I heard first part of your show with first part interview with Trump. Maybe later I'll hear the rest from podcast.
Before your show I heard from the pony-tale-lawyer on the same station as if Trump's numbers are sagging and he doesn't have the support of "educated women."
Well, I'm glad I heard it. He should hear it too and support me to support him. We'll see who single-handedly can challenge the reputation of those "networks" full of lying fools.
I don't need to do commentary and give piece of my mind. All I have to do is ask Qs.
Nobody is born educated. It's a process based on effort. Very rarely, but some are born with certain talents and gifts from nature and God. The rest of average people can learn. Smart ones are those
who want to learn and can learn faster than others. I'm one of those. I love learning, I learn something almost every day and I hope I'm still a fast learner. A gift I have is the ability to communicate and to communicate with everybody from an infant to 104 years old. Been there done that and still do. Also I have a very good intuition. I don't remember when I was wrong. It seems that all my life my first gut feeling happened to be right. Also I'm predominantly auditory person and not only like to listen to others, but I hear what people says and what exactly they mean.
I don't bother thinking or analyzing what politicians are saying, because I know that they say what others told them to say or wrote things for them to read.
That's why I like Mr. Trump. He speaks his mind. It makes a HUGE difference for me!
You had G.Sherman on the show talking about his book called "Loudest voice in the room," which has something on the 'fat-man-of-fax-news.' That's how I call R-Ailes.
You said that he has been your adversary for sometime. You're right for saying that murdock might covertly be on Hilary's side. I call him 'moorlo' or 'morda,' which mean 'nasty face' in Russian.
Also the leak of 'Panama papers' show that Ukrainian president has hidden billions in offshore.
Wasn't he the one who was asking for blankets and arms to kill their own people from WH on the floor of Congress? Yes he was, while hiding his own money he came to take ours. This is the one USA sponsors? His family house is a replica of WH. Bigger and chicer than O's house in Chicago, that's for sure. Bias media did everything to just mention Putin's name, just to mention, even though they said that there was an assumption that some of his friends had.
Int'l news is no good in general and it's terrible for me.
Main sources in Russian media are reporting vogue information about both sides of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. I don't get it; what happened to Russian space station's satellite? Isn't it working? Can't they see who started the conflict and instead of talking go, get involved and stop the atrocities?
Armenian side has no motive to start a hot conflict and jeopardize its own people's lives.
Why would it? Azeris are against Armenians living there, because they want to take that land. That land is fertile, Armenians are historically and globally known by their hard working nature and ethics (check every historic reference including the reference in the Museum of Natural History in NYC), and in Soviet times Baku got used to be feed from that land. When NK announced its independence Baku got berserk and started slaughtering innocent people. Does anybody think one will get into war for something useless? Should it be a rock, they wouldn't care less. They just can't get used to the idea of losing a food supply. There were no other people who lived on that land but Armenians from the beginning of civilization. Even after 74 years of Sovete Union there was only 2% of Azeri population. They have no trace, no graves, no written words about anything Azeri in republic of NK. Now, when juicy pieces of treats are not reaching their mouths (while they private parts are working around the clock and producing more eating mouths), Azeris are up to arms again. There... I said it. It's so simple and easy to see and understand, yet all those big talking mouths of the world are only giving a lip service; "we condemn, we strongly condemn, we call for..." BS! They should take their behind there and see what's going on and show us too. That's what I'm saying. It's not a big area by American or Russian counts. It's only 5000 km square populated by less than 150 000 people. What seems to be the problem of deploying peace keepers there right away?
Who is going to cover this story in dept based on historic facts and common sense? Americans don't know anything about this. I don't blame them, but I blame the semi-literate vemin in the media who don't cover. Ironically, sometimes, I don't mind it. I know that if and when they open their ignorant mouths it could be even worse. Misinformation, disinformation, malicious lies, fictional 'truths," - you name it, they got it.
I remember seeing a placard saying "I was wondering why somebody was not doing something about this, then I found out that somebody was ME."
How to approach Trump, how to get him to look at my project and get it going? I can't show it to anyone beside himself. I just will not. These are my Qs right now.
American media needs a makeover for real. I'm ready to start with spring cleaning of it.
To me this conflict can end only when Russian official forces get into the territory of NK and call Baku off. Baku is friends with Ankara, Moscow should step up and act on its friendship with NK.
Actually the head of Republic if NK should be willing to get together with RF like South Ossetia did.
Every life is precious and not replaceable in there. Because of economic blockade and the war lots of people, mostly young, move out in search of job and better future. But, I know for sure, those people love their land and their heritage very much and wouldn't be indifferent to its fate.
This is a clip from NK (Artsakh) local news; at at 5pm special report on their time.
This one is following at midnight news, at
This is at Russian TV, at It's hot discussion with all sides involved and also gives the brief history of NK and the tries to get into roots of today's conflict.
They use, as we call it in here, military time, meaning from 1-24, instead of us 12hours am and 12 hours pm. Time difference is that they're 8 hours ahead of us; 11pm in NYC right now and it's 7am next day in NK. Moscow time is 6am April 5th right now. You do the math in the future.
This conflict is not local as it might seem to those who know nothing about its history, this is a expansion of global conflict between Iran and Turkey, Russia and Turkey, Armenia and Turkey, Turkey, its crony .S.Lo and Syria, you name it. The red line is; by attacking all Armenian enclave, knowing that Armenia will come to its aid, Turkey is using Azerbaijan to intimidate Russia and possibly draw it into this conflict from this angle. NATO allies ate their heart out to do it from Eastern Ukraine, it didn't happen, now they chose this playing field and already managed to fill it with dead bodies from both sides.
At 14:40min into the tape you can hear a real expert explanation. None of those types of experts we have in America, none. None know history. culture, mentality, etc. All phony made up faces reading rubbish on TV. Unfortunately there is no one brings those to talk to us here. No one.
I have to watch hours of tapes from news right now regarding this conflict.
Like I didn't have enough heartache with grim news from Eastern Ukraine for last 2 years, right? There were Christian killing each other with the incitement of NATO, now they same garbage-NATO helps Muslim Azeris to kill Christian Armenians. Their freaking Europe is trampling down under the heels of their enemies, so they want everyone to go down with them.
Wait a minute, apparently this scenario was openly discussed in notorious-cia-poppy-stratfor-group before. They said that in order to get to Russia NATO needs to expend through Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, etc.
On its first page today it's already giving a hint "Could clashes in NK trigger a wider conflict?"
DUH? Like they didn't know and didn't instigated it? Plz!
In the meantime, another genocidal maniac of world caliber, UA's president Poroshenko attended Nuclear Security Summit ( in DC and got $335 Million of American taxpayer money to go kill more of his own people, at How do you like that?
On the brighter side, isn't this an 'improvement' in O's behavior? He openly called him corrupted (meaning an SOB), but still gave him money just to be on his SOB. Why that vermin is not being arrested and his $Billions confiscated and given to his people? Now that the whole world knows he has hidden offshore accounts in $Billions, what seems to be the problem? Why my fellow Americans pay for this? isn't it a treason on the part of our government?
Who is going to talk about this? Where is retarded media? Who is going to protest against this?
I have no energy left for now.
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