Monday, September 1, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 1st, Monday, 2014


You believe it's already September? I don't. I don't know where spring and summer went this year.
I know I have a little left of the summer, but unless I really, really push myself to get out of house,
it won't happen automatically. This conflict consumed most of my time and drained me emotionally.
Sometimes even I find myself pulling my hair. I asked my doctor what to do about it, she said "don't watch the news and stop doing it." Easy said than done.

This is the news; at & @Starlet737 (tw.#726) you can see that hot war is
waging non-stop. Kiev thugs destroyed 20 homes and one casualty reported in Lugansk region.
At heroic Peter Deryagin reporting showing destroyed airport of Lugansk, which was for mouths controlled by home grown neo-nazi thugs from Kiev.
So called battalion "Aydar" was there, this is one of the "private" ones, paid by Kiev appointed governor oligarchs. Hear what locals say; "they were looting all the houses around the town, people were so scared that couldn't come out from basements to cook something outside on the ground. One woman says they were in the basement for 20 days - day and night.
Now about 200 thugs are taken by self-defense forces. See Russians don't kill them, instead talking to them, feeding them, putting bandage on their wounds, asking Qs, etc. Look at those nasty faces!
I'd prefer to .....    let me stop here and give you the news.
Dnepr, Donbas, Azov, - these are the battalions they're from. Reporter is asking one of the idiots if he knew what was going on and how many innocent people were being killed. He says "no." In town of Ilovaysk of Lugansk region twice as much people are dead than those who survived. All civilians of all nationalities living there. At 1:50 min. of the tape you see a man who was the commander and whose battalion gave up as hostages. His name is Alexsai and he happen to be from Lugansk. But was hired by Kiev to come to his hometown to kill. A few days ago he learned that his own mother was killed by the hands of his "comrades" in arms. Now he's looking at this war from the other side agreeing that what they have done was fascistic and he has to ask for forgiveness and bow his head all his life. He said they don't have the information from UA media. They haven't seen all that devastation Kiev organized against their own brothers.

In the meantime, at report says that already more than 800 000 refugees from war-zone arrived in RF. For most of them the first stop is in Rostov region where they are given place in camps-towns, then processed to be sent to appropriate regions of the country.
One woman is reading her poem telling about her broken heart, hardened soul and destroyed village called Novosvetlovka (means "new light" in R). They were in basements for 3 weeks.
Look at the kids talking about tanks and bombs. Some families came just with one bag in hands totally traumatized.
At (tw.#727) Putin said that UA military is indiscriminately shelling all residential areas. This clip is a brief overview of last a few days. At 6:00min of the tape you'll see
4 Frenchmen who went to help self-defense forces. One of them says "we came to help people against American imperialism from which Europe suffers too." Putin asked the commend of self-defense to let go of hostages and it was heard and respected by commandos.
I'd like to see those dummies with their stupid mothers lined up to kiss his .ss. What? wouldn't it go viral on you tube? He should organize a fundraiser and get paid from internet and use it to care for refugees.
Why would he ask head-price for those hostages? Do you know that neo-nazis had to get paid for every dead kidnapped, taken town? Do you know that Kiev put bounty on the heads of some who they don't like? Oh, yes, they have a name-price list.
Oh, well. How many demonic things humans can do to each other, animals couldn't think of.
It's 5:30 am and I haven't slept yet.

So long.


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