Tuesday, September 8, 2015

To Michael Savage Sep. 8th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
You see what's going on in Europe, right? I'm sure you do. Do you know what brought 28 countries under one umbrella called EU? They say 3 things;
1) European values (whatever that means),
2) International law (wherever you can find any).
3) Humanism (good word to use to cover up self-imposed stupidity).
To all of that I say - Yuh-hah! In French would be - Ooh, la, la!
To me Europe suffers from myths it created for itself. When things were nice and cosy they came up with word "tolerance." Tolerance to those within their society members who want to do whatever they want to do the way they want to do it, and towards migrants, as if after they'll be around them, those would integrate and love them.
Nothing is further from the truth, as we see in reality for last half of century. Those refugees hate them, they believe Europe and he US were responsible for their situation and those MUST pay the price and provide everything for them. They spit on those so called "values" that Europeans fantasized for themselves. They will stay in their own enclaves, still marry to their fist cousins while teenagers and multiply more rapidly.
Just look at Chechen diaspora in southern France. See how many they got an asylum, how many years they already live their, how much they multiplied and how many of them work to provide for themselves. Also look at the crime rate between them and other Muslim groups living there for decades, mostly with Maghreb Arabs. It's like black to black crime in US.
One stupid Christian country took the terr.rists of another Christian country, houses and feeds them and multiplies them. Ask any of those m.slims if they're interested in learning French, if they "like" France or want to became French. Only on paper to get subsidies, otherwise they stick a finger way up-high when you ask those Qs. French, the rest of Europe, America, entire Christian world for them comprise of dirty immorals and sinner and their death is a gift to almighty.
My solution? Christians go to Europe, Muslims go only to Muslim countries, what about that? Richest Muslims who live in Gulf countries don't want them. They pretend to take a few, but do everything to push them on Christian world to see its demise. They call it "housekeeping" for G-d and believe entitled to afterlife reward; - a big time! Paradise, 72 virgins, you name it. I don't know what women get in paradise for sex tough. A high quality super-fast electric broom made in Germany? Possibly. No human can fight against the idea of G-d in another human's mind. Europe and western civilization is dying because they forgot to stay faithful to their religion. You'll see a total degradation of Christian values of morality and responsibility. Morality went out the windows of Churches with the wind and responsibility of taking care of themselves and their own families went out of its territory with it.
Those refugees are going to revenge them up to exiling them from their homes, if they'd be still alive and could leave. They can't go nowhere anyway. Nowhere, anyone would take them. They wouldn't even have graves left intact. No one would keep them as a museum. they'll bomb them to "clean" the "dirt" from soil. Mark my words. That day will come. The worse is possible also. If our el-jefe keeps intimidating Russia, continues creating more military tensions and by mistake or by human error something goes off, we all be gone together forever.
One idiot in Washington was saying; "America should show "leadership" and take in refugees."
I'd ask that cuckoo that how many he's going to take to his house, put in his bed and pay from his pocket to multiply them more? How many dumb, retarded children he has who don't want to see his ugly face? Another very dangerous thing is among those refugees are ter.r.ists from all over the world pretending to be from those countries, who're getting into EU only to obliterate it from within.
This comes at the time when big cuckoos in charge of running the EU continue imposing more sanctions toward Russia, which hurts them right back creating economic crisis with their own working people.
Look at this; RT.com/news/314628-protest-brussel-water-attack. What do you expect from those refugees (who have no skills and grow up detesting everything that doesn't match their mindset) would do in near future, later or even ever-after in there?
If your own people, your local farmers who lived and worked generations are stuck in poverty, how possibly those governments are going to justify the policy of taking 100s of 1000s of dependent people into their midst?
If I'd be a cartoonist, I'd draw a picture of 28 EU member big thugs playing with loaded pistols by pointing out at each other's throat. It should look like a daycare for genetically vicious kids suffering from homicidal and suicidal tendencies and who accidentally got hold of a stockpile of guns, bombs and even found a nuke button on the wall. They're shooting themselves on their feet right now, just for fun and excitement. Wait to hear and see their Halloween party coming soon.

Yesterday you had a replay of last Thursday show talking about I.IS, etc. You don't know much of what's going on in there, either. There are no "good" guys in Middle East. Even Christians in there do not like America, never did, never will. They came or want to come here to live easier, to take and use as much as they can, not to work. Overwhelming majority will work only for cash and multiply, that's all. How many m.slim women you have seen working in NYC? Handful or none?
But, push come to shove, I'd take in here some of the Christian refugees only. Temporally. Put strict conditions for their settlement and obtaining of legal residency. Give them mandatory work.
Leave me alone with "humanism." It's a wrong word to use in this equation. Humanism means what human can do, not what G-d suppose to do, such as watch out for everyone. I can't be G-d, neither millions of people living in the same city with me can. I haven't seen angels around here either. Anyone maybe aspiring to run for sainthood in NYC? How many, one, maybe?
World is over crowded, there are simply not enough res ounces for everyone, that's why wars erupt.
Especially the people in poor countries who are over occupied to bring other eating mouths into this world, should stay in their countries; or kill each other or figure out how to make a better country for themselves. I'd suggest immediately start practicing abstinence. Normal human brain must have control over its body functions.
How China became mighty again today? At first its government imposed limitations on child bearing. One, that's it on taxpayer money, second - you pay! Was it wrong? I never heard any European even talk about it, much less condemn it.
Another idiotic-irony is that countries of so called western democracy along with Americans (who distribute their idea of freedom with bombs) put a ban on whole bunch of Russians, including members of intelligentsia, business and political world, who didn't need to go there, much less were asking for anything, but taking in who knows who who just walking in without any documents.
One Russian political analyst says that today's Europe is a mud-mix of myth, illusion and cynicism.
I agree and will add; plus self-hatred. Lie is a disgusting thing and usually has a short life. Now it stinks to high heavens in Europe and makes it masochistic.
Also on Sunday I watched the program called Meet The de-Press-ed and was disgusted by its guests' opinions about the Trump. What a bunch of self-hating morons! One of them is gen. Collin Powell, who was talking from both sides of his mouth. He's a general in still mostly white country and he's still bickering. Blacks had never lived in a better country than USA and look what 99.999% will tell you about it. New black-racist group is created by name backlivesmatter, as if it didn't matter before. When and by who #whitelivesmattertoo should be created?
If in this country after 165 years 2 groups can not reconcile, how are you imagining any other group assimilate? Impossible.
Have you heard of TomBrokaw voice recently? You do his parody alright. He sounds like a scary character from Russian cartoon called "Kashchey bessmertniy."
I don't watch that program, I pushed myself to observe it for its professionalism. I've got noxious. America can afford and deserves much better quality news and commentary businesses than the existing ones.

More clips are coming out showing invasion of EU.
This report called "live chain" is at ntv.ru/novosti/1508338/video.
Just heard that US wants to take 64.000 in? Are those bombs are on LSD in DC? It will not end there, it will just start and will blow out of proportion.
One only man, The Donald, just started to talk about protecting the southern border, the cuckoos in Congress want to take the country under the flood. What part of hate these cuckoos do not understand? All the old rates who have no life ahead of them and are sick of themselves and those who want them dead inside their homes, want to bring the end of this country.
I know a woman now in her 50's who was born in Syria. Her family came when she was in middle school. All those years their extended families back there condemn them for living in America, for becoming Americans, never even visited them and didn't want to hear a word about immigrating here. Now they want to come and they're Christians. Those I'd agree to bring, but with local family's written sponsorship. Now, the family in here do not want them, telling me if they'd come here they're going to swear, curse, condemn and demand to be taking care of fully and completely. Never will be happy and satisfied, because Americans made them homeless at the first place.
All over sudden the problem with Mexicans is going to become a fairy tale. You'll see. At least many Mexicans can do beck-breaking jobs. Those middle-easterners are not cut for that. Their women will be sitting home eating and getting pregnant, while the men will get involved in all sorts of machinations of survival. Go to Nice, south France and see what they're doing there for decades.
See how they fight for the territory of drug-selling and how they stab each other to death every other day. Idea of brotherhood doesn't work when men go home and have dirty sex anytime on "nature's call." Women can't say no, those cultures do not allow contraception or abortion. All the eating mouths coming out continuously are need of food, water, clothing, medicine, etc. Who is going to provide? Do you know how much one human pollutes the planet? Find out yourself. Imagine if even one man works, he always have many more to feed.
Those idiot Germans are hard working people. In one of the int'l studies on labor effectiveness, German women was the hardiest working. I'll add Russians. Russian women lived without men thought the world wars for so long, they can do everything the men can do. Add to it very harsh climate most areas of Russia has, you do the math.
My own father was born and grew up in Middle East on the shore of Mediterranean sea. Although he wasn't Muslim, wasn't indoctrinated against the west, actually went to christian religious school and lived through repatriation to his homeland, he was still one of most stubborn people you could ever meet. He was a good father, may he rest in peace, but in terms of flexibility of mind, forget about it!
They're very pretentious, capricious, demanding and one way thinking people 99% of the time. It's the culture, the mentality, the planted world view on that region. They're the best. They knew the best. You can't teach them or tell them what to do. Everything should fit into their view of things. Add to it the hate towards Christianity and Judaism, the notion that those people deserve to die for All.h, their mission to do that "holy" work to go to heaven, you got the picture.
Government's first job is to protect its people from enemies foreign and domestic.
This policy will make the foreign enemies into domestic ones. It's a security and survival issue for us.

When I walk in NYC streets and see really European looking American man I think to myself; "look, disappearing human specie."  
Now I'm watching RT.com/live and seeing the turmoil in Berlin. Two opposing sides of locals are demonstrating on the issue of refugees. Did you see the number of refugees taken by Gulf countries? Saudi is 4, UAE 16 and Kuwait 7. The PM of latter states that his governemnt do not want to bring refugees into the country because it doesn't want to bring trauma and stress on their own people.
So, Kuwaiti government has higher standard of moral and legal responsibility than ours. Hands down. Aren't we always think we're the example? Isn't America telling Russian what to do in their own backyard where their own brethren live? Look to another example; Poland, an adversary of Russia, member of EU, American puppet who helps Ukrainian thugs to kill their own in eastern part of their country, haven't given asylum even to one Ukrainian who ran there; not from Donbass, not from Kiev or the rest. East European Christians don't take Christians, but Western European Christians take M.slim in droves. Go figure.
Deutsche-tran wants to build housing for those? Can she make them work on building their own housing? That will take time. What happens before that? We'll see.
The homeless crisis in NYC is like never before. I associate it with the flood of illegals. Now refugees who never will assimilate and may even kill us? How all those young males are going to behave in future. They all can have sex 3 times a day. What's then? Deutsche-tran is going to address this issue with her ugly brains? She don't even have one kid of her own. I guess, that's why.
I don't have children either, but want to preserve this country for future generations who will keep the memory of those who established it, built it from scratch and gave their lives to protect it.
By letting this country go out of hands, we're rejecting them.

Afternoon now; just turned the second hour of your show. You're ranting about putzs in Congress, calling Merkel the biggest traitor in German history, then Hillary for causing the Arab spring, wasser-woman from FL, the Pope and his fraud in global warming, etc.
He has to come to the US and give a speech in Congress, which I agree with you, is ridiculous. He called to take refugee families in one by one. I guess he'd prefer some of those teenage men full of energy, raging hormones and vengeance right to his bedroom covered with prayer rags. Yes, I said that. I hope he'll have a courage to show to his followers the example of that utterly humane behavior with pride and joystick in his hand. Yes, I said that too! I can't stand that fraud. He gives me creeps.
Way before his "election," as soon as the other one resigned (which wasn't honorable act), comedians already were making fun of the next one being from Latin America and a p.rv. How did they know that? Average person is much smarter than those like him living in an isolated environment being "handled" by their human "trainers." Whatever people who're surrounding them say, that's what they believe.
UN calls US to take more refugees in. The entire stupidity of creating that organization, which no one listens to anyway, was a goal of taking money from more civilized world to give to those who weren't able to create the same things for themselves.
Just check the money flow and follow it. Give us the numbers, will you?
4:40pm you're talking that "crazed animal" governments in EU headed by idiots merkel-n-cameron are doing this on purpose to create a civil war, upheaval, so they can grab more control over the people.  A caller just now called it "a M.slim crusade." That's true. Did you hear they scream "all.h.khbar" when they were fighting against police force. And, they won so far, didn't they? Yessir.
Now you're talking about the flight attendant who refused to serve alcohol in airplane, saying that she should quit. Don't you know that some people are always looking for anything to be able to sue.
Yes, before taking those jobs people should sign a consent, so they can't "discover" their believe system later. She should become self-employed and sell prayer rags from her home, that's what I'll tell her, should I be the judge.
Signing off, I can't lose my afternoon on this.

Just one more;
At 1tv.ru/news/social/291836 FM of RF Lavrov talked to vice-president of EU Commission visiting Moscow and asking for money. He said that primary responsibility should be shouldered by those who created this crises and that RF will help with operation of Int'l humanitarian aid agencies.
I will condemn Russia for giving even one ruble for that cause and taking even one person in. Unless they're Russian and or have close family who will be responsible to take care of them.
Look at that crazy EU. Damaging Russian's economy, killing Russian people. now want Russians to pay for their mistake and pay for the potential killers to get into their homes directly.
Putin much think that EU and US lost their perv minds for real. Seriously.

So long.


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