Saturday, April 30, 2016

To Michael Savage April 30th, Saturday


We hours.
I have something in my mind that I'd like to tell Trump to ask Hilly about that would leave her dumbfounded. As a senator she never worked, it was a no-show job for her. That's out of the way now. As Sec. of State she is clueless what's going on in our consulates overseas.
There are many things that those who're in charge, but have not gone through immigration process, will know.
I did everything legally and didn't know any other way. I was working for American newspaper and having my reports published in front pages. I still had to wait for several years to become a citizen. But, when I came and met so many others who came from all over the world, I found out things which I can call 'unbelievable' for the lack of better words.
The whole hole is so messy that there is no way to clean it, fix it or change it. It has to be shut down completely for at least 7 years. Point, end of the story. The only rare exemptions could be made for certain professionals. Throughout that time world perception of dumping their bad on us will change,
many will give up on the idea of running in, because the wall will be there.
To me, people should try to make their own country better they can come study, pay from their own packets and go back to better their lives. We can keep the brightest ones, if needed, make sure they're taking care of themselves and contributing.
Cheap labor? Maybe it's needed in some places. For that there can be strict work-visa and payment on the books. Will some veggie and fruit farms suffer in result? Maybe. For all I care.
We'll eat less of that tasteless stuff. We'll go to restaurants less, travel less, do not visit overseas at all, eat less, support our local communities' mom and pop shops, stay put, stay safe, start thinking clearly.  
In terms of 'building bridges' as Hillary says, I can tell her to build one with her millions and pack up and leave with those who like her. All her life she is yapping and making millions. how did that happen? When this woman produced anything? She has a law degree? OK. When was the last time she practiced? In law firm in Arkansas where things were 'mismanaged' and FBI was on her tail?
People went to jail and dropped dead around that criminal couple. Her hubby signed NAFTA, which outsourced jobs, he bombed christian country in the middle of Europe and gave part of it to Muslims.
His law License had been revoked since those times. I still didn't make peace with the idea that he didn't do jail time like everyone else would. That was my first disappointment from legal system of this country. That showed me that not all the citizens are equal before the law. Then, things went down the hill from there. One "surprising" thing after another. A lie, deceit, corruption every day in my face no matter where I go.

From 6pm browsing through some channels and glimpsing on evening news and no wonder on one
of the public channels (surprise, surprise) 2 black women are talking about how black youth is "mistreated," such as born in powerty, incarcerated, etc. One of them already has a none-profit organization making money pushing racism card, presenting it as her God's given mission in life.
Of course, nobody asking racism from who? Why would anybody ask when 99% of the media has that music put on already and letting anyone with big lying face come on and top-top under the rhythm to carry on the torch of division, resentment, controversy and hate.
Bad news is a good news for media, so why not fan the flames and cook some white meat on it?
I'd like to see how easy it was to get an approval for that specific organization and compare the time frame with those whose agenda is not selling racism.
The insanity of the talk of racism from minorities against the majority is absolutely given a green light and red carpet with fanfare by the vermin in the media and the press.
Word "racism" is automatically taken as whites against blacks and nobody is stopping and asking to specify. In my first hand experience, black and generally minority racism against whits was established, licenced, institutionalized, incorporated and made a hugely lucrative business, before I arrived here 25 years ago.
And, it is only getting worse. From the beginning hating and victimizing the white majority was a "reason" for the behavior, then it became excuse, then after O became power.
Instead of calming down the hate and cooling off the flares, the fraudulent business if racism is blooming and prospering.
Should I have hidden cameras wherever I walked, shopped, worked and lived until today and had my own channel to put it on, I'd not worry about a day of straggle to the end of my life.
Well, when I came computers were only in offices. From mid 90's they started coming out and now through social media my point will be simple and easy to make. How? Guess what? Just show. Yes, it's so simple and easy, it's unimaginable. What can be more believable than to show a picture, recording or a tape? But wait, there is a big barrier; - law! Yes, some laws prohibit it, most of the time it's left on judges discretion, and very many companies, profit or none have their own 'policies" against taking a proof. Proof is what they want to show. I'm not saying running around and taping everybody everywhere. I'm saying that in most places you can't show take a proof what's going on while you're part of the equation or things are done specifically against you.
Your right of accessing law enforcement is depend where you live. Yes, I'm very serious. Not just to push the button and call. That you can do, but their respond is totally controlled by their own desire what to do with that phone call. getting the news to media is whole another ballgame. I know I;m saying "surprising" things. No, I'm not. Most of the people know, but nobody is taking an action. It's too much work; it's a uphill battle and the war against armed and more powerful. I know I'm talking about a very heavy subject. This subject is a rotten mad on the bottom of this society, which gets thicker and more poisonous by the day.
Stench is coming to your nose for some time already, some developed an immune system and became lethargic and indifferent (as long as they get their gov. checks and smoke their stuff), others are very ill and can't stand it any more. Like myself. You're right that this is a one of a kind silent and thus stupid society that gave up hope to fix anything. Look at the politicians; one crooked after another one. Trump is a lone man trying to penetrate through the darkness of thick forest. It hasn't been groomed for so long, that anyone can get lost. I can tell him so many things going on right here in NYC that he never heard of. How he suppose to find it out? He can pass by, look into the window and still don't know what's inside the building.
What we don't see things going on right around us on daily basis? Why nobody is getting in bottom of it? Because everybody who is functional has something to protect; a job, career, reputation, place to live, health and money try to keep.
Those who have nothing to lose and get their psychological kick out of harming others usually come out with daring faces and get on silenced majority's face o destruct, destroy and cash in.
If you think this is just happening all by itself, I have a news; - NO. It's very systematically organized.
Finally; is there one person out there who can do anything about it? Just one. Yes, just one, - yes!
ME! With God's help. All I need is my first needs met and a protection. All I have to do is to show, have other people show, no matter black or white or in between. How about it?
This will be my mission, should I find a sponsor like Trump.
I study and learn all my life. Every day. Things I can do, none other person can.
That's because of my gift of gab from God, background, education, knowledge, personality, character, hobbies, etc. There are things in human that are not transferable and can't be thought.
There are still lots of things that machines can't do; love, care, touch, feel, reason, etc. ******************************************************************************

To wrap up this monologue I'd like to say that whoever donates to public channels is not doing good service to this society. That's all on this for now.
We need to organize a 'truth telling campaign" to inform those who pay taxes and live clueless lives.
We'll take proof from all the sides.

Now let's go to the news that doesn't appear in our local sources. Today is the Holy Saturday on Eastern Orthodox, meaning Julian calendar. Day before Easter, the day of Holy Fire. Traditionally the faithful gathers around the belived tomb of Jesus in Holy Sepulcher Church in Jerusalem, where according to believe Jesus will light the fire to let them know he hasn't forgotten them.
Tomorrow is Easter in Jerusalem and one of my favorite days of the year - May the 1st!

In the meantime, right now the holy fire is being flown to Moscow via official flight.
Patriarch Kirill of all Russia will conduct a special ceremony for excepting and distributing it in the Cathedral of Holy Savior in central Moscow. royally screwed its format, so I can't link an individual clip.
Here is a short report from, showing the midnight preparations of clergy, who are wearing white gowns instead of black, which symbolizes mourning to show the victory of life over death. This symbolizes a new beginning and the victory of light over dark.
Also for festivities in here check 
Tomorrow is going to be a rainy day, otherwise I might go too.
There are gorgeous Orthodox churches in NYC, Greek and Russian in UES.

So long.

Friday, April 29, 2016

To Michael Savage April 29th, Friday


Wee hours of the morning.
While browsing I found your motivational clip on 
I can add to it by saying "we can't do much about the length of out lives, but we can do a lot for its width and dept."
"I'm not obsessive, I'm compulsively awesome." It's about me, myself and I and I totally agree! :)

Here is a clip from Trump's yesterday's rally in Evensvill, IN,
Watch how he's making fun of Kasich's eating (133min.) and keep bringing examples how the system is rigged.
Yesterday one of talk show hosts said about K. "if people still don't know how to pronounce Kasich, he should drop out already." It's a funny truth.
What is not funny is that those 2 low-lives, who obviously don't have the interests of the country in their minds and hearts, has gone so far and don't want to quit in a good faith.

Your Q & A; "who can stop the stench coming out of Washington? Only Trump."
After finishing yesterday's entry I'm still watching political shows from abroad.

Afternoon; you started the show with breaking news telling that so-called-protesters in blocking Trump's way to GOP convention in Bay area. He finally broke through.
You just finished the interview with him, which got disconnected once. Asked him about relationship with Russia, which is the most important foreign policy issue of all.
All those pot-head-cuckoo-street thugs and their sponsors will get their stupid heads obliterated if we go to war will Russia. Unfortunately the rest of us will face the same fate just because they're amongst us.
He is heading to Indiana now and ended the conversation with you on a positive note. His voice was upbeat and optimistic.
While listening to you I was watching different streams on mute to see what was going on.
I liked what he said; "it was like crossing the border." He should have his own live streamed on Twitter. I don't know if he it elsewhere. I have to search for it.

The 3rd hour; you're taking calls and saying that Trump is so good that while he went through huge street mob, he still kept his commitment to get on your show.
Yes, you are the lucky one to be talking to him at that unique time and I also give you the credit you deserve.
This is your show's full podcast right here; at (1:47min.)
Trump Interview comes up at 53min. into the tape, its 9min. long.

I just watched one sided, biased coverage of Trump event on verminic main stream media.
Those potheads are so bias. I can't even start telling. Even for one second they didn't show the crowd which was there for Trump. They only showed the protesters and thoroughly showed him going in and out from the back or side door of the building. Like it was something of a belittling thing for him. So what if he went in from the back door? Most of the VIP people attending public events are not using the front door, unless they want to or need to do so for publicity.
Trump didn't go there to show off skin and cleavage. He went to his supporters to personally approve his massage and affirm their hopes.
Did you hear that Kait Jenner met with Hilary? That's what the other side is worried about.

Just found a clip where a retired firefighter saying prophetic things about Trump's triumph as a savior of America from destruction 5 years ago. Love it or leave it.
It's at This interview is ran on chronological videos from Trump's campaign. Interesting to watch if even you don't want to hear the voice.

Leaving alone all the numbers and facts, my gut feels that s.tan is getting more aggressive.
It's sending out hordes of evil and starting to shed blood. You saw it today on the face of Trump's supporter, didn't you? They took him out in ambulance. He wasn't the only one injured. There were others too.
Trump should find injured supporters and help them out. That would be honorable.

Oh, did you hear that about 60 000 democrats switched to GOP in PA? Nice.

So long.


To Michael Savage April 28th, Thursday, 2016 AD new era in space exploration of RF


Today I start with fun-trivia stuff. To me those are;
1.John-the-crying-Boehner calling Cruz a luc.fer and an SOB,
2.Lyin' Ted choosing vice-presidential candidate in the face of none-other than fiorina,
3. Retired cop accidentally shooting gun in his podiatrists office in LI, injuring himself and the foot-doctor in his foot!!! Yeah-ha-heah, yippee-I-O-ki-yeah!
At least one fun afternoon to start working.

For trivia from overseas I can tell you that an 11 years old girl managed to get into a plane in Moscow and fly to St. Petersburg, where she wished to go for some time, - all alone. She got there with no problem and the camera shows that nobody paying attention to her in airport and no one asked for ticket on the plane. She quietly took an empty sit and as the song says; "fly-baby-fly, up-up-to-the sky!"

Another huge success in space exploration in Russian Federation; a brand new cosmodrome named "Vostok" (spaceport called "East") gave beautiful start to sputnik Soyuz-2.1a, while Putin watching! Yeah-baby-yeah!
Everybody should watch and admire the achievement of human imagination and capability of bringing that imagination to life.
It's at 
The spaceport was being built for 4 years and is located in RF's Far East region of Amur.

No matter how many times I fly on the plane it still boggles my mind how someone (don't know who) t the first time in history of human kind imagined that metal, the huge chunk of iron can fly in the sky. ??? Then imagined that it can have a shape of a bird, then thought of humans sitting in it, then another one thought that iron can have a shape of his p.nis and can fly way over the sky looking for ... God?

How many people believed that that can happen and worked on it? Had to devote their lives learning all sorts of previously unknown stuff and top it off with theirs to bring this to this day??? WOW!!!
I'm really in OWE with this. This made my day and gave me hope for tomorrow.

The world is so full of haters (s.tan working through humans) that would do everything to stop something like this and still did not succeed. !!! I'm in such an owe of this picture that need to open a bottle of win. Yes!

So many nice things in the world for me today;
- All my medical check-ups were OK yesterday, tu-tu-tu!
- My favorite month May is around the corner,
- Trump is winning in US Presidential run,
- Russians successfully launched a new, multi-billion dollar spaceport with Sputnik flying,
- Rainy, but calm day in New York City, which makes me to stay home and do what I love the most.  *********************************************************************

There is a wonderful song from soviet era about Space and the Earth from the point of cosmonaut.
He sees the Earth from the window of the spacecraft, but dreams about the green grass in front of his house.
Let me find it... here; -
You must hear this and have someone professional translate it for you or maybe find it with English titles, if it's in there (which I'd not trust much).

I'm so happy that going to listen to nostalgic music and dance with my stuffed animals before your show starts. It's 1:35pm ET, NYC. !!!

3pm; now you know why O gave to Billionaire-President of Ukraine $335 million just recently to kill more Russians and Ukrainians and harm Putin's reputation as much as possible.
Why he wouldn't tell (if he think he's so smart and Uncle PP should listen to him) to put his own dirty money out for his own stinking agenda? Why? Instead he sent cookie-baba-nuland to talk to US'a new Prime Minister, telling that they don't need to comply with Minsk-2 agreements for that money.
In the meantime in East Ukrainian town Elenovka was shelled by the vermin from Kiev,

You're starting the show with a little music and saying that life is a very heavy struggle. that people know that around the world, but we forgot about it in here - America. We don't tell our kids that anymore. That leads us to today's politics, etc, etc.
I don't agree completely; American life has been pretty hard from my side of the spectrum and in my experience. It has been from hard to almost impossible for me. Many times I wanted to go back and call the quits of struggling. All I could take with me was my American Passport and English I learn by myself.
Tomorrow Trump will be on your show to further define his agenda on foreign policy. Good!
You're right, he always makes news, he don't just come out and talk and he's hard guest to get.
Some "brainiac" woman says that paying attention to grammar is "raciest" because people who know the right way to speak and write are white.
Nice... I can use that line. Come to think of it, because I never had an English language class in my entire life, it sounds fair to me. Who knows how many mistakes I make writing this, but I can tell you for sure that should I pay attention I'd do much better than right now. Right now I just try to hold back (editing in process) my faster mind and put out raw thoughts before line editing, like I'd do in notebook. This is far not the finished material I'd like to see published.
But, for now, what you see is what you get and the writings of the people who work for NYSlimes are going through a few stages of editing and proofreading. I'm on my own on this and I'm glad I'm.
Your'e saying that Jackals are going to be unleashed in the streets of America wherever Trump will go, sponsored by most ev.l man on Earth - S.r.s himself.
I don't even want to write his full name in here. It might contaminate my innocent and clean blog.
Do you know how many foreigners from all hostile nations he enabled to come to study here, while American students are drowning in deep debt? Yes, I've met many of them personally.

Now you're talking about some "study" saying that some psychotics can be creative. Hahaha!
You're right that most of collage professors are poor-n-jealous idiots. Where I come from and where I've got my education, professors were post respected, smart, decent and well to do people.
Not at Ivy college that I worked, which will charge you arms and legs. Imagine the rest.

You're asking that maybe O should create "Racial Anthropology" department in DOJ to give a test how much of racist one is. Hahaha! He certainly has a self-hating genome inherited from his anthropologist mother and no-goodnik father.
Impression such as "Psychopathic boldness" was in that article? Interesting.
Just on the point of above discussion on "flying iron like a bird" was an imagination of a psychopath, if not worse. At that time they didn't even have a word to describe that craziness of a person.
I believe as soon as someone expressed that thought people wanted to castrate him so he won't bring up generation

Federal government arrested some extended family members of vermin who killed 14 innocent people in CA last year. Those vermin couple who left their infant at home and went on rampage.
Trump was right by saying " do not buy apple!" I never liked that sh.t anyway. I never needed it. Doesn't look good to me and its "creator" was another "psycho." He wasn't psycho because he created Apple, he was crazy because when diagnosed with terminal cancer he started eating grass to cure himself. He had all that money and died at 56. He looked scary and creepy to me though. I don't know why. I felt he was expediting the demise of human civilization, which is increasingly getting more dependent on technology.

Second hour; Doctor "Un-Savage" (as you announced yourself) is in the studio and taking calls. :)
I figure out that professors here consider themselves "intellectuals" and are poor and jealous rich people in the beginning of 90's. At first, one guy who was from Russia doing MBA at CU told me.
I didn't believe right away. Then I started seeing with my own eyes.
Just found an article talking about it;
at True!
I disagree with one thing only; not everyone with degree is an intellectual. The article is too generalizing and can cause confusion.
I don't have time now to go into it. Maybe later.*****************************************

Second half of the second hour; you're talking to a physician caller about euthanasia, which don't interests me. It's from Greek which means 'good' or 'well' death. Its approach in society varies from country to country. In Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and in many others it's legal.
Don't tell me that whereever it's NOT legal physicians are not performing it every day of the year.
They do. I have my own view on its moral, ethical and legal aspects, which varies from crazy conservatives' viewpoint in here stretching from intellectually dishonest to outright lying. That, and the abortion issue. The latter should NOT even be discussed by men. That's all I'm saying.

You're saying that 20 000 illegal alien criminals were released into American communities in 2015 and that should be O's legacy. Agree.
The end of the hour. You're reading a story about a man in cave with poodles and little bears, which is from the middle of your book "Confessions of the service human." Cute.

5pm, Let's go to the rest of Int'l news, shall we?
The report on Channel One or is a good one, but they changed the format and all individual reports go under the same. No use to link it. You can check it by the date and find the report yourself. In that report Putin is on the front line of observers. He arrived to Amur region yesterday. In bright sunshiny day all nervously were their looking up and counting down. Then, everyone's mood changed from nervous to happy.
Six years ago Putin put the first stone in the breaking ground of that humongous contraction site. You have to see it to believe it.
An entire town, named after Tsiolkovsky (rocket scientist and a brainiac of his time) is built for more than 90 000 people to live and work around that space station, - a tip-of-the-human-mind phenomenon.
Three rackets were on the board of Sputnik, one of them carrying the name of Mikhail Lomonosov, - another Russian brainiac. Moscow State University is named after him also. A gorgeous, gorgeous place to be in and study.

Parliament of France voted for favor of ending economic sanctions against Russia, which will be hard for EU to ignore. It called for entire government to boldly stand against EU centralized control and if needed to be the first one to conduct its economic affairs individually.
[It's about the time for French to strike. We'll see when idiots in Brussels will sober up.]

Today PM Medvedev told governors of all regions to put the job of providing housing to veterans on the first gear.
[Sound like trump will be on the same page with both Putin and Medvedev. Of course haters can't stand it. Haters' job is to distract and destroy, even if it will destroy them too. Hate comes from inside. Who hates another person for no reason but spite and jealousy is suicidal from the get go. What can you expect. Luc.fer has a big following everywhere, all the time. The problem is to recognize and illuminate quickly. Getting philosophical is not appropriate in that department. It should be banned and should stay banned for every normal person with common sense. Hate can't be negotiable.
I don't care what money makers on that industry will tell. That's all.

So long.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

To Michael Savage April 27th, Wednesday


I heard a part of your yesterday's show.
Trump did very well yesterday; he won in 5 eastern states and has a real shut to be the nominee. ~!!!
Those 2 stubborn idiots are becoming an annoyance. Canadian-Cruz, who shouldn't be running at the first place, and slurping Kasich, who's eating manners are disguising, should give up their greedy adventure of collecting donations already!
In one of other languages I speak it called a "moneyhowling," - one word, meaning howling or barking to get paid. That's all.

I'd better see him running against B rather than H. To me B is more authentic and not suicidal than that woman who doesn't know what she is talking about and is apocalypticly-obsessive-aggressive against Putin's superpower Russia.
The rest of the world still is predominantly male dominated and an old woman with her fingers on nuclear codes is going to be a laughing matter. Every dictator will call her every name out of dictionary, if even they won;t say on her face.
Her being on the wheel will show that this country is totally out of people capable of thinking straight. O started that impression and this will be another nail on the c.ffin of America.
If I'd be in Putin's place I'd not have any nerves left to deal with this loud mouth power hungry control freak. She already had a clot in one of her vain in this brain behind one of her ears. Her BMI is too high and she is getting fatter.
With Trump, the rest of the world will think twice to mass with. With her, we'll be a laughing stock.

Here is Trump's today's morning speech, at He's talking about foreign policy and jobs.
Here is today's interview with Morning Joe, at 
In the evening he was in IN and got endorsed by Bob Knight, at
Another interview is with Chris Cuomo, at

So long.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

To Michael Savage April 24, Sunday day of AG


Today is 101st anniversary of the first crime against humanity of last century, - Armenian Genocide.
People who effected directly, indirectly and those who sympathize came out to the streets around the world and voiced their opinion by saying "Turkey, recognize the atrocities of the past and clean your history from shame."
One of the reports is at 
Also in NYC there was a demonstrating.meeting in Times Square from 2-4pm.
Pulitzer Prize winner, professor Peter Balakian extensively covered this topic in his adult life and career.
One of his books, The Black Dog of Faith, I have in my library. He's descendant of victims and works closely with those Turkish intellectuals who advocate on the side of bringing out the historic truth, which will help to bring healing and reconciliation of two neighbors, finally.
In both world wars of last century Turks and Germans were allies. Both times they lost. Germany recognized Holocaust and paid for it (if that ever can be paid for), but Turkey is still playing dumb.
Were there good people at the time? Yes, of course. Many help their friends and neighbors to escape. But so in WW2; most Germans weren't nazis. Germans think that the entire nation is responsible for such atrocities, but Turks don't. Go figure. Are they still allies? Yes, those dummies are still allies.
I wonder why the big fat .ss Deutsche-tran is not telling erdogan. to get over with black spot on his nation's forehead once and for all? Can't she do it today, finally? Yes, of course. But... nosir, not at all. Although she is Christian, her party called Christian - whatever, she is making Germany more Muslim than ever when Christians are being slaughtered all over Middle East. Look at the old-rotten-man in Vatican asking for his demise. What worse massage he could possibly send out?

Does anybody who is not on illegal cocktail drugs can hallucinate so bad that can see Muslims get along, live peacefully or "like" Europeans ever? D-tran is the one of whose few who are is in that state of sick mind and consistently bringing western civilization to its demise. I guarantee that 99.99% of Muslims in western world not only will not get assimilated, but will work tirelessly to bring it down then take on the rest of the unprotected 'infidel' world.

I can go ahead and use vocabulary of Social Psychology leaving the readers to come to this conclusion on their own, but I don't care. I don;t work for anybody, I'm not running for presidency of USA. I wasn't born here anyway. Not that that clause in Constitution stops suspicious ones doing it.
What can be mutual between country of Turkey and Europe? Through Turkey Europe wants to have access to Asia and Turkey is milking Europe financially while multiplying rapidly and outnumbering them - those dumb cow-infidels!
Look at the maps of BC, then come to 1st century AD, see where was Armenia as an Empire. To make your work easy I'll tell you that it was from Mediterranean to Caspian seas, next to Mesopotamia, Assyria and Egypt. There is no Russia nor European countries. Christianity starting to spread from Middle East around the world and 301 AD Armenian King Trdat the Great excepts and announces it as an official state religion. Christianity becomes a major religion and spreads to Africa, Asia minor and then mainly to north and west of European continent.
After 6th century Islam develops in Arabia and spreads mostly to south and east. Armenia becomes a warfare territory between two worlds - West and East and 2 civilizations, - Christian and Islamic. Do you know why is it so small after 2000 years? What happened? They lost their multiplying hormones or killed themselves and disappeared from the face of the earth? No. They're one of the most hard working and persevering people on this planet. They're one of the most highly educated, skillful, hospitable, creative and peaceful group of people ever existed. Their language, their heritage, their literature, their culture can tell the story. Not all what have been, but most of it. All couldn't be possibly saved, because of constant animosity and wars perpetrated from those who couldn't genetically do the same and have the same, but preferred to attack, kill and take from them. When I hear that all the people are genetically the same (from those who want to muddy the waters while making money on it), I want to vomit.
Everybody is different, even identical twins, so how big groups can act the same? One group builds, another destroys, one writing books, another burns them, one woman having a baby and throwing in the garbage, another picks up and raises a child.
Of course, groups, especially small once have certain common mentality and behavior which can be highly influenced by religion, especially when most of them are illiterate. It's hard to influence and confuse an educated person or a highly literate nation.
Look at Muslim world of 2016. Still half of their population are illiterate, women are siting home, eating food and keep on multiplying. Just do it and scream 'allah-inshallah' and He'll take from others and give it to you, because you are so busy enjoying yourself and that's why you're better than others. Isn't it all? ??? Yes it is! has been for a long time.
Now, ask me why many of those people who were more capable, skillful, talented and creative than others became less than those who weren't?
Just look at the history of Armenia. When it was from sea to shining sea and prosperous many ethnic groups, mostly Muslim from the south and east were coming and settling for a better living. What Armenian Kings did throughout history? Basically nothing.
They let them live; - "Go ahead, make yourself home, don't need to learn the language, it's too sophisticated and hard for your brains, don't like out religion? - it's OK, keep yours, we want you to feel free and happy, we'll learn yours, we're more capable after-all. Your language will enrich us and make us smarter and we'll all get along and when we'll talk your language you'll love and appreciate us." Sound familiar?
This was the mentality that brought one of the ancient civilizations almost to it extinction and continuing its advancement toward what is left of western world by the day. By the day. While weather is getting warmer, predicted refugee flow is going to intensify.
That's why I connect with the massage - "Border, Language and Culture."
I'm very familiar with the consequences of its absence. I see the history is repeating itself in my face in USA in 2016. Every time I see another both landing on shores of Europe, I know that some of those are going to end up here sooner than later. Also I close my eyes and guess how many airplanes landed today with how many people who are not going to go back and never, ever going to assimilate or contribute to this society. I should leave alone those who are coming only to destroy and those who are already here and getting ready by the hour.
In the meantime look what verminic media is showing day after day. look what holly-weirdos are showing to the world "representing" American culture. That's a 5th column running drug, prostitution and killing ring as a bait for enemy. What other 'excuses' they need to look for to justify their actions? I consider myself conservative, but when I hear them, especially men, talking about ab.rtion, I want to vomit.
1st;  To me it's not a men's issue whatsoever. Yes, that's what I said. One only man, only one out of a million can have any feeling about it. I'm being brutally honest and optimistic now while fake conservatives are "intellectualizing" and pretending otherwise.
I don't want to get into this topic too much right now. Maybe later I will.
The other topic is euthanasia that you too are screaming about. Don't start with me on that too!
I don't need to argue with skillful debate tactics or rabbinical replies.  All I have to do is ask questions to 'yes' or 'no' answer and check the person's behavior past and present. Present means not only hear his words, but get a signed agreement to have 24/7 surveillance on his pants.
Forcible breeding of a human female specie is as ugly as the one done on animals, if not worse.
If person is not obligated to ask public to have sex and in which way, I believe public should not put its nose into anybody's uterus.
What about public funding? Don't fund, for all I care. Let them pay or let those who want to pay for them pay. ??? Anybody calls themselves "pro-lifer" is a liar before adopting at least dozen. Pay from your own packet, no generous foster-care subsidy. What about it?
If and when I ask my Qs, everything about these 2 topics will drop in their places.
Now the local news.
The whole week was busy with political talk. Last days I heard you on and off.
Couple of hours you  talked about 'mix-ed-up-gender' [mw] bathroom use issue.
You prefer to see 2, one of them for kids. I agree with you that regulations for number of people and toilet sits per facility ratio should be changed, but I say one only sit in one bathroom and it should be handicapped too. Yes, lines will be longer, but who cares? Avoid using public places and travel less, for all I care. One big room for each and everybody. That's all. Let perverts go in alone and play with themselves.
Couple of days ago you were saying that San-Fran is anti-child. Well, years ago in B&N I saw a book about 'special' people. Do you know that gays consider themselves 'special?' Oh-yes-sir! While still screaming about past 'discrimination' they're not already consider themselves special, but also pervasively perusing more rights and privileges over all of the rest of us. On one of the pages in that book, a man wearing makeup with bright-red lipstick was saying "God don't give children to special people" with a smirk, the bravado, the joy of victory on his look.
What can I say? I'm not gay and don't have children either, why can't I be considered 'special' too?
Maybe I am too and don't know about it? Just asking.

So long.
Only George Clooney, from the hordes of Holly-weirdos visited Armenia and paid homage to memory of victims of Armenian Genocide, at
Good for him, not only handsome, but talented and decent man.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

To Michael Savage April 17th, Sunday


I heard first 2 hours of Friday's show. You tried to avoid political talk and asked callers to tell what crazy thinks they have done. If I'd call you I'd say "leaving a millionaire" for myself. But, I don't have
regret though. Although living in NYC hasn't been smooth financially, but state of my mind, soul and heart is way over the level of importance of finance. I'm not a prosaic person. I'm a dreamer. Always have been. That;s why I chose to study literature as a profession and that's why I came to America 25 years ago. Should I make that life changing decision if I'd know what will happen? I don't know.
This year, at the first time, I'm not sure. Like mother Teresa, I've got my doubts. If she could doubt God, why can't I doubt my own choices? Should I always be a brave person showing bravado face? ??? First; how would I know? There are no guarantees in life.
Second; I'm not sure if I'd be happy back there living with a feeling that I might missed a big adventure. So far it's an adventure. Has not become an opportunity yet. Being innocent, moral, honest, smart (education wise) and not connected in this country will not take you anywhere. These are things that no one even mentions. One should be sleazy, phony, lying, made-up, covertly yet aggressive street smart h.rney-h.e to be able to cut through barriers made with bricks.
In former Soviet Union we were complaining about the system, calling it 'corrupted' because one should know somebody to get a job. When I came here, I found out there was such mandatory thing like a "resume," most of which is piece a creative writing. And, the "uncle" that you needed there to back you up behind the seen, here simply is in the middle of the seen, out in the open, and his name should be written right there, on application form on "recommendation" line. There one needed one uncle, here - needs three. Isn't it nice?
I needed a powerful uncle in there and I need it in here. Not having one in there got me here, where do I go from here? Interesting question to myself.
I think I'm going to stay right here. Life is not forever and I'm not too young to experiment again.
One immigration in enough for me. Let others get the hell out, if need be. It's time to put all my eggs in one basket and throw in the face of s.tan, who is the master of this circus.
I didn't have powerful people behind me to open any door for me in my entire life.
Here and now, I'm thinking, it's time to search and find one by myself. So far  I see one, which is a perfect candidate; - Mr. Trump! He is father, brother, uncle, cousin and a friend I never had. I took care of my father, who worked 43 years and ended up broke when former soviet collapsed. He was a very honest and moral man, he raised me on everything 'right,' but when I graduated from University, he had no idea what was going on and couldn't do anything to help me to get a job. Competition was fierce in there, especially in my profession. Finally, miraculously I did it all by myself and it brought me here. I cared for him as a daughter there and helped him financially from here. May he rest in peace.

After tomorrow are primaries in NY. I'm not registered, but going to try to go vote. The first time in my life in USA, - for Trump. Why not? Every Arab I know in NYC, legal and illegal, who were all not registered, went and voted for O with no problem in Upper west side. Why would you register, if they're not asking for ID? The whole thing is rigged, from top to bottom! And they're blaming Trump for saying it about couple of places? Com'on!

Let me mentioned a thing from Int'l arena before going to bed; at you see how the West is using Orwellian concepts of frightening and controlling the minds of masses, while selling them fake bogyman image and memorabilia using Putin's character.

Did you hear the report about 19 German solders joined .S.L? Oh yeah, from 2007 Germans investigated 320 such cases and you can even see German women on enemy ranks. I don't what to link those sites. They disgust me.
I'll better write about Nasreddin than about those garbage. Reader of this blog can learn from N more.

Did you know that USAID is considered a spy agency in abroad? Yessir, apparently Russians put them out of their country for spying activities in 2011.
Also so called NGOs, none-profits and others under "help."
HELP can come in different shapes and forms for very different reasons. I'm very careful when I hear that word.
Having said that the last example of it is Pope's taking of 3 muslim families with him to Italy from greek island of lesbos where he visited a few days ago. My Q is; why so few and why only muslim?
I though he was Christian. Christians are being slaughtered in middle east and he takes only muslims?
Oh, I see, he don't produce anything useful with his hands and mind anymore, but still goes around collecting money. With a cute costume and a smile, that, he can still do. I agree.
I don't see he's selling anything from his city-state or from his jewel collection. I bet his security is  a high class too.

That's why he's so happy to see Sander-the-commie. They're both from same mind-set; taking money from one side, taking as much as possible in the middle, then giving out some for show to blew dust. The name of the game is "help." It's magical. Who can be against it?
Not me, unless I get my Qs answered. And, there are several of them and I want to see answers not in worlds, but in actions on livestream. That'a all.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

To Michael Savage April 14th, Thursday


11:11am. Because I can't hear you directly all the time, I'm getting used to catching up with podcast.
Your show is in the middle of the day when I start doing my own thing. I liked it better when it was at 9pm EST.
I heard about the yesterday's meeting of Trump and mad-megyn in Trump Tower.
She should be called mad-gyn like mad-gene (gene as genome).

On Internet there is 12 min. clip that shows things Trump said that made people support him. It's not complete in my opinion. The bottom line for his success being so popular is that he says things that we can't say. We were not able because we were silenced by social pressure created by the media and politicians.
Hilary calls him dangerous, but she is THE most dangerous thing happened to American politics. To me, Bernie is better than her, because he says thing he belived all his life and he doesn't want war with Russia. Cruz is a damaged good also for the exact same reason. Some things are 'no-no' and can't be acceptable. No matter how expensive and healthful a sandwich is, you can't eat it after dropping it on asphalt on the street of NYC or elsewhere. Cruz and Hillary remind me a sandwich on asphalt.
It can not be rehabilitated and/or consumed anymore. That's all. They are not usable. Both are lying,
cheating, nasty and dangerous to the wold. We have enough of them in congress and elsewhere.

The thing that got to me from last week was the talk about the bathroom use and the law about it in various states. Now we have to band over to trans-this and trans-that and hermaphrodites, etc., right? Nothing else better to do? While talking on the side of small quantity of people in a large population like more than 300 million, why not talking about the rest which are majority.
Now I have to worry about every pervert coming into ladies bathroom with me?
I;d ask readers of this blog, unless they're the once who can not make up their minds about their own gender, to search the Internet, find out the names of entertainers who are against common sense and block them out of their lives. Do not listen to their songs, their music, their anything. Yes, I said that.
I have my rights as a woman not to have all sorts of perverts being close to my private parts when I'm using a bathroom. That's all. I said it and you all can mark it. Send your daughters, mothers and wives next to those to have their bare behinds as close as it can get. I already had my dosage of scare. How?
I'll tell you; I was in Apple store in Manhattan and this big man dressed as woman with a shiny red tights, red wig, a transparent white blouse showing a black novelty bra came into ladies bathroom. He stuck his .ss out as much as he could in bending over position and before even using the facility started putting mire makeup on his scary face. I walked out without using the facility and didn't know where to go next.
Do I have right to be scared or I should give up my human senses for those types too?
The illegality of these types of policies and laws to cater to small minority which is changing entire society is that simply, very simply, it takes our rights away. How you can take right of 99% and impact their lives, because 1% wants so?
Please go, find out all the names of entertainment perverts and put their names all over the places to boycott. They've got more money that they need and are overusing it for buying and mixing many different drugs. That's the problem. But, the TRAGEDY is that those vemin have influence on our younger generations, which are our future.
99% of people in entertainment lost their minds already and vermin in the media feeding on their bloody business like human-leeches. I don't know how I can say it differently. I agree with you when you ranted "close down the comedy clubs!" yes, most of them feed on racism against white people, like hillary-the-hilarious does. White people are so down that they also laugh on themselves. hihihi
I'm not a politician and don't want to be. So.... I don't give a damn. The only job in politics I'd do is to consult Mr. Trump on US - Russia relations. Also by knowing my daily life I'm sure he'll learn things he never knew and never will be able to find out by himself. You can live in NYC and never be aware what's going in the next building.
Last a few moths under Trump's words of sincerity, silenced majority is trying to push against their chains which are put on on them by main stream media, hollywood and other vermin. Every time I turn the TV on there is a fight, blood, gunfire, weird, violent and inhuman behavior. Same style like an infection is spreading around the worlds, unfortunately.
My favorite program on TV is about dog rescue and training called "Lucky dog." Some Disney movies (made for family) I can watch too and that's all.

Int'l news; Today Putin had one of his world famous press-conferences. No other President in the world is doing it. He answered to 80 questions, mostly about local issues.

Another thing I heard on the radio yesterday was a bickering of an American general saying that Russian air military aircraft came close to our military vessel which was around Kaliningrad. DUH?
What is our scary stuff is doing around Kaliningrad at the first place? Ask any American, even those "specialists" teaching their "stuff" in ivy league academia, see if any of them know what and where Kaliningrad is. ??? So... what seems to be the problem? Why USS Donald Cook, a destroyer (which also had a Polish helicopter on its deck ??? ), is doing under Putin's nose? Getting attention?
So, consider the mission accomplished; - you've got buzzed!
The problem is that our political fools can't differentiate a friend from a foe and thus create a tragedy for all of us. The tragedy occurs when a natural ally and a potential friend starts being treated as an enemy. First it starts with words and confusing pictures on media (to get 'high' ratings), then their sponsors along military contractors. It's a human tragedy that information sources get their "high" on bad news. The whole trend started with USA, which to me is very sad. I thought I came the right place for my profession. No wonder I never apply to work in media or in press - never, not even once.
1:20pm. taking a break.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

To Michael Savage April 12th, Tuesday


Yesterday you started your show with a clip from Trump saying that he got millions more votes than Cruz, but Cruz "won."
"How did this happen? The fix is in!" you said.
You're called Cruz's Colorado win "rigged" and suggested that if hr's a "constitutional conservative," as he presents himself to be, he should disavow result of Colorado primaries and call for a vote. If not he should be disqualified all together.
You said "There is only one party which selects the candidate. there is not 2 party system in this country! In California there is no voting, there is no democracy. Cruz's backroom dealing is like something you'd expect in Uruguay in 1940's."
Then quoted from G. Orwell; "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
You compared Colorado event to the game of "3 shells and a pea." And, you're right!
[I didn't know what it was, I checked it out and was surprised that I saw it on the streets of NYC, but didn't even know the name or how it worked. Illusions, illusions... Hand is faster than the eye. Ain't it something? For me it's hard to believe in or get used to it.]

Today you're talking about religion and its role in everyday life, a boxer's death in the ring at MMA match, etc.
You're not in mood of talking elections. You say that it's on purposely designed to able only crooks to win, that a normal person can't go through that web.
Sexual revolution brought down the normalcy in society and destructed the social order. "Mandarins" in Hollywood infected and thus got control of the minds of youth in this country by portraying ideas such as 'sexual revolution/freedom' which in reality is enslaving their souls.
You explain that raw meat can infect the brain and give all sorts of psychological problems, which can cause destructive behaviors like road rage, suicide and such.
I never liked and ate rare, let alone raw. Two things are overdo are cooking and washing dishes and cloths. When I lived in France I saw bloody meat all over in restaurants. It was disgusting. I never was a fan of French cuisine to start with, but when I saw the process all over the place it really disgust me. I feel that they're not only stingy with portions, they don't like to use enough fire to cook the sh.t. Even retarded pizza was entirely a raw dough. I never would go and pay for it by myself. Once I meet someone from NYC and she invited me and insisted it's going to be OK, just to sit outside in old town area, she spoke fluent french because she was born there, etc. Yeah, right, she was shot down by a thug waiter who pretended he don;y understand what she was saying. Then instead of Diet Coke he brought me Orangina and seeing my face started shouting first so I'd not open my mouth to ask for anything else. I'd walk away and would not pay for it whatsoever, but told her that I'm staying for her so she can enjoy herself in that atmosphere and eat and drink all. She pushed me to just try to keep her company and I still want to vomit when I remember the taste. The price? A small pie was 11 euros and the soft drinks some 2 or 3 euros. You convert it to $ which at that time was $100 to 70euros and there goes your smarty pants on fire by lazy and arrogant French.
Yesterday I watched couple of clips showing how professional thieves and pickpockets are making good living in Spain, especially in tourist destinations like Barcelona. Most victims are British, because they're visiting in larger groups and have high currency on them. I saw things I haven't seen before and never knew before. In British English pickpocket called a "dipper" and dippers have their own lexicon in their field. I was thinking to give Cruz a nickname "dipper." That's what he did with votes in Colorado. "Cruz-the-dipper" or "dipper-Cruz," how about that? Not to be confused with "deeper" while in verbal speech. I think while on video this expression should be accompanied by a gesture to be clear.  

No words about Int'l news from you or anybody else on radio. Not that I hear.
Who can understand and do it? MOI! Me, myself and I, - the three of us with company of the forth - GOD! These are my 4 pillars covered by a roof consist of motivation, inspiration, muse and glued together by the sense of obligation to society. No penny made whatsoever on this. Just my good will expressed in written words.

Now Int'l news; Today 55th anniversary of Cosmonautics Day in Russian Federation.
Yes, it was in April 12th of 1961 when soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, first man in history of mankind, flew to space. My parents have seen it live and proudly told us how they felt overwhelmed with happiness and awe.
Then, in July 20th of 1969 Nail Armstrong stepped on the moon as the first man.
I haven't seen anyone doubt Gagarin's adventure, but I heard there and here, in the US, doubting Armstrong's. Why? I guess US flag's rippling in outer space crewed up everybody's high. How that thing can ripple in no air atmosphere? Some people I met personally in NYC telling me it's just a nicely done photo which still don't make any sense. I guess government had Photoshop before we all got it.
Do you know that there was a dogie name Laika, 3 years old stray female from Moscow streets, who preceded flying in 1957 and paved the way to human? It that time things weren't developed yet to try on human first, so they trained and used her. She was an 11 lb. cutie. My heart breaks when I look at her picture.
Check to see that precious face. She was so loved and so famous as Mickey Mouse. But the memory of real animal who's life helped the advancement of mankind is as deep as human's. To be honest with you, I'd not give my dog to perish for any advancement of anything, even saving my own life. To me, when it comes to dogs their lives are as good as ours. That's all I have to say.
Whoever is reading this blog, remember the name Laika, name your dogs after her, please.
Here is a picture of her monument at
From USSR also a woman, Valentina Tereshkova, flew to the space in June 16, 1963. She is a he-ro and she-ro and everything. That woman is a dynamite! She offered to go to Mars - one way, if they need one to sacrifice. Now she's a politician, a member of Parliament of RF. Has been for many years. At Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 she was one of the bearers of the Olympic torch. has a very good coverage showing how festive the buildings and streets of Moscow look like,
how all around the light effects depicting the theme of the day.
This channel, that I use so far to attache references to my comments, has changed its format which made the URL too long. I don't want to overwhelm these pages. I work on keeping things short and simple as much as I can. I guess those who want to watch the report should just put the date and headline of the news reports and try to find those by themselves. As above, I can only recommend this source. Hope other channels won't follow what did. It didn't improve anything, but made it a pain in the neck.
Actually, let me do this one time in here, so you see clearly what I'm talking about; here, it's at
See? Isn't this too much? Used to be 3-4 times shorter. Who needs this? Not me.
Copy and paste it to google and it pops up. You'll see Putin greeting int'l crew in space consist of 6 men (3 Russians, 1 British and 2 Americans) with their professional Holiday, wishing them success in their efforts and safe return to Earth.  

Russian helicopter has crushed in Syria killing 2 pilots. [What a pity!] Experts are working on the crush site. It believed to be an accident, at 

Putin is going to have one of his world famous press-conferences on Thursday. I have been so busy that couldn't explore the ways sending him a question.

So long.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

To Michael Savage April 9th, Saturday


Listened to your show in and out for last couple of days. You were covering all sorts of stuff, including article about you in Salon.
My impression is that because you have been on the Trump side from the get go, some other 'conservatives' in the media, who don't like you, are on Cruz's side. Guess don't want to 'follow' you.
They were blaming Trump for not having a clear stand about ab.rtion. That topic is so uninteresting to me that I don't even want to open my mouth to put whose hypocrites in their places. I can do it when I'll have my own channel and be self-funded, so nobody can try to put their dirt around me.
I AM a conservative, not those who think they have control over everybody's body.
Hypocrites call it "pro-life" others call it "forcible breeding."
To be very, very polite I'd say this;
It's a women's issue and men should mind their own darn, retarded business!
Why? Because... if a man want to have a babies, he can change his gender sexual organs, become a woman and have a baby.
And... their are much easier ways to become a father these days. Whole bunch of ways.
I can question those who yell and scream about being a 'pro-life' with a soul condition; they have to answer on a lie detector on live TV! You'll see how many will come to that interview. I assume O? Zero, - none whatsoever! Hush-bimbo keeps talking about it who doesn't have any children. Ain't it a b.tch?! I haven't hear him saying "have you baby and I'll pay for it" directly on TV and write out a big fat (like his behind) check for that person's whole life.  He never did and he never will. If I'll get a chance to question him I'd put it this way; "let's count how much it costs to raise a child, and, mr. bimbo, give me the money first, up front, show me the cash, or put it on escrow, let me work on having a child, but not from you. You didn't want to have them in your entire life anyway."
How about that?
He wastes his money by getting married to "smarty pants" women who could take him to city hall (I give it to them for that, though), then paying fortunes to them to the rest of their lives after getting booted by them!
We can talk about gov. funding of it, etc, etc, I don't mind that. But I know for sure people who talk about it are hypocrites. That's all.
This is how I can help Mr. Trump to get over with those cuckoos who keep asking him that stupid Q and blaming him for not being 'consistent.' He has 5 kids, more than those who ask him Qs.
It's time for me to get together to start doing something public about backing him up. I'm not a public person. That has been a challenge in my life. I don't care about other people's attention, approval and validation. My validation comes from God and I believe that I'm a daughter by whom he's pleased.
That's all on this.

On the good note; today I watched 'Lady and the Tramp' movie fully and with great pleasure.
I bought a mug with Tramp on it and it's so cute. Yes, I do that. To change my mind I go into kids world well knowing that kids didn't make the stories, adults did. It's fascinating, anyway.
The entire creation of Disney is an amazing experience.
I don't like to see how movies are being made or how magic is done. It'll takes away that magic from me. I always get amazed and happy like a child.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

To Michael Savage April 5th, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
Global war on Christianity is expending from Middle East to Southern Caucuses.
NATO allies keep throwing more fire at Russian Bear by attacking its allies.
Circle is completing and tightening around it, hoping its still in hibernating stage.
You know what can happen? Let's say, for the sake of argument, leaders of Nagorno-Karabahk (which is an entity on its own) decide that for their survival they need to be with their Russian brethren and ask Russian Federation to unite with it as part of it, like commonwealth or such, and Russia agrees (because now war is coming closer to its southern border), the whole cabal of anti-Russian global military establishment will cry foul as if Russia "annexed" this one too and "needs" to be stopped.
You'll see. I'll prey that this will never happen, but you don't need to be a chess master to guess where the head of the snake must be buried.
I admire Putin's cool. I'd not take it like he does. There is enough is enough moment for everything and everybody in this world. He should come out, give the none-crossing lines be loud and clear.
He should draw the line of unacceptable and get ready. I believe it's time. I really do.
The last stroke is the fact that many leaders of the world, such US, France, Germany, Russia and others stated that hostilities should stop and the conflict should be resolved only with political measures, besides.... Turkey. Now you know the rest of the story.
Ad to it the factor that Central Asian post-soviet republics are mostly Muslim, in Russia, in Northern Caucases and in Moscow itself there are many jihadi-fighter recruiting cells for .S.L and in such.
This conflict is going to play into their hands to send those vermin into the war zone and Turkey will pay salary for them as it already does for .S.L. Also, wait to see Saudi stick out its deceptive head out of the sand and get involve in this. They lost lots of their 'chips' fighting Assad. What a mass!
The latest incident of intercepting a mini-vessel-submarine by the coast of Texas with 5.5 ton "stuff" wasn't belong to some Saudi prince? That's what I heard on the radio.
Oh yes, to one of those 'God fearing' types.

program 'vremya pokazhet'  ********************************************************

Today in Vienna will be a special meeting of OSCE Minsk group on how to settle the conflict in and around Republic of NK. Vienna is 6 hours ahead of us and it's still early morning in there.

I don't understand the logic of those 'empty suits' in charge of none less than world affairs. What a pity! My Q is simple; why don't anyone send military forces to STOP the killings right now, today, right at this moment and then fly long distance, sit around, take a pictures and talk about what to do next? Isn't this all the way around?
There is a village which is already emptied of people, another one is under siege by Azeris called Martakert. Where those refugees are going to go? Why those big shot don't go personally, pick them up and show the world that they're any good? They showed on German TV how good they were feeding the refugees from middle east. Why not help these? Peaceful, hardworking, one of ancient and nicest people in the world living in their own homes?

I'm sorry, I believe people should be helped in their own country first before things get out of control and become disaster. To take people of middle east to Germany is like mixing water and oil. It's not going to get mixed. Both sides are going to be unhappy, if not worse. Simply too many irreconcilable differences. People have a hard time to get along with their own, how they're going to mix with those who have almost nothing in common besides resentment?
I have a friend who all her life worked for UN. She's fluent in French, German, English, you name it. Has a masters degree from here. She lived in Germany while working for UN for a few years.
She said although you're professional with good job in high position, have a family with a beautiful kid and a successful husband, when opportunity presents they're very upfront to let you know you're not one of them. Imagine how they 'like' refugees who are eating their food and using their resources to go to bathroom all over the place? Wait to see most of those refugees get their hands on guns, machetes and their throats one day.
Decent Germans should hang D-tran. As far as I'm concerned she has been an Angel of death not only to German nation, but to Germanic civilization in whole.

Evening news;
Here is a report from Whole bunch got together, made "announcements" and said someone among them will go to the zone of conflict.
[Looks like a lip service to me. Why the whole bunch don't go right away instead of flying there and wasting time on talk?]

Today in Hague, people of Nederlands are voting 'for' or 'against' Ukraine's association with EU,
at Mood varies and results will be available in April 20th.

In the meantime on the surface ceasefire in NK is holing up, at 
[I'm skeptical of these reports. I want to see live-reports from war zone.]


Monday, April 4, 2016

To Michael Savage Arpil 4th, Monday


I heard first part of your show with first part interview with Trump. Maybe later I'll hear the rest from podcast.
Before your show I heard from the pony-tale-lawyer on the same station as if Trump's numbers are sagging and he doesn't have the support of "educated women."
Well, I'm glad I heard it. He should hear it too and support me to support him. We'll see who single-handedly can challenge the reputation of those "networks" full of lying fools.
I don't need to do commentary and give piece of my mind. All I have to do is ask Qs.
Nobody is born educated. It's a process based on effort. Very rarely, but some are born with certain talents and gifts from nature and God. The rest of average people can learn. Smart ones are those
who want to learn and can learn faster than others. I'm one of those. I love learning, I learn something almost every day and I hope I'm still a fast learner. A gift I have is the ability to communicate and to communicate with everybody from an infant to 104 years old. Been there done that and still do. Also I have a very good intuition. I don't remember when I was wrong. It seems that all my life my first gut feeling  happened to be right. Also I'm predominantly auditory person and not only like to listen to others, but I hear what people says and what exactly they mean.
I don't bother thinking or analyzing what politicians are saying, because I know that they say what others told them to say or wrote things for them to read.
That's why I like Mr. Trump. He speaks his mind. It makes a HUGE difference for me!
You had G.Sherman on the show talking about his book called "Loudest voice in the room," which has something on the 'fat-man-of-fax-news.' That's how I call R-Ailes.
You said that he has been your adversary for sometime. You're right for saying that murdock might covertly be on Hilary's side. I call him 'moorlo' or 'morda,' which mean 'nasty face' in Russian.

Also the leak of 'Panama papers' show that Ukrainian president has hidden billions in offshore.
Wasn't he the one who was asking for blankets and arms to kill their own people from WH on the floor of Congress? Yes he was, while hiding his own money he came to take ours. This is the one USA sponsors? His family house is a replica of WH. Bigger and chicer than O's house in Chicago, that's for sure. Bias media did everything to just mention Putin's name, just to mention, even though they said that there was an assumption that some of his friends had.

Int'l news is no good in general and it's terrible for me.
Main sources in Russian media are reporting vogue information about both sides of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. I don't get it; what happened to Russian space station's satellite? Isn't it working? Can't they see who started the conflict and instead of talking go, get involved and stop the atrocities?
Armenian side has no motive to start a hot conflict and jeopardize its own people's lives.
Why would it? Azeris are against Armenians living there, because they want to take that land. That land is fertile, Armenians are historically and globally known by their hard working nature and ethics (check every historic reference including the reference in the Museum of Natural History in NYC), and in Soviet times Baku got used to be feed from that land. When NK announced its independence Baku got berserk and started slaughtering innocent people. Does anybody think one will get into war for something useless? Should it be a rock, they wouldn't care less. They just can't get used to the idea of losing a food supply. There were no other people who lived on that land but Armenians from the beginning of civilization. Even after 74 years of Sovete Union there was only 2% of Azeri population. They have no trace, no graves, no written words about anything Azeri in republic of NK. Now, when juicy pieces of treats are not reaching their mouths (while they private parts are working around the clock and producing more eating mouths), Azeris are up to arms again. There... I said it. It's so simple and easy to see and understand, yet all those big talking mouths of the world are only giving a lip service; "we condemn, we strongly condemn, we call for..." BS! They should take their behind there and see what's going on and show us too. That's what I'm saying. It's not a big area by American or Russian counts. It's only 5000 km square populated by less than 150 000 people. What seems to be the problem of deploying peace keepers there right away?
Who is going to cover this story in dept based on historic facts and common sense? Americans don't know anything about this. I don't blame them, but I blame the semi-literate vemin in the media who don't cover. Ironically, sometimes, I don't mind it. I know that if and when they open their ignorant mouths it could be even worse. Misinformation, disinformation, malicious lies, fictional 'truths," - you name it, they got it.

I remember seeing a placard saying "I was wondering why somebody was not doing something about this, then I found out that somebody was ME."
How to approach Trump, how to get him to look at my project and get it going? I can't show it to anyone beside himself. I just will not. These are my Qs right now.
American media needs a makeover for real. I'm ready to start with spring cleaning of it.

To me this conflict can end only when Russian official forces get into the territory of NK and call Baku off. Baku is friends with Ankara, Moscow should step up and act on its friendship with NK.
Actually the head of Republic if NK should be willing to get together with RF like South Ossetia did.
Every life is precious and not replaceable in there. Because of economic blockade and the war lots of people, mostly young, move out in search of job and better future. But, I know for sure, those people love their land and their heritage very much and wouldn't be indifferent to its fate.
This is a clip from NK (Artsakh) local news; at at 5pm special report on their time.
This one is following at midnight news, at 
This is at Russian TV, at It's hot discussion with all sides involved and also gives the brief history of NK and the tries to get into roots of today's conflict.

They use, as we call it in here, military time, meaning from 1-24, instead of us 12hours am and 12 hours pm. Time difference is that they're 8 hours ahead of us; 11pm in NYC right now and it's 7am next day in NK. Moscow time is 6am April 5th right now. You do the math in the future.
This conflict is not local as it might seem to those who know nothing about its history, this is a expansion of global conflict between Iran and Turkey, Russia and Turkey, Armenia and Turkey, Turkey, its crony .S.Lo and Syria, you name it. The red line is; by attacking all Armenian enclave, knowing that Armenia will come to its aid, Turkey is using Azerbaijan to intimidate Russia and possibly draw it into this conflict from this angle. NATO allies ate their heart out to do it from Eastern Ukraine, it didn't happen, now they chose this playing field and already managed to fill it with dead bodies from both sides.
At 14:40min into the tape you can hear a real expert explanation. None of those types of experts we have in America, none. None know history. culture, mentality, etc. All phony made up faces reading rubbish on TV. Unfortunately there is no one brings those to talk to us here. No one.
I have to watch hours of tapes from news right now regarding this conflict.
Like I didn't have enough heartache with grim news from Eastern Ukraine for last 2 years, right? There were Christian killing each other with the incitement of NATO, now they same garbage-NATO helps Muslim Azeris to kill Christian Armenians. Their freaking Europe is trampling down under the heels of their enemies, so they want everyone to go down with them.
Wait a minute, apparently this scenario was openly discussed in notorious-cia-poppy-stratfor-group before. They said that in order to get to Russia NATO needs to expend through Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, etc.
On its first page today it's already giving a hint "Could clashes in NK trigger a wider conflict?"
DUH? Like they didn't know and didn't instigated it? Plz!

In the meantime, another genocidal maniac of world caliber, UA's president Poroshenko attended Nuclear Security Summit ( in DC and got $335 Million of American taxpayer money to go kill more of his own people, at How do you like that?
On the brighter side, isn't this an 'improvement' in O's behavior? He openly called him corrupted (meaning an SOB), but still gave him money just to be on his SOB. Why that vermin is not being arrested and his $Billions confiscated and given to his people? Now that the whole world knows he has hidden offshore accounts in $Billions, what seems to be the problem? Why my fellow Americans pay for this? isn't it a treason on the part of our government?
Who is going to talk about this? Where is retarded media? Who is going to protest against this?
I have no energy left for now.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

To Michael Savage April 3rd, Sunday


Wee hours.
I found this song that I used to play and loved very much on 
It's called LOVE STORY performed by Engelbert Humperdinck. Can't have enough of listening to it.
It's really amazing and heartwarming to see that this singer's life has matched his song.  
Here is another one at

I heard part of your birthday show, then part of the Friday show. Local news especially in political arena is the same with little differences in details.

Here come the Int'l news, which is... very bad; between Armenia and Azerbaijan fire broke out yielding casualties on both sides. This conflict started in 1988 by slaughtering of Armenians in Azerbaijan.
Although in separate republics, everybody was part of the same country called USSR. The whole country was weakening, losing control of its parts, "thinks" to idiotic Gorbachev, - may his hell be the hottest one. In 1991 the whole thing fall apart and full fledged war was waging between 2 neighbors.
Armenians being first Christian in the world and Azeris - Muslim influenced and help directly by Turkey and the rest of Muslim world. Azeris multiply 10 to 1 compare to Armenians. Like in ME, level of education and women in workforce are very low causing over-consumption of all possible resources, ideology is hostile, religion becomes the umbrella to cover up under to go kill, take, eat, keep doing it the dirty way, multiply some more and there goes your 'perfect neighborhood.'
How else you expect me to call things by their names?
From 1988 conflict continued until 1994 when ceasefire was brokered by Russia and mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group.
I know this conflict in dept. Nobody should read cuckoo American media coverage on this. Even Russian news is not using appropriate words. I read a little bit of AJE coverage, got noxious and couldn't finish. illiteracy is one thing, it's a big problem for MSM, AJE included, but psychosis is genetic, no matter what any clinical psychiatrist says, or, what he gives you to damn you down, it's a tragedy.
Another thing makes me vomit is hearing about this and that (such as Putin and Lavrov) 'condemned actions of both sides and called for restraint.
What that suppose to mean? They know who is who, who has done what and what is going on. This thing is not new whatsoever. Cuckoo UN is not doing its part. It should sent peacekeepers and solve the problem, if possible. To me it's impossible. Middle eastern Christians got killed or displaced and this is the direct continuation of the bigger agenda. It's spreading. Why Putin is not sending Russian forces to help Armenians? Russians have their southern military border in Armenia, with Armenia.
Aliyev and Erdogan are 2 faces of the same coin. What seems to be unclear?
NTV had its own coverage and showed the same footage that One called the moving tank Armenian, another - Azeri. Go figure. If those networks can vary in their interpretation of a picture, what you expect from other clueless sources from around the world?

It's 3am, I better check other sources and leave comments for later.  

8:10pm; evening news from Moscow is out and it's still grim.
At report says that artillery fire is continuing in Nagorno-Karabach, which called Artsakh in Armenian. Armenian sources reported 18 casualties and 35 injured, I'm assume number will be higher. Look how small and scattered some villages are. Who is checking what happened where?
Oh, here; you want to see a familiar signature of vermnic behavior like those going on in Middle East?
It's at
Those vermins' mothers use their reproductive organs as human factory (with their first cousins) until dropping dead. Vermin mothers' verminic sons killed Armenian elderly couple in their own home then cut their ears off.
Armenians live on that land from the beginning of human history and today, in 2016, being killed in their own homes. What normal human can teach their son to do such thing, if that's even, on their count, is an enemy? Don't you see who is the aggressor?
Those things are genetic, don't you understand?
Look up the name Azerbaijan as a country on the map. See of you can find it before 1917 bolshevik revolution. It was formed. You ca n't. It was artificially created by Lenin who took a pencil and drew maps on the paper.
Why Azeris, a neighbor country, want to kill their neighbors? At first, the neighbor is Christian, don't multiply out of control, works from morning until night and builds and creates something, so vermin's job is to kill people to take it.
Armenians have no reason whatsoever to even think conflict. They live in their homes and have very precious couple of children in general. That's their only investment, their only hope for a future. Once they're gone, everything in the world is gone. The other side is so 'busy' with making as many as possible that couldn't notice how many were gone. Maybe that's what they're made for; go kill, take others' stuff, so the rest can survive. Don't be taken by all the screaming of mothers who lost their sons. After screaming they're right back on the beat!
I'm sorry I have to use this type of language, but, that's is very true. All you have to do is look at that picture and go to the other side look at them.
I'll get into this conflict in detail later. I'm just angry why Russia don't send its military to protect Armenians. What about clown-Clintonite Americass? Remember sex-daddy-in-oral-office bombed Christian Serbia in the middle of Europe and gave a big chunk of it to Muslim Albanians?
I saw the-daddy-clinton saying that he stopped the ethnic cleansing in Europe. DODO should know that those people had their own country next door to go, they came from there for a better life, why they weren't going back if that was so bad? Same childbearing ratio was between Serb Christians ans Muslim Albanians. The latter multiplied 10 times more and 2 times faster. The result? They took over. Same thing is with Armenia and Muslim world in general. They grow and grow and take over and over and more. Look at the violent history of Ottoman Empire. Look what they did for 500-600 years.
I have a feeling that breakout of this war was encouraged by Turkey. Its relashonship with Russia is continuing to sag due to Russia's actions in Syria. Erdogan is Assad's enemy and was making money on everything bad in that region. After killing of the Russian military pilot and breaking up the relationship followed by pipeline contract, Turkey can use this chip to get Russia involved or at least aggravated.
Talk is cheap. I don't want to hear that this big shot called for peace, that one called for other stupid thing. After 1994, AZ was getting ready for this. Local news in here is for durdums, Int'l is controlled by special interests and ran by bozos.
For example; today 'Meet the de-press-ed' put out an interview with hilly-the-old-woman, but not with Trump. I wonder why? They put all the old bad clips from Trump over last months and that it.
I'm sick and tired of listening about abortion. Although I consider myself a conservative, but I strongly believe that conservatives lost their stupid minds on this.
To me it's a women's issue and women should decide what to do. If you want to see that I'm right, give me a hidden camera and send me out to smile to a few man. You'll see how many will 'want' me. No matter single, married, whatever. I'll tell them I have a child or I want to make a baby, most will disappear in matter of seconds. The rest will try to get lucky then disappear. You don't like how it looks like,I don't either. But it's up to God and nature to create a woman differently than she was created for this civilization. Why anyone assumes that God is perfect? I don't. He/she is perfect compare to me, but it doesn't mean he/she did a perfect job creating a specie called human.
And, if I'm wrong then why we say "nobody is perfect?" Why innocent baby come to this world deformed and suffers and dies? Why earthquakes and other disasters happen? Anybody has an answer? I don't think so. God takes breaks as the rest of us and... the hell with the rest of us.
No preacher or scholar, no matter how smart, has the answer - none! Whatsoever!!!
Omnipotent, omnipresent, etc, etc, - for my rat's foot!
Don't start with me on this.
Should I be Trump's consultant I'd say 'do not answer to that Q!'
That's it, end of the story. The law is there and women decide what to do with their bodies and with the law.
You want more on this? Here; research shows that every second person born wasn't planned or wasn't planed to be born at that time. I heard this from Joy Brown on her show and she was quoting from some professional publication in psychology.  

Another precious-lamb-victim; Russian, Christian soldier Alexander Prokhorenko. It happened in March 17th, but only now news broke to public.
He was participating in operations of liberating and demining Palmyra.
He took the gunfire on himself. He got married 18 months ago and his young pregnant wife Kate until the last minute didn't know where he was being deployed, at
Small town young Lieutenant in Special Forces man, who's life was ahead of him, died as a hero.
A special type of hero. His job was to direct fire to enemies by being on the other side. Didn't get caught like bloody-mouth McCain. Who is going to pay for this, Assad?
What an absolute heart breaking story!
See, these things I can't stand. To me - the hell with Palmyra and the its ruins and the rest of the dirty dust, for God's sake! Why would Russia help with this sh.t and send his sons to do this type of work?
Look at this; another group of sappers sent from RF, at
To me, the entire middle east with its 'antiquities' are not worth one Russian life. Just saying. Instead Putin should send those to the border between AM, NK & AZ.
That's all, end of the story!

So long.


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