Sep. 12th, Saturday.
Mysterious powers are in force in EU, or, their media like ours is infected with the virus which can lead you to suicide, if your'e not killed by others by then. They show people in different countries who are demonstrating to bring more invaders in. How this can be happening when EU members cutting each other's throats asking for more money from each other and people are protesting against austerity measures?
1. maybe cocktail drugs are getting stronger and stronger and getting out and getting more partners in perversion is desperately needed,
2. vermin in the media is showing small groups consist of minorities who have any type of connection to middle east or immigration in general.
You know how media can take a little thing and make it a "horomy ter." I know that you don't know what it means.
I know i sound rigid, but I'm not a rigid person, i'm an immigrant myself, naturalized citizen and came out to be American like those who built this country. Also my religion and culture were the same. I was single and educated. I did all sorts of jobs to survive, didn't bring or produced dependents and went long years to naturalization.
Th hell with EU, but once there they can come here too. After 10 000, that bums in congress put down, there will be millions.
Trump recently said US debt is already 19 Trillion. Is that true?
I think he should take over this bankrupt corporation, get Romney on his side (who also is good in buying and rehabilitating bankrupt companies) and clean up the mess in the house.
Going to east; at you'll see Putin is enjoying second day with his friend, ex-premier of Italy, S. Berlusconi. Look how popular he is, how simple he is, look at the historic and cultural roots connecting Russia with that land. How possibly that could be given to anybody else to guard it? Crimea is where it was and will be. Hallelujah!
WH puppet - Kiev thugs are playing with Minsk agreement like with a toy the way they want to. Who is watching anyway, euro bums who got their hands full with refugees who hate their them?
Look how Russian artists responded to Uncle PetrPoroshenko's psychotic "black list" of bans, which reached 500 already at
It's an informative long clip with overview of the development of current situation.
Sep.13th, Sunday.
Today in Russia was local election day, at
Also with Putin was discussions to reform health care industry, specifically eliminate bureaucracy and fraud. It's a long clip and the viewer can get more inside info about medical and social spheres of RF.
Main Int'l news was again about refugee crisis in EUm at Already about half a million in there from Syria.
This is a biggest human replacement in the continent after WWII.
This Russian report is 2 faced. Why? Because in one hand they want to show EU not in a good light, of course because of their current relationship, but also don't want to pass the reality that when so many people coming inside of any country without documents and in any way of vetting, of course that is a serious security concern.
I believe Russian don't want those inn their country, rightfully. They're having hard time in economy, their birth rate is lower than those M.slims who live inside and outside of today's RF, they have their own t.r.rists among them, as the world knows, etc, etc.
Wait to see when push come to shove and old-world-Europe is on the edge of inside term oil, they will send some or demand RF to take refugees too.
I thing Russia should only take those who have mixed family, some connections or sponsors. Never should RF take anyone without seeing their exit visa and giving them entry visas.
If I want to go to Russia, I have to apply for visa, full out all documents needed, pay for it, wait as much as it takes to check my data out and give me entry permission. So if I can not go there, why should anyone?
I see, people might say "oh, they're refugees," and I say "how do you know?" Because they run out of their homes who do you know their homes are not there anymore?
Q: "They are being attacked!" I ask "how do you know?" How they suddenly coming from all over the world; Afghanistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, etc. and going to one direction?
Check this report at
Why now and why to Europe? Why to Hungary, Serbia and Greece instead of all only to their brothers in religion? Muslim world is wast and rich after-all. For example Saudi,which is a main player in conflict and destabilization in middle east, took only handful of refugees, but promised to finance to build 200 masques in Germany.
Why right now, right after Sep 1st this huge flood started. Looks like a gigantic flush-mob for Europeans. War is Syria is going on for a few years by now and nothing drastic happened right in this month? Conspiracy?
mw [I believe Deutsche-tran doing this on-purpose. Maybe TAFTA had a role? I'm going to do my research on this. Western world is against both - .S.L and Assad. As always they don't know nothing about the people who live there. Western world knows that Russia has a military base in Tartus, Syria for a long time, way before all these conflicts started, but trying to confuse their people thought the media telling that Russia is fighting on the side of Assad. 1. that is intellectually dishonest, 2. if they would, that would be an action of good faith from the side which having a contract.
We decide which side is good or bad for us, for our interests, why RF can't? We say; "we have 'interests' in there" when went to Kuwait. Right? Right? Why Russia can't pick and choose?
Because for America is only one way; an American way. I'm an american and would love to see my country always strong and the strongest. But, in the case of RF specifically, I want to see that US showing respect for effort of P. trying to stand for his countries legitimate interests. Consideration and respect will do much good and straighten us more, than thuggish and stubborn competitiveness.
Russian history, culture, mentality are not build to tolerate or give in to it. To me personally, this type of self-destructive approach on the part of WH is coming only from one source; personal detest of O toward Putin. Underlying reasons can be many, but there is no excuse whatsoever to do this right now. I mean sanctions, using ukraine as a geopolitical instrument against RF and some more nasty political garbage. Today any freight going to Tartus is the following of contract signed 5 years ago between RF and Syria. Why would RF abandon its partner and their mutual interests? because the US wants to? So, what US will want tomorrow? Right now hundred of its military men are in Ukraine right in the backyard of Russia. What are they doing there? Just helping one brother to kill another and antagonizing The Bear. That's it.
In Sep. 28th Putin should be in New York to address UNGA. First time in history, Pope is going to do so too, - for all I care. This man looks more like a politician than a preacher to me.
Weekend is over.
So long.
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