Today is 101st anniversary of the first crime against humanity of last century, - Armenian Genocide.
People who effected directly, indirectly and those who sympathize came out to the streets around the world and voiced their opinion by saying "Turkey, recognize the atrocities of the past and clean your history from shame."
One of the reports is at
Also in NYC there was a demonstrating.meeting in Times Square from 2-4pm.
Pulitzer Prize winner, professor Peter Balakian extensively covered this topic in his adult life and career.
One of his books, The Black Dog of Faith, I have in my library. He's descendant of victims and works closely with those Turkish intellectuals who advocate on the side of bringing out the historic truth, which will help to bring healing and reconciliation of two neighbors, finally.
In both world wars of last century Turks and Germans were allies. Both times they lost. Germany recognized Holocaust and paid for it (if that ever can be paid for), but Turkey is still playing dumb.
Were there good people at the time? Yes, of course. Many help their friends and neighbors to escape. But so in WW2; most Germans weren't nazis. Germans think that the entire nation is responsible for such atrocities, but Turks don't. Go figure. Are they still allies? Yes, those dummies are still allies.
I wonder why the big fat .ss Deutsche-tran is not telling erdogan. to get over with black spot on his nation's forehead once and for all? Can't she do it today, finally? Yes, of course. But... nosir, not at all. Although she is Christian, her party called Christian - whatever, she is making Germany more Muslim than ever when Christians are being slaughtered all over Middle East. Look at the old-rotten-man in Vatican asking for his demise. What worse massage he could possibly send out?
Does anybody who is not on illegal cocktail drugs can hallucinate so bad that can see Muslims get along, live peacefully or "like" Europeans ever? D-tran is the one of whose few who are is in that state of sick mind and consistently bringing western civilization to its demise. I guarantee that 99.99% of Muslims in western world not only will not get assimilated, but will work tirelessly to bring it down then take on the rest of the unprotected 'infidel' world.
I can go ahead and use vocabulary of Social Psychology leaving the readers to come to this conclusion on their own, but I don't care. I don;t work for anybody, I'm not running for presidency of USA. I wasn't born here anyway. Not that that clause in Constitution stops suspicious ones doing it.
What can be mutual between country of Turkey and Europe? Through Turkey Europe wants to have access to Asia and Turkey is milking Europe financially while multiplying rapidly and outnumbering them - those dumb cow-infidels!
Look at the maps of BC, then come to 1st century AD, see where was Armenia as an Empire. To make your work easy I'll tell you that it was from Mediterranean to Caspian seas, next to Mesopotamia, Assyria and Egypt. There is no Russia nor European countries. Christianity starting to spread from Middle East around the world and 301 AD Armenian King Trdat the Great excepts and announces it as an official state religion. Christianity becomes a major religion and spreads to Africa, Asia minor and then mainly to north and west of European continent.
After 6th century Islam develops in Arabia and spreads mostly to south and east. Armenia becomes a warfare territory between two worlds - West and East and 2 civilizations, - Christian and Islamic. Do you know why is it so small after 2000 years? What happened? They lost their multiplying hormones or killed themselves and disappeared from the face of the earth? No. They're one of the most hard working and persevering people on this planet. They're one of the most highly educated, skillful, hospitable, creative and peaceful group of people ever existed. Their language, their heritage, their literature, their culture can tell the story. Not all what have been, but most of it. All couldn't be possibly saved, because of constant animosity and wars perpetrated from those who couldn't genetically do the same and have the same, but preferred to attack, kill and take from them. When I hear that all the people are genetically the same (from those who want to muddy the waters while making money on it), I want to vomit.
Everybody is different, even identical twins, so how big groups can act the same? One group builds, another destroys, one writing books, another burns them, one woman having a baby and throwing in the garbage, another picks up and raises a child.
Of course, groups, especially small once have certain common mentality and behavior which can be highly influenced by religion, especially when most of them are illiterate. It's hard to influence and confuse an educated person or a highly literate nation.
Look at Muslim world of 2016. Still half of their population are illiterate, women are siting home, eating food and keep on multiplying. Just do it and scream 'allah-inshallah' and He'll take from others and give it to you, because you are so busy enjoying yourself and that's why you're better than others. Isn't it all? ??? Yes it is! has been for a long time.
Now, ask me why many of those people who were more capable, skillful, talented and creative than others became less than those who weren't?
Just look at the history of Armenia. When it was from sea to shining sea and prosperous many ethnic groups, mostly Muslim from the south and east were coming and settling for a better living. What Armenian Kings did throughout history? Basically nothing.
They let them live; - "Go ahead, make yourself home, don't need to learn the language, it's too sophisticated and hard for your brains, don't like out religion? - it's OK, keep yours, we want you to feel free and happy, we'll learn yours, we're more capable after-all. Your language will enrich us and make us smarter and we'll all get along and when we'll talk your language you'll love and appreciate us." Sound familiar?
This was the mentality that brought one of the ancient civilizations almost to it extinction and continuing its advancement toward what is left of western world by the day. By the day. While weather is getting warmer, predicted refugee flow is going to intensify.
That's why I connect with the massage - "Border, Language and Culture."
I'm very familiar with the consequences of its absence. I see the history is repeating itself in my face in USA in 2016. Every time I see another both landing on shores of Europe, I know that some of those are going to end up here sooner than later. Also I close my eyes and guess how many airplanes landed today with how many people who are not going to go back and never, ever going to assimilate or contribute to this society. I should leave alone those who are coming only to destroy and those who are already here and getting ready by the hour.
In the meantime look what verminic media is showing day after day. look what holly-weirdos are showing to the world "representing" American culture. That's a 5th column running drug, prostitution and killing ring as a bait for enemy. What other 'excuses' they need to look for to justify their actions? I consider myself conservative, but when I hear them, especially men, talking about ab.rtion, I want to vomit.
1st; To me it's not a men's issue whatsoever. Yes, that's what I said. One only man, only one out of a million can have any feeling about it. I'm being brutally honest and optimistic now while fake conservatives are "intellectualizing" and pretending otherwise.
I don't want to get into this topic too much right now. Maybe later I will.
The other topic is euthanasia that you too are screaming about. Don't start with me on that too!
I don't need to argue with skillful debate tactics or rabbinical replies. All I have to do is ask questions to 'yes' or 'no' answer and check the person's behavior past and present. Present means not only hear his words, but get a signed agreement to have 24/7 surveillance on his pants.
Forcible breeding of a human female specie is as ugly as the one done on animals, if not worse.
If person is not obligated to ask public to have sex and in which way, I believe public should not put its nose into anybody's uterus.
What about public funding? Don't fund, for all I care. Let them pay or let those who want to pay for them pay. ??? Anybody calls themselves "pro-lifer" is a liar before adopting at least dozen. Pay from your own packet, no generous foster-care subsidy. What about it?
If and when I ask my Qs, everything about these 2 topics will drop in their places.
Now the local news.
The whole week was busy with political talk. Last days I heard you on and off.
Couple of hours you talked about 'mix-ed-up-gender' [mw] bathroom use issue.
You prefer to see 2, one of them for kids. I agree with you that regulations for number of people and toilet sits per facility ratio should be changed, but I say one only sit in one bathroom and it should be handicapped too. Yes, lines will be longer, but who cares? Avoid using public places and travel less, for all I care. One big room for each and everybody. That's all. Let perverts go in alone and play with themselves.
Couple of days ago you were saying that San-Fran is anti-child. Well, years ago in B&N I saw a book about 'special' people. Do you know that gays consider themselves 'special?' Oh-yes-sir! While still screaming about past 'discrimination' they're not already consider themselves special, but also pervasively perusing more rights and privileges over all of the rest of us. On one of the pages in that book, a man wearing makeup with bright-red lipstick was saying "God don't give children to special people" with a smirk, the bravado, the joy of victory on his look.
What can I say? I'm not gay and don't have children either, why can't I be considered 'special' too?
Maybe I am too and don't know about it? Just asking.
So long.
Only George Clooney, from the hordes of Holly-weirdos visited Armenia and paid homage to memory of victims of Armenian Genocide, at
Good for him, not only handsome, but talented and decent man.
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