Tuesday, February 9, 2016

To Micheal Savage Feb, 9th, Tues, Trump won in NH!


Wee hours of the morning.
US wants to build a permanent base in Bahrain? Quadrupling military budget for this year and spending it outside? I don't mind all that money go to built in here and pay soldiers for their service.
Why spend all that money so far away. On whose beck that monkey is sitting? Check the names of contractors.
Why we have to be in so many countries? Can we reach to Bahrain, if needed? Why send our men and women to those hostile lands? US unman drones are all over the Syria watching everything going on in there. P-gon officials only pretend that they don't know what's going on and supposedly asking Turks. They know. Should Russians been doing anything "wrong" they've been gone on their faces already.
Trump is right; he said that generals should not sit on TV and give interviews.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to live in a country which is weak and fearful of others. I hate to be a victim. My people have been victimized throughout centuries, even millenniums, for the mere fact that they do not have a killer genome. It's just not their thing. They don't like blood, can't feel good from killing women and children. Most of them still say: "we can't do that."
Once a rich civilization stretching from Mediterranean to Caspian, existing next to Assyria, Mesopotamia and Egypt (there was no Europe as we know it, no Russia), most of its Kings were
liberal. They didn't know about it. They thought being "nice" to others is just a normal thing.
While other ethnic groups were coming and settling to take advantage of a better life, they didn't make them to assimilate, force them to speak language of the majority, change their religion. etc.
Look at the maps of 1st and 2nd centuries and look at it for the changes in every century after that. You can see how after development of Islam, its people multiply rapidly and start conquering more  
lands. Egypt, entire Middle East, Africa, Asia minor and major, Far East, Northern Caucuses and now finally Europe. They're dissecting lands from Christians there, as we saw with example of Kosovo from Serbia. Kosovo Albanians, which are mostly Muslim had average 9 kids per family, while Serbs, who built that country those came to live, enjoy and multiply, had 2 per family. What do you expect. Who will kill who and for what?
There are very many of them in Russia. Traditionally they're not zealous, because of secular USSR. But, Islamist were not sitting idle. Throughout decades, especially Turks were sending preachers to most rural towns, villages and settlements of central Asian republics and Tatarstan in the middle of Russia. They converted lots of people and make the none-religious Muslim into zealots.
Let me convert the reader of this blog, see how easy it is. It uses nice words that no-one can resist.
No-one. Everyone would like to hear such nice things. But, 1-2-3 and in a few sentences words change from peace to killing. From spirituality and observance to action. From action at will into action mandatory. From mandatory killing as a mission for God's will with the best reword that human mind created so far; - heaven with eternal life with no worries. They even manage to throw sex in it so no man can resists. Those are grown men's 2 most basic instincts and needs; eat and have sex. 99% of men wake up asking for 2 things, both have 4 letters each and start with F. ???
Oh, sorry, I'm so blunt. How could I be? Like you didn't know it right? Right!
Now the following is a longest version, because i just type what come to my mind and do not edit it.

Massage is simple. I pretend I'm a preacher. It goes like this;
"I come with peace, compassion and brotherly love, my brother. How many brothers do you have? Only 14? Oh, that's nothing, that's why almighty sent me to you. That's why I'm here with the good news in my hand. See, I have a proof, it's in writing. It has everything you dreamed and didn't even dreamed about, because God created you and knows that you need more food and sex and you need him to help you with it. Do you need more food, cloths, bigger house, more land, more women?
That's why I'm here. He sent me to you first class on express rag, so we'll get you going toward your more pleasurable life here, there and everywhere faster then you can imagine.
If you believe what I say, you'll get millions of brothers all over the world, you'll be better than others, stronger and richer, because you'll be believing in the right thing. When you start believing in the right thing, it doesn't end there. It's only the beginning. Islam is not only a "believe system," but it's "the way of life." That's why it's the real thing, its the best of all, because it don't only talk, but it walks the walk. It can not only pray, but live a "righteous" life. Then, when you start doing everything I tell you, you'll start building credit in God's book and it should pay for your ticket to heaven where there are 72 virgins (and counting) waiting for you, where always a nice weather and no work whatsoever.
Ones you're righteous, it means you're automatically qualified as a better human than others in the eyes of prophet, may peace be upon him. Better yet, when you bend over and pray everywhere you feel like (that includes, but not limited to Broadway and 5th Ave. in NYC, Metropolitan museum,etc) you'll become a "superior" human being. Once you're in that rank, others are considered none-believers, infidels, gyavours, etc. and deserve to die. If they go by your hands, it would be their right punishment and will bring honor to you. More of them you kill, more honorable you get, because you'll be doing God's job. That's why he created you and send me to you to give you this massage, may peace be upon him. Kill them all, clean up the face of the earth from them like you'd do to roaches. In God's eyes it's housekeeping. It's necessary for a clean person. Aren't you a clean person?
I though so. Messenger whispered in my ears that you deserve to be clean all the time. If you take houses that have shower and a flashing toilet you can solve that problem. You have to. He said you have to pray 5 times and wash your faces and hands before. It's the rule. You follow the rule, you'll get God's will and order to take their homes, lands, their women too. You can breed them as much as you want to, they're nobodies, they belong to you because you feed them. They're a thing. 2 of them make for one man. Burn them, stone them to death if they talk back or resist you, it's called a "honor killing." It's all for good by the name of prophet, may peace be upon him. Now that we're brothers I'm giving you this book which will direct you to your mission, goal and purpose in this life. You can have 4 wives officially and then some, who's counting anyway? As a superior righteous human should have everything you want. For that I give you permission and order to take from everybody, take anything you want and need, have unlimited sex, multiply as soon as and as much as you can, whoever comes out tell them to follow you and thus earn your ticket to heaven. In the process, if you die, you'll become a martyr, a hero, which will earn you an express ticket. You leave others behind, don't need to work to take care of them anymore and listen to their bickering that they're hungry or thirsty, take your express ticket and fly, robin, fly, up-up to the sky! Hello, 72 virgins!

See how I can convert any man with a few minutes of talk. Do you want me to do an experiment, put a scarf on, take a holyKoran and go out and talk to men on the streets of NYC? Anyone can say no to heaven and virgins in it waiting? I don't think so.
How else do you think that ideology can incite so many grown ups from their bedrooms and make them leave everything and everybody behind and go for their deaths?
Who would go for ideology of working hard, giving away stuff, being selfless and moral? What do you mean; work more and have less sex? If someone smacks you, you should show the other cheek?
Ain't it a b..ch! Who need that religion? Most people are more pragmatic. They needs their daily needs met and will go for it. I'm live in camp of dreamers, whatever for others is not worth an effort, for me is worth to live for. Even if I do not get the most things that most of the people have. It don't bother me. State of my mind and soul is what most important to me. My muse is my comfort.

Let me say this before I forget. By no means I intended to diminish Islam as a religion. It's what you're using for, how and how much of it? My father was born in Muslim country, knew a lot and highly respected it. Good Muslim man is a good man. I wanted to show how it can be used to brainwash those who have no control (or think they're not suppose to) over their body parts, impulses, emotions and feelings.
Koran was written after the Bible and most things are the same with different types of twists and turns adjusted to the lifestyle and costumes of the region.
I believe in God and in only One. Jews, Christians and Muslims pray to the same God.
A real, literate Muslim believes in Jesus Christ was a prophet. He was the older brother of Muhammad. But others who strive for creativity say; Christianity was good at its time, it used to be good, now it's Islam. Christians don't know that they're all Muslim. Yes, actually 2 people who I know pretty closely, told me those things. Who told them that? They go to masque. Of course their Imam. Who else? Every time they go there they can hear all the goodie-goodie stuff and be happy that they're member of community, have purpose in their lives, living the "right" way, etc. It's all OK with me, but if you or I would go and listen will find out how poisonous thoughts can be injected into main stream talk without warning. During every sermon a bad Imam (yes there are good and bad ones too) can put out just one vile thought, just one hostile idea diluted into the entire speech knowing that it will stick in listeners' minds. Now we call it 'subliminal."
Don't forget that clergy used to be the therapists, the Psychologists. You have to be charismatic to do that work. All religious books are very old, words change their meanings throughout times and translations can mess up things too. You can decide what you want to say or do and dig up and most likely find a sentence to match that. If you want to start the war, it should be that difficult. Islam is religion of peace, but it also says that you can kill someone who took from you. If Imam says whatever took from you, that's why you have less than them, why not believe him? He gives you an excuse to cut the BS of working hard short and go get it! Why not? On the way it gets more seasoning, being marinated thoroughly and the end is orgy in heaven. Va-va-va-vum! Let's do this!  
In reality, in my belief system religion is not necessary but a good thing to have. To look up to something or someone better than you and try to keep up with it is a good thing. All religions have 2 pillars, as I mentioned it already; morality and responsibility. These are 2 very tough things that most humans would rather avoid, unfortunately. It called "human factor." That's why it's easy to be secular than religious. I'm not saying that religious people are all moral and responsible. There are rabbis who are in jail because they din't want to pay child support, their are priests who molested little boys. their are Imams, who go village to village and impregnates little girls. Yes, in some countries that is a tradition. If at certain age a girl is not married, Imam of the village chips in. Her uterus should not exist in vain. That's the tradition and culture. 12-13 year old die at childbirth. And, buried fast - before sundown. Have you seen people running with rapped body on their shoulders?
I asked my friend; "why every time I see a funeral in middle east on TV, those pallbearers are running?" He said "They have to rush it to bury before sundown."
The other thing I do not like is the fast burials. Do you know how many could be buried alive? Look at their literature; people waking up in their graves, digging themselves out of it, etc. A man walking in cemetery, listening to sounds coming out of graves trying to dig them up. Their stories are full of it. It has been like an endemic. Remember years ago a man woke up in hospital's morgue in NYC? Two medical doctors signed the death certificate.
Imagine there are no doctors, no morgue, no poison check, not even electricity and o'clock in some villages. People woke up and slept from dawn to sunset, had sex with whoever was closer to them, buried whoever they thought wasn't breathing and did it fast.
These are some of the craziest things about religion. Religious absolutism is another dangerous weapon which can be used by bad people to victimize others. It takes all the human responsibility and judgement off the table. It can be interpreted like this;
"Because I love God absolutely, I have to follow everything he says. He told me to do this, which mean it's not my decision but only his. I'm doing his work thus I'm absolutely right and can not be questioned!"  That's all.
Why I talked about religion at this time and why so much. I don't know. Because it's relevant these days?  It's not too much. We can talk religion unending.
Look at another fact; among estimated 55 000 that are running around with no job and fighting Assad's forces, the third are foreigners. How they were recruited and taken out of their bedrooms, homes and countries, unless words they heard were so incredibly powerful? You do the math.

 I haven't slept all night, it's 6:30 in the morning already and I want people who use religion for their own gratification, aggression and stupidity know that the rest of us know what they're doing and we're not going to feed into their nasty behavior. Their children are their problems, not God's. God gave human a brain to think and control their organs. He never send a baby from the sky. That's for infants to believe. We're not infants and don't want to support people with loose screws. That's all, end of the story of getting Muslims in here as "refugees." They made themselves poor by not working. half of the population are women who are home eating and creating eating mouths. That's not my business? I agree. Thus, it also shouldn't be my concern.
We should take only the ones who are educated, single, some families who have place to stay and sponsors to rely on. All thoroughly vetted and checked, - the legal way. Like I and many others like myself did. Fair should be fair. That's all.

After 9pm, I listened to second hour of your show today.
What are you drinking these couple of days? You're talking mile a minute, like doing a pep-talk. ;)
What kind of "go-go juice" you're drinking? Is that Rockstar? I want some of that.
You reminded us that in your interview Trump said "maybe O don't want to fight .S.L?" I heard that. Of course O could be more serious about it and do better job. He is just playing with it.
Today a French TV channel showed a clip from archive of Air Force of RF taken in Syria and called it "success of coalition," which is lead by the US. Ministry of Defense of Russian Federation announced that those are their videos of their air strikes.

James-Clapper, the head of US Nat'l Intel agency said that is seems like US and RF relations can sink to the level of cold war, at ntv.ru/novosti/1604316.
[DUH? Was this man dozing off in O's donkey's ear? Look who is running such sensitive agencies in this country. ]
At 4:40pm, you asked if there would be an ice-cream (cone) named after Sanders, what flavor it could be. I came up with an answer fast, but didn't attempt to call.
[You keep people on the phone forever.]
Well, for him I'd put paprika (red is his favorite color and bitterness is his character) and would add Macadamia nuts in whole. So the name of the flavor should be "Paprika-nut."

You were talking addiction today. Had one doctor on the phone. he said some have genetic predisposition to get addicted, some become as such because of different emotional and psychological factors.
I'm with you on this; it has to be approached in harsh ways.
1. The source should be stopped, which has got to do with border control.
2. Shouldn't be any reword for going to rehab, just the contrary,
3. They have to come out and pay the bill for their treatment for the rest of their lives.
Yes, there are lots of people who take advantage of our lax laws and ride the system like clowns on donkey. The whole thing is a circus.
I know people who did drugs and some still are doing it. I don't judge them. Not my business and not my concern. I hate smokers because their stink comes to my nose and goes into my lungs. But if someone uses something i don't see, don't smell, don;t get harmed by it - it's OK for me. I'm not a preacher to tell them about life. I'm not their doctor and get paid and treat them. If I have neighbors who are nice to me and are doing something in their apartments, I couldn't care less. I'd worry only if they'd deal next door from me, bring unsavory characters and compromise my safety. I don't work for PD, don't benefit from staffing people into jails, so... Basically, I couldn't care less. I'm just very bluntly honest person, sorry for inconvenience. Why would I need to cajole and pretend that I'm "nice" to everybody and to everything? Those types of people hate themselves, want to forget about themselves and their problems, why would I bother? What good they can do to anyone if they hate and harm themselves? Besides those who make money in that industry, or just talking about it, the rest are the victims of that epidemic.
Should Mr. Trump appoint me as a chief consultant for Dep. of Health, I'll make a plan to tackle it from bottom to top. I should be the best at that position, because I never, ever even saw them, let alone using. Grew up in a country with no drags, so I know how it looks like and how that can be done.

The most important thing of the day: 
In New Hampshire Mr. Trump topped the charts with double digit! Yeaheeey! 
Congrats, Mr. Trump! 

So long.

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