was on JBshow and talked really crazy stuff. He said "Russian forces in Ukraine" as if it was given. Where this poupou have seen Russian forces in Ukraine? "Now, he said, they're going from there to fight in Syria."
What kind of poupou mind is that? Look at his "titles." In real life dozen of those won't be worth a dime. I hope he can read this! Typical product of lower learning, that's all.
First, I wish Russian forces would go into Donbass 1.5 ago when very first bomb came down and protected innocent people from perishing. Second, should Putin want to, he'd take Kiev in less than a week on slow mission like UPS's "ground shipment." Air-fedex type plan should rap it up on second day of delivery. Too bad I'm not his consultant. I do not believe that NATO will go to war with Russian over Ukraine. They give a darn-damn about both of them, especially and specifically about Ukrainian, which has been expensive headache for them so far. But... that's a proxy war, not a philanthropy ball-mascarade as they try to portray. Charade? Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
Putin said loud and clear that Russia is conducting ONLY air-support for its ally Assad against .S.L. But that fatso Paul-G-whoever was saying that as if now Russian "forces" are going from eastern Ukraine to Syria to fight. Tell that bozo not to lie on national radio, when you get a chance. In Syria Russians are only flying planes. Tell him "Planes. Fly-fly. Capish - you fat dummy?" Fat goes into his brain and clogging the cells. That's my diagnoses of his dire condition. Treatment? I'd prescribe "brain colonics." Not sure it's going to help, but still... give him an option.
Oh, before I forget, Saudis who consider themselves a highest class Muslims, don't see fit for quality of their "holy" lifestyle to be bothered to take some of their "brethren" refugees into their midst.
Nosir, can't do it. But, off the top they promised to finance building of 200 masques in EU. System is simple; you go there, I support your cause from here and we'll take over. It's a matter of time only (siuaw-explains my formula of the mission).
I believe I mentioned it before. You should mention it too, over and over.
Saudis messed with Russians in Afghanistan. The grudge is going way back. Now they pretend everything is ok, but that smoothness is only on surface. Inside they were saying all sorts of nasty stuff and went to Moscow just to show themselves, get face to face with Putin and find out as much stuff as they possibly could. (Prince or sheikh had his ugly-big-toenails open in summer sandals).
Russians have been so humane to every low-creature created on this earth, that now those creatures think that they're smarter and better.
One simple thing; I see how Americans believe that they won over Russians in Afghanistan. They won because Russian mothers stopped sending their sons to their death in "humane war" when soldiers had to walk from cave to cave to kill the enemy and were being killed themselves in enormous numbers because of that stupidity. Now O is doing the same; keeping American soldiers' hands tight-up in their becks. That's why we had 1000s of casualties, who know how many more maimed for life. You want O ask me for solution. I have one, should he ask. It comes with 100% guarantee or I go there to fight too.
Answer to this; "after deciding to get out of that no-goodnik-raggedy-b-drug-plantation territory called Afg., could soviets unleash couple a very little cute nuke on it? Would it show to US and its cronies of that time that "if I won't have control over my backyard you won't either? Yes, it would. Oh, I know, someone would say "what if that would be environmentally bad for Russia too? I think Russia had enough expertise to choose a right size boom-bookh! You know what would be a good side-effects of it? We would not have 9/11. Think about it. Snake bet the hand which played with it and sued on others. Don't you think Russia can finish this east Ukrainian conflict once and for all? Why it's not?
Because I don't do pillow-talks with Putin, I only can guess; another careful and "humane" treatment.
O has a personal detest against P. No matter what the latter will do, O will not be "satisfied."
Dr. Cohen is right about UA, EU and RF relations over Ukrainian crisis; it started in WH and can end there as soon as O says "don't have time for that anymore." Until then he'll try to do anything and everything against white Christian men here, there and everywhere.
In the meantime western rhetoric is slightly changing against Assad. Before they said "time for Assad to leave was yesterday or today, now they say he can stay to be part of "transition" to a new government. How long that "transition" might take, no one knows. You do the math.
In the meantime in some places of EU demonstrations against mass migration were bursting out.
In Dresden, Germany PEGIDA was rocking the streets on first anniversary of its formation.
In France, Marine LePen calls F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" meaning he is a D-tran's puppet. That girl has pair of cojones.
Interesting fact; all the recruitment .S.L is doing on social media - twitter, facebook, etc. is not being blocked. WHY? Couldn't it be blocked?
Shouldn't every country who is against t.r.r demand from those companies to do so?
Any of them did? What happened? These are the Qs I'm asking and nobody is talking about this to answer.
Now, some might say internet is not regulated, we don't want to do so because it can affect other things. Not true. freedom of speech is highly regulated. Try to call your fat co-worker fat, see what happens. Put a personal ad on craigslist white man looking for white woman or vice-versa see how fast it's going to be flagged and removed. I'm not kidding. But put "black woman looking for black man, white men need not apply" it will be there forever.
Today your theme was "diversity destroys democracy." I heard most of first 2 hours. You were talking resent migration, turban-Durbin of Illinois, history of Arab-Jewish conflicts, etc.
Of course, things can get out of control very fast in a result of bringing huge groups of people on welfare state. It could be devastating for this country or any other. Blacks as American for so long and you should tell me how many you have met who "like" white people who are still the majority? Soft tyranny of minority in this country continues and and in basket case of "democracy" being exported throughout the world. Your version of doing Sanders is hilarious.
Today Putin talked security of RF with high ranking officers of different military wings of RF.
At; apparently Americans are flying unmanned aerial vehicles and drones in the air of Syria without agreement and coordination by the air traffic controllers of Syrian military. Russians are use to them. Report says that sometimes there are 30 of them in the air at the same time. In order not to get entangled in the air US suggested to sign a memorandum in sharing airspace over Syria.
This is not a news though. I wrote about it a few days ago. From the beginning of this operation Russians were asking US to get together and coordinate their efforts against .S.L.
"This document is very important," says Anatliy Antonov, deputy minister of Defense of RF,
"it regulates flying machines speed, space and flying time in the air in order to operate securely for both sides." One thing Americans are not on the same page yet is that who in the event of crush will rescue the pilots.
Similar report are also on and
So long.
To understand how Russians are sick and tired of being sick and tired of t.r.r go back and check the entire history on its soil. Look at first war with southern vermin who were forcibly converted to the religion for which they're killing and dying. Those who converted them don't want to take them nowhere close, - the Saudis. Chechens that I talked to in France told me, I haven't check it though.
Those weren't ones with high education.
Look at hospital hostage taking in Budeonnovsk, Stavropol region of Russia in 1995.
Evening; I checked on wiki, according to which Turks and Persians brought Islam to northern Caucasus. 400 years they're fighting and fighting and multiplying and multiplying.
Now, after 2 Chechen-Russian wars after the end of soviet union that area is still problematic no matter what. There is no way Russia should agree that those many ethnic groups (mostly Muslim) in Caucasus to become independent. First, there are small and they are many of them, 2nd, they can't sustain themselves and run as a normal entity, in terms of having normal government and civil society, 3rd they'll be fighting in between each other and their territories will become a convenient hub for t.r.r.sts from all over the world. Fly-fly and land there with no visa needed, - right on Russian's backyard. It's a safety issue, it's a survival issue for Russia. Those Republics all have autonomous status already. In resent several years Chechnya was with Russia's support was building tremendously. Build a huge masque in Grozny carrying the name of the current president's father's name who was killed by his own.
Talking of huge; in Moscow just a month or so ago opened up a masque, which is fit for 10 000 worshipers and wait to hear this, are you ready? - it's a biggest one in European continent.
Putin was there, talked about how their domestic Islam has been such peace loving part of everything else. Let me stop here, I don't want to go about this on and on.
But look at this; yesterday in Krasnodar region authorities prevented a possible bomb blast planed by a young Muslim man who just got a job as an assistant mechanic in an electric grid. He planted a bomb and was aiming the time of blast when most people would be at work in order to cause a max. casualties. You never could guess that that innocent looking young person can think of doing something like that.
I heard first 1.5 hour of your show yesterday. You were talking about the demise of Europe. Yes, it's a conquest in front of our eyes. Deutsche-tran is going to cursed by her own for her legacy.
Do prefer Germans over Arabs? I'm not sure. I never liked Germans. Never liked their language. They're good classic musicians, I give it to them. Their prejudice against others was stopped only after WWII, thanks to tens and millions of dead soviet solders, then I took it's turn in bending over and condemning themselves until that trend took a turn all the way 180 degrees and now went down the hill head first and D-tran opened the gates of Halloween. I see bottomless pit of hell having a sign - "no return." A few greedy industrialists asked the D-tran-merkel to bring people who'd be working on production conveyor lines. But... cuckoos do not understand that the amount of welfare they're going to give to those people is going to motivate them NOT to work. Plus the enchilada of all the human factors and conditions, - their goes the Germany and the rest of 27 cocoons who were not getting along and were cocooning in donkey's ear!
I read that migrants were planing to sue Germany? Good job. Didn't even took off 9th century clothing, but wanted to live all their live for free. Guess what? After man is full, he wants to have sex, right? Or before? You tell us. And, those in middle east prefer the old fashion "unprotected" type.
Did you see the pics of Putin greeting and hosting Saudi delegation just recently who went to Moscow to talk Syria? Besides they're wearing their traditional clothing which come from way before invention of sawing machines, but one of them was also in his summer sandals with no socks. This one was sitting one on one with Putin while the rest were sitting in a row. All of them had white head scarfs, only one of them on the row had pink. Go figure.
Today you were talking about the word in Arabic which means "human conquest" as oppose to "military conquest." Yes, of course, you have to be there to do something "there." Of course you have to reproduce in much higher rate than others to become the majority and take control of the power. Democracy would be the peel that will kill its producer, the West. Middle east lived without it and will live without it.
Now Ukraine; If I'm not mistaken I heard Paul Gregory on your show ones. he sounded kind of OK, at least he was a person who was following the news, I guessed at that time. Yesterday he was on JBshow and talked really crazy stuff. He said "Russian forces in Ukraine" as if it was given. Where this poupou have seen Russian forces in Ukraine? "Now, he said, they're going from there to fight in Syria."
What kind of poupou mind is that? Look at his "titles." In real life dozen of those won't be worth a dime. I hope he can read this! Typical product of lower learning, that's all.
First, I wish Russian forces would go into Donbass 1.5 ago when very first bomb came down and protected innocent people from perishing. Second, should Putin want to, he'd take Kiev in less than a week on slow mission like UPS's "ground shipment." Air-fedex type plan should rap it up on second day of delivery. Too bad I'm not his consultant. I do not believe that NATO will go to war with Russian over Ukraine. They give a darn-damn about both of them, especially and specifically about Ukrainian, which has been expensive headache for them so far. But... that's a proxy war, not a philanthropy ball-mascarade as they try to portray. Charade? Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
Putin said loud and clear that Russia is conducting ONLY air-support for its ally Assad against .S.L. But that fatso Paul-G-whoever was saying that as if now Russian "forces" are going from eastern Ukraine to Syria to fight. Tell that bozo not to lie on national radio, when you get a chance. In Syria Russians are only flying planes. Tell him "Planes. Fly-fly. Capish - you fat dummy?" Fat goes into his brain and clogging the cells. That's my diagnoses of his dire condition. Treatment? I'd prescribe "brain colonics." Not sure it's going to help, but still... give him an option.
Oh, before I forget, Saudis who consider themselves a highest class Muslims, don't see fit for quality of their "holy" lifestyle to be bothered to take some of their "brethren" refugees into their midst.
Nosir, can't do it. But, off the top they promised to finance building of 200 masques in EU. System is simple; you go there, I support your cause from here and we'll take over. It's a matter of time only (siuaw-explains my formula of the mission).
I believe I mentioned it before. You should mention it too, over and over.
Saudis messed with Russians in Afghanistan. The grudge is going way back. Now they pretend everything is ok, but that smoothness is only on surface. Inside they were saying all sorts of nasty stuff and went to Moscow just to show themselves, get face to face with Putin and find out as much stuff as they possibly could. (Prince or sheikh had his ugly-big-toenails open in summer sandals).
Russians have been so humane to every low-creature created on this earth, that now those creatures think that they're smarter and better.
One simple thing; I see how Americans believe that they won over Russians in Afghanistan. They won because Russian mothers stopped sending their sons to their death in "humane war" when soldiers had to walk from cave to cave to kill the enemy and were being killed themselves in enormous numbers because of that stupidity. Now O is doing the same; keeping American soldiers' hands tight-up in their becks. That's why we had 1000s of casualties, who know how many more maimed for life. You want O ask me for solution. I have one, should he ask. It comes with 100% guarantee or I go there to fight too.
Answer to this; "after deciding to get out of that no-goodnik-raggedy-b-drug-plantation territory called Afg., could soviets unleash couple a very little cute nuke on it? Would it show to US and its cronies of that time that "if I won't have control over my backyard you won't either? Yes, it would. Oh, I know, someone would say "what if that would be environmentally bad for Russia too? I think Russia had enough expertise to choose a right size boom-bookh! You know what would be a good side-effects of it? We would not have 9/11. Think about it. Snake bet the hand which played with it and sued on others. Don't you think Russia can finish this east Ukrainian conflict once and for all? Why it's not?
Because I don't do pillow-talks with Putin, I only can guess; another careful and "humane" treatment.
O has a personal detest against P. No matter what the latter will do, O will not be "satisfied."
Dr. Cohen is right about UA, EU and RF relations over Ukrainian crisis; it started in WH and can end there as soon as O says "don't have time for that anymore." Until then he'll try to do anything and everything against white Christian men here, there and everywhere.
In the meantime western rhetoric is slightly changing against Assad. Before they said "time for Assad to leave was yesterday or today, now they say he can stay to be part of "transition" to a new government. How long that "transition" might take, no one knows. You do the math.
In the meantime in some places of EU demonstrations against mass migration were bursting out.
In Dresden, Germany PEGIDA was rocking the streets on first anniversary of its formation.
In France, Marine LePen calls F. Hollande "vice-chancellor of Germany" meaning he is a D-tran's puppet. That girl has pair of cojones.
Interesting fact; all the recruitment .S.L is doing on social media - twitter, facebook, etc. is not being blocked. WHY? Couldn't it be blocked?
Shouldn't every country who is against t.r.r demand from those companies to do so?
Any of them did? What happened? These are the Qs I'm asking and nobody is talking about this to answer.
Now, some might say internet is not regulated, we don't want to do so because it can affect other things. Not true. freedom of speech is highly regulated. Try to call your fat co-worker fat, see what happens. Put a personal ad on craigslist white man looking for white woman or vice-versa see how fast it's going to be flagged and removed. I'm not kidding. But put "black woman looking for black man, white men need not apply" it will be there forever.
Today your theme was "diversity destroys democracy." I heard most of first 2 hours. You were talking resent migration, turban-Durbin of Illinois, history of Arab-Jewish conflicts, etc.
Of course, things can get out of control very fast in a result of bringing huge groups of people on welfare state. It could be devastating for this country or any other. Blacks as American for so long and you should tell me how many you have met who "like" white people who are still the majority? Soft tyranny of minority in this country continues and and in basket case of "democracy" being exported throughout the world. Your version of doing Sanders is hilarious.
Today Putin talked security of RF with high ranking officers of different military wings of RF.
At; apparently Americans are flying unmanned aerial vehicles and drones in the air of Syria without agreement and coordination by the air traffic controllers of Syrian military. Russians are use to them. Report says that sometimes there are 30 of them in the air at the same time. In order not to get entangled in the air US suggested to sign a memorandum in sharing airspace over Syria.
This is not a news though. I wrote about it a few days ago. From the beginning of this operation Russians were asking US to get together and coordinate their efforts against .S.L.
"This document is very important," says Anatliy Antonov, deputy minister of Defense of RF,
"it regulates flying machines speed, space and flying time in the air in order to operate securely for both sides." One thing Americans are not on the same page yet is that who in the event of crush will rescue the pilots.
Similar report are also on and
So long.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 18th, Sunday
Wee hours of the morning.
From yesterday at report says that Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian air-force destroyed a enemy base where they were training suicide-bombers.
Heroic Yevgeny Lyamin is reporting.
Syrian army is pushing t.r.r.sts out of vicinity of Damascus, at Shows a town where fights were going on for 3 years. It's totally destroyed, empty of civilians, 2/3 of it now under the control of Syrian army, but one of its commanders saying that the danger is still everywhere hiding in ruined dwellings. There are notes on the walls in Arabic reading; "first Syria, than Russia, than China." "That's how far those people's ambitions go, - says heroic reporter Sergei Zenin. There is also one of those in misspelled Russian reading "death to Russia," most likely from Chechen fighters.
Russia will continue to help its people to evacuate from Syria, should they wish to leave.
In the report at on the broad of Il-76 of IMS 56 people arrived in Russia.
Bulgaria at the last minute closed its airspace for this fight, which also was carrying 20 ton humanitarian aid to Syrians.
mw [Can you believe that? Those cuckoos were freed from nazis by Russians and now doing this.
Also they didn't want a gas pipeline go through their territory to Western Europe. That's why Russia signed the deal with Turkey months ago. Now, because of the situation in Syria and Turkey's unhappiness of it, I want to know if that deal will be off the table. One bozo expert said on national radio that it's so, but I don't trust our bozos' words, no matter their credentials. I want to hear from Russian or Turkish athorities directly or tat least their official sources.
I was wondering what kind of dreams cuckoo-bloody-mouth-mccain see these days. He called Russia a "gas station" covered under the name of country. Does he afraid now that all gas stations can fly long distance and poop bombs? Does he think that Russians just preparing for Halloween the best way they know how? Well, I'll tell to that foaming-mouth-war-monger that Russians do not like and do not have Halloween. Those are real bombs and his big-fat-mouth should be try to swallow one of them to show his "heroism."]
Evening news.
I watch not only as many sites as I believe give me news for more idea, but also watch Russian talk-
shows which are ran by highly professional people. We don't have those types of discussions here. Simply because we don't have those types of participants who theoretically and/or practically are involved in policy making. If some Sunday shows couple of people, those are the minds which are corrupted by their own biases and subjectivity.
Now this; at report talks about the results of investigations of the crush of Malaysian airliner last summer over the Ukrainian Donetsk region. Russian side absolutely disagree
with findings which didn't only created more Qs, but at least looked bewildering. The investigation took more than a year and Russian side wasn't allow to participate.
From another source I saw that Dutch citizens wanting to sue Ukraine for not preventing the crush.
Air space over the war areas of Donbass should be closed for traffic. But Ukrainian gov. at that type was thinking only profit. By the way, the company which makes BUKs, using ballistics on the real object demonstrated how it'd look like should it be their destroyer's hit.
Oleg Storchevoy, deputy director of Federal Air Transport, said "level of irrationality of fidings in this report is through the roof."
It's a long clip, you should read the rest.
Russian air-force during last a few days 60 times hit and destroyed 51 targets of .S.L in Syria.
It's at
With aerial help of Russians, Syrian army is successfully attacking positions of enemy around Aleppo, at Those weapons that US gives to so called "moderate" opposition, undoubtedly is ending up in the hands of t.r.r.sts.
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
From yesterday at report says that Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russian air-force destroyed a enemy base where they were training suicide-bombers.
Heroic Yevgeny Lyamin is reporting.
Syrian army is pushing t.r.r.sts out of vicinity of Damascus, at Shows a town where fights were going on for 3 years. It's totally destroyed, empty of civilians, 2/3 of it now under the control of Syrian army, but one of its commanders saying that the danger is still everywhere hiding in ruined dwellings. There are notes on the walls in Arabic reading; "first Syria, than Russia, than China." "That's how far those people's ambitions go, - says heroic reporter Sergei Zenin. There is also one of those in misspelled Russian reading "death to Russia," most likely from Chechen fighters.
Russia will continue to help its people to evacuate from Syria, should they wish to leave.
In the report at on the broad of Il-76 of IMS 56 people arrived in Russia.
Bulgaria at the last minute closed its airspace for this fight, which also was carrying 20 ton humanitarian aid to Syrians.
mw [Can you believe that? Those cuckoos were freed from nazis by Russians and now doing this.
Also they didn't want a gas pipeline go through their territory to Western Europe. That's why Russia signed the deal with Turkey months ago. Now, because of the situation in Syria and Turkey's unhappiness of it, I want to know if that deal will be off the table. One bozo expert said on national radio that it's so, but I don't trust our bozos' words, no matter their credentials. I want to hear from Russian or Turkish athorities directly or tat least their official sources.
I was wondering what kind of dreams cuckoo-bloody-mouth-mccain see these days. He called Russia a "gas station" covered under the name of country. Does he afraid now that all gas stations can fly long distance and poop bombs? Does he think that Russians just preparing for Halloween the best way they know how? Well, I'll tell to that foaming-mouth-war-monger that Russians do not like and do not have Halloween. Those are real bombs and his big-fat-mouth should be try to swallow one of them to show his "heroism."]
Evening news.
I watch not only as many sites as I believe give me news for more idea, but also watch Russian talk-
shows which are ran by highly professional people. We don't have those types of discussions here. Simply because we don't have those types of participants who theoretically and/or practically are involved in policy making. If some Sunday shows couple of people, those are the minds which are corrupted by their own biases and subjectivity.
Now this; at report talks about the results of investigations of the crush of Malaysian airliner last summer over the Ukrainian Donetsk region. Russian side absolutely disagree
with findings which didn't only created more Qs, but at least looked bewildering. The investigation took more than a year and Russian side wasn't allow to participate.
From another source I saw that Dutch citizens wanting to sue Ukraine for not preventing the crush.
Air space over the war areas of Donbass should be closed for traffic. But Ukrainian gov. at that type was thinking only profit. By the way, the company which makes BUKs, using ballistics on the real object demonstrated how it'd look like should it be their destroyer's hit.
Oleg Storchevoy, deputy director of Federal Air Transport, said "level of irrationality of fidings in this report is through the roof."
It's a long clip, you should read the rest.
Russian air-force during last a few days 60 times hit and destroyed 51 targets of .S.L in Syria.
It's at
With aerial help of Russians, Syrian army is successfully attacking positions of enemy around Aleppo, at Those weapons that US gives to so called "moderate" opposition, undoubtedly is ending up in the hands of t.r.r.sts.
So long.
Friday, October 16, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 16th, Friday
Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I listened little bid of your show. You said that you were in good mood. Talking about different things, doing Sanders, talking dopamine, illegal immigration and its costs, etc.
One man called saying that his parents were immigrants to Cuba after WWII from Europe, then came here, as if that suppose to "excuse" anything and everything connected to that word. You put him in his place, but came short of mocking him because of his line of work. He said he is in real estate business in Brooklyn, you should ask if he rents out. Renters love illegals, agents and landlords alike, they take cash and let them live packed like sardines.
I don't call the show because you're very bad in taking calls.
Now Int'l news that no one covers;
Report came out about Malaysian Airline MH17 which was brought down over Ukraine in July of last year. Russian official disagreed with findings and claimed that so called "investigation" wasn't inclusive for experts of all sides. moreover Russians weren't even allowed to go close to the site, to participate in analyzing the findings, which shows that there was bias and self-rule.
Trump was pushed to say something bad about Russians, but he skillfully overcame the trap and said that first of all we have to tend to our domestic problems.
Hot war in Syria is continuing and the report at shows that Assad's army is countering the enemy near Damascus. Syrian self-defense forces commander Abu-Hussein-al-Assad is saying that there are t.r.r.sts from all over the world, they had been attacked by about 1000 bandits, but they were able to destroy most of them. "That's why they're concentrating their powers, they feel this might be their last battle," says the commander.
Heroic Sergei Zenin is reporting from under the shelling.
[This is one hell of a fearless reporter. may God keep him safe.
Actually the headline of the report says that the fiery confrontation reached its peak, but I'm not sure where the peak in this type of big scale conflict could be according to my gut feeling.
One thing I don't hear anyone underlines in American media that those anti-government fighters and alike are not one or two types of groups. There are many of them with their different affiliations, geographical beginnings, history of development, convictions, level of commitment to those convictions, sponsors, etc. Plus there are many from all over the world who were recruited through social media. In reality Assad is fighting against international t.r.r.sts. How America decided who is the bad guy and who is the good one, is beyond me. Putin said that estimated 7000 from former soviet republics are figthing for .S.L.
It's at
In middle east america uses Israeli intel and Israel is on the same page with Russians on this. Between Soudi and Russia there were historic tensions. between Iraq ans Syria and many other Arab countries Russian had a good relationship. Arab world is divided and even people who live in those countries don't know exactly what is the big picture. Everyone is judging according their own preferences and interests. It's a hot bloody mess.
Now tensions are high in Israel, because of burning of Joseph's tomb and planned resistance day by Palestinians. Today, for evening prayer Israeli police will let only 40 and older men to enter al-aqsa for security purposes. Women are all ages will be allowed.
You hear? After watching the clip of young "refugees" wagging sticks and chanting "al...ukhb.r" in Germany on your site, reading that they want to sue for not enough benefits, I read that EU is going to pay Turkey 3 Billion Euros for refugee costs to keep them put.
I can't wait to see Deutsche-tran being sued by her enemies in her own country and thrown out from her "royal" office. She should be a day care manager in charge of ordering supplies for kids, such as diapers, toys, bedding, color papers and pencils, glue, etc. I do not see her doing anything more intelligent. That ruined her own country and pretends she doesn't even know about it?
Yesterday you were asking why only boring people with bad haircuts are going into politics.
My answer is; because you and I do not. Most of things have exceptions to the rule, there are some very rarely pop up here and there, but that's it. After getting into the game when they circle of friends really gets tight, most of them change to fit in order to survive.
Local news;
Trump and Carson want to boycott the upcoming Republican debate for its prolonged time frame.
I agree, they should, they're not treated fairly by the vermin in the media.
Lama Odom is still alive, fighting for his life. They couldn't transfer him to hospital on time because he didn't fit into it? Yes, too much of one thing can be blessing and the curse at the same time. How that woman decided to marry a man of that size, I don't know. He's not only too tall, he's huge.
To me those type of businesses (b.rd.llos) should be shot down, also on TV, internet, everywhere.
Human civilization should clean that cancer. All illegal drugs should be absolutely condemned and prohibited. But... who am I to say? In NY there is a big pot-growing business is opening. They say for only "medical reasons." We know where it can go from there.
Evening news;
Syrian army switched from defense to offense towards .S.L in the mid and south of the country.
You'll see who are they fighting against. Look how those low-lives are training a six years old boy, making him crawl under the barbwire and shooting in front of and around him to "harden him up" for their mission.
From RF's air-force commend center reported that about 670 operational flights were conducted during last 17 days and all of them successful in the result of which 456 t.r.r targets were destroyed. Russian fire used exclusively on none-residential objects. It's at where Andrei Kartapolov shows the hot spots on the map.
"We're very well aware of the concern of the Syrian people and their sensitively to their religious and cultural objects. That's why we mark and are very careful with locations of masques, cultural centers, essential supply, such as water and energy, routes. We even know where are the enemy hospitals" - says commander A. K. of Russian air-force, - and we're careful. We only hit Int'l recognized and agreed upon targets."
Over last weekend couple of US and RF air-crafts came close in couple of miles from each other in Syrian airspace, which made Russians to offer to meet and discuss a co-operation with US.
2 days ago US declined to host a delegation which would be headed by Russian ex-president Medvedev. [What a "brilliant" move on part of DC! I guess "burger summit didn't work." i considered it a low-class thing to start with anyway. O can't ask P to go to burger joint, save on hospitality and back-stab immediately afterwords, isn't it? Remember spy-gate right after Medvedev left?]
Though, today, commander Kartapolov said that in near future a memorandum will be signed over flight safety between Moscow and Pentagon while their military air-forces are sharing the Syrian airspace.
It's at They agreed on technical Qs to secure the air safety with coalition partners. Below what exactly he said.
“This will provide conditions for the prevention of specific situations that might cause some kind of an accident in the Syrian airspace during air operations by the Russia and the coalition partners,” Kartapolov stressed.
Also the commander refuted claims that a Russian drone was shot down over Turkey.
Local news;
You had a substitute today for your show. I didn't listen. I looked up highlights of democratic debates on Internet and didn't hear anything new. Just for the first time I saw how Lower East Sider Sanders is talking. You're right he sounds like a college professor who is jealous of rich people.
All of them are. All that I personally heard and talked to. Why is that? because they make little?
El-Jefe came short of his promise to take combat forces out of Iraq completely at the end of 2016. But now he decided that after that deadline 5 500 troops will still stay there. He called it "to continue the commitment to people of Iraq." Yeah, right! I'd better ask the person who wrote that note for him.
He/she might now better.
Lamar Odom is up and talking. Kardashians continue to make good money showing their behinds, so... life goes on ;)
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I listened little bid of your show. You said that you were in good mood. Talking about different things, doing Sanders, talking dopamine, illegal immigration and its costs, etc.
One man called saying that his parents were immigrants to Cuba after WWII from Europe, then came here, as if that suppose to "excuse" anything and everything connected to that word. You put him in his place, but came short of mocking him because of his line of work. He said he is in real estate business in Brooklyn, you should ask if he rents out. Renters love illegals, agents and landlords alike, they take cash and let them live packed like sardines.
I don't call the show because you're very bad in taking calls.
Now Int'l news that no one covers;
Report came out about Malaysian Airline MH17 which was brought down over Ukraine in July of last year. Russian official disagreed with findings and claimed that so called "investigation" wasn't inclusive for experts of all sides. moreover Russians weren't even allowed to go close to the site, to participate in analyzing the findings, which shows that there was bias and self-rule.
Trump was pushed to say something bad about Russians, but he skillfully overcame the trap and said that first of all we have to tend to our domestic problems.
Hot war in Syria is continuing and the report at shows that Assad's army is countering the enemy near Damascus. Syrian self-defense forces commander Abu-Hussein-al-Assad is saying that there are t.r.r.sts from all over the world, they had been attacked by about 1000 bandits, but they were able to destroy most of them. "That's why they're concentrating their powers, they feel this might be their last battle," says the commander.
Heroic Sergei Zenin is reporting from under the shelling.
[This is one hell of a fearless reporter. may God keep him safe.
Actually the headline of the report says that the fiery confrontation reached its peak, but I'm not sure where the peak in this type of big scale conflict could be according to my gut feeling.
One thing I don't hear anyone underlines in American media that those anti-government fighters and alike are not one or two types of groups. There are many of them with their different affiliations, geographical beginnings, history of development, convictions, level of commitment to those convictions, sponsors, etc. Plus there are many from all over the world who were recruited through social media. In reality Assad is fighting against international t.r.r.sts. How America decided who is the bad guy and who is the good one, is beyond me. Putin said that estimated 7000 from former soviet republics are figthing for .S.L.
It's at
In middle east america uses Israeli intel and Israel is on the same page with Russians on this. Between Soudi and Russia there were historic tensions. between Iraq ans Syria and many other Arab countries Russian had a good relationship. Arab world is divided and even people who live in those countries don't know exactly what is the big picture. Everyone is judging according their own preferences and interests. It's a hot bloody mess.
Now tensions are high in Israel, because of burning of Joseph's tomb and planned resistance day by Palestinians. Today, for evening prayer Israeli police will let only 40 and older men to enter al-aqsa for security purposes. Women are all ages will be allowed.
You hear? After watching the clip of young "refugees" wagging sticks and chanting "al...ukhb.r" in Germany on your site, reading that they want to sue for not enough benefits, I read that EU is going to pay Turkey 3 Billion Euros for refugee costs to keep them put.
I can't wait to see Deutsche-tran being sued by her enemies in her own country and thrown out from her "royal" office. She should be a day care manager in charge of ordering supplies for kids, such as diapers, toys, bedding, color papers and pencils, glue, etc. I do not see her doing anything more intelligent. That ruined her own country and pretends she doesn't even know about it?
Yesterday you were asking why only boring people with bad haircuts are going into politics.
My answer is; because you and I do not. Most of things have exceptions to the rule, there are some very rarely pop up here and there, but that's it. After getting into the game when they circle of friends really gets tight, most of them change to fit in order to survive.
Local news;
Trump and Carson want to boycott the upcoming Republican debate for its prolonged time frame.
I agree, they should, they're not treated fairly by the vermin in the media.
Lama Odom is still alive, fighting for his life. They couldn't transfer him to hospital on time because he didn't fit into it? Yes, too much of one thing can be blessing and the curse at the same time. How that woman decided to marry a man of that size, I don't know. He's not only too tall, he's huge.
To me those type of businesses (b.rd.llos) should be shot down, also on TV, internet, everywhere.
Human civilization should clean that cancer. All illegal drugs should be absolutely condemned and prohibited. But... who am I to say? In NY there is a big pot-growing business is opening. They say for only "medical reasons." We know where it can go from there.
Evening news;
Syrian army switched from defense to offense towards .S.L in the mid and south of the country.
You'll see who are they fighting against. Look how those low-lives are training a six years old boy, making him crawl under the barbwire and shooting in front of and around him to "harden him up" for their mission.
From RF's air-force commend center reported that about 670 operational flights were conducted during last 17 days and all of them successful in the result of which 456 t.r.r targets were destroyed. Russian fire used exclusively on none-residential objects. It's at where Andrei Kartapolov shows the hot spots on the map.
"We're very well aware of the concern of the Syrian people and their sensitively to their religious and cultural objects. That's why we mark and are very careful with locations of masques, cultural centers, essential supply, such as water and energy, routes. We even know where are the enemy hospitals" - says commander A. K. of Russian air-force, - and we're careful. We only hit Int'l recognized and agreed upon targets."
Over last weekend couple of US and RF air-crafts came close in couple of miles from each other in Syrian airspace, which made Russians to offer to meet and discuss a co-operation with US.
2 days ago US declined to host a delegation which would be headed by Russian ex-president Medvedev. [What a "brilliant" move on part of DC! I guess "burger summit didn't work." i considered it a low-class thing to start with anyway. O can't ask P to go to burger joint, save on hospitality and back-stab immediately afterwords, isn't it? Remember spy-gate right after Medvedev left?]
Though, today, commander Kartapolov said that in near future a memorandum will be signed over flight safety between Moscow and Pentagon while their military air-forces are sharing the Syrian airspace.
It's at They agreed on technical Qs to secure the air safety with coalition partners. Below what exactly he said.
“This will provide conditions for the prevention of specific situations that might cause some kind of an accident in the Syrian airspace during air operations by the Russia and the coalition partners,” Kartapolov stressed.
Also the commander refuted claims that a Russian drone was shot down over Turkey.
Local news;
You had a substitute today for your show. I didn't listen. I looked up highlights of democratic debates on Internet and didn't hear anything new. Just for the first time I saw how Lower East Sider Sanders is talking. You're right he sounds like a college professor who is jealous of rich people.
All of them are. All that I personally heard and talked to. Why is that? because they make little?
El-Jefe came short of his promise to take combat forces out of Iraq completely at the end of 2016. But now he decided that after that deadline 5 500 troops will still stay there. He called it "to continue the commitment to people of Iraq." Yeah, right! I'd better ask the person who wrote that note for him.
He/she might now better.
Lamar Odom is up and talking. Kardashians continue to make good money showing their behinds, so... life goes on ;)
So long.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 14th, Wednesday
Russian air-force continues to successfully destroy infrastructure of .S.L.,at
Bomb construction plant/factory they hit today was only 13 km away from biggest city of that country - Allepo.
Interesting thing; Putin signed a law into effect which prohibits Russian officials using foreign airlines for their official business trips. Though it has exceptions in the cases of "no flights to that certain area and absence of tickets to the destination. It's at
Idea was proposed by Executive Director of "Airflot" Vitaly Savelyev in March of this year. Savelyev also mentioned that this type of policies are working in many countries around the world.
mw[I think that's a good idea; giving business to your own while doing business of your country." What else makes more sense than that?]
Lamar Odom dead after visiting a bordello in Vegas from overdosing on couple of things? I just read it at Wow! What a foolishness! But, I will not believe it before I see an official announcement on legitimate news source. This news entry might be rushed-up in Russian source, which wouldn't be a professional mistake. At least I hope so. The man is young and has been good basketball player.
In the meantime in Kiev some celebrated Day of Defender and marches under nazi insignia and explosions. It's at
Also this at
Residential mid-ride building in the center of Domaskus was hit by a bomb or explosion from within. at You can see dark smoke coming from the top of that building . This clip was received just before 9pm news went on air.
Look at this carefully; at report shows what type of education in Ukraine they give to their children. How to chop-up a Russian, how to became a real banderovets, meaning Bandera-follower, who was on the nazi side during WWII. You thought that sh.t was over?
Americans are encouraging and sponsoring those vermin with your tax dollars.
Look at this nonsensical reason on the side of WH telling the media why it can't receive Russian delegation headed by ex-president of RF D. Medvedev. It's at
mw[This is not short of ridiculous. WH and its satellites are losings their brain sells by the minute.
Everybody is talking about yesterday's debate, I hear the same things and heard before.
If T wouldn't safe this country, who else will?
So long.
Russian air-force continues to successfully destroy infrastructure of .S.L.,at
Bomb construction plant/factory they hit today was only 13 km away from biggest city of that country - Allepo.
Interesting thing; Putin signed a law into effect which prohibits Russian officials using foreign airlines for their official business trips. Though it has exceptions in the cases of "no flights to that certain area and absence of tickets to the destination. It's at
Idea was proposed by Executive Director of "Airflot" Vitaly Savelyev in March of this year. Savelyev also mentioned that this type of policies are working in many countries around the world.
mw[I think that's a good idea; giving business to your own while doing business of your country." What else makes more sense than that?]
Lamar Odom dead after visiting a bordello in Vegas from overdosing on couple of things? I just read it at Wow! What a foolishness! But, I will not believe it before I see an official announcement on legitimate news source. This news entry might be rushed-up in Russian source, which wouldn't be a professional mistake. At least I hope so. The man is young and has been good basketball player.
In the meantime in Kiev some celebrated Day of Defender and marches under nazi insignia and explosions. It's at
Also this at
Residential mid-ride building in the center of Domaskus was hit by a bomb or explosion from within. at You can see dark smoke coming from the top of that building . This clip was received just before 9pm news went on air.
Look at this carefully; at report shows what type of education in Ukraine they give to their children. How to chop-up a Russian, how to became a real banderovets, meaning Bandera-follower, who was on the nazi side during WWII. You thought that sh.t was over?
Americans are encouraging and sponsoring those vermin with your tax dollars.
Look at this nonsensical reason on the side of WH telling the media why it can't receive Russian delegation headed by ex-president of RF D. Medvedev. It's at
mw[This is not short of ridiculous. WH and its satellites are losings their brain sells by the minute.
Everybody is talking about yesterday's debate, I hear the same things and heard before.
If T wouldn't safe this country, who else will?
So long.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 13th, Tuesday
Wee hours of the morning.
WH and Pentagon can not rest. Working on peace, or just "stay away" and watch is not in el-jefe's agenda, apparently. Look at reporting that US started a massive operation of arming Syria so called "opposition." Who knows who those are and where those weapons can end up eventually.
Today you were talking about tonight's Dem. debates, calling Sanders and A.Cooper from CNN names, talking healthcare (euthanasia, etc), migration, which will bring the end of this country, etc.
I heard most of first 2 hours and I'm not going to watch the debates.
Better to do this, which nobody else does.
At you'll see a clip from annual forum called "Russia calling" where local and foreign investors get together and discuss business and its future legal environment for development. Putin also was there and many got chance to ask him Qs directly.
This is a 2 day forum (Oct. 13-14) and will continue tomorrow.
According to those to represent Russians sides prognosis are positive for future economic growth and investment in Russia.
In the meantime Russian embassy in Damask was attacked, at
It came under the mortar shelling when there was demonstration going on near it in support of Russians mission against .S.L. Nobody claimed responsibility for the attack, which RF qualified it as act. There were twin firing 5 seconds a part (we know the signature) but didn't hit anyone or anything. There was no panic either. Arab crowd was chanting "spociba velikaya rocciya" in Russian meaning "Thank you great Russia." They were carrying Putin's pictures and Russians flags with their own. One of placards reads "Syria and Russia = cancel"
Heroic Sergei Zenin is reporting from Damascus. To come to capital is not an easy commute from other parts of the country, so about 5000 demonstrators were almost all were locals.
Quickly was found the location where fires came from. That was from 5km distance from Damascus were .S.L still fighting against government forces.
"By the way, those blasts came on RF, because Russian embassy is considered Russian territory. Nevertheless these courageous people brought their massage of support and gratitude to Russian government for helping them against mutual enemy," says Sergei,
mw [Weren't these the weapons and ammos (US just dropped there to help "good opposition") blasted to kill their own? Who is this opposition is killing? Aren't them their own? I guess so.
My Q is; Why is that when one Syrian or Arab or Muslim killing another it's OK, it's like "war business" as usual, but when Assad is killing one of those who is against him, he's a "dictator and murderer who kills his own people?" ]
Today Russian aviation intensified it's combat mission, targeting explosives' production plants, military machinery, weapons stockpiles, etc. It's at
Today group of commandos in charge of overseeing RF's military operation in Syria met with special envoy of UN on Syria Staffan de Mistura, explained how the objects on the ground being targeted, showed achieved results and asked to share intelligence about the enemy structures on the ground.
Tomorrow will be the next teleconference between US and RF about uniting efforts to coordinate the air offences over the Syria in order to maximize the mission's effectiveness .
mw [We need people like Anatoly Antonov (deputy minister of defense of RF) here.I don't believe Americans are going to give Russians intelligence. They're into this to find more about Russians' knowledge and plans and accordingly plan theirs. ]
At you can see Lavrov's interview. It's 30min. and i don't have the time to comment on it.
.S.L announced holywar against US and RF "crusaders," at
Today's twin bombs targeting Russian embassy didn't have human victims, but according to this report brought significant damage to the building.
mw[Now, this gave second legitimate reason for Russian military forces to be there and show them "cuskina mat." ]
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
WH and Pentagon can not rest. Working on peace, or just "stay away" and watch is not in el-jefe's agenda, apparently. Look at reporting that US started a massive operation of arming Syria so called "opposition." Who knows who those are and where those weapons can end up eventually.
Today you were talking about tonight's Dem. debates, calling Sanders and A.Cooper from CNN names, talking healthcare (euthanasia, etc), migration, which will bring the end of this country, etc.
I heard most of first 2 hours and I'm not going to watch the debates.
Better to do this, which nobody else does.
At you'll see a clip from annual forum called "Russia calling" where local and foreign investors get together and discuss business and its future legal environment for development. Putin also was there and many got chance to ask him Qs directly.
This is a 2 day forum (Oct. 13-14) and will continue tomorrow.
According to those to represent Russians sides prognosis are positive for future economic growth and investment in Russia.
In the meantime Russian embassy in Damask was attacked, at
It came under the mortar shelling when there was demonstration going on near it in support of Russians mission against .S.L. Nobody claimed responsibility for the attack, which RF qualified it as act. There were twin firing 5 seconds a part (we know the signature) but didn't hit anyone or anything. There was no panic either. Arab crowd was chanting "spociba velikaya rocciya" in Russian meaning "Thank you great Russia." They were carrying Putin's pictures and Russians flags with their own. One of placards reads "Syria and Russia = cancel"
Heroic Sergei Zenin is reporting from Damascus. To come to capital is not an easy commute from other parts of the country, so about 5000 demonstrators were almost all were locals.
Quickly was found the location where fires came from. That was from 5km distance from Damascus were .S.L still fighting against government forces.
"By the way, those blasts came on RF, because Russian embassy is considered Russian territory. Nevertheless these courageous people brought their massage of support and gratitude to Russian government for helping them against mutual enemy," says Sergei,
mw [Weren't these the weapons and ammos (US just dropped there to help "good opposition") blasted to kill their own? Who is this opposition is killing? Aren't them their own? I guess so.
My Q is; Why is that when one Syrian or Arab or Muslim killing another it's OK, it's like "war business" as usual, but when Assad is killing one of those who is against him, he's a "dictator and murderer who kills his own people?" ]
Today Russian aviation intensified it's combat mission, targeting explosives' production plants, military machinery, weapons stockpiles, etc. It's at
Today group of commandos in charge of overseeing RF's military operation in Syria met with special envoy of UN on Syria Staffan de Mistura, explained how the objects on the ground being targeted, showed achieved results and asked to share intelligence about the enemy structures on the ground.
Tomorrow will be the next teleconference between US and RF about uniting efforts to coordinate the air offences over the Syria in order to maximize the mission's effectiveness .
mw [We need people like Anatoly Antonov (deputy minister of defense of RF) here.I don't believe Americans are going to give Russians intelligence. They're into this to find more about Russians' knowledge and plans and accordingly plan theirs. ]
At you can see Lavrov's interview. It's 30min. and i don't have the time to comment on it.
.S.L announced holywar against US and RF "crusaders," at
Today's twin bombs targeting Russian embassy didn't have human victims, but according to this report brought significant damage to the building.
mw[Now, this gave second legitimate reason for Russian military forces to be there and show them "cuskina mat." ]
So long.
Monday, October 12, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 12th, Columbus Day!
Wee hours of the morning.
Happy Columbus Day! He was as adventurous as me. All those who cross long distances to get something new and basically unknown to them have "adventure" genome. See, I just "found" a genome and created name for it too.
Today will be a parade on 5th between 47 and 72 and concert at Rockefeller Center.
Those teachers and/or self-hating-dem/libs who talk and teach kids bad stuff about that man should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
I have a wonderful book about his journey and I'm happy that I followed him to this land! Too bad he wasn't my grandfather and didn't leave me a fortune. :) - just kidding!
Now this; at puts BBC reporter in his place by nicely giving the facts with statistic about US's and NATO's behavior in the world and especially toward Russia.
I just found this and wanted to show the readers. This foaming-blood-mouth-war-monger suggested to arm .S.L to fight Russians. He should be dead by now. Living a life without a brain function and blab out of his s.t.nic behind is worse than death. So look before I delete it. I don't insert pics in my blog, especially like this. This was an exception for an extraordinary lowlife creature. aired this interview on "Cross talk" with Peter Lavelle in Oct. 3rd. Very interesting.
This is funny; in Dresden, Germany demonstrators were chanting "Putin to Berlin, Merkel to Siberia" at
President ooh, la - la of Frence didn't sell Mistrals to Russia, as contacted before UA "crisis," but instead decided to sell it to Egypt, where 99.99999% of people want French people dead.
Go figure.
mw[How Putin can psychologically stand dealing with many of those world cuckoo so called "leaders," is almost a mystery to me. I can only have wild guess or two. Those dressed up bozos can be health hazard for me to just be around.]
I heard first 2 hours of your show today. You talked O's incompetency, which can become dangerous for us, cholesterol, diet, US Navy carrier's called back from Persian Golf for maintenance reason (which you do not believe in), etc.
About the last one you said that in your opinion O was afraid that Russians might do something to it while in Syria. I don't believe it's the case, because Russians already were in Syria for decades. They have had 2 military bases on Mediterranean. They just started using them and deployed air-crafts to
carry on the mission against vermin.
Now; America and its allies, 62 in all by American sources, are in Syria for a year. Russian President called the 11 country coalition. I believe 62 is an exaggerated and phony number just on their list. When have you seen those 62 talking together what to do? Never? I'm sure of it. How 62 people can agree in one thing? More than handful of decision makers can't be coordinating anything, as far as I'm concerned. I believe Putin's number was correct and it still shows that even 11 couldn't do anything useful.
My feeling is they're watching and enjoying that Russians are spending their power and resources, but still complain as if they didn't want it, so it won't look humiliating for them. It was a horrible shame for a US general to tell in Congress that after a year and half a Billion dollars expenditure they have 4 or 5 trained soldiers fighting on the ground.
Another point of mine is that if even O brought back the Navy carrier back out of the fear of escalations of tensions, it was a good move. Should different forces anywhere in the air or on the ground alike start operation it will inevitably bring to some kind of accidents and thus tragedies.
The problem is who and how is going to coordinate simultaneous actions controlled by separate centers? I'm not an military expert, but you don't need to be an expert to understand that even the same control center in one airport can have human and/or technical errors, which can cause accidents.
Plus, who can trust who these days? I don't think I'll blame Russians for NOT trusting any American info. Who knows who and when can pull a provocation in order to get on a path of all out hot war to satisfy blood-foaming-mouth-n-war-mongering-mccain and alike in congress.
Putin said very clearly that they asked US and their allies to get together in this. "If they know better than us why don't they share the info. about whereabouts of targets so we will be more effective?" - he said. No answer as of today. Syria has been and still a friendly state in middle east for Russia. They have been doing business for decades. Russians have their people live and work there, they have mixed families living in both sides of the borders and constantly traveling. Finally, what about so called "interests"? When US went to Kuwait against Saddam papa-Bush said "we have interests in there." US has 800 military bases around the world as I see published in the press. Even the number don't get into my imagination. Is this a true number? Where are all those, why are so many of them and how much is the cost? You should find these things and let us know. **********************
In the meantime evening news from Moscow reports that FSB (FBI for us) averted a possible t.r..r act planned in Moscow. At report says that bombs were being made in an apartment in residential building in central Moscow to be used in public transportation system of the capital. Participants (6-11 for now) are belived to be .S.L sell and trained in its camps in Syria.
T.r.r acts are not new in Moscow or in Russia. But how many of those do you remember?
Most people of this country don't know, never heard of, because when those are happening in there no vermin in the media cares and reports those as an important news. If anybody even juts in case mentions it briefly it sounds like it should be a good news to us. "More Russians dead, so what's better than that?" - that's how it has been presented so far. Check for more info.
I don't forget about the act in Ankara 2 days ago. I'm waiting and following to see if anyone takes responsibility, then I can come to some sort of my own guess. Turkey is playing with many hands today. Between its alliance with NATO, between sectarian and ethnic divisions among their brethren in faith and with long lasting Kurdish problem, there are a few sources this attack could come from. The head of Bar Association of that country blamed the government on TV. They also have left and right and by following all accounts I agree with sources saying that modern Turkey never was so divided before like it is today.
Syria was one of multi-ethnic/cultural countries left in middle east where under "dictatorships" (in our standards) different people at least lived in peace. As we see with prior examples in history that most countries' in the region which were crocked up by outside interventions of "good will" became radicalized and worse.
Russia's foreign policy is not to go out to build nations from outside by imposing their standards of a right way of living like US does. It shrunk its military presence from around the world and while building "capitalism" tries to keep its businesses with its geopolitical allies in order to survive the harsh times in economy.
But no... America didn't appreciate its political and economic direction toward open market economy and free and fair elections observed by the world, because someone in Washington still gets chills by hearing the word "Russian." After-all its a still white and mostly Christian nation, so "why leave it alone let's ruin it," that's what G.rem.yaWr.tes spiritual pupil heard in Chicago church sitting there for 20 years and that's what he's exactly doing now.
Dr. Cohen is right to say that Ukraine and Russia conflict was created in WH and can be stopped there with one word - "stop." But no.... WH's motto is "let's blow this country's resources as well as Russians as much as we can while we can." Good job, el-jefe, yes you can!
So long.
Wee hours of the morning.
Happy Columbus Day! He was as adventurous as me. All those who cross long distances to get something new and basically unknown to them have "adventure" genome. See, I just "found" a genome and created name for it too.
Today will be a parade on 5th between 47 and 72 and concert at Rockefeller Center.
Those teachers and/or self-hating-dem/libs who talk and teach kids bad stuff about that man should go to hell, as far as I'm concerned.
I have a wonderful book about his journey and I'm happy that I followed him to this land! Too bad he wasn't my grandfather and didn't leave me a fortune. :) - just kidding!
Now this; at puts BBC reporter in his place by nicely giving the facts with statistic about US's and NATO's behavior in the world and especially toward Russia.
I just found this and wanted to show the readers. This foaming-blood-mouth-war-monger suggested to arm .S.L to fight Russians. He should be dead by now. Living a life without a brain function and blab out of his s.t.nic behind is worse than death. So look before I delete it. I don't insert pics in my blog, especially like this. This was an exception for an extraordinary lowlife creature. aired this interview on "Cross talk" with Peter Lavelle in Oct. 3rd. Very interesting.
This is funny; in Dresden, Germany demonstrators were chanting "Putin to Berlin, Merkel to Siberia" at
President ooh, la - la of Frence didn't sell Mistrals to Russia, as contacted before UA "crisis," but instead decided to sell it to Egypt, where 99.99999% of people want French people dead.
Go figure.
mw[How Putin can psychologically stand dealing with many of those world cuckoo so called "leaders," is almost a mystery to me. I can only have wild guess or two. Those dressed up bozos can be health hazard for me to just be around.]
I heard first 2 hours of your show today. You talked O's incompetency, which can become dangerous for us, cholesterol, diet, US Navy carrier's called back from Persian Golf for maintenance reason (which you do not believe in), etc.
About the last one you said that in your opinion O was afraid that Russians might do something to it while in Syria. I don't believe it's the case, because Russians already were in Syria for decades. They have had 2 military bases on Mediterranean. They just started using them and deployed air-crafts to
carry on the mission against vermin.
Now; America and its allies, 62 in all by American sources, are in Syria for a year. Russian President called the 11 country coalition. I believe 62 is an exaggerated and phony number just on their list. When have you seen those 62 talking together what to do? Never? I'm sure of it. How 62 people can agree in one thing? More than handful of decision makers can't be coordinating anything, as far as I'm concerned. I believe Putin's number was correct and it still shows that even 11 couldn't do anything useful.
My feeling is they're watching and enjoying that Russians are spending their power and resources, but still complain as if they didn't want it, so it won't look humiliating for them. It was a horrible shame for a US general to tell in Congress that after a year and half a Billion dollars expenditure they have 4 or 5 trained soldiers fighting on the ground.
Another point of mine is that if even O brought back the Navy carrier back out of the fear of escalations of tensions, it was a good move. Should different forces anywhere in the air or on the ground alike start operation it will inevitably bring to some kind of accidents and thus tragedies.
The problem is who and how is going to coordinate simultaneous actions controlled by separate centers? I'm not an military expert, but you don't need to be an expert to understand that even the same control center in one airport can have human and/or technical errors, which can cause accidents.
Plus, who can trust who these days? I don't think I'll blame Russians for NOT trusting any American info. Who knows who and when can pull a provocation in order to get on a path of all out hot war to satisfy blood-foaming-mouth-n-war-mongering-mccain and alike in congress.
Putin said very clearly that they asked US and their allies to get together in this. "If they know better than us why don't they share the info. about whereabouts of targets so we will be more effective?" - he said. No answer as of today. Syria has been and still a friendly state in middle east for Russia. They have been doing business for decades. Russians have their people live and work there, they have mixed families living in both sides of the borders and constantly traveling. Finally, what about so called "interests"? When US went to Kuwait against Saddam papa-Bush said "we have interests in there." US has 800 military bases around the world as I see published in the press. Even the number don't get into my imagination. Is this a true number? Where are all those, why are so many of them and how much is the cost? You should find these things and let us know. **********************
In the meantime evening news from Moscow reports that FSB (FBI for us) averted a possible t.r..r act planned in Moscow. At report says that bombs were being made in an apartment in residential building in central Moscow to be used in public transportation system of the capital. Participants (6-11 for now) are belived to be .S.L sell and trained in its camps in Syria.
T.r.r acts are not new in Moscow or in Russia. But how many of those do you remember?
Most people of this country don't know, never heard of, because when those are happening in there no vermin in the media cares and reports those as an important news. If anybody even juts in case mentions it briefly it sounds like it should be a good news to us. "More Russians dead, so what's better than that?" - that's how it has been presented so far. Check for more info.
I don't forget about the act in Ankara 2 days ago. I'm waiting and following to see if anyone takes responsibility, then I can come to some sort of my own guess. Turkey is playing with many hands today. Between its alliance with NATO, between sectarian and ethnic divisions among their brethren in faith and with long lasting Kurdish problem, there are a few sources this attack could come from. The head of Bar Association of that country blamed the government on TV. They also have left and right and by following all accounts I agree with sources saying that modern Turkey never was so divided before like it is today.
Syria was one of multi-ethnic/cultural countries left in middle east where under "dictatorships" (in our standards) different people at least lived in peace. As we see with prior examples in history that most countries' in the region which were crocked up by outside interventions of "good will" became radicalized and worse.
Russia's foreign policy is not to go out to build nations from outside by imposing their standards of a right way of living like US does. It shrunk its military presence from around the world and while building "capitalism" tries to keep its businesses with its geopolitical allies in order to survive the harsh times in economy.
But no... America didn't appreciate its political and economic direction toward open market economy and free and fair elections observed by the world, because someone in Washington still gets chills by hearing the word "Russian." After-all its a still white and mostly Christian nation, so "why leave it alone let's ruin it," that's what G.rem.yaWr.tes spiritual pupil heard in Chicago church sitting there for 20 years and that's what he's exactly doing now.
Dr. Cohen is right to say that Ukraine and Russia conflict was created in WH and can be stopped there with one word - "stop." But no.... WH's motto is "let's blow this country's resources as well as Russians as much as we can while we can." Good job, el-jefe, yes you can!
So long.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
To Micheal Savage Oct.11th, Sunday
Yesterday's news at shows the chronicle of Russian operation in Syria.
It's already destroyed 55 objects of .S.L on the ground, among them a few very close to Aleppo, which is the second biggest city in Syria.
Good news is that US and RF centers held the first video-conference discussing the situation. Another one is apparently scheduled to be held in near future.
Did you know that Damascus is the oldest capital city in the world?
Syria is not only Muslim country. Christians there have enormous history and holy places. One town were people still talking Aramaic, which was the language of Christ, just recently was ruined and devastated by vermin. I forgot the name, I'll try to find it later. ******************************
They also desecrated another place where relics were belong to Holy Mother, burned and destroyed Icons, raped and killed sisters in convent.
Putin gave exclusive interview on Russian TV to VS answering to "confusing" Qs are going around in Int'l media. The one I liked the most "who knows more about what's on the ground in Syria should help us in this mission or at least give us their intelligence." He said "we don't need anybody's land or resources, we're the most self-efficient country in the world. We are acting in our country's strategic interests against Int'l t.r.r. It's a lie that we're on one sectarian side against the other, we don't pursue that type of goal. We're there simply helping legitimate government of Syria, by responding to their quest for help, to stabilize the situation. There have been 11 countries for a year already involved in Syrian conflict, for no avail. For example our partners in US spent $500 Million on project to train 12000 Syrian free army soldiers, got no result and stop the program. Should they give us those monies we'd appropriate them much better."
I'll find this interview on youtube and link it in here. ************************************
Today's evening news is out. At report says that Russian 26 rackets called "Caliber" successfully hit 11 important military targets of .S.L from the distance of 1500 kms.
It's a long clip, you can read the translation.
Putin firmly answered to VS's Q about the booths on the ground in Syria. "We're not planning ground operation in Syria. We're only helping the official government of Syria to stabilize the situation in that country in the fight against Internationally recognized t.r.r group .S.L," said Putin.
It's at
mw [In the meantime the language of condemnation of Russian actions are shifting but still "all knowing ] Pentagon" is not in a hurry to share their intelligence about the whereabouts of enemy objects' locations on the ground, [should they have any]. It's at
[Maybe $500M wasn't enough to get a map together. Maybe they hired interns on affirmative action or recruited volunteers from day cares? ]
mw [If they're the good and knowledgeable side in this fight, have coalition of 11 countries and already spent enormous amount of money for no results, why not help Russians to do the job? Many politicians and commentators who want to talk moderately like Trump were saying "that's good, let Russians spend their power and resources to do the job, we'll watch and save." Trump said "we'll save our money to build our roads and bridges instead." Good judgment, I agree. So why not to give any map that we have to able Russian to do the job better and faster?
To me it's only the ego and jealousy. It's not about right or wrong. If it's not an American way it's the wrong already. That's the philosophy of most college professors (like O and Ash-head) and street agitators.]
Concerned about the situation in middle east, a few big shots from Arab Emirates arrived in Sochi to meet with Putin and Lavrov and discuss mutual interests, at Lavrov estimated the result of the meeting as "full coincidence of goals toward Syria." He said that the first is the wish to see middle east without Islamic caliphate and second is to help Syrian people to realize the political peaceful process of reconciliation and rebuilding of their nation from within. "We're ready to share our agencies information and put mutual efforts in the process so there will be no doubt about our mutual intentions."
mw [As soon as they saw Russia is taking charge they came to "talk" meaning to find out what is going on by playing "friend." I can not stress enough how those in those robs can not stand any Christian alive in this world. I'm sure of it. If 1 or 2 of them are indifferent, I wish anyone who likes them among Christians will live next to them. Not because I'm religious, not because I think one religion is better than the other. All of them have some crazy stuff in them and all of them have the same silver lining. But, that's NOT how they think and follow what they believe. All I'm saying that Muslims run to christian countries, Christians don't run to Muslim countries. Today Islam is more radicalized than before and has more tech. means to go around the world. It's more and fastest growing population and that's why it brings so much war. Stupid democracy can not work in that environment. Middle east and Africa lived with strong totalitarian regimes for 1000's of years and will live like that before this planet go bust altogether. Thanks to all around conservatives in America that earth-goes-bust-project will happen sooner than later. What do I mean? I can't tell that in here. ********************************************************************************
I can write a book about that. Maybe only for "all-around-conservatives" to read in secret, so the bad guys wouldn't learn how to do worse and win. Don't think if I'm criticizing conservatives, automatically I'm leaning on the other side. Dems and libs are really out there. Plus, I'm pro-global-warming. Yessir. I have a reason, excuse and a great point which can benefit not only me.
That's why I'm a conservative to certain point. Conservatives who think that you're not a conservative because you do not agree with every clause in their cause are the ones who are creating their own grandchildren's demise. There are 2 points which are fundamental and deadly in conservatism.]
You too are in line with those 2 points and I will not argue with you on the radio or in public. I can talk to you in privet or in writing. All i need is to ask you a few Qs. You'll answer to them, write down your answers and read it loud. See what you can hear. not what you;re saying on the radio.
So long.
Yesterday's news at shows the chronicle of Russian operation in Syria.
It's already destroyed 55 objects of .S.L on the ground, among them a few very close to Aleppo, which is the second biggest city in Syria.
Good news is that US and RF centers held the first video-conference discussing the situation. Another one is apparently scheduled to be held in near future.
Did you know that Damascus is the oldest capital city in the world?
Syria is not only Muslim country. Christians there have enormous history and holy places. One town were people still talking Aramaic, which was the language of Christ, just recently was ruined and devastated by vermin. I forgot the name, I'll try to find it later. ******************************
They also desecrated another place where relics were belong to Holy Mother, burned and destroyed Icons, raped and killed sisters in convent.
Putin gave exclusive interview on Russian TV to VS answering to "confusing" Qs are going around in Int'l media. The one I liked the most "who knows more about what's on the ground in Syria should help us in this mission or at least give us their intelligence." He said "we don't need anybody's land or resources, we're the most self-efficient country in the world. We are acting in our country's strategic interests against Int'l t.r.r. It's a lie that we're on one sectarian side against the other, we don't pursue that type of goal. We're there simply helping legitimate government of Syria, by responding to their quest for help, to stabilize the situation. There have been 11 countries for a year already involved in Syrian conflict, for no avail. For example our partners in US spent $500 Million on project to train 12000 Syrian free army soldiers, got no result and stop the program. Should they give us those monies we'd appropriate them much better."
I'll find this interview on youtube and link it in here. ************************************
Today's evening news is out. At report says that Russian 26 rackets called "Caliber" successfully hit 11 important military targets of .S.L from the distance of 1500 kms.
It's a long clip, you can read the translation.
Putin firmly answered to VS's Q about the booths on the ground in Syria. "We're not planning ground operation in Syria. We're only helping the official government of Syria to stabilize the situation in that country in the fight against Internationally recognized t.r.r group .S.L," said Putin.
It's at
mw [In the meantime the language of condemnation of Russian actions are shifting but still "all knowing ] Pentagon" is not in a hurry to share their intelligence about the whereabouts of enemy objects' locations on the ground, [should they have any]. It's at
[Maybe $500M wasn't enough to get a map together. Maybe they hired interns on affirmative action or recruited volunteers from day cares? ]
mw [If they're the good and knowledgeable side in this fight, have coalition of 11 countries and already spent enormous amount of money for no results, why not help Russians to do the job? Many politicians and commentators who want to talk moderately like Trump were saying "that's good, let Russians spend their power and resources to do the job, we'll watch and save." Trump said "we'll save our money to build our roads and bridges instead." Good judgment, I agree. So why not to give any map that we have to able Russian to do the job better and faster?
To me it's only the ego and jealousy. It's not about right or wrong. If it's not an American way it's the wrong already. That's the philosophy of most college professors (like O and Ash-head) and street agitators.]
Concerned about the situation in middle east, a few big shots from Arab Emirates arrived in Sochi to meet with Putin and Lavrov and discuss mutual interests, at Lavrov estimated the result of the meeting as "full coincidence of goals toward Syria." He said that the first is the wish to see middle east without Islamic caliphate and second is to help Syrian people to realize the political peaceful process of reconciliation and rebuilding of their nation from within. "We're ready to share our agencies information and put mutual efforts in the process so there will be no doubt about our mutual intentions."
mw [As soon as they saw Russia is taking charge they came to "talk" meaning to find out what is going on by playing "friend." I can not stress enough how those in those robs can not stand any Christian alive in this world. I'm sure of it. If 1 or 2 of them are indifferent, I wish anyone who likes them among Christians will live next to them. Not because I'm religious, not because I think one religion is better than the other. All of them have some crazy stuff in them and all of them have the same silver lining. But, that's NOT how they think and follow what they believe. All I'm saying that Muslims run to christian countries, Christians don't run to Muslim countries. Today Islam is more radicalized than before and has more tech. means to go around the world. It's more and fastest growing population and that's why it brings so much war. Stupid democracy can not work in that environment. Middle east and Africa lived with strong totalitarian regimes for 1000's of years and will live like that before this planet go bust altogether. Thanks to all around conservatives in America that earth-goes-bust-project will happen sooner than later. What do I mean? I can't tell that in here. ********************************************************************************
I can write a book about that. Maybe only for "all-around-conservatives" to read in secret, so the bad guys wouldn't learn how to do worse and win. Don't think if I'm criticizing conservatives, automatically I'm leaning on the other side. Dems and libs are really out there. Plus, I'm pro-global-warming. Yessir. I have a reason, excuse and a great point which can benefit not only me.
That's why I'm a conservative to certain point. Conservatives who think that you're not a conservative because you do not agree with every clause in their cause are the ones who are creating their own grandchildren's demise. There are 2 points which are fundamental and deadly in conservatism.]
You too are in line with those 2 points and I will not argue with you on the radio or in public. I can talk to you in privet or in writing. All i need is to ask you a few Qs. You'll answer to them, write down your answers and read it loud. See what you can hear. not what you;re saying on the radio.
So long.
Friday, October 9, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 9th, Friday
You started the show with mixed topics of illegal immigration, global warming scam, border security, Syria conflict, etc Among them the new for me was that the raciest vermin who is running so called 'blacklivesmatter" became a guest speaker at Yale. What else are go going to expect from that University anymore? Al whites and those who are not raciest against them should boycott that low-life institution by not sending their kids there and those whose kids are already there should stop paying tuition and other fees and take that sh.t to court. Especially those so called Ivy colleges which are charging arms and legs for their programs re sitting on Billions of dollars endowment funds. They shouldn't be charging tuition anyways.
I have had an "honor" to work in one of those "Ivy" colleges (and I left my job) and know what's going on inside and have clear idea what social sciences and humanities are teaching. Useless garbage to break down your judgment from A-Z. You don't need to wait to get old and loose your judgment, that can be successfully expedited by going through those programs.
Maybe some of them are good in technical disciplines that one will have a hard time to learn at home or do the lab. experiments, but that's all about it.
Now it's the second hour of your program. You're talking about Iran deal violating US laws that came out in the press today, then saying you better talk about worms in Teddy's stool than about Dem.s and Rep.ns, etc.
At 4:15pm; you're reading news headlines and commenting on frivolous lawsuits, etc.
I think I'm done today with local radio.
I'll report from Int'l news that you and no one else is covering.
At reports that Syrian army freed city of Bakhsa, which is only 100km away from Latakia, from vermin-al-q..da.
Heroic Oleg Shishkin reporting from Syria. The head of polit info. of air-forces of Syrian Army - Samir Suleyman in Russian says that they got rid of al-q..da forces in the city. The vermin took the city 2 mo. ago and started killing indiscriminately. Usual way is to tight hand and shot in the head. While residents started returning to the ghost town, already founded 40 bodies laying on the streets and in front of houses. Vermin is only 10 km away.
At reports although Russians are showing full picture of events on the Syrian ground, cuckoo-CNN and Pentagon's own Ash. Carter (instead of responding to Russian offer to co-operate) running their mouths talking "stupid"(my world). From CNN I couldn't expect anything better, but Ash-head-ex-professor-of-lower-teaching-Dem-Carter really talked trash in its literal sense. He said as if Russian rackets were "defective" and that soon Russians will pay with their own looses for their actions. What? What kind of language is that, dummy?!
Kiss Igor Makushev's .ss, damn-your-ash-head!
Yes, I said it!
No wonder el-jafe-O handpicked this bozo.
At report says that most Russians are interested to know what's going on in Syria and agree with the political course of their government to regulate the conflict. Also 56% of them think that US and its ally are to blame for the current situation on the ground it there.
So long.
You started the show with mixed topics of illegal immigration, global warming scam, border security, Syria conflict, etc Among them the new for me was that the raciest vermin who is running so called 'blacklivesmatter" became a guest speaker at Yale. What else are go going to expect from that University anymore? Al whites and those who are not raciest against them should boycott that low-life institution by not sending their kids there and those whose kids are already there should stop paying tuition and other fees and take that sh.t to court. Especially those so called Ivy colleges which are charging arms and legs for their programs re sitting on Billions of dollars endowment funds. They shouldn't be charging tuition anyways.
I have had an "honor" to work in one of those "Ivy" colleges (and I left my job) and know what's going on inside and have clear idea what social sciences and humanities are teaching. Useless garbage to break down your judgment from A-Z. You don't need to wait to get old and loose your judgment, that can be successfully expedited by going through those programs.
Maybe some of them are good in technical disciplines that one will have a hard time to learn at home or do the lab. experiments, but that's all about it.
Now it's the second hour of your program. You're talking about Iran deal violating US laws that came out in the press today, then saying you better talk about worms in Teddy's stool than about Dem.s and Rep.ns, etc.
At 4:15pm; you're reading news headlines and commenting on frivolous lawsuits, etc.
I think I'm done today with local radio.
I'll report from Int'l news that you and no one else is covering.
At reports that Syrian army freed city of Bakhsa, which is only 100km away from Latakia, from vermin-al-q..da.
Heroic Oleg Shishkin reporting from Syria. The head of polit info. of air-forces of Syrian Army - Samir Suleyman in Russian says that they got rid of al-q..da forces in the city. The vermin took the city 2 mo. ago and started killing indiscriminately. Usual way is to tight hand and shot in the head. While residents started returning to the ghost town, already founded 40 bodies laying on the streets and in front of houses. Vermin is only 10 km away.
At reports although Russians are showing full picture of events on the Syrian ground, cuckoo-CNN and Pentagon's own Ash. Carter (instead of responding to Russian offer to co-operate) running their mouths talking "stupid"(my world). From CNN I couldn't expect anything better, but Ash-head-ex-professor-of-lower-teaching-Dem-Carter really talked trash in its literal sense. He said as if Russian rackets were "defective" and that soon Russians will pay with their own looses for their actions. What? What kind of language is that, dummy?!
Kiss Igor Makushev's .ss, damn-your-ash-head!
Yes, I said it!
No wonder el-jafe-O handpicked this bozo.
At report says that most Russians are interested to know what's going on in Syria and agree with the political course of their government to regulate the conflict. Also 56% of them think that US and its ally are to blame for the current situation on the ground it there.
So long.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 7th, Wednesday
Russian carrying out their mission in Syria. All sides who believe .S.L is a treat to them directly and indirectly are cooperating by sharing intelligence. Not the US.
After official request of Ministry of Defense of RF to share info. Pentagon's officials are silent.
It's at
Andrey Kartapolov, commander of center of operations announced that Russia is being blamed for hitting civilian and religious targets by some Int'l SMI, which is not true.
The request for sharing info. to illuminate any collateral damage US didn't respond which might mean that they don't know or they don't want us to know in order to be more precise on military targets, he said.
mw [I watched al-jazeera a little bid, just to get a little bit of bitterness in my mouth. I wasn't disappointed te least to say. As soon as I turned on the first clip I heard word Russian and saw a mother was crying her eyes out on his little son. Where was it, when was it, who did it and why no one can find out. No one knows, I bet! Where is that woman's husband who is he killing - no one shows. But combining a word with a pic. together it automatically give an impression that Russians did it. Next you might here America going in to "protect" "innocent" people. Everyone uses word "people" for their own advantage. In reality that country has so many different ethnic, religious, sectarian, secular, political, social and who knows what else groups, that they themselves don't know much about each other. One thing is pretty clear in that big mess for every of those groups; if they're not the one who rules, the others are all wrong. maybe from time to time one or two can get together for any reason, but that's all about it.
For American to talk about what's going on in there it's so pathetic, that it would be funny if that wouldn't be so sad.
Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, now this. Look at the trail after US involvement.
Where the thing are better after American bouts? Everywhere is worse for people who live there and it's worse for us in here - for sure, hands down!
Russians simply are sick and tired of ending up with the mess created by US foreign policies. I see why, because I have been in the other side of the equation and I can compare.
This mission by Russians are only helping us in here and Washington must coop and should compensate part of its expenses. Yes, that's what I'm saying.]
Today Russians used Caspian sea basin for air-attacks, at I haven't seen more transparent mission in my life than this one. Attacks are accounted, mentioning where it was directed and what it targeted, all shown on live-time on TV. Watch the clip and hear the numbers.
At; big-fat-mouths gathered in Strasbourg said that Int'l cooperation needed to "regulate" the situation in Syria. Duh? Did they call WH yet to give out their piece of mind?
I doubt it.
Russian carrying out their mission in Syria. All sides who believe .S.L is a treat to them directly and indirectly are cooperating by sharing intelligence. Not the US.
After official request of Ministry of Defense of RF to share info. Pentagon's officials are silent.
It's at
Andrey Kartapolov, commander of center of operations announced that Russia is being blamed for hitting civilian and religious targets by some Int'l SMI, which is not true.
The request for sharing info. to illuminate any collateral damage US didn't respond which might mean that they don't know or they don't want us to know in order to be more precise on military targets, he said.
mw [I watched al-jazeera a little bid, just to get a little bit of bitterness in my mouth. I wasn't disappointed te least to say. As soon as I turned on the first clip I heard word Russian and saw a mother was crying her eyes out on his little son. Where was it, when was it, who did it and why no one can find out. No one knows, I bet! Where is that woman's husband who is he killing - no one shows. But combining a word with a pic. together it automatically give an impression that Russians did it. Next you might here America going in to "protect" "innocent" people. Everyone uses word "people" for their own advantage. In reality that country has so many different ethnic, religious, sectarian, secular, political, social and who knows what else groups, that they themselves don't know much about each other. One thing is pretty clear in that big mess for every of those groups; if they're not the one who rules, the others are all wrong. maybe from time to time one or two can get together for any reason, but that's all about it.
For American to talk about what's going on in there it's so pathetic, that it would be funny if that wouldn't be so sad.
Look at Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, now this. Look at the trail after US involvement.
Where the thing are better after American bouts? Everywhere is worse for people who live there and it's worse for us in here - for sure, hands down!
Russians simply are sick and tired of ending up with the mess created by US foreign policies. I see why, because I have been in the other side of the equation and I can compare.
This mission by Russians are only helping us in here and Washington must coop and should compensate part of its expenses. Yes, that's what I'm saying.]
Today Russians used Caspian sea basin for air-attacks, at I haven't seen more transparent mission in my life than this one. Attacks are accounted, mentioning where it was directed and what it targeted, all shown on live-time on TV. Watch the clip and hear the numbers.
At; big-fat-mouths gathered in Strasbourg said that Int'l cooperation needed to "regulate" the situation in Syria. Duh? Did they call WH yet to give out their piece of mind?
I doubt it.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 6th, Tuesday
I listened to your show today and was happy to hear the interview with Trump. He's more informed and realistic than other politicians, political commentators, consultants, journalists, TV and radio personalities, talk show hosts, you name it, he got it!
The most important thing is that he's not an narcissist. he doesn't say that he knows everything for 100%. About Russian operation in Syris he didn't say they're right or wrong. He said let them (Russia) do it and we'll save our resources on building the infrastructure f our country, such as bridges, roads, etc. Also he mentioned (not only on your show, but before on TV) that he personally talked to a US General and got an answer that no one knows who is who in Syrian "opposition" now.
mw[That's true. There are many different groups, who I bet, don't know much about each other either.
Any one can get hands on a weapon can claim a grievance, thus "holywar."
Russian Ministry of Defense is saying to West and US to coordinate efforts in order to liquidate the mutual enemies, at
As usual masochistic EU and American sources of mass info. are showing "emotional" pictures to steer up public opinion against Russia.
I'll get to this clip later **************************************************************
mw [It takes a fool to believe another fool. That's what I'm saying. US should pay all, or at least part of expense caused to RF's budget. Why not? Did it gave a sh.t when in the result of Iraq invasion RF lost 14 Billion in investment plus inventory? Now they're loosing more in Syria directly. Indirectly they're loosing for years to come, Syrian refugees found a way to use a transit route through Murmansk, Russia and some of them of course staying or spreading around the former soviet countries. Small country like Armenia already took 15 000 refugees. Russia has its refugees for last year and a half from Ukraine. Oil and gas prices are down, more expense than usual Russian budget suffers from supporting Crimea, which is blockaded by Ukraine. It pays salaries, pensions and other things to population there, which in the result of transport, food, agrarian water and other blockades has no income. Also planning to build a bridge from mainland Kerch to Crimea, which is a semi island. Does America says to Kiev cuckoos "stop tripping! you're against humanity?" No! They pay those thugs to kill their own, so the war contractors, sell-out lobbyists plus Biden's son can have more money.]
At report say that Russian air-force hit only the area of militants, especially around UNESCO site Palmyra, where they destroyed a historic remains of structure of 2nd century, and rejects the info. from western SMI that it acts in any other way. *************************
In the meantime leaders of Donbass agreed to comply with the last decision of "Normandy 4" to extend the deadline of local elections from Oct. and Nov. of this year to Feb. and May of the next year. It's at, It will fit better into the Constitution of UA (uncle PP said) and mission of OSCE.
In the evening Dr. S.F. Cohen on the radio said that if the US come up with idea of imposing "no flight zone" over Syria and go ahead with it, it would mean direct war against Russia.
I don't think now its possible. Maybe that's why Russia had no time to waste any more. Maybe that's why Putin didn't have any time to go around and look at New York City. He had to fly back, then to Paris to take care of war perpetrated by the West in his backyand, in the meantime oversee and approve this project. WOW!
That man is working his b.hind off, for sure. He still finds time to practice sport even on his birthday? Oh, wow wow! I'd ran out of my mind. God bless him and other decent people in Russia and USA!
So long.
I listened to your show today and was happy to hear the interview with Trump. He's more informed and realistic than other politicians, political commentators, consultants, journalists, TV and radio personalities, talk show hosts, you name it, he got it!
The most important thing is that he's not an narcissist. he doesn't say that he knows everything for 100%. About Russian operation in Syris he didn't say they're right or wrong. He said let them (Russia) do it and we'll save our resources on building the infrastructure f our country, such as bridges, roads, etc. Also he mentioned (not only on your show, but before on TV) that he personally talked to a US General and got an answer that no one knows who is who in Syrian "opposition" now.
mw[That's true. There are many different groups, who I bet, don't know much about each other either.
Any one can get hands on a weapon can claim a grievance, thus "holywar."
Russian Ministry of Defense is saying to West and US to coordinate efforts in order to liquidate the mutual enemies, at
As usual masochistic EU and American sources of mass info. are showing "emotional" pictures to steer up public opinion against Russia.
I'll get to this clip later **************************************************************
mw [It takes a fool to believe another fool. That's what I'm saying. US should pay all, or at least part of expense caused to RF's budget. Why not? Did it gave a sh.t when in the result of Iraq invasion RF lost 14 Billion in investment plus inventory? Now they're loosing more in Syria directly. Indirectly they're loosing for years to come, Syrian refugees found a way to use a transit route through Murmansk, Russia and some of them of course staying or spreading around the former soviet countries. Small country like Armenia already took 15 000 refugees. Russia has its refugees for last year and a half from Ukraine. Oil and gas prices are down, more expense than usual Russian budget suffers from supporting Crimea, which is blockaded by Ukraine. It pays salaries, pensions and other things to population there, which in the result of transport, food, agrarian water and other blockades has no income. Also planning to build a bridge from mainland Kerch to Crimea, which is a semi island. Does America says to Kiev cuckoos "stop tripping! you're against humanity?" No! They pay those thugs to kill their own, so the war contractors, sell-out lobbyists plus Biden's son can have more money.]
At report say that Russian air-force hit only the area of militants, especially around UNESCO site Palmyra, where they destroyed a historic remains of structure of 2nd century, and rejects the info. from western SMI that it acts in any other way. *************************
In the meantime leaders of Donbass agreed to comply with the last decision of "Normandy 4" to extend the deadline of local elections from Oct. and Nov. of this year to Feb. and May of the next year. It's at, It will fit better into the Constitution of UA (uncle PP said) and mission of OSCE.
In the evening Dr. S.F. Cohen on the radio said that if the US come up with idea of imposing "no flight zone" over Syria and go ahead with it, it would mean direct war against Russia.
I don't think now its possible. Maybe that's why Russia had no time to waste any more. Maybe that's why Putin didn't have any time to go around and look at New York City. He had to fly back, then to Paris to take care of war perpetrated by the West in his backyand, in the meantime oversee and approve this project. WOW!
That man is working his b.hind off, for sure. He still finds time to practice sport even on his birthday? Oh, wow wow! I'd ran out of my mind. God bless him and other decent people in Russia and USA!
So long.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
To Michael Savage Oct. 3-4, weekend edition
Saturday evening news from Russia.
Military operation in Syria; aim - .S.L.
At report says that Russian air force destroyed important infrastructures of of .S.L.'s positions. 100s of militants have deserted their posts and ran toward European shores. Intelligence being updated twice a day and by all facts in effected areas there are no civilians. Graphic is full and schedule of flight is thigh. Pilots relieve each other periodically; take offs and landings are continuous. Center of commend and information of operation located in Moscow is open to the media at all times with show on the screen and experts' commentaries. At 2:50min. Chief of central commend of air force of RF Andrei Kartapolov says that according to their intelligence on the ground there is a panic and about 600 militants left their positions and headed toward EU. Also he mentions that before the operations and any particular air strike US DoS and HS were informed to move out their air crafts and people in service. US side confirmed that in those areas only militants live and no civilian residential dwellings were hit.
mw [Better to EU than to Russia. What went around came around to EU. Sooner or later those murderers had to end up in Middle Asian republics, in Caucasus and eventually in mainland Russia.
Russia rightfully is sick and tired of picking up their dead son's bodies and ending up in unending wars perpetrated by US and NATO in the name of "democracy." There is no democracy here and no one in 3rd world knows what it is and wants it in there anyways. In middle east people lived without it for thousands of years and will be living without it for the end of this civilization. There was an 90 years old Afghan man who claimed he was Syrian when he got to Germany. How he was physically able to get there and pull a lie too? There are Kosovo Muslims who got their "independence" from Christian Serbs (thanks to drank-faced-perv-billy-the-willy) taking a big potion of their land (to accommodate their average of 9 kids for the family headcount), and list can go on and on.
Human smuggling and displacement of masses to change the demography, face and the culture of Europe and the West in whole. That's what exactly going on now. To me civilian casualties are inevitable anyways. Some lived in those areas and stayed with their men. Some are ready to die for them, because they're the ones to feed them. Look at the next report.]
UN is ready to change US for war crimes says the head of Human Right's department, because its military air force hit the vicinity of MSF (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, partially destroying it and killing 19 people; 12 of its member doctors and 7 civilians including 3 children. After letting Washington know about this, strikes continued afterwords anyway.
It's at
At reports that OSCE in Lugansk region of Donbass is monitoring the compliance with Minsk 2 to move certain caliber weapons 15km back to rear from firing points.
After meeting of "Normandy 4' in Paris a few days ago, Minsk agreement's compliance deadline, which was fixed at December 31st of 2015, sides decided that it can be extended due to big volume of necessary arrangements, at
France's Hollande said that implementation of all the points in agreement will take more time than originally thought and sides don't mind to move the deadline to next year.
Sunday evening news from Russia;
"Search and destroy" that's the name of Russian mission in Syria, at
Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting from Air Base in Latakia showing planes flying in pairs, being technically checked after every landing. Couple of days of Russian mission already yielding results equal to almost a year of work of West. The first time in history military operation is being shown on live TV for the whole world to see.
Couple of things really pleased my ears;
1. before starting attacks Russia warned US military and civilians to leave the area.
2. PM of Iraq asked Russia to bombed .S.L in their country.
[What the West and O do not understand (because they simply choose not to hear Russian side), is that in Syria there are a few thousand extremists from Russia and from territory of former soviet republics are fighting in ranks of .S.L and should they win they're not going to stay there, their plan is to go back where they came from and continue their ideological mission using dangerous weapons.
What American Russia-hating-war-mongers do not understand, I believe on-purposely, that before we have been attacked in 9/11 by "t.r.r.sts," Russia was attract. Below is a quote from wiki.
"Series of explosions hit Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing 293 and injuring 651 people and spreading a wave of fear across the country. The bombings, together with the Dagestan War, led the country into the Second Chechen War.
The blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 September and 13 September and Volgodonsk on 16 September. A similar explosive device was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September."
Look at the numbers of victims and tell me who much of this you saw covered by American verminic media?
There are lots of different people live in Today's Russia and its surrounding areas. Russia, more than 2 decades now was fighting wars in Northern Caucasus's where Chechnya and Dagestan are located.
One of them took 8 years and lots of Russian lives, because of "humane" approach to populations where those murderers lived. Don't you think Russia did not have bombs to drop and clean up the mess without any casualties? Boom! - straight down and peace and quiet would follow. But, no...
They had to play "western" game of masochism, be a "nice" guy while burying their sons. By the way those Muslims are having average of 10 children per family (laying with their first cousins when still are considered "minors" by our standards), while Russians go to school, get education, both parents work and are having average 1 child per family, if that.
What part of "survival of the nation" O doesn't understand? He hates P, that's it, end of the story!
I heard his saying that Russian forces are doing this work, but....... because they don't "differentiate"
"moderate" ones from "extremist once" on the ground. He literally said (with his tone and fingers sticking like a lecturer) that "this's a recipe for disaster and I reject that." Really? How much does he know so far and why he and his "allies" weren't doing it so far? - this is my Q!
There are so many groups and frictions in those countries that if Russians will be confused, then Americans definitely have no clue - whatsoever.
Syria is mostly Muslim today, but its historic territory has been one of the first centers of the early stages Christianity. Word "Christos" first was announced there. I can go on and on with historical connections of that area with Russia, but that's not my mission today. Protecting that area from barbaric actions of destroying churches, manuscripts, religious icons, monuments of every religions which lived and built that area prior, is a holy war. Yes, Russia is conducting Holy, but not religious war today in Syria. NATO generals should kiss Russian pilots' behinds. ]
Russia is acting according to every Int'l law says commander in-chief, at
This is a 14 min. clip showing the chronology of events and I'm not going to go through it. You can watch and see yourselves.
Who and why is trying to make Russia target of disinformation, at
One of them is Turkey, which expressed its "resentfulness" to Russian military operation in Syria.
[Its coming from its own long time internal conflict with Kurds, who also live in Syrian territory. It doesn't need to be anybody else's concern but its own, as far as I'm concerned.]
Another one is Saudi, which is calling Russia to stop its operation, because in their own imagination Russia only wants to help Assad to stay in power.
[They don't like Assad, we know that, but they don't mind to put their noses into Yemen to support whoever the hell they're supporting, for what all Russias and we, the American, should give a .... about!] This is 11 min. clip and you should watch it.
Neighboring Jordan took already millions of refugees and says to Int'l community that it has no room anymore. In its camps are not only Syrians, but also Palestinians, Afghans, etc. Asked at least to give credit from IMF saying that what is being funded by Int'l community is less than 20%.
But look at this at; hear that lots of those who are streaming toward better live saying that they're for .S.L. Loo at the 7:50min. into the clip.
[Yessir, exactly! Wait to see what possibly can come out from those groups of "poor and suffered" refugees.]
Anatomy of anti-Russian propoganda, at You can see pictures on Internet put up by anybody who wants to say anything and blame Russia.
Dmitri Saims of "Center for American National Interests" says that disinformation happens in the war. Every side wants to push its own agenda can show any fake pics to make a point. Effort is done to say that Russia is committing atrocities. Putin from his side said that RF gov. is ready for those type of attacks and its military is not hurting civilians.
[Anybody can put anything on internet these days. who doesn't know that? And those t.r.r.sts actually are very good on social media. They're using 7th century ideology with 21st century technology.]
Trump said that Syria without Assad will become like Iraq and Lybia, at
He was talking to that goatee-guy on "meet the de-press-ed" program while the latter was trying hard to push his to say something bad about Russia's intentions. T. said "let them do it, they'll be bogged down there like they did in Afghanistan where they spent a fortune and became bankrupt."
Somebody should tell Trump that RF from the beginning loudly announced that it's not planning ground combat in this conflict. Maybe I should in my blog after I finish with this one.
In the meantime uncle PP is planning how to take back Crimea. In his hallucinations he put Donbass next to it. Donbass wasn't "taken" from him, it's still in part of a state called Ukraine. Crimea also wasn't "taken." Its inhabitants in legal referendum overwhelmingly voted in favor to get together with the other part of their homeland. It's at His face is of a monster. To me uncle PP is really a scary looking man.
Another amusing fact; apparently it's true that good old USofA already spent $500 Million to have cia train its own rebel army in Syria to fight both Assad and .S.L.
When Russians got into action and the news hit the fan, General Lloyd Austin testified that we have only 4-5 people on there on the ground in Syria. $100M of tax payer money spent on each person on the ground? Is this a fiction movie theme with main character called Big-Fat-BS or what?
Unfortunately, I'm sure that $$$s was real.
You (as 3rd most-listened to talk show host in America) should find out who was the contractor and whose beck it was sitting on. We, the listeners need and want to know that.
So long.
Saturday evening news from Russia.
Military operation in Syria; aim - .S.L.
At report says that Russian air force destroyed important infrastructures of of .S.L.'s positions. 100s of militants have deserted their posts and ran toward European shores. Intelligence being updated twice a day and by all facts in effected areas there are no civilians. Graphic is full and schedule of flight is thigh. Pilots relieve each other periodically; take offs and landings are continuous. Center of commend and information of operation located in Moscow is open to the media at all times with show on the screen and experts' commentaries. At 2:50min. Chief of central commend of air force of RF Andrei Kartapolov says that according to their intelligence on the ground there is a panic and about 600 militants left their positions and headed toward EU. Also he mentions that before the operations and any particular air strike US DoS and HS were informed to move out their air crafts and people in service. US side confirmed that in those areas only militants live and no civilian residential dwellings were hit.
mw [Better to EU than to Russia. What went around came around to EU. Sooner or later those murderers had to end up in Middle Asian republics, in Caucasus and eventually in mainland Russia.
Russia rightfully is sick and tired of picking up their dead son's bodies and ending up in unending wars perpetrated by US and NATO in the name of "democracy." There is no democracy here and no one in 3rd world knows what it is and wants it in there anyways. In middle east people lived without it for thousands of years and will be living without it for the end of this civilization. There was an 90 years old Afghan man who claimed he was Syrian when he got to Germany. How he was physically able to get there and pull a lie too? There are Kosovo Muslims who got their "independence" from Christian Serbs (thanks to drank-faced-perv-billy-the-willy) taking a big potion of their land (to accommodate their average of 9 kids for the family headcount), and list can go on and on.
Human smuggling and displacement of masses to change the demography, face and the culture of Europe and the West in whole. That's what exactly going on now. To me civilian casualties are inevitable anyways. Some lived in those areas and stayed with their men. Some are ready to die for them, because they're the ones to feed them. Look at the next report.]
UN is ready to change US for war crimes says the head of Human Right's department, because its military air force hit the vicinity of MSF (Doctors Without Borders) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, partially destroying it and killing 19 people; 12 of its member doctors and 7 civilians including 3 children. After letting Washington know about this, strikes continued afterwords anyway.
It's at
At reports that OSCE in Lugansk region of Donbass is monitoring the compliance with Minsk 2 to move certain caliber weapons 15km back to rear from firing points.
After meeting of "Normandy 4' in Paris a few days ago, Minsk agreement's compliance deadline, which was fixed at December 31st of 2015, sides decided that it can be extended due to big volume of necessary arrangements, at
France's Hollande said that implementation of all the points in agreement will take more time than originally thought and sides don't mind to move the deadline to next year.
Sunday evening news from Russia;
"Search and destroy" that's the name of Russian mission in Syria, at
Heroic Oleg Shishkin is reporting from Air Base in Latakia showing planes flying in pairs, being technically checked after every landing. Couple of days of Russian mission already yielding results equal to almost a year of work of West. The first time in history military operation is being shown on live TV for the whole world to see.
Couple of things really pleased my ears;
1. before starting attacks Russia warned US military and civilians to leave the area.
2. PM of Iraq asked Russia to bombed .S.L in their country.
[What the West and O do not understand (because they simply choose not to hear Russian side), is that in Syria there are a few thousand extremists from Russia and from territory of former soviet republics are fighting in ranks of .S.L and should they win they're not going to stay there, their plan is to go back where they came from and continue their ideological mission using dangerous weapons.
What American Russia-hating-war-mongers do not understand, I believe on-purposely, that before we have been attacked in 9/11 by "t.r.r.sts," Russia was attract. Below is a quote from wiki.
"Series of explosions hit Russian cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing 293 and injuring 651 people and spreading a wave of fear across the country. The bombings, together with the Dagestan War, led the country into the Second Chechen War.
The blasts hit Buynaksk on 4 September, Moscow on 9 September and 13 September and Volgodonsk on 16 September. A similar explosive device was found and defused in an apartment block in the Russian city of Ryazan on 22 September."
Look at the numbers of victims and tell me who much of this you saw covered by American verminic media?
There are lots of different people live in Today's Russia and its surrounding areas. Russia, more than 2 decades now was fighting wars in Northern Caucasus's where Chechnya and Dagestan are located.
One of them took 8 years and lots of Russian lives, because of "humane" approach to populations where those murderers lived. Don't you think Russia did not have bombs to drop and clean up the mess without any casualties? Boom! - straight down and peace and quiet would follow. But, no...
They had to play "western" game of masochism, be a "nice" guy while burying their sons. By the way those Muslims are having average of 10 children per family (laying with their first cousins when still are considered "minors" by our standards), while Russians go to school, get education, both parents work and are having average 1 child per family, if that.
What part of "survival of the nation" O doesn't understand? He hates P, that's it, end of the story!
I heard his saying that Russian forces are doing this work, but....... because they don't "differentiate"
"moderate" ones from "extremist once" on the ground. He literally said (with his tone and fingers sticking like a lecturer) that "this's a recipe for disaster and I reject that." Really? How much does he know so far and why he and his "allies" weren't doing it so far? - this is my Q!
There are so many groups and frictions in those countries that if Russians will be confused, then Americans definitely have no clue - whatsoever.
Syria is mostly Muslim today, but its historic territory has been one of the first centers of the early stages Christianity. Word "Christos" first was announced there. I can go on and on with historical connections of that area with Russia, but that's not my mission today. Protecting that area from barbaric actions of destroying churches, manuscripts, religious icons, monuments of every religions which lived and built that area prior, is a holy war. Yes, Russia is conducting Holy, but not religious war today in Syria. NATO generals should kiss Russian pilots' behinds. ]
Russia is acting according to every Int'l law says commander in-chief, at
This is a 14 min. clip showing the chronology of events and I'm not going to go through it. You can watch and see yourselves.
Who and why is trying to make Russia target of disinformation, at
One of them is Turkey, which expressed its "resentfulness" to Russian military operation in Syria.
[Its coming from its own long time internal conflict with Kurds, who also live in Syrian territory. It doesn't need to be anybody else's concern but its own, as far as I'm concerned.]
Another one is Saudi, which is calling Russia to stop its operation, because in their own imagination Russia only wants to help Assad to stay in power.
[They don't like Assad, we know that, but they don't mind to put their noses into Yemen to support whoever the hell they're supporting, for what all Russias and we, the American, should give a .... about!] This is 11 min. clip and you should watch it.
Neighboring Jordan took already millions of refugees and says to Int'l community that it has no room anymore. In its camps are not only Syrians, but also Palestinians, Afghans, etc. Asked at least to give credit from IMF saying that what is being funded by Int'l community is less than 20%.
But look at this at; hear that lots of those who are streaming toward better live saying that they're for .S.L. Loo at the 7:50min. into the clip.
[Yessir, exactly! Wait to see what possibly can come out from those groups of "poor and suffered" refugees.]
Anatomy of anti-Russian propoganda, at You can see pictures on Internet put up by anybody who wants to say anything and blame Russia.
Dmitri Saims of "Center for American National Interests" says that disinformation happens in the war. Every side wants to push its own agenda can show any fake pics to make a point. Effort is done to say that Russia is committing atrocities. Putin from his side said that RF gov. is ready for those type of attacks and its military is not hurting civilians.
[Anybody can put anything on internet these days. who doesn't know that? And those t.r.r.sts actually are very good on social media. They're using 7th century ideology with 21st century technology.]
Trump said that Syria without Assad will become like Iraq and Lybia, at
He was talking to that goatee-guy on "meet the de-press-ed" program while the latter was trying hard to push his to say something bad about Russia's intentions. T. said "let them do it, they'll be bogged down there like they did in Afghanistan where they spent a fortune and became bankrupt."
Somebody should tell Trump that RF from the beginning loudly announced that it's not planning ground combat in this conflict. Maybe I should in my blog after I finish with this one.
In the meantime uncle PP is planning how to take back Crimea. In his hallucinations he put Donbass next to it. Donbass wasn't "taken" from him, it's still in part of a state called Ukraine. Crimea also wasn't "taken." Its inhabitants in legal referendum overwhelmingly voted in favor to get together with the other part of their homeland. It's at His face is of a monster. To me uncle PP is really a scary looking man.
Another amusing fact; apparently it's true that good old USofA already spent $500 Million to have cia train its own rebel army in Syria to fight both Assad and .S.L.
When Russians got into action and the news hit the fan, General Lloyd Austin testified that we have only 4-5 people on there on the ground in Syria. $100M of tax payer money spent on each person on the ground? Is this a fiction movie theme with main character called Big-Fat-BS or what?
Unfortunately, I'm sure that $$$s was real.
You (as 3rd most-listened to talk show host in America) should find out who was the contractor and whose beck it was sitting on. We, the listeners need and want to know that.
So long.
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