Saturday, March 29, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 105)


I called last Wednesday, after Allan West. I though you were letting him slid with couple of things you'd usually disagree with someone else, or at least would stop and ask to reason any declaration.
I've got through Neal, waited and waited, than got disconnected, so I thought. Got back to Neal, but he said he hang up on me because you didn't want to take my call. I could at least tell you to get Cognac instead of vodka you said you had to take after the dentist appointment. You always can give me 2 minutes and ask any Qs you want about any subject, besides health care and corporate taxation system.

My disagreement about Allan West's theory (and he get more credit from me on anything because of his service to this country) are these;

1. He said we have to be with our allies and do what they say (something of this sort). Oh, really?
    What if allies are cokoos? What about that? Did it ever occur to him? Europeans don't like Americans,
    never did, never will. That's just the truth and one of those things you can't say loud when you're in 
    politics, because you have to play with the bozos. I wonder if he ever lived in any European country
   and experienced how they'd treat him as a simple human. Guess not. I did, he didn't.
   If even they would be all the loving groovy friends, as a serviceman and moreover a politician he should 
   worry about his own nation. And, if it's not under immediate danger, he should abstain from any military
   talks, especially with nuclear power. 
   In this particular case, these are the people's descendants who attacked Russia centuries ago, lost the
   Crimea and still can't swallow it. Now playing "democracy" they got together to do it through proxy 
   by paying those lo-lo-neo-nazies in order to get their feet into the ground in UA and get on Putin's face.
   Money, tanks, what else is new, now can be nukes. So I don't want him on the top with that mentality.

2. He praised Reagan, who spent Billions of taxpayer money to strengthen bad guys in Afghanistan against
    Russians. He didn't care who was worse. From the mere extremist groups from outside of Afganisten,
    those vermin grew to concur 80% of that country, became the rulers of their own, beheaded women
    who didn't want to wear bags on their heads. What happened? Their friends' sons came to harm as here,
    they're still trying to build what was destroyed and we're still in Afghanistan and still giving them money.
3. He also said that Putin is a dictator. Why you didn't ask why he said that? What is his definition of a dictator? Did he ever lived in Russia, how much he knows about it's culture and history and today's politics.

You let him slide, but that's OK. Next time announce if he's coming up, I'll call and you'll put me on with him or after, if you want.
  I also have my diagnosis about McCain's and Kerry's medical conditions. I'm a Medical Nurse amoung other things, by the way. I have some opinions for them  - medical as well as psychological. Both are in bad shape.

So long.
P.S. Tell your friend Laura Ingram not to badmouth Putin.

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