Today, at 6th day of ceasefire, it seems that Kiev is doing the same scumbagish thing it did with previous ceasefire, - using it to recoup and regroup. Apparently it's sending more arms and fresh forces to Eastern part of the country.
It's at
Another news you might be aware of already that nato plans to send 4000 troops called "rapid force" to Eastern UA. Shouldn't Putin do the same thing that O just announced to be doing - from air in Syria and Iraq?
How come we can go to another continent and pick and choose which one we like and kill the ones we don't, but Putin can't protect his own, under its nose and in his backyard.
Put yourself in his position and look at the world. Doesn't WEST look really crazy?
They dictate Putin he should not maneuver his own forces inside his own country and getting hysterical about it, when they go to another continent and bomb whoever they choose?
"Ain't it a b.t..h?!," - would say my favorite comedian, - "we're down to Syria now! We can't run out of wars, can we? S........t!" reports another insanity from the part of the WEST. This sanctions business became a pass time for Brussels and D.C. alike.
How privately own company which in essence, legally works for its shareholders, can be controlled by government bureaucrats?
I thought government control over economy meant communism, no?
What is this then? How this can happen in here and from here? And, D.C. has a nerve to criticize others? To go around and spread whatever it's spreading? I don't even want to repeat what words they use to confuse.
Oh, by the way, Mr. O said he'll fight whatever it is in middle east without ground war while sending 470 soldiers there? Go figure.
At report says that last night in Donetsk Nat'l Guard still was firing at residential buildings, robbing stores and homes, organizing drunk debauchery in 2 villages, - Stepnoy and Novomikhailovka. Eyewitnesses say at least 10 bombardments happen at 2am and lighted up the sky like daylight.
Check the news at, #DonbassAgainstNazi,
At you can read that 2nd humanitarian aid convoy is waiting at the Rostov region of Russia to take off to disaster zone. Waiting for a paper from UA to agree.
Now, when Lugansk region is on the edge of epidemic, due to lack of drinking water, why this convoy is waiting? Remember the first one they kept for 8 days for nothing? After it went and came back without any glitch. There was no breach of law or trust, as they were "afraid" in Kiev. Why not call the Red Cross, OSCE or else and let it go?
Oh, let me tell you something; to see how lawless government of UA is, you should check the Defense Minister's social site where he says that every time he sees and hears that one of the MP's talk (her last name is Bondarenko), he wants to reach out to his gun to kill her.
Imagine what type of men our government is protecting and supporting?
Mrs. Bondarenko is one of the several members of parliament in Kiev, who wants to see the end of this war and is for reconciliation.
She is ethnic Ukrainian, but stands for all Ukrainians and asks to respect and talk to the citizens of southeast. As a woman and the mother she cares for all the innocent victims. As oppose to her, there are other women in rada that are calling for more killings and are happy to see the dead bodies of children. Actually they clap and cheer for it. Ms. B said this on Russian TV. I watched it myself.
Pig faces in rada banned Communist party, which still has many voters there. ? ? ?
So much for imported western democracy, isn't it? Just like that; the pig said "I don't like you and you get out."
Now pigs want to do the same to "Party of regions," which stands for listening to everybody in the country, simply meaning anti-nazi one. The rest are radicals who will start eating each other God willing sooner than I predict. One worse than the other.
In the meantime more refugees are arriving into RF. This clip shows northern Ossetia, where 110 people arrived, most of them are children of preschool age. It's at
After a few seconds of soothing picture, you can hear what one woman is saying while scared to show her face. She said that UA military is going door to door, with pictures and names, taking people, anybody they want to to unknown places.
Right now about 1000 refugees found shelter in Northern Ossetia.
Imagine the picture of going door to door and taking people out of their homes without anybody watching. Does this reminds you something in movies? Such as ....... Nazis?
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