Wednesday, September 10, 2014

To Michael Savage Sep. 10th, Wednesday, Evening news


I listen to your show's first hour today, you were asking what to do with is.s/is.l in Middle east. With the information we have and I can trust, I have no opinion about it.
After this current conflict in the middle of Europe, intimidating a superpower for no good reason at all, when you and everybody else had a much easier time to find out what's going on objectively, did nothing. You had a right feeling but still almost didn't touch it. And the rest where just talking real crazy, like the old saying in old country "when snake's head is itching, it put it on the rail."
To see, hear, compare and analyse what's going on in southeastern Ukraine and what I see in US media is not short of insane. It's just a set up from top to bottom to create chaos in the world.
With disregard that it can also can obliterate us in here.
It this topic seems not that relevant, significant or worthy covering to you? You couldn't find information or you were instructed not to talk about it?
How you can analyze and have answers or suggestions to what to do with some group in middle east? How do you know, who they are and what do they want? You go by what media says? Since when?
You're the one who called them "vermin" first, right? So, how come now you're going by what you hear and read from them? Oh, you saw a beheading? What a surprise. They don't have a luxury of injection? Most of the countries around the world don't.
What did you say and do when neo-nazis in eastern Ukraine, sponsored by WEST wrapped a 3 years old kid on a tank, dragged the kid until he died and then did the same to his mother?
It didn't get to you? It should, should you read this blog and/or give more time to Dr. Cohen on your program. The least you could do is have me regularly on your show to update you with facts that you could check yourself.
Which one for me is worse, you might ask? Dragging of a kid to his death is much worse, than beheading of a grown man who went to enemy area knowingly. Now you might say, "oh, the grown man is American, so it's more important for us." What was he doing there? When you've got information that you could trust from him? Nobody knew who he was and what he was doing there. Do not pretend that you don't know that NO "journalist" from anywhere can ever figure out this mess. As much as I remember you were ranting about African kids who were kidnapped. I'm not saying you should not, but, do you know how many kids died in their own homes and schools from military fire
in Eastern Ukraine? Do you know that after "civilized" Europe and the US helped to broker a ceasefire, which requires exchange of hostages all to all, Ukrainian military was returning lots of heads without bodies attached?

Well, my answer to your Q without calling you; I don't know anybody in middle east or from middle east who likes America and Americans. No matter who you kill, the other one hate you as much or more. That's a religious war, tribal war, sectarian war, village to village and family to family war. How you're going to sort it out? How many "refugees" you want more at this time from middle east? Where are you going to put them, in your neighborhood or inside your house? There is no "other" side in any conflict in middle east.
You might talk like a "humanitarian" or a "helping" person to fill the time of your show, but
Putin was right saying "anything America is touching becomes Libya."
Do you disagree?
Most politician in Russia (at least the ones I heard) believe that it's an American way to create chaos and get in, so they can steal, control, settle down and never go away. Do you disagree? Why are we all over the world, when in debt? What are we doing in 128 countries around the world?
Now we have to be under Russia's nose trying to pull a hair out of it, see if it sneezes on us?
Who does this benefit, besides war contractors in military industrial complex plus lobbyists and war mongers in congress who have no life left to enjoy?
What are you talking about when you say "enemy?" Who is your friend? Anybody wants you to go visit him in middle east? Do you speak their language? Do they speak yours?
Hate to break a bad news for you, Michael Savage, 99% of Europeans hate you and your country and your politics and your mentality! OK? And, I'm talking about "allies" you understand this? Members of the same family don't like each other if they live on 2 sides of the pond. Intellectuals who are in the same business hate each other, including those who belong to the same ethnic group. What are you talking about?

Now, let me give you real relevant news. You should read this and comment on it, so you can have really intellectually high class political talk.
It's at also @ Starlet737 (tw #745). Mr. Putin is talking about RF's plans to reinforce its homeland security measures and explains who and why created the conflict in Ukraine. Of course, it's nato's work to expend its territories and resuscitate its political situation.
They created the Ukraine conflict and now that's the reason they want to use to do what they were trying to do for many years. They are in Black Sea, in Baltic republics, putting more military "stuff"
in Alaska and coming closer from different sides.
"We expressed our concerns many times and let our western partners know that we'll be forced, literally "forced" (against our desire) to make adequate decisions to reinforce our might to be able to guarantee our country's security. We don't want to hear any hysteria about it, when it starts coming to life," - he said.
I don't know what else and how else this man can say things so clearly.

At you can see the situation of people who are still in those ruined cities and those who want to come home. They're still staying in basements in inhumane conditions.
The 10th of Sep. is the 5th day of so called ceasefire, that UA armed bums often violate. Self-defense forces prefer not to answer, so it would not escalate. Heroic Anton Panamaryov is reporting.
Even amnesty Int'l reported that there are many robberies in residential areas, killing, indiscriminate executions by thugs of UA military and the privately recruited group called "Aydar."
Check the report by Salil Shetti at www.
Co-chairman of National front of Novorussia Konstantin Dolgov reports that in many schools, including badly hurt city of Slavyansk [#Slavyansk], instead of Russian language, which was considered as "second foreign" language already, has been installed German (to match the ideology,
I guess).
"Who pays, he orders the music" is an old saying, which works all the time.
Look at the real picture here; nazis in the middle of last century couldn't install their language with fire and distraction, now neo-nazis came with money, created a fire in between brothers and are installing their language. How about it for history lesson?
Does Mr. O speak another language at all? What about he takes on German, see how it will go?
Maybe even when he retires comfortably and doesn't need to work? Just for fun. A little mustache would go along with the sound.
There is a battalion called "Cherkasi" with 450 military man belong to UA army under the town of Volnovakha, refused to go close to Donetsk's checkpoint, complaining that they don't have enough arms to fight. And their commander is saying to Russian TV reporter.

So long.


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