18th of march 2014 went into Russian history books as a notable chapter in its history.
Crimea and Sevastopol from being only Autonomous Republic finally became fully Independent Republic called "Sovereign" and hopefully will rejoin its rightful brethren. It has a procedure to go through.
I called and called and called nonstop yesterday and didn't get through. Now, when I'm out and listening over the Internet and can't call, you announced "Anna from NYC" and nobody was there. I though I was the only Anna. Something very wrong with your call screener.
I'm listening now that Biden says "Putin stood naked in front of them" maybe he wanted to show his package?
Look at Biden - he was the one saying in mid 90's that every contract, agreement and other things we had
with RF, we failed - the Americans. I heard that with my own ears.
The only thing that I disagree with you today, that you say O is weak. He's not, he knows the competitor,
RF provides corridor to US troops in Afghanistan, gives us intel, etc. Of course, economy is intertwine in the world and it will hurt all involved.
McShame really lost his mind. In Russian they say "krisha poshla" means "the roof caved away."
Another rat on verminic media from WSJ is the another war-monger. Writes all wrong, almost cries for
Tatars, who are remnants of Mongols, who victimized Russians for 300 years, who were on Turk's side
in every fight for Crimea, came back from Asia in much bigger numbers and claimed land in exaggerated
claims, now screaming "all.h .kb.r" right on from of cameras today (you can see it on you tube), all over sudden "might be" victimized? What about huge territory in RF called Tatarstan full of Tatars who are good with Russians and multiply rapidly while Russian do not even replace themselves?
Remember you were talking about this and scientifically comparing the process with botany?
Now it's about 4pm and I'll continue to listen. There is a professor of Russian studies from NYU name
Stephen Cohen, he is the most knowledgeable and don't work for verminik media.
Mrs. O goes to China with daughters and her mother. What's new about it? Mother moved in from 1st day.
Costs millions to taxpayers. They'll burn as much money as they can, we know that.
Time now 5pm and I heard on that 2 self-defense solders killed in Simferopol, capital of Crimea, while people were celebrating in festive mood. One previously was killed in Donetsk, eastern part of UA by nazi-remnants. These are so far amongst PEACEFUL pubic.
On his speech today putin said that the West is rewriting its own rules and Crimean case is just like Kosovo.
I'd add to it that Kosovo NEVER was Albanian before as oppose that you can smell of the Russian blood from the Black Sea and hear the burning boats' crash fighting with Turks.
I think Putin is too liberal. He's soft. he is a superpower and still don't have a world wide media. We in here don't hear what he says. I can talk now to 100's of NYers passing by and none would know what I'm asking about.
Finally Gorbachev character said something I agree.
Russia proposed to create "int'l group" to resolve the crises in UA.
Don't forget that in UA they call it a "revolution" and in that case any country who had any agreement with previous government has no contract with the new entity. All contracts are annulled, none, nada exists under any Int'l law and under Russian Constitution. Still Putin is not shutting the gas off, as far as I'm concerned and suggesting dialog.
American politicians with mouths full of blood are burping - badmouthing as if he's working for them and "not-subordinating." What a petty to be a "journalist" in this country. Not even one can be found to tell the truth? No wonder any time I want to type "vermin" referring to media, system wants to correct me suggesting "german" :) You think its an accident or a karma in spelling system? Puts a smile on my cute face, anyway!
The placards I see that Russians are holding in Moscow and elsewhere in squares and streets are welcoming to their brethren and my favorite is "we don't exchange ours for money." Also many praising and thanking Putin for his efforts. That's not what thugs in maydan did, when Putin gave them $15 B and extended discounted contract on gas, they threw molotovs, did a bloody "revolution" and asked from the West $35B instead. Green money- red blood. Wish I'd be in Moscow now.
Oh, by the way, that contract for discounted gas with UA is annulled, because of "revolution" and its "resetting" power in politics and gas will go to its original price from April 1st, short of 2 weeks from now.
He even could start it today, couldn't he? On top, I'd suggest Putin charge them only with Euros and European price. Can't wait to see the german trany-granny's fat .ss freezing. Do you know that she's not "too happy" because she LOOOVEEEES the big boy - the boxer, she wanted him to be the Prez........... Yop, yop! Watch them together mingling.
Vladimir Zhrinovsky said that the West and USA acting like barbarians while they're only helping to protect their own people who ask for help.
He's a character, I like him. He's colorful, educated, energetic and never watches his mouth. He says the way he thinks. I might disagree with him here and there, but at least I know what I'm dealing with. I wish O would have an discussion with him live. Among a few languages, he also speaks English and is a historian. You should check this man out. He's also has good sense of humor.
At his address to Parliament (when he and delegation of Crimea were greeted with applauds and on foot) Putin said to talk about Crimea and Russia, one must know what was Crimea for Russia and Russia for Crimea and Black Sea Fleet. He talked briefly about the history and mentioned that when Russia in 90's couldn't protect its interests, its own people in that region were transferred from hand to hand like a bag of potatoes.
And when armed bandits came along and wanted to give it to West, now Russia understood that he was robbed. People including Crimean delegation had tears in their eyes. If even you don't know anything you just should look at the crowds and decide which looks moral, just, correct and humane.
I'm going to tweet this clip, check it out, see the tears of the joy on the eyes of the BEAR nation, who finally can be and protect their own.
He also said that threats that Russia is about "taking" lands it's a blob, and he doesn't even have Russian military in Crimea, there are self-defense groups, who really decided the future of their own.
He also quoted American declaration about " Int'l law about Kosovo" and said that Americans exchange the color black and white whenever it feats their agenda. How much Russia is going to tolerate to be pushed to the corner? Not only out Western allies acted unprofessionally, aggressively, rude and shamelessly and put so called "sanctions" but now they're threatening us with involvement of in our internal problems. What are they going to do, bring in 5th column? These day we have been and are closer than we ever been and thanked protectors of the land.
West always pushed us around, but this time they cross the border he said.
Also addressed American people, and germans, saying to understand what they did and why, because they're accustomed to freedom.
At the end he asked Duma to ratify reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol as subjects of Russia.
Said Crimea will be for all of them - Russians, Ukrainians and Tatars.
The huge hall was fool of joy and tears of happiness. I wish I'd be there.
Check it out on or on
@starlet737 on Twitter.
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