Morning news from Eastern Ukraine is a little better, but still not good. I checked all the sides, heard Dr. Cohen's commentary yesterday, I personally, still feel that this is just a trap. UnclePP had no other choice but play a little ceasefire, while he's even not sitting around the table in Kiev, but browsing in Wales and getting more money for arms and other things. Now he has a discontent of those who brought him to power, because of this set back. Mostly so called National Guard has discredited the management accusing it of treason, because it left them without proper commend, supply and back up. 100s of them were left hungry and without protection and gave into self-defense to survive. Back home they're facing a danger to be court marshaled, so they better tell the truth.
More than 3000 people are dead in Donbass, most of them innocent civilians, more than a million refugees, infrastructure of entire regions is destroyed, who knows how many injured. I'm more than sure this is not a full picture, for the simple reason is that there are only handful of reporters in the war zone. Numbers should be much higher than that. Today in Lugansk there is danger of epidemic, because of the distraction or the damage of filtration of drinking water.
Some trying to get back to their homes, no matter what, but artillery fires are continuing, such as in the area of Donetsk's airport. In following clip you'll see that not only the self-defense fighter but also resident eyewitnesses are telling that they see more UA military heavy artillery armament is arriving and congregating in certain areas.
It's at and @Starlet737 (tw.#744), & #DonbassAgainstNazi,
heroic Evgeniy Lyamin reporting from war zone - city of Donetsk. OSCE members supposedly are there to record what's going on, but how many are they and what their reports can do?
People who are getting back, are still prefer to stay in basements, because their building are destroyed or damaged. This is not a peace agreement, just a little ceasefire, which can end up like the other one in June - with more aggression of UA thugs.
At you can see that radical ultra-nationalists started a witch-hunt in badly wounded city of Slavyansk. I'm sure this is not the only place. Their first target; - teachers. Look at the young thug - neo-nazi harassing teachers telling them to resign from their jobs. Why? Because mostly ethnic Russian population whose parents and grandparents who fought against nazis and who are buried in here want to learn and speak Russian. Surprise, surprise. What do you think this neo-nazis want them to learn? Guess? No, not English to help them integrate their knowledge into a global economy and communication systems, not French with its poetry, class and status of political
and thus diplomatic significance in Europe, but ...... yes, you're right, language of their ideologues - German. Why Russian kids on the land of saturated with their ancestor's blood shed for their identity and freedom, should waste a time on learning useless language of their historic victimizers, is beyond me.
I still do not want to hear that language or travel to Germany. Do not sound good to my ears, and has no use in today's world anyway. About the country; I traveled Europe, lived in France, traveling from Switzerland to France on train we passed through Germany. That was more than enough for me.
In my gut I always felt that stench of fascism hasn't gone, it could not be gone in a few decades. I didn't want to smell it. Apparently, unfortunately I was and I'm still right. All that "cleaning themselves, paying for their crimes" are all baloney. It was a face to survive inside Int'l community and get back to their natural self. You think tran is "happy" to see that Russians are still celebrating anniversaries of victory day by having a big military parade? Think again. That's her personal thing against Russia and Putin. But, how America can end up on their side at this time, is beyond my believe system and comprehension.
Am I saying that German nation didn't create values to contribute to human civilization? NO. Do I like classic composers such a Beethoven, Mozart and others? YES. Do I listen to them? YES.
But, these have been individuals and I don't take them together with political ideologies of different times and societies, which have been and are still in there. Why would I forgive them for shedding my family's blood? I believe that satan exists and you should too.
Look at the evidence; while UA constitution and its half-elected boss - unclePP is talking about not repressing ethnic minority right to their language and culture, neo-nazis still found a way to push their useless language into Ukrainian schools and control their mind. How Russians became a minority in Ukraine, is another discussion. Kiev is still a Russian city, Odessa is a Russian city, most Russians died in WWII to free all those areas. Of course, there was a united effort and they were many-many other nationalities who lived in former Soviet, but by mere fact of numbers, because Russians were the majority, they died in greater numbers.
Look at the other killing monster; - the shortage of life-saving medications. While UnclePP in Kiev
is bragging to expend the military budget, he, the Billionaire has no money himself or in his gov. "treasure chest" for seriously ill children and people with critical conditions.
You live with a sword, you die with a sword, apparently. After coup of maidan, hrivna already went down for 40% against $ and still going strong right down the hill. 93% of sick with oncological diseases in UA today are deprived of medicine. Disease don't know ethnicity and race, also can differentiate between rich and poor. Remember Steve Jobs? Thugs are not immune to those either.
Somebody tell UnclePP, please while he is doing his 3 faced job in Kiev.
1. He just signed some "sanction" against RF,
2. Then said he's sending more troops to southeast, but not for war,
3. After talking from one side of the mouth that eastern regions will have more autonomy,
he's saying that there can NOT be word about federalization of Ukraine, etc.
When about 3-4 weeks ago Deutsche-tran was there and said that's the only way for solution,
he didn't object to it. But today is another day and for a puppet to defend its title and keep its role "Whatnot Workshop" is working fine.
So long.
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