Friday, September 4, 2015

To Michael Savage Sep. 4th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
Yesterday I listened most of the first 2 hours. In second hour while you talking about Karl-the-cuckoo-Marx you called him a "stupid Russian." Well, in NYC street language it's "tripping,"
Yes, speaking in Ebonics, - you was tripping! First you were wrong, very wrong and on top of it you were ranting like crazy. So... I didn't like it and didn't listen much of the rest of the second hour.
You don't know about socialism or communism, you read about those in the books, especially in books published in here, which is not enough. So, stick with the issues that are current and domestic. You don't know or ignore talking about what's going on in eastern Europe and my big Q for you is; WHY? All over sudden you can figure what's going on in Iraq or Iran? From where? From the same sources that you criticize saying local news don't make it to them? How Int'l news made it to them? How you believe what you read and see? Oh, you saw couple of videos on Internet? That's all? How did it come to you? Do you speak Arabic? You read all of their local papers? Ever visited those counties? Ok, then.
Here is the news; Yesterday was a parade in Beijing, China, celebrating the end of WWII. 12 000 soldiers and officers participated and Putin and other foreign officials were present. China invited all countries' dignitaries participated in anti-Hitler coalition, America though didn't ignore the invitation as i did to Russia too. What an absolute disgrace! The memory of all those men and women who died in that war wasn't even respected by this administration.
At 4:54min. you'll see that 17 countries' soldiers participated in the parade the first time; Russians, Serbs, Mongols, Egypt, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, etc.
Look at the big racket they have, which can fly 10 times faster than a light. Apparently American military called those "killer of aircraft carriers."
China's president announced that he'll downsize the country's military personal by 300 000. "China is on a peaceful path, it doesn't pursue hegemony or expansionism," he said. Even after those cuts Chinese military will stay one of the biggest in the world with 2 million in its ranks.
In Beijing were also Russian veterans who participated of freeing China from aggressor Japan, 7min.
Then Putin and Xi Jinping talked business; economy (signed oil contract for $30 Billion) talked terr.rism and security co-operation, etc. at  

Look at this; Europeans who hated each other, had fought each other constantly, had 2 world wars in last century decided to get together and be a one big family. Yeah! Yippy-ya-yo-ka-yeah! They thought being together will stop from killing each other. In the result no body was watching what was going on. Everyone was nice and leisurely hoping that the rest would take care of the problems. Germans came on top of that marshy pond. Those in the bottom were drowning them down. Now they're being attacked from outside forces, which will definitely sink all of them to the bottom of the swamp and send them to the pit of hell. Liberalism and its unavoidable side effect called immorality and distraction of family ate European civilization from within.
French publication says that its all America's fault, that the NATO and US organize the invasion of EU by bombing other countries to install democracy. In Libya chaos started when the head of that state was lynched. Under the pretense of Arab-spring was incited the civil war in Syria, which already took millions of lives.

Russian news ain't an angelic either, to be honest with you. I don't just close my eyes and hear what they say. In this crisis they sound like on refugees' side. Oh, boo-hoo!
Yes, using words of compassion always sounds good, and also safe for those who speak them, but what if all of those would come to their shores? How many of those condescending jack-asses are ready to take any of those to their own homes? To me those are more of invaders than refugees. Refugees could be only Christians from those countries, they should go there and pick them up.
Otherwise how do you know who came from where and for what reason? Looking at their "attire" you can see those are those who hate Christians. How difficult is this to understand? I know one thing; these are never ever going to like, love or respect any of those who would open their doors and sustain them. Ain't gonna happen.
Putin said that refugee crisis in EU was absolutely expected, at

If any cuckoo says so, either haven't been in Europe or lying through their teeth.
Beginning of the end of western civilization and Christianity is unveiling in front of our eyes - a big time.
At in its official statement expressed its regret for the crisis in EU, which it referred to irresponsible military actions taken in Northern Africa and Middle East, which brought those countries to the edge of economic and political distraction.

I'm also following Trump. Yesterday he pledged to GOP that he will not run as a third part candidate, if he's not nominated. You weren't pleased by that news either and asked "what was that about?"
I did some of my calculation, assuming what would be the conversation leading to that.
I also would wish he stayed combative and unshaken, but I'll explain my guess later. ************

For all what's going on in the world my heart now is going out for children of Donbass. How many are still in basements, homeless, hungry, orphaned or can't go to school because there is simply no school? Sep. 1st is a big ritualistic day for kids and parents in that area. It's a big deal in there. They seems to be forgotten by the rest of the world.

Late evening; couldn't listen to your show today.
Putin called the situation created in EU "an absolutely inevitable event."
He said that the migrant overflow is a result of wrong foreign policy of the US and its blind follower EU. "We said many times before that the policy of imposing its standards without considering of those regions' historic, cultural, national, religious and other factors," he said.

Situation with refugee crisis is becoming explosive in EU; at 
So long.  


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