Friday, September 11, 2015

To Michael Savage Sep.11, Friday


I can't believe 14 years gone by so fast. I remember every hour of it like it was yesterday.
Funny thing is that the same day I went to my dentist like today. He couldn't work tough, he was panicking and I had to calm him down.

Fast forward 14 years and look at this from yesterday's news, at 
Listen what they're screaming at 2:25min. into the clip. All.h.khb.r, isn't it? If this is not a invasion-to-conquer, so what is it? Don't get me wrong, Russian news sounds like they're on the refugee side.
Also this at Surprise, surprise, some refugees already found their way through city of Murmansk, RF to Norway. EU P. came up with some numbers for placement for each country; Germany - 31500, France 24000 and Spain 15000. For half a million on the move already and more coming? Yeah. right!
In the meantime EU P. had time picking on Russia by putting more sanctions on more people there.
At  Wow!!!
Suicidal, self-hating Deutsche-tran and her cohorts did it, didn't they?
I'd suggest (should i be a consultant to Russian government, (just dreaming)) that they not only show this, but start working on preventive measures, before this type of crowd ends up on their or their neighbor's shores. They have very low birth rate and this will put a last nail on the coffin of their identity. They already have their own refugees from Ukraine, already had and still have their share of trouble from .sl.mist-t.r.rists, economy is under the pressure from "genius" EU and US, etc.
Isn't this a sign of suicide; Christian nations are fighting among each other while all of them being invaded by their collective haters? I'm pretty speechless. I haven't talk about this to anyone yet. I'm still trying to process that this really is happening.
In 1991 collapse of former soviet union was a chock. Almost none would believe it from outside and inside of it.
In 2001, at this same day on the calendar, 2 tallest buildings in the world in NYC came down broad-daylight in sun-shining beautiful day and everyone was shocked, outside and inside those buildings.
Now this; invasion to conquer Christian West is going on in front of our eyes and only worse news by the day can come out of this until Armageddon comes. I mark my own words.
At 2:40pm in above clip you'll see that new boats are arriving and they're dancing from happiness.
Some Europeans like ex-pres. of France N. Sarkozy saying that Russia should chip in. Is he serious? I'd like to give him the answer personally.
Some Russian politician also say that EU and US should help those, which I understand. In the short term it's alike a punishment for their adversaries who are hurting their interests and live of their compatriots. But in a long run, even if they come out of this without getting under the flood, they still will be defected. What's go around - comes around. That's just nature's rule.
Russia's ambassador in UN, Churkov, says that this flow can't be stopped any time soon because the situation in Middle east and in Libya is continuing to be volatile. In Libya, in the result of US policies, constant struggle for power is continuing.
In the meantime .S.L is selling people and their organs on Internet, at
My Q is; how "civilized world" who created all the technologies in the world can't shut down those communication sites?
"Profit making with no moral responsibility" became a contagious disease in developed capitalist world.
US is getting killed by those outsiders to whom they sold their products and services for profit.
Money, money, money, it's the name of the game. I didn't like it from the get go when PCs just started to come out. Why? It's a long story for another book.

I personally know how to stop this, but I'm not going to talk about it, because nobody who could do it is asking my opinion or solution anyway. They're not even working on their own exit strategy, let alone the solution.  So, why bother?

Today; Ketchup-Kerry's assistant cookie-giver-Nuland went to Ukraine to take care of "business."
I believe she took more cookie and milk money from US Treasury bags. Who is watching anyway?

Aug. 14th, couple of young people who had guts to do something about blasphemy went to a museum in central Moscow which was exhibiting works of 50's and 60's some cuckoo artist.
That time anything against religion would go. Making fun of it was popular. Now, when times are very different, thank God in Russia there are people who want to stand up for moral and cultural values.
This is a short clip 
Same of the garbage was inserted in Russian Federation's Constitution taken from ours by some bureaucrat who "supposedly" wrote it. Such as "secular country" which endorsing any religion, our 5th became their 51st to allow crooks and thieves to shot the hell up there too, etc.
I watched a program with the 26 years old Dmitry Tsarionov (Enteo) who heads the organization called "God's will."
Exhibition was showing J.C. in pornographic manner, St. John the Baptist's "statue" had a stuffed animal looking head, etc. It was bad. Dmitry with his friends went the that museum and broke one ugly plate, pulled out some of those linoleum pictures, etc. Police got involved.
Instead of protecting him one idiot who represents orthodox church's position said that action is not acceptable for a Christian. What? What kind of grass is he smoking?
Lying fatso-perv thinking if he's wearing a black gown he knows better? He doesn't know what's going on in the world and because of his obese body he will be exempted from military. I'd tell him what no one could say on TV. Because of these thick headed clowns young people don't want to go to church. They don't know what's being said and why? If they even get a hint, as soon as they come out they see a different world. That's why I don't go to church regularly. I go when nobody is there. I go to any church where I feel the air is clean and I can relax and follow my thought process. It really helps tough, it really does. Cuckoo NYT called the group "Bozhya Volya" not religious or spiritual, but right-wing-radical-extremist, etc. Used up all the psychotic words in its vocabulary to scare the reader. No wonder I don't buy that paper for couple of decades now.

Late evening. Today was a long day for me. I pushed myself to be out in the city with rest of the crowds. It was a nice day like the one 14 years ago. Heard your show just a little. You're right with floodgate opening for 10000 from Syria this looks like the beginning of the end.

At you'll see Putin with his friend Silvio Berlusconi having a good time in Yalta, Crimea where the latter arrived on private visit.

European Commission in Vienna discuss Russian gas transit to EU for upcoming winter.
They decided to give UA only transit fee, so the flow to EU won't be interrupted. UA should be worrying about it all by itself for now. It's at
Refugees as before flooding the EU. In coming weekend about 40000 are anticipated to arrive.
In my observation only Hungary and Czech Republic are showing firm stance to protect their sovereignty. This can be stopped, if they decide to do something about it. Brains of most Europeans are BBQed with holy smokes, so they can't think clearly anymore.
There is one loud mouth very famous politician in Russia said Europeans ate to much, became fat, lazy, bored and looking for war for entertainment. They're got a real reality show!

So long.


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