Friday, March 14, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 98)


Yesterday I spent the whole time during your show to get through. I mean, constantly dialed and dialed. Finally, little after second hour started your call screener picked up, asked what I had to say, guess liked it, then asked my name, then told me to wait. Then I waited and waited and waited... phone was connected the whole tome and sometimes I could hear the show between the commercials. Then, after hour and a half show was finished and I still was on line - after 6pm. The callers you put on didn't have a fracture of info. that I had for you. he knew I called from NYC, I told him from Upper West Side and 15 year listener. You have another one around here. I never met one.
All he did was to kill my afternoon. Why he didn't have a decency to tell me not to wait anymore or even just simply hung up, so I could guess and not to waste my minutes. Some don't have unlimited minutes or such time to waste. What kind of thing is that?

What I wanted to tell you, that you never mentioned, that there is an organization called ENPI - European Neighborhood Policy Instrument. Instrument is the money part of ENP. It's EU funding to insure the territorial "integrity" of EU and finance its EXPENSION. Last 20 years they were working to get control over Ukraine, which is on their way to their "interest" to Russian gas and the East. They did it in Georgia, did it in Ukraine already. brother - killing conflict to get in between. If they'd really, really be afraid of Putin and thought he's crazy, like Khroushchev was, they wouldn't think of it. They'd be there by his side smiling to him and watching and enjoying ara-Olympics.
Don't forget Europe has a long history of hatred, competition and memory. Crimea is a vital safety point and waterway for Russia. English, French, Turks were there and got defeated. You thing they forgot? Russians didn't forget also. Their grandfathers' bodies were perished in those waters to preserve Crimea for them to keep them safe. That's their backyard. What they going to do, to give it up lying down? What's next - sodomizing them on the name of "progressive-ism"? Europe is dying, they hate themselves and they just spreading the misery by paying for it. And this is not an ideological war, this is a GAS and LAND war!
Who is their stupid, besides the rotten media lackeys here and there? Russian show repairer is more educated (not only literate) and knowledgeable about history, geography and the world affairs than Columbia University graduates or professors. How do I know it? I worked there. The Diploma that I'd got in USSR, they don't even give out there, it's too much, you have to go for another 20 years on different schools after college to put together of the volume of disciplines of literature and science we studied. On top on it, we had different attitude toward them as a human intellectual heritage and value.

But let me go on with yesterday's news.
ESC - European Scrutiny Committee Chairman Bill Cash said; "If you put Russian bear in a cage and poke it with spears, you're going to get a hostile result."
They know very well what they're looking for, don't you see all over sudden they're all against one.
Senior conservative MPs warned against Britain that Eu's attempt to expend into Russia's historic back yard will bring "inevitable" crisis.
Look at this: EU already spent more than 1 million pounds of British funded money to aid (which means to train) Ukraine's "Interior" troops.
The same .ss named David Cameron said that he's ready to "hit" the city, but punish Russians. "Hit" means to freeze Russian's assets and take other finance related measures, which will "hit" the economy of his own city called "Looondooon." You believe that? While Turks created no-go zones for Germans in their own Deeeeeeeeeutschland, and Arabs come out of the biggest musk in Europe - which is in Looooondoooon and tell them they'll "finish" them right there and go unpanished, they put American talk show host on ban.
Russian tzars called them "sick" Europeans. Rush calls them "great unwashed" (he's wrong on this last conflict like many others though).

Talking of double standards. Crimea is an INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC, which has its own parliament and Constitution, which has a clause to allow them to have a referendum of self-determination. It sent an official invitation to Organization of European Security and Cooperation to send their observers to watch the vote.
They declined to go, saying that they need "Ukraine's official invitation." Woo, woo, woo??? What happened in Serbia? did they asked Belgrade's permission to go to Kosovo. They didn't have the "invitation" for sure.
1st deputy of PM of Crimea said that OSCE has double standards and he's right. They went there with the help of adulterous president of ours and bombed prosperous, christian nation in the middle of Europe and gave it to Muslims who hate their guts, their religion, their culture and their "porn-natious" (my word)  mentality. I can't blame the latter, can I? Sometimes I want to put a scarf on my head just to separate myself from the rest of bozos in NYC.

Now, today's news. Bad.
In Donetsk, which is adjacent to RF on the East and South and its an industrial Russian area, yesterday were 2 meetings, one pro-Russian, one pro-maidanootiye. At the same time, in the same square, surprise, surprise. Maidamootiye as usual came with sticks, explosives, bombs, guns, etc. In one point the fight broke loose and one person got killed, about 30 injured. Russians who were showing their wounds on camera weren't armed and pointing out to the other side armed to teeth. On, which is RF Internal Affairs Ministry, like FBI, has posted a declaration saying "If authorities in Ukraine can't control the situation, RF is reserving the right to interfere to insure the safety and protection the lives of all innocent protesters and its Citizens on the territory of Ukraine."
There is an investigation against the City Hall of Donetsk to find out why these 2 opposing groups were put on standoff. 
Of course, those who want Europe, were they're going to be looked down to and used as freed slaves, forgot that their fathers and grandfathers are berried in the same graves with Russians and they're half brothers against whose scum who are trying to entice them with more sausage today. They're already pledged to get a reword of 11 Billion Euros (funny looking money to me), so why not take arms and shed some blood of their own?
Everybody that I talked to last day in NYC, most of them black, cursed out O's .ss calling him "a crazy brother." Green dollar for red blood, - most of them said. 
Entire Eastern part of Ukraine and industrial and mostly Russian who feed the Western side. They got used to be feed by others, now Europe is throwing some feed. Crimea also can exist all on it's own. They feeding Kiev.
Well, I have too much to say. Your show is in the middle of the day, it will starts in half an hour from now and I still didn't finish searching the world news entirely.


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