Friday, March 7, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 95)


I just read the Declaration of Conducting Referendum of self-determination in Crimea by its Supreme Council on march 16th.
It says "Due to the illegal armed takeover of government by group of people in Kiev and attempts to do the same in Crimea. Multiple Attempts to organized local armed forces and sending new groups of nationalist and separatist armed bandits to overthrow the government here, we are declaring a decision to have a referendum and decide Autonomous Republic of Crimea's future."
To come to this decision the Parliament of Crimea had its referendum and voted "yes" in amount of 78 members out of 87. Only one was "no" the rest were absent.
All the 49 Ministers voted "yes".
Chairman of the Supreme Council was in Moscow today meeting with Kremlin, the Mayor of Moscow, the head of all political groups.
To add something from me, Doc, let me say that Crimean Parliament is represented by 6 political parties. Do we have 6 parties here in USA? And today we have to go there and tell them what to do to themselves?

Today were a lots of meeting in Moscow and other cities' squares to support Crimean and their decision to self-determination.
Lots of placards. All peaceful and supportive of their brethren in Crimea and Ukraine alike.
Some of them:
"We will not exchange our people for money"
"We believe in Putin"
"We're with our brethren in Crimea and Ukraine"
"Fascism won't fly"  
"Russians and Ukrainians are brothers"
"Russia won't leave its own"
Crimea with are with you"
"Crimea we are together"
Russia and Crimea = mutual future"
These are peaceful, much better sounding, looking and talking group of peoples, than you see in Kiev with Molotov cocktails, rocks and chains who killed people and provoked all the killings.

Let me add that fact that Sevastopol has a special status in Crimea and thus in Ukraine, it's a "city-country" like Vatican in Italy and some others in Europe. Sailors and soldiers there are legally allowed to stop any forces from entering through its ports, point, if they choose to. Point, end of the story. Especially the ones who are going to stir division, hatred and violence. 

I saw that EU pledged 11 Billion to Kiev thugs? Wow! Can't wait to see how Greece explodes on Merkel's face! Those members who didn't get a loan they were asking for - should get out of the company of misery!!!

In the meantime Para - Olympic games of 2014 in Sochi started with dancing and fireworks, athletes from 45 countries throughout the world arrived, all being cheered, greeted and accommodated with latest technology, Putin opened the ceremonies, etc. etc.
While Putin talking to all networks about sports and saying that people with disability can do anything,
self-proclaimed war-mongering heading the "government" in Kiev provoking the world with phony "scare" to get more money and deepen the crisis. Why not, I don't blame them, if some idiots are liking it and plus paying for it too, wow! - why not?
In the meantime O sent Navy missile destroyer USS Truxtun to Black Sea and went to vocation.
Talking of humanity?! I can't even comment of simple sanity here.
This looks to me is very well orchestrated and planed. that's how i see it.

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