Friday, April 29, 2016

To Michael Savage April 29th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
While browsing I found your motivational clip on 
I can add to it by saying "we can't do much about the length of out lives, but we can do a lot for its width and dept."
"I'm not obsessive, I'm compulsively awesome." It's about me, myself and I and I totally agree! :)

Here is a clip from Trump's yesterday's rally in Evensvill, IN,
Watch how he's making fun of Kasich's eating (133min.) and keep bringing examples how the system is rigged.
Yesterday one of talk show hosts said about K. "if people still don't know how to pronounce Kasich, he should drop out already." It's a funny truth.
What is not funny is that those 2 low-lives, who obviously don't have the interests of the country in their minds and hearts, has gone so far and don't want to quit in a good faith.

Your Q & A; "who can stop the stench coming out of Washington? Only Trump."
After finishing yesterday's entry I'm still watching political shows from abroad.

Afternoon; you started the show with breaking news telling that so-called-protesters in blocking Trump's way to GOP convention in Bay area. He finally broke through.
You just finished the interview with him, which got disconnected once. Asked him about relationship with Russia, which is the most important foreign policy issue of all.
All those pot-head-cuckoo-street thugs and their sponsors will get their stupid heads obliterated if we go to war will Russia. Unfortunately the rest of us will face the same fate just because they're amongst us.
He is heading to Indiana now and ended the conversation with you on a positive note. His voice was upbeat and optimistic.
While listening to you I was watching different streams on mute to see what was going on.
I liked what he said; "it was like crossing the border." He should have his own live streamed on Twitter. I don't know if he it elsewhere. I have to search for it.

The 3rd hour; you're taking calls and saying that Trump is so good that while he went through huge street mob, he still kept his commitment to get on your show.
Yes, you are the lucky one to be talking to him at that unique time and I also give you the credit you deserve.
This is your show's full podcast right here; at (1:47min.)
Trump Interview comes up at 53min. into the tape, its 9min. long.

I just watched one sided, biased coverage of Trump event on verminic main stream media.
Those potheads are so bias. I can't even start telling. Even for one second they didn't show the crowd which was there for Trump. They only showed the protesters and thoroughly showed him going in and out from the back or side door of the building. Like it was something of a belittling thing for him. So what if he went in from the back door? Most of the VIP people attending public events are not using the front door, unless they want to or need to do so for publicity.
Trump didn't go there to show off skin and cleavage. He went to his supporters to personally approve his massage and affirm their hopes.
Did you hear that Kait Jenner met with Hilary? That's what the other side is worried about.

Just found a clip where a retired firefighter saying prophetic things about Trump's triumph as a savior of America from destruction 5 years ago. Love it or leave it.
It's at This interview is ran on chronological videos from Trump's campaign. Interesting to watch if even you don't want to hear the voice.

Leaving alone all the numbers and facts, my gut feels that s.tan is getting more aggressive.
It's sending out hordes of evil and starting to shed blood. You saw it today on the face of Trump's supporter, didn't you? They took him out in ambulance. He wasn't the only one injured. There were others too.
Trump should find injured supporters and help them out. That would be honorable.

Oh, did you hear that about 60 000 democrats switched to GOP in PA? Nice.

So long.


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