Monday, March 31, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 106)

Happy Birtday!

I'll try to listen today as much as I could, but your time-slot in the middle of the day wasn't helping. I heard the man telling you not to go to politics and stay as a talk show host because you're a man of ideas and rich out to very many people, etc.
The other one said that you might move, which was surprising for you, because you feel you're settled there.
Actually I have an idea for you to combine both. My own, original and no one can come up with something like that, even you.
A first time I sent you a card. Hope you've got it on time for today.

I wanted to call the show with my diagnosis for McShame and the potato face, but couldn't. maybe I'll try tomorrow.  

Crimeans are so happy and joyous and they quality of life is getting better and will get better. Russia has a higher standards of living. many Ukrainians are going to Russia to make a living and sending money home.
To me it's much better to be with your own brothers and cousins which is already a step up, rather than be with someone from far away, who looked down at you, victimized you before and now using money to wage a proxy war and come in again and use you as a free slave.
 Who are Ukrainians for Germans, English or French? Nobodies.

So long now, enjoy the party. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 105)


I called last Wednesday, after Allan West. I though you were letting him slid with couple of things you'd usually disagree with someone else, or at least would stop and ask to reason any declaration.
I've got through Neal, waited and waited, than got disconnected, so I thought. Got back to Neal, but he said he hang up on me because you didn't want to take my call. I could at least tell you to get Cognac instead of vodka you said you had to take after the dentist appointment. You always can give me 2 minutes and ask any Qs you want about any subject, besides health care and corporate taxation system.

My disagreement about Allan West's theory (and he get more credit from me on anything because of his service to this country) are these;

1. He said we have to be with our allies and do what they say (something of this sort). Oh, really?
    What if allies are cokoos? What about that? Did it ever occur to him? Europeans don't like Americans,
    never did, never will. That's just the truth and one of those things you can't say loud when you're in 
    politics, because you have to play with the bozos. I wonder if he ever lived in any European country
   and experienced how they'd treat him as a simple human. Guess not. I did, he didn't.
   If even they would be all the loving groovy friends, as a serviceman and moreover a politician he should 
   worry about his own nation. And, if it's not under immediate danger, he should abstain from any military
   talks, especially with nuclear power. 
   In this particular case, these are the people's descendants who attacked Russia centuries ago, lost the
   Crimea and still can't swallow it. Now playing "democracy" they got together to do it through proxy 
   by paying those lo-lo-neo-nazies in order to get their feet into the ground in UA and get on Putin's face.
   Money, tanks, what else is new, now can be nukes. So I don't want him on the top with that mentality.

2. He praised Reagan, who spent Billions of taxpayer money to strengthen bad guys in Afghanistan against
    Russians. He didn't care who was worse. From the mere extremist groups from outside of Afganisten,
    those vermin grew to concur 80% of that country, became the rulers of their own, beheaded women
    who didn't want to wear bags on their heads. What happened? Their friends' sons came to harm as here,
    they're still trying to build what was destroyed and we're still in Afghanistan and still giving them money.
3. He also said that Putin is a dictator. Why you didn't ask why he said that? What is his definition of a dictator? Did he ever lived in Russia, how much he knows about it's culture and history and today's politics.

You let him slide, but that's OK. Next time announce if he's coming up, I'll call and you'll put me on with him or after, if you want.
  I also have my diagnosis about McCain's and Kerry's medical conditions. I'm a Medical Nurse amoung other things, by the way. I have some opinions for them  - medical as well as psychological. Both are in bad shape.

So long.
P.S. Tell your friend Laura Ingram not to badmouth Putin.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

To Michael savage (part 104)


Today you put Gabriel Sherman and talked about his new book called "The loudest voice in the room."
It sounds interesting, I'm going to check it out.

Int'l news:
Did you see BO with XI getting groovy in Netherlands yesterday? Also after "official" meeting
he asked for a "prrrrrrrrivet" meeting with him. Saw the picture?
Told you so last Wednesday. While the wife is giving earful to Ms. Peng, he is talking to Mr. Xi and the "feeeeeeeeling" is like they're a groovy little family spending nice time with each other - husband with husband, wife with wife, man with man, woman with woman kids are all together vacationing, having a nice culturally bonding time....they're going to send postcards to each other, it's so important, it's all so memorable... so heartwarming.... oh my....
I came up with a tune about this. It's in English but you try to sing it fast it sounds like Chinese. here it is:
"Peng sang song to Xi,
for BO, BO, BO, BO, BO....

You know she is the best singer in China? Seriously she has a beautiful voice. I wonder what comes to her mind when she sees Mrs. O traveling like a queen, while asking for more money - $$$$ - in Trillions???

Now your 3rd hour started. You're talking about Europe and O says that Russia is a geopolitical treat, who threatens its immediate neighbors. The opposite is true; everybody bullied and threatened and stole from Russian for last 20 years like violent and vicious animals. Just the mere fact that all these "powers" are in one gang fighting against one. This was brewing for a long time. And Putin had a revelation of "enough is enough."
His land, his graves, his history, his religion and his living, breathing brothers and sisters who ask for protection and social help. Russia can and will protect Russians and Ukrainians alike. Those thugs in Kiev are a small group of people, pawned by their own long time enemies. Those who give them money now, will throw them in the garbage fast as they'll done with them.

Now you're talking to a woman who says women are as good as men in combat. You're right, woman has special needs and her body is not built for harsh conditions and combat stress. I'd be the Queen - the Monarch of America, I'd outlaw it, with exceptions that she removes the uterus and be heavily medicated with male hormones and anti-depressants. Some women can be more violent than men, I know that, but that's not the norm.

If I don't feel like I'm a woman while with man, I can't be acting and feeling and thinking as such.
Before people stayed together more, because woman was doing her thing and man doing his.
One controlled the sex and the food, the other one had a VALUE just because he was providing for those. Woman was happy to see him back home, and he was happy to be valued as a protector and the provider.
If I don't have a man who provides and protects, I'll better hang with my girlfriends.

Now you're talking about Timoshenko.That low-low is A BIG piece of work. She stole so much money from UA's treasury, for what she went to jail. I guess she gave all she money to Europeans so they unleashed her to streets again. Maybe Europeans are craving a war? Why not. They're dying. Why not start a war?
In the war people get frightened and look up to their "protectors" (the government), while the latter is stilling and surviving their pseudo-power. Putin has the HIGHEST ratings ever, he don't need that. He and his friends are hurting now, his economy is hurting.
Did you see how in American press wolfs put so many names of rich Russians - who is who and how much they have, etc. It's like a manual to the riches of Russia. I found so many names I never heard or read.

You know maybe I should became a Citizen - Liasion between USA and RF? I'd be perfect. I have no affiliations, no connections, don't work for anyone, understand both cultures, their mentalities and speak both languages. Maybe one woman can do what many men can't? That I agree with, not the combat stuff.

Vermanic media and the presstitues can stir up a conflict, give a spark to the fire - that's for sure.
Nail West found something in the healthcare about secret "forces?"

Now I'm looking at Russian news. In UA those "friends" in the streets are breaking loose and started fighting in between and killing each other.
On the other side Crimeans are glowing in happiness, standing in line in thousands in streets, becoming friends and asking for Russian citizenship and Passport. Biggest bank in Crimean which is UA, stopped giving out cash out of banks and machines. Imagine you can't get your money out? And, Russia today already started giving retirees their retirement money in rubles and people are HAPPY! 
Tatar gay, you is studying law is more hopeful about his future in Russian federation. 88 year old woman, who was a nurse in WWII was staying on line, people offered her to go ahead of the line and she didn't,
she was happy to hang around, bond with people and enjoy the day and the process. She said her daughters live in Moscow and now they're united as one family and one nation in one country. People weren't complaining that UA didn't pay them their salaries, SSs, and cash deposits and are not going to get their investments, they were enjoying their dream day. This was coming for a long time and they can't believe it happened.
So long.

Monday, March 24, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 103)


I have another theory why Kerry is in UA every other day. Ketchup???????
After he gave the thugs potato money - $1Billion from tax payers piggy bank, he's going to sell them  Ketchup which will go directly to his own fat bank account. Got it?

Today the unwashed thug "commander" of Euro army was saying that Ukrainians asking for help. ???
How many exactly? Nobody asked.
Half of Ukraine is Russian, most of Ukrainians speak Russian also. In the Ukrainian part, 95% of people prefer Russian language and Russians to be with, plus 100% of Russians in Ukraine what the same.
I don't know why powerful country like Russia don't have really powerful media in the world. 
With all the money they spent to offer help to Ukraine on just in February - $15 Billion, I could spend just
improving their current outlets and creating extremely contempory new ones.
I wish Putin would hire me to do it for him. I wish also to work for Obama. That would be easier, because all I'd have to do is to show him what's going on in the streets live. No need for commentary.
Better yet I should be the Citizen-liaison and translator between these two in order to bring them together.
Yes, one woman can bring two men together to talk, it's possible. Simple people everywhere want and need the same thing.

So long.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 102)


Today was a good day for people of the Crimea, they were Celebration and rejoicing their reunification of
Mother Russia, which they waited for 22 years. There were simultaneous fireworks in Moscow, Simferopol and Sevastopol. You should watch the clip at or go to, or or Also for the same.

  - While Russia and Crimea are happy like big happy family, Russians and Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine and and small group of no-goodniks in Western Ukraine are miserable.
In Eastern Side they're demonstrating for Autonomy from Central UA, fearing all sort of bad things from Kiev.
  - Today from UA's side its military closed the border coming in and going out of Crimea, thus separating families and cutting supplies. Imagine the circumstances that can bring?
  - In Eastern UA in Donetsk region Kiev thugs had arrested elected Governor Pavel Gubarev, which had a title of "National Governor." For some time already people were coming out demanding his release.
   - Today they arrested the head of demonstrators Michael Chumachenko in that town. Obviously , by his last name he is a Ukrainian.
So, Kiev arrests Russians and its own Ukrainians alike, who agree with Russians, and Russians want to be with their own and inviting Ukrainians to be together like before. Now... Just looking from above on to these crowds; who are the bad and good guys in here? If your airplane was in distress where would you like to land, into which crowd?
You should listen to peoples' happy sounds, youngsters creaming off the top of their lungs, elders almost crying from happiness. You should hear what they say, then you'd understand what happened before and what this means to them.
After the concerts and fireworks people didn't go home, celebrated outside and hang together.
When we can do this in here, in America, let's say in my dear NYC? When we can be happy and proud of something, ha?
  - On the wast side of UA. in regions of Nikolayev and Zhtomir Kiev announced draft, drafted tens of thousands of men already for 10 days and kept them in kazarmas (baraks), got their signatures to "serve" (some volunteered out of patriotism) and are not giving them any information commend or instructions.
Men left their families, homes and jobs and got stack there, asking what's next. And no answers.
Their bills are not being paid, their credits are being ruined and families are in despair. Wives and mothers were on front of "voyenkomats"  - the military recruitment centers, on front of cameras asking for answers and not getting any. You can watch them on those channels I mentioned above.
  That's how the west going to create misery and anger boiling from within, then will go pointing out and trying to put the blame to another "enemy" and unleash them on to their brethren. What can you do if your kids are hungry and crying and someone showing you $$$s or Euros and says "I came to help you and give you a "better" life?" I can't believe I'm what I see and what I hear from American Press-titutes and Vermin-O'Media.
  So called  OSCE is sending 400 "observers" to 10 cities in Ukraine. They're eager to smell blood - you'll see. Like Putin don't know they're all spies? What are you talking about?
  - Check out who was Nakhimov and why he has his name on the main square in in Sevastopol.
Those for Russians mean the same thing as Western Wall and Golan Heights together for Israel, adding the fact that Russian were never out of there - ever.
You should check Dimitry Kiselyov on youtube, that's the man talking "truth to power" to the West and also
Check my postings at twitter @STARLET737
I want to send you a card for your birthday and don't know your address.

I'll check more news now.

Friday, March 21, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 101)


You just started the show and screaming about the lost plane - the flight 370. I don't have a comment on it,
why Americans should worry about it? There is only one American on board. Do you know the expense involved into that search? Well, sorry, I'm not that worried. Some who are in charge know what happened and playing stupid.
You're right about Mad..lin Non-bright yelping. She is missing the bombings she did in the middle of Europe killing Christians for Muslims while pressing her cow-parts into the chests of Arab monarchs (who would whack her in a sec.without blinking) and laughing about it and bragging right on TV, while showing her thick short pig feet. She is like a wh.t.h out of work now. What a creep and how these types get into those positions? It's a dangerous world, isn't it?
I knew it was your tooth yesterday. Now you confirmed it.
Surprisingly yesterday on my blog, without knowing your preference after tooth work, I suggested a shot of Cognac. That's what my dentist gives me. Now you said that you went to get couple of glass of wine after pulling. Don't give me the left over of the bottle, I don't drink wine. It's for sissies. That what depressed you.
Ha, ha, ha, that's funny. Hope you didn't get too tipsy.
Yes, Mrs. O is living large, I'm still laughing that you thought I said to you (on Wednesday's show) that she is going to do Xi. No, no, nooooooo, she'll tune up Mrs. to do it for her and Barry.
Now you say you're miserable, I can't call yet, I'm busy doing this and I'm outside. I can always give you one liners to cheer you and your audience up.
Actually, matter of fact, I just came up with a new tune in my mind; Peng-do-Xi-for-Barry-O, Oh, oh, oh....
La, la... la.... I'm a musical person did you know that, no, and yes and I also play an instrument - piano.
Ting, Ting, sing, sing, cockatoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, wing - flopping, burn-burning, fun concert is cooking on our dime, so what can we do, we better enjoy it.
$1 Billion is thrown away for brother-killing conflict and economic losses for Americans as well as some Russians. Russians wouldn't be effected emotionally by losing money, Americans would. Former did for their brothers and cousins, Americans have to explanation given to them.
Yes, in Crimea there is glowing and overflowing joy and fireworks. What we got in here, misinformation, more blood in our hands and less money? Nice.... Thanks Barry!... Thanks!....
Look, when Americans are talking about "integrity" territorial or human. Remember Afghanistan, Kuwait,
Grenada, Iraq, now sniffing to get into leaking blood in Syria and backyard of Russia and infect both sides with more verminik elements.
Actually, look here,
I've got my own usage of vermin is VERMINIC or VERMANIK MEDIA, then I found new one in Russian press PRESSTITUTE.
I'm going to use it from now on vermanic media and the presstitute.
Mrs. O's mother's ancestors, who were slave owners, came to  this country in their own boat through Brooklyn, as rich people from Africa were coming, not through Ellis Island like the most emigrants, who were poor and deprived, were coming.
CNN is on the plane story all day all night. I don't watch it, but talk shows were talking about it on radio in the morning, saying it never stops.

Look at that character - tran - "spokesperson" for DOS, so called Jen Psaki on program, when the reporter is asking about the provocative lie about one man's death in Crimea and asking for proof.
Just look at that. She looks like a vampire, smiles like it, sniffs the air like one, talks like one and liking her lips from craving of it. Maybe you'd correct me on this, maybe she is mixed with a sneak.
I mean, I'm begging you, just look. Great character for your new, updated issue of Political Zoo.
Suggestion: you should take Mr. Trump out of it. he has been nice to you. He did't retaliate, he deserves
respect. Do you know what a risk to come on your program? One can polarize and isolate lots of others.
The only harmless program is J. Hamburg's consumer report program.
Yours would be the first one on the list for toxicity. And I'm trying to get through for 15 years. Actually has been 17 years while I started listening, but couple of years I lived in Europe and wasn't listening to American media, so I'm taking those out.
Now you're talking about having fun, play some music - Why can't I be the Jesse's girl, Jesse's, la la..
I like that song.
You're reading now, I have to sign out. I'll try to call.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 100)


Finally yesterday, March 19th, 5:30pm, after listening for 15 years and writing 99 pasts to you in last 4 years, I've got to you on The Savage Nation.
Today is the first day of spring, I'm in a good mood.
Yesterday's topic I called about was fun and it got funnier when you didn't let me finish, cut through and understood something even funner.
Your mind works really fast and as a man's mind it goes right into personal stuff.
I was saying that because of China's neutral stand on Crimean issue, Mr. O wasn't happy and he sent Mrs. O to talk to first lady of China (on personal visit called "vocation" and without witnesses called "reporters") to find out things behind the scenes and hive some hints.
You know the saying "you want to ask the man who is in charge or the woman who knows what's going on?"
I meant Mrs. O goes to talk to Mrs. Jinping and tune her up; to give her a message. Let's say during the quiet walk in botanical gardens or elsewhere private, drop a hint, show some biceps and a give a little stare.
That's all.
If she stares at me, I'll do anything she wants. Am I crazy to mess with a girl like that? Oh no, not me, I'm a delicate woman and fast on my feet.
Before I finished my sentence saying a man can blab in the bedroom (in this case I meant with his wife), your mind just cut though, got scared and you asked me if I really meant Mrs. O went Mr. Xi Jinping. You sounded a little panicked.
At first I've got confused by your reaction too, surprised why would your audience be taking it a wrong way, and actually backed off saying that I was joking, but my theory was pretty valid and i try to make my point.
I don't know how it came out. It might be funny to hear the recording.
Every strong man has a stronger woman behind his back, well, most of them, Putin doesn't, he got divorced recently. Maybe I should go get his back covered? What you think? Imagine you'll have a studio to broadcast from Kremlin and I'll be your simultaneous interpreter. What a fun that would be, ha?
That place is gorgeous, man, - The Kremlin. You'll be speechless.
Yeah, the prove that my point yesterday was not only sensible but almost scientific, came today in the news that Mr. O will meet with Mr. Xi Jinping next week in Europe. I believe the latter would have the hint how to read the signs! Don't you think? Ask Mrs. Savage, see what she says.

Now, Crimea.
2 days ago in his address to Duma, while asking to approve the ratification of Crimea to Russia, Mr. Putin said "Everything in Crimea speaks of our history and pride. This is the location of ancient Khersones, where prince Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual life of adopting Orthodoxy predetermined overall basis of culture, civilization and human values that unite the people of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in Crimea, in Sevastopol - the birthplace of Russian Black Sea Fleet."
Then he talked exactly how history unfolded by unexpected events of history and how Russians especially found themselves as minorities (and second class citizens) in so called "other countries."  That was the time that their historic land still mostly inhabited by them was given from one ruler to another without asking their opinion as humans, but like sack of potatoes. In 90's Russia wasn't able to correct any irony of history and people held their heads down and hold their tears back. But now, they're asking their brethren to help to get out of neo-nazi turned west rulers and begging for their protection. Russia realized that it wasn't only mugged, but it was robbed.
He also said "We don't want NATO troops to welcome us to Sevastopol, we want to welcome them!"

I say good job Vladimir Vladimirovich, you're a worthy son of your grandfathers! That's me - Anna saying it.

Now, he also said;
"Who come to protest in maidan had legitimate demands against their government's corruption, poverty and inefficient state management. They had right to peaceful protest and election, but they didn't stop short of terror, riots and chaos. Seizing power with fire, overthrowing the elected government. Then nationalists, neo-nazies, Russophobes executed a coup with murder. There is no legitimate government in Ukraine today, they're imposters who took power and are being coached by overseas ideologues and sponsors. Pursuant to Article 2, Chapter 1 of the UN Charter, UN Int'l court agreed  with this approach of self-determination without asking of permission of countries central authorities on July 22, 2010 UN declaration says. Priorly on April 17th, 2009 US submitted this Statement to UN Int'l court about Kosovo. Double standard in this case is amazing, primitive and blunt cynicism."
To show that economy and life is better in Russia he said that last year only 3 million Ukrainians found jobs as day laborers in Russia and their earnings totalled $20 Billion, which is about 12% of the UA's GDP.

Oh well. I was happy because I see people who belong together had tears of joy and happiness in their eyes in that magnificent hall.
Doc, all you have to do is to look at the people: look at the both sides, look at their faces, their attitude, they placards, even without knowing the history and the languages they are speaking you can clearly pick which one you want to be around and which one you're scared of.

Now I'm listening Russian MPs, all talking to be close and get closer to Ukrainian "people"  talking unity and peace with them, welcoming them to Russia to work and live, welcoming their solders' families and servicemen to serve in their territory and live there in case of intimidation from the bunch of politically illiterate thugs who are in power now in Kiev. Anybody of regardless of nationality in Ukraine if wants to go live or serve in Russia, RF will give proper documentation (it's being to proposed now - work permit, citizenship) will regards and preserve value of their diplomas and  their rank in military, etc. One side says come to me with open arms and caring face, another side says "don't come here and get out with a weapon in hand and dark mask on the face.
Even blind can see.
Don't forget, Doc, most of them know each other and their families, they were one unit not long ago and called each other brothers in arms. Today, the same Molotov cocktail holding bunch proposed to impose visa regime for Russians, saying they don't belong there. Now, honest to God, how would you feel if you're Russian and inhabitant of the most eastern part of Ukraine. Wouldn't you say "if you're not going to let me family to visit me, and on top, I'm discriminated and disenfranchised already, I can't trust you and will not abide to your illegitimate governance"? Even Dr. Phil says; "You can not make up for it - scr.w it!" Yes, he says that loud and clear on his TV show.
In Russians areas of Donetsk, which overall called Donbass, mostly Russian, industrial, all these people working in coal mines, in factories of all sort of products of heavy and hazardous industries on 2-3 shift jobs.  They were threatened to be fired if they'd go out to meetings. They had one only elected governor in their Region and Kiev's bandits arrested him. In the rest of the country the thugs are appointing their bunch - most of them are the most corrupted friends - oligarchs.  
In my opinion Ukrainians are much better of in Russia then in Ukraine, because today german tranny was barking in her nasty language (boy I can't hear that sh.t!), and showing her fascist nature to his long time ally - Putin. "Red cow can't change it's skin" - wisdom says.
Also Mr. O was threatening with more sanctions today and I just read 10 names of Washington officials on ban to Russia, including McShame. I think he's on Viagra and some other thing which makes his mind race and he can't sit home.

Your program is started and you're not there, hope it's not your tooth :)
If it is and if you ask me, a Medical Nurse from USSR, I'd say a high quality Cognac will do!
Take care now.
I'll keep you posted.
Take care

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 99)


18th of march 2014 went into Russian history books as a notable chapter in its history.
Crimea and Sevastopol from being only Autonomous Republic finally became fully Independent Republic called "Sovereign" and hopefully will rejoin its rightful brethren. It has a procedure to go through.

I called and called and called nonstop yesterday and didn't get through. Now, when I'm out and listening over the Internet and can't call, you announced "Anna from NYC" and nobody was there. I though I was the only Anna. Something very wrong with your call screener.

I'm listening now that Biden says "Putin stood naked in front of them" maybe he wanted to show his package?
Look at Biden - he was the one saying in mid 90's that every contract, agreement and other things we had
with RF, we failed - the Americans. I heard that with my own ears.

The only thing that I disagree with you today, that you say O is weak. He's not, he knows the competitor,
RF provides corridor to US troops in Afghanistan, gives us intel, etc. Of course, economy is intertwine in the world and it will hurt all involved.
McShame really lost his mind. In Russian they say "krisha poshla" means "the roof caved away."
Another rat on verminic media from WSJ is the another war-monger. Writes all wrong, almost cries for
Tatars, who are remnants of Mongols, who victimized Russians for 300 years, who were on Turk's side
in every fight for Crimea, came back from Asia in much bigger numbers and claimed land in exaggerated
claims, now screaming "all.h .kb.r" right on from of cameras today (you can see it on you tube), all over sudden "might be" victimized? What about huge territory in RF called Tatarstan full of Tatars who are good with Russians and multiply rapidly while Russian do not even replace themselves?
Remember you were talking about this and scientifically comparing the process with botany?
Now it's about 4pm and I'll continue to listen. There is a professor of Russian studies from NYU name
Stephen Cohen, he is the most knowledgeable and don't work for verminik media.

Mrs. O goes to China with daughters and her mother. What's new about it? Mother moved in from 1st day.
Costs millions to taxpayers. They'll burn as much money as they can, we know that.

Time now 5pm and I heard on that 2 self-defense solders killed in Simferopol, capital of Crimea, while people were celebrating in festive mood. One previously was killed in Donetsk, eastern part of UA by nazi-remnants. These are so far amongst PEACEFUL pubic.

On his speech today putin said that the West is rewriting its own rules and Crimean case is just like Kosovo.
I'd add to it that Kosovo NEVER was Albanian before as oppose that you can smell of the Russian blood from the Black Sea and hear the burning boats' crash fighting with Turks. 

I think Putin is too liberal. He's soft. he is a superpower and still don't have a world wide media. We in here don't hear what he says. I can talk now to 100's of NYers passing by and none would know what I'm asking about.

Finally Gorbachev character said something I agree.
Russia proposed to create "int'l group" to resolve the crises in UA.
Don't forget that in UA they call it a "revolution" and in that case any country who had any agreement with previous government has no contract with the new entity. All contracts are annulled, none, nada exists under any Int'l law and under Russian Constitution. Still Putin is not shutting the gas off, as far as I'm concerned and suggesting dialog.
American politicians with mouths full of blood are burping - badmouthing as if he's working for them and "not-subordinating." What a petty to be a "journalist" in this country. Not even one can be found to tell the truth? No wonder any time I want to type "vermin" referring to media, system wants to correct me suggesting "german" :) You think its an accident or a karma in spelling system? Puts a smile on my cute face, anyway!
The placards I see that Russians are holding in Moscow and elsewhere in squares and streets are welcoming to their brethren and my favorite is "we don't exchange ours for money." Also many praising and thanking Putin for his efforts. That's not what thugs in maydan did, when Putin gave them $15 B and extended discounted contract on gas, they threw molotovs, did a bloody "revolution" and asked from the West $35B instead. Green money- red blood. Wish I'd be in Moscow now.
Oh, by the way, that contract for discounted gas with UA is annulled, because of "revolution" and its "resetting" power in politics and gas will go to its original price from April 1st, short of 2 weeks from now.
He even could start it today, couldn't he? On top, I'd suggest Putin charge them only with Euros and European price. Can't wait to see the german trany-granny's fat .ss freezing. Do you know that she's not "too happy" because she LOOOVEEEES the big boy - the boxer, she wanted him to be the Prez........... Yop, yop! Watch them together mingling. 
Vladimir Zhrinovsky said that the West and USA acting like barbarians while they're only helping to protect their own people who ask for help.
He's a character, I like him. He's colorful, educated, energetic and never watches his mouth. He says the way he thinks. I might disagree with him here and there, but at least I know what I'm dealing with. I wish O would have an discussion with him live. Among a few languages, he also speaks English and is a historian. You should check this man out. He's also has good sense of humor.

At his address to Parliament (when he and delegation of Crimea were greeted with applauds and on foot) Putin said to talk about Crimea and Russia, one must know what was Crimea for Russia and Russia for Crimea and Black Sea Fleet. He talked briefly about the history and mentioned that when Russia in 90's couldn't protect its interests, its own people in that region were transferred from hand to hand like a bag of potatoes. 
And when armed bandits came along and wanted to give it to West, now Russia understood that he was robbed. People including Crimean delegation had tears in their eyes. If even you don't know anything you just should look at the crowds and decide which looks moral, just, correct and humane.  
I'm going to tweet this clip, check it out, see the tears of the joy on the eyes of the BEAR nation, who finally can be and protect their own.
He also said that threats that Russia is about "taking" lands it's a blob, and he doesn't even have Russian military in Crimea, there are self-defense groups, who really decided the future of their own.
He also quoted American declaration about " Int'l law about Kosovo" and said that Americans exchange the color black and white whenever it feats their agenda. How much Russia is going to tolerate to be pushed to the corner? Not only out Western allies acted unprofessionally, aggressively, rude and shamelessly and put so called "sanctions" but now they're threatening us with involvement of in our internal problems. What are they going to do, bring in 5th column? These day we have been and are closer than we ever been and thanked  protectors of the land.
West always pushed us around, but this time they cross the border he said.
Also addressed American people, and germans, saying to understand what they did and why, because they're accustomed to freedom.
At the end he asked Duma to ratify reunification of Crimea and Sevastopol as subjects of Russia.
Said Crimea will be for all of them - Russians, Ukrainians and Tatars.
The huge hall was fool of joy and tears of happiness. I wish I'd be there.
Check it out on or on
 @starlet737 on Twitter.


Friday, March 14, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 98)


Yesterday I spent the whole time during your show to get through. I mean, constantly dialed and dialed. Finally, little after second hour started your call screener picked up, asked what I had to say, guess liked it, then asked my name, then told me to wait. Then I waited and waited and waited... phone was connected the whole tome and sometimes I could hear the show between the commercials. Then, after hour and a half show was finished and I still was on line - after 6pm. The callers you put on didn't have a fracture of info. that I had for you. he knew I called from NYC, I told him from Upper West Side and 15 year listener. You have another one around here. I never met one.
All he did was to kill my afternoon. Why he didn't have a decency to tell me not to wait anymore or even just simply hung up, so I could guess and not to waste my minutes. Some don't have unlimited minutes or such time to waste. What kind of thing is that?

What I wanted to tell you, that you never mentioned, that there is an organization called ENPI - European Neighborhood Policy Instrument. Instrument is the money part of ENP. It's EU funding to insure the territorial "integrity" of EU and finance its EXPENSION. Last 20 years they were working to get control over Ukraine, which is on their way to their "interest" to Russian gas and the East. They did it in Georgia, did it in Ukraine already. brother - killing conflict to get in between. If they'd really, really be afraid of Putin and thought he's crazy, like Khroushchev was, they wouldn't think of it. They'd be there by his side smiling to him and watching and enjoying ara-Olympics.
Don't forget Europe has a long history of hatred, competition and memory. Crimea is a vital safety point and waterway for Russia. English, French, Turks were there and got defeated. You thing they forgot? Russians didn't forget also. Their grandfathers' bodies were perished in those waters to preserve Crimea for them to keep them safe. That's their backyard. What they going to do, to give it up lying down? What's next - sodomizing them on the name of "progressive-ism"? Europe is dying, they hate themselves and they just spreading the misery by paying for it. And this is not an ideological war, this is a GAS and LAND war!
Who is their stupid, besides the rotten media lackeys here and there? Russian show repairer is more educated (not only literate) and knowledgeable about history, geography and the world affairs than Columbia University graduates or professors. How do I know it? I worked there. The Diploma that I'd got in USSR, they don't even give out there, it's too much, you have to go for another 20 years on different schools after college to put together of the volume of disciplines of literature and science we studied. On top on it, we had different attitude toward them as a human intellectual heritage and value.

But let me go on with yesterday's news.
ESC - European Scrutiny Committee Chairman Bill Cash said; "If you put Russian bear in a cage and poke it with spears, you're going to get a hostile result."
They know very well what they're looking for, don't you see all over sudden they're all against one.
Senior conservative MPs warned against Britain that Eu's attempt to expend into Russia's historic back yard will bring "inevitable" crisis.
Look at this: EU already spent more than 1 million pounds of British funded money to aid (which means to train) Ukraine's "Interior" troops.
The same .ss named David Cameron said that he's ready to "hit" the city, but punish Russians. "Hit" means to freeze Russian's assets and take other finance related measures, which will "hit" the economy of his own city called "Looondooon." You believe that? While Turks created no-go zones for Germans in their own Deeeeeeeeeutschland, and Arabs come out of the biggest musk in Europe - which is in Looooondoooon and tell them they'll "finish" them right there and go unpanished, they put American talk show host on ban.
Russian tzars called them "sick" Europeans. Rush calls them "great unwashed" (he's wrong on this last conflict like many others though).

Talking of double standards. Crimea is an INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC, which has its own parliament and Constitution, which has a clause to allow them to have a referendum of self-determination. It sent an official invitation to Organization of European Security and Cooperation to send their observers to watch the vote.
They declined to go, saying that they need "Ukraine's official invitation." Woo, woo, woo??? What happened in Serbia? did they asked Belgrade's permission to go to Kosovo. They didn't have the "invitation" for sure.
1st deputy of PM of Crimea said that OSCE has double standards and he's right. They went there with the help of adulterous president of ours and bombed prosperous, christian nation in the middle of Europe and gave it to Muslims who hate their guts, their religion, their culture and their "porn-natious" (my word)  mentality. I can't blame the latter, can I? Sometimes I want to put a scarf on my head just to separate myself from the rest of bozos in NYC.

Now, today's news. Bad.
In Donetsk, which is adjacent to RF on the East and South and its an industrial Russian area, yesterday were 2 meetings, one pro-Russian, one pro-maidanootiye. At the same time, in the same square, surprise, surprise. Maidamootiye as usual came with sticks, explosives, bombs, guns, etc. In one point the fight broke loose and one person got killed, about 30 injured. Russians who were showing their wounds on camera weren't armed and pointing out to the other side armed to teeth. On, which is RF Internal Affairs Ministry, like FBI, has posted a declaration saying "If authorities in Ukraine can't control the situation, RF is reserving the right to interfere to insure the safety and protection the lives of all innocent protesters and its Citizens on the territory of Ukraine."
There is an investigation against the City Hall of Donetsk to find out why these 2 opposing groups were put on standoff. 
Of course, those who want Europe, were they're going to be looked down to and used as freed slaves, forgot that their fathers and grandfathers are berried in the same graves with Russians and they're half brothers against whose scum who are trying to entice them with more sausage today. They're already pledged to get a reword of 11 Billion Euros (funny looking money to me), so why not take arms and shed some blood of their own?
Everybody that I talked to last day in NYC, most of them black, cursed out O's .ss calling him "a crazy brother." Green dollar for red blood, - most of them said. 
Entire Eastern part of Ukraine and industrial and mostly Russian who feed the Western side. They got used to be feed by others, now Europe is throwing some feed. Crimea also can exist all on it's own. They feeding Kiev.
Well, I have too much to say. Your show is in the middle of the day, it will starts in half an hour from now and I still didn't finish searching the world news entirely.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 97)


I was walking in Upper east side today and saw 2 locations he might be visiting.
One was 830 park Ave. which is on 76th street and another 74th off 5th ave. second building on the north side. gives the zip codes who donate to one or the other parties.

"Ousted" President of Ukraine gave a press-conference in Rostov-on-Don and addressed
the West with Q "where is your memory, did you forgot fascism?" He said that in Kiev people on the high positions taken by armed banditism, who operate with dark masks and fascist arm-bands, are not allowed under Statute of 130 of the Constitution of Ukraine to give commend to arm forces and send them to conflict.
Moreover he pointed out that the
American Public Law 112 - 74 adopted on Dec. 23rd, 2011by congress points says that American government should not give any financial help to the countries who's leader was illegally ousted.
You should find this and put on your website. He said that still under the local and Int'l law he's the legal President and without his resignation referendum on May 25th in Ukraine is illegal.
He said he's going to address the US congress about this and the situation and after normalization of situation he's planing to return to Kiev and find out who gave the order to shoot on demonstrators.

Meanwhile Crimeans are excited to vote and get back to their normal heritage, language and life as it has been forever and they were missing it for last 22 years. Unlike In Ukraine, where they're arresting every Russian politician and already outlawed Russian language from their school curriculums, in Crimea they're going to let minority Ukrainians and Tatars have certain hours of teaching of their languages. Generally the wages, pensions and overall quality of life is higher in Russia.
To me personally idea of 2 Ukraines is much better. West side never liked Russians and even their own. Always was an ideological and historic divide.
To Putin's Q to journalists how America decided to "give" Kosovo to Albenians, nobody answers. And on SNL they made a fun of O. I posted it on my twitter.

I don't know if you noticed that there is a huge area in Russian Federation called Tatarstan. Those Tatars, who don't want the change can go there and live with their families. Actually, the head of Tatarstan was in Crimean Parliament telling his own that with being with Russia is going to bring them closer and going to be only for good.
In Crimea they created a website which is a Ukrainian domain about the referendum on 16th. UA blocked it. Then they made one on and it is functioning.
I'd be you, if even I'dn't know much about people and their intentions I'd look at them, just look at the crowds: Ukrainians are denouncing their brethren - Russians, who are half of the population, burning things, have masks and weapons and the other side Russians all asking to be together with their brethren and Ukrainians alike, don't have masks and weapons and don't ask money from West.
People were tearful saying that in Kiev protesters did a coup and West is supporting them and Ukrainians don't want them to tell their opinion in peaceful ways.
You could automatically feel where is safer area and who are the better people.

So long.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 96)


I just watch the news on Russian and Int'l sources.
Crimea is printing 1.550 thousand bulletins for Referendum on March 16th, which are printed in 3 languages;
Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar. There are 2 clauses: one to reunite with RF in status of subject or stay with UA as Autonomous Republic. Unlike their counterparts in Ukraine they don't suppress people's choice of language. Also Sevastopol, which has a city-country status in UA will participate in elections the head of Administration of city Dimitry Belik announced.
Everyone on cameras asking for the world to see and hear them. They want to speak their language, live with their brethren and make their own cultural choices. They're unarmed, calling for peace and brotherhood, unlike the ones in Kiev demanding separatism and asking for money from West.
Some of them had tears on their eyes saying that last 22 years of under Kiev they felt bad about themselves.
They lived there generations for 100's of years and couldn't feel like home anymore, finally they again can call it home as it was, instead of "place of living." They can't wait, they wanted not next Sunday, but this Sunday to make their choice. Also Int'l observers are welcomed and already have their areas designated for them. 
Ukraine's Ambassador is well and functioning in Moscow at the same time.
-  In the city of Donetsk, which is industrial and mostly Russian in the East of Ukraine elected governor Mr. Gubarev was arrested by thugs and Kiev's stooge was placed instead, some oligarch, thus people were protesting asking him back. There are peaceful people with peaceful placards in the streets, while Kiev demanded "not to have demonstrations." Wow! Look who is talking!
They overthrew the government by arms, but others can't express themselves as citizens. ???
Also local self-defense forces pledging legions to the local population. 
- The head of radical right wingers' boss who has arrest warrant in Russia, Dmitry Yarosh, is running for president in Ukraine.
- EU site short 1.5 year ago on talked about those and called them all sorts of bad names and persons of on-grata. What changed? They got into soviet era weapons storages and took them over. Those weapons can easily bring down passenger airliners, a few experts were saying on TV. I think they called "posirok"?
- Commander of Berkut, the special forces, Alex Basyukov said that they didn't have no firearms and no bullets. Usual police was taken out of Kiev at that time and riot police only had riot gears, not guns.

I personally smell a rat. I think this was very well orchestrated by West to use those stooges on that square to gain control in that territory and put their nose in Russia's behind. That's it. Chill of the cold war in their spine crawling down it and makes them dizzy.
There should be videos of shooters on demonstrators, because of cameras.

- Ministry of defense will take out Russian language part on their site on 10th of March, reporting Ukrainian sources. www. and
- In Donetsk reporter from RT, who is British said there were Journalist from Russia on the same flight, the airport of the majority of Russians in town, who is under control of Ukrainian forces let this reporter and his American colleague in and rejected the crew of Russians to enter the city.

Russian defense ministry decided its reserve the right to change the agreement with US in surveillance of  nukes.

Meanwhile on American news they put some "phony" Ukrainian without even any accent saying they're "scared" for their people there. Oh, boo-hoo!!!

I can't believe this country is doing this for it own people. I'm going to check more of Greek and other Euro channels, see if people there are happy to "help" others from far away.

So long now.

Friday, March 7, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 95)


I just read the Declaration of Conducting Referendum of self-determination in Crimea by its Supreme Council on march 16th.
It says "Due to the illegal armed takeover of government by group of people in Kiev and attempts to do the same in Crimea. Multiple Attempts to organized local armed forces and sending new groups of nationalist and separatist armed bandits to overthrow the government here, we are declaring a decision to have a referendum and decide Autonomous Republic of Crimea's future."
To come to this decision the Parliament of Crimea had its referendum and voted "yes" in amount of 78 members out of 87. Only one was "no" the rest were absent.
All the 49 Ministers voted "yes".
Chairman of the Supreme Council was in Moscow today meeting with Kremlin, the Mayor of Moscow, the head of all political groups.
To add something from me, Doc, let me say that Crimean Parliament is represented by 6 political parties. Do we have 6 parties here in USA? And today we have to go there and tell them what to do to themselves?

Today were a lots of meeting in Moscow and other cities' squares to support Crimean and their decision to self-determination.
Lots of placards. All peaceful and supportive of their brethren in Crimea and Ukraine alike.
Some of them:
"We will not exchange our people for money"
"We believe in Putin"
"We're with our brethren in Crimea and Ukraine"
"Fascism won't fly"  
"Russians and Ukrainians are brothers"
"Russia won't leave its own"
Crimea with are with you"
"Crimea we are together"
Russia and Crimea = mutual future"
These are peaceful, much better sounding, looking and talking group of peoples, than you see in Kiev with Molotov cocktails, rocks and chains who killed people and provoked all the killings.

Let me add that fact that Sevastopol has a special status in Crimea and thus in Ukraine, it's a "city-country" like Vatican in Italy and some others in Europe. Sailors and soldiers there are legally allowed to stop any forces from entering through its ports, point, if they choose to. Point, end of the story. Especially the ones who are going to stir division, hatred and violence. 

I saw that EU pledged 11 Billion to Kiev thugs? Wow! Can't wait to see how Greece explodes on Merkel's face! Those members who didn't get a loan they were asking for - should get out of the company of misery!!!

In the meantime Para - Olympic games of 2014 in Sochi started with dancing and fireworks, athletes from 45 countries throughout the world arrived, all being cheered, greeted and accommodated with latest technology, Putin opened the ceremonies, etc. etc.
While Putin talking to all networks about sports and saying that people with disability can do anything,
self-proclaimed war-mongering heading the "government" in Kiev provoking the world with phony "scare" to get more money and deepen the crisis. Why not, I don't blame them, if some idiots are liking it and plus paying for it too, wow! - why not?
In the meantime O sent Navy missile destroyer USS Truxtun to Black Sea and went to vocation.
Talking of humanity?! I can't even comment of simple sanity here.
This looks to me is very well orchestrated and planed. that's how i see it.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 94)


First she said "reset" now called him a Nazi. ??? Ain't it a b.t.h? - All my democratic friends said. Potato face Kerry went and gave out 1B of other people's money to get attention. Him, McCain, Clinton all should be sued for inciting violence. I think Kerry wins on both sides: he gets paid what he does, calling it a job, then he can sell Ukraine Ketchup, because at least the next several years all they can afford is potatoes.
I saw the meeting of PM Medvedev with the head of Gos-prom, who said that Ukraine owe them 1.5 Billion already and they're going to bring the price to original level from April 1st of this year, unless they pay fast. So, Kerry's potato money is for only the raw ones. You can't even cook the potato.

O said that there were 2 sets of lawyers and 2 sets of interpretation of Int'l law, after Putin's press conference. Not really. They just underestimated that the other side knows what they're doing.
O backed off, not Putin. People who made a coup, which is illegal, don't even call it a coup, they call it a "revolution." And Putin said " if that is so, it means there is another Int'l law, under which it means the other "country or government" is no longer there, all prior contracts are annulled and with the new one we don't have any agreement. We don't even no who they are. Even after this Putin didn't cut the contact with the present thugs in Kiev.He said he commended them to keep a contact.
Crimean supreme council made a decision to have a referendum at March 16th, instead of 30th.
What else do they want - all these "Int'l" thugs. They got involved in bother-killing conflict by buying one side.
You should hear what professor of Russian studies at NYU Steven Cohen said about those thugs. He called it "hutspa" and explained that is it when someone kills his parents and then jumps out of the window, because he's an orphan. You should put him on your program.
Imagine how dangerous the Hilarious Rot-ham can be, if God forbid, she is elected?
I'll get back to this after I listen to your program.
I'm still working on the full, literal translation of Putin's press conference in part 93. It's in draft right now.
You can check and compare and see that NO English speaking course has it in full, NONE!
I have listened to your program and got through to your producer 2 times. He listened 2 times, thanked me and didn't put me through.
Now I came back and listening to you at 5:20pm and you're having some damn callers one after another.
How he decides his stuff. I could give you facts that you don't mention.
Oh well, I'll continue to listen.

Monday, March 3, 2014

To Michael Savage (part 92)


You're right! The entire west and the US are bullying Russians, getting the same ideological game they play in here imported it to another white christian country. Who is the thug in here - in America? Minorities against majority. The same mentality is in there. Nazies, Muslims, part of Ukrainians against the most of Ukrainians and the rest of Russians. Also don't forget crowd. Who had the money power to put you on the ban from Western civilized "civil society" practicing country of UK?
Look at the news: Major 5 commanders in military in Crimea pledged their legions to Autonomous Republic of Crimea, where actually Russian navel port in Sevastopol has more of Autonomy. It's a special case inside the special case. But who can figure that out, the American potheads from J schools in media?
I'm listening to you right now as I type this, the time is 3:37pm now. You put clips from Madeleine non-bright, who is a vicious retarded criminal, and the other one - McShame who is the prize winner for
"war - managership."
Some Ukrainian is talking to you right now who is against Russia, telling you you're wrong and Russians are zombies. ??? Why are you even talking to him and screaming, for God Sake?!
In Kiev there are street thugs who made a coup backed by west and us to get more money from them, that they got or could get in future from Russia. Mr. Putin just gave $15 Billion help and half price on gas to them. But, if they can take $35 Billion from EU, which they're hoping for, why wouldn't they scream louder and throw things? After-all they have iPhones and can watch porn right there, right? Some from SNN (a. c..per) can go, watch their behinds in tight jeans and be in owe, right? So....  Thugs would get big money and run away to the west to spend it there and EU will have more company in misery while dying from within.
It's fun to have a big company in misery, isn't it? Every psychiatrist will tell you that.

It's about the gas and gas and gas and gas and borders and borders and borders and geopolitics and status of the bully preservation. That's all. bring their weapons close to Russia's border (or rear-end) and to stick it to it when needed.
You didn't see the clips on internet where people who are running out of Ukraine to Russia are crying and thanking people who taking them in. Where is US media on this? I tell you where: Someone named Terry Moran, that I call moranic terry or terrier for obama was reporting an interview on the street with a woman who spoke Russia, who said "mi volnuyemsya" which means "we are concerned" and he, the moron translated "we are taken hostage" and cut it off. Athomaticall you'd think it was an Ukrainian. But it was Russian who wanted troops there to protect them from thugs coming over from Kiev. What a malpractice of so called journalism in broad day light! Oh my Goodness Gracious!!!
America can't afford to pay for another conflict, absolutely NOT! Russia's "occupation" of Ukraine is
O X Y M O R O N ! Most of those soldiers know each other, their fathers knew each other and they're comrades in arms, as they call it.
Entire media is participating in war-mongering. I need your lawyer to sue them for misleading the NATION and the world and make those networks pay for damages for God's Sake!
Putin enjoyed a little something - the Olympics, they have to ruin it for him, such as maybe boycott the para-Olympics which starts on 7th, Friday this week. But, athletes from 41 countries are on their way to Sochi and for most of them, if not for all of them sport = life. See how they're going to ruin it for him. Another one might be G8 meeting this summer, etc, etc.
Even naked eye can see just by looking to the crowds and their signs. Even if you don't know history. Russian side gives tea, hot food to their soldiers and ask for protection, have no weapons and masks. Some came out with strollers. In Kiev, they're named "bandits" with Molotov cocktail, throwing rocks catapult,
chains big enough to bring professional anti-riot policemen down.
Feb. 21st, "opposition leaders" with Germany, Poland and France signed contract with Yanukovich, it's all on tape. Putin was asking Europe to help Ukraine from both side, while he was doing it already. You should invite professor of Russian Studies in NYU - Steve Cohen to your show, he goes to John Bachelor's, you can hear him there.
Now you're talking about Stalin and Ukraine. Stalin was not ethnically Russian, he was Georgian, he killed his own too, he killed everyone he didn't like. That's it, point. Marx, Engels, Trotsky were Jewish, Lenin was half Jewish, etc. If you come to my Upper West Side Jewish neighborhood of Manhattan you can meet Jews from institutions of lower learning such as Columbia brag about it. Go figure.
Talking about being in emotional distress....  I found myself literally pulling my hair. I haven't been in Ukraine and last Time in Russia was in 1991 briefly, by transit. I'm not either of them ethnically. I learned Russian as a second language and I love it. Ukrainian is almost the same, like a dialect of Russian, I can understand and sing songs in Ukrainian too. Nothing is closer than this 2 nations with everything.
I'm absolutely shaking, just by realizing what this media of ours is capable of doing. If I could go I'd go to Russia now and tell them "inconvenient truth" (like Al Gore did) about my country's media. Americans don't have money and nerve at all for all of this. 75% of us on some sort of medication already. 

Now you're saying that Russian military took over Crimea. Not true. They were there before they're were there yesterday, they're are there today and they will be tomorrow! It's where both those nations shed blood
fighting against the same "Europeans" and Turks for centuries. They have their sons' and fathers' graves.
Tsar used to call Europeans "sick man of Europe" and Russia had Queens before America can have a woman president. Even Syrians had a Queen, who rules the military of that time.
You should be the president of the US and I should be your consultant. Just a thought.

All I can prey right now is for safety of all involved and for Mr. Putin's good judgement to protect his people as well as innocent Ukrainians.

I'm going to read your article now. Why I NEVER can get through your program, but some pothead like that Ukrainian did?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

To Michael Savage (post 91)


No matter how much I call i can't get through. Paul Roberts interview was good and you should check also and have someone to translate it to you. All the voices on Russian side talk peace, stability, brotherhood and the side of maidan, which is in turkish, talking about money from europe and usa against the interest of their historic and genetic brethren and their survival, let alone safety of their lives.
Mr. Putin just signed an agreement giving them $15 billion in loan and half price on gas. If you see the footage of signing agreement on Feb. 21st in Kiyev, you'll see those people who now seized the gov. power were there signing those papers with the president. That knucklehead boxer and today's "finance minister" are the ones later hit the maidan again with weapons.
Putin adressed the Duma of RF with concerns of  Duma of Authonom Republic of Crimea and got unanimous vote on the side of insuring the safety of lives of people in conflicted areas.
According to stipulation G of part 1 of statute #102 of RF decision was made to insure peace and conduct the upcoming referendum in May 25th.

This is all about gas pipeline and increasing the influence of Europe on the price of brother killing conflict.


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