You had a substitute today, I didn't not listen.
Local news; Al-slim-shady-sharpton, as Cutis Sliwa calls him, is on the top of his game those days. Doing what he's best at; - pimping/selling black people's votes. I heard him saying to 2 cuckoo-dems "you have to "earn" the black vote. How did it happen that commi-sanders won NH in double digits, but the-hilarious got 9 electoral vote more? The whole process is some retarded stuff that no one really understands, including "expert constitutionalists," one of them on the same radio dial with you. If Bloomi runs he'd be another mack-daddy for Al-Sharp-tong. I do not trust him for simple reason that when he was the mayor with his PC they changed the criteria for indictments in PD; felony became misdemeanor, misdemeanor became violation, etc. PD was not taking complains out-right, in the open, harassing people and not working at all. That's why they reported crime down. Crime was not down at all. Crime against those who reach out to Police was up to sky. He told them "I want these numbers down" and they gave it to him. They had no reservations. They acted insolently and aggressively victimized the victims. Once, when he was new, a black lady found out his home number, call him and demanded to do something.
He came out on press-conference announced about it proudly to show how nice he was picking up his home phone and how he accommodated her request. He said "it's all about who works for who." Nice. I agree, that's wonderful. He deserved to get credit and be praised for being "people's mayor."
But, I'm more than sure, I'm so positive for 1000%, that if the caller would be me, a white person, especially with foreign accent, he wouldn't not give a darn about what I had to say, ask much less request and would have somebody to contact me with serious warning not to attempt to contact him personally anymore.
Is he charitable? Yes, he gave out lots of money, God bless him. But to me he feels like the one who would prefer to be nice to worse ones first, before he can be normal to the best. Some of my Jewish friend tell me that there are some Jews that will take blacks and give them jobs, just because they're black, instead of them who are more qualified. Unless they know the person personally, there is less chance to be hired by them. Don't blame me for saying this. I'm not Jewish, I didn't make this up, but I know for sure, that I wouldn't even temp to think that I'd have the same approach in places ran by Jews.
I saw the same trend even in my ethnic group. Whenever there is a black person he/she treated like "special human." They all come first, they're given most attention, respect, consideration etc.
I don't mind everybody body treats anybody with as much as goodness as they wish. Not at all.
But, if we're talking about "equal opportunity" and some other "higher-order" thinking, those words are just for headline while the facts of story shows all the other way around.
Dinkins got rid of almost all light skin people from city employment roaster. He did it broad day light acting like a knight in shining armor accomplishing his "mission." Nobody dared to say anything, show or white about it. We just news about it, mentioned it between us, because we saw it.
That was all. Then Giuliani told on TV' "illegals come to NYC!"
He cleaned the streets a lot though. i give it to him.
Then, came Bloomi, who didn't want to know what was going on, he wanted his numbers "right." Now this commi with his behavior is inciting violence against the majority, which are still white. This one hates Police and white people together! He wants to see both punished and vanished. That's how I feel. That's how police treated me when I call them - with treat of arrest.
It never goes "are you the person who called us and why? What happened?" It's always "oh, you're alive and you called, it's a crime, a felony, let me get your name." Because I don't confront them verbally, emotionally or physically (I'm a middle age, delicate, educated, calm person) they "warn" me to call when I'm dead, laugh and leave. If I would have any of my experiences on tape you would not believe what you'd see. Absolutely not. None of it whatsoever.
For people like me, who live in NYC, who never, even bother anybody, much less commit a crime of any type, every step should be streamed live for the world to see. I know world can't help me, but I still hope in this country one person, one only person, can be willing to say; "I'm NOT going to let this sh.t go on like this" and be able to do something about it.
The only person that exists now, who can be that ONE ONLY PERSON is Mr. Donald J. Trump.
Although I believe that he and any of his family members never experienced things that I he to go through living in NYC, but, I have a gut feeling that if shown the proof not just only tape, but live-streamed, he will understand, he will feel the pain the way the other person felt and he will DO something about it.
He is my ONLY HOPE to become a journalist again, to say things the way I experience them,
be able not only to protect myself by saying that "equality" must pertain to people like myself too,
but also make it a reality.
Doc, once, a long time ago, on your show, you mentioned people who you called "not connected and innocent."
You said; "I'm for those in this society who are innocent and not connected." It made my heartbeat faster. I though you knew about me and people like myself and you were the one who cared. At least by words. At least you said it. What would, could and will you do I don't know. Just taking my calls would be nice enough for me, but that sentence was the glue that worked and made me a loyal listener for so many years. I know your heart is in the right place.
Would you be nicer to take a call from a black person, or person who calls from Ireland, than mine, maybe, still maybe my answer is "yes."
But, when after many many years of listening, the first time I've got on the phone with you and you said "Anna, it's a pleasure, I can talk to you for hours," it put a smile on my face. I was delighted.
We can't talk over the phone too much, you're nerve racking fast and controlling.
I wish we can talk calmly and think very very deeply how we can help Mr. Trump, on daily bases, day in and out, with concrete things, until he gets when he suppose to be.
The rest from both sides will only wreck a havoc on this country and jeopardize the very existence of it. There is not a bit of exaggerations in these words. I take full responsibility fro saying these things and ready to show with facts.
There are many things that the "hero" of street thugs and rappers in WH, who puts his big-feet on the table with arrogant smile on his face in highest office of this land (can you imagine trump doing it? I don't), don't know, can't find out and will not be able to fix. Not even locally, let alone globally.
Let me bring an example, so that you know I know what I'm talking about.
There is an inherit distrust and rivalry type tension between our federal bureau of investigations and intelligence agencies, like in smaller scale it is in between NYPD and FDNY. Everybody who reads, watches TV should know this by now. That is not only on the regular news, but in documentaries showing process of investigation of spying incidents. I can point out the programs with show the heads of those agencies saying it on TV.
Consequently, logically, there is no coordination for any future strategic work in defense of this country's security. There were people who were trusted to work in both agencies and ended up working for enemy for decades, before they got caught. What type of damage it did, no one can be certain, according to those who were in charge and who're saying this on TV.
These are stories which are closed already. My Q is; How many cases are still open and not even founded yet? Who is doing anything to fix this dysfunction between such sensitive agencies'?
Who is going to analyze what's wrong with this picture and have an intelligence to come up with fit-up plan?
Those who are talking on TV are already retired heads and officers of those agencies. They're not going to get reprimanded for telling the truth now. They want to show that they "found" something and did something about it.
Those who are doing the job now never will come out and tell el-jefe that something is "wrong" and thus they can't do their job properly. Employees don't go and say those things. They say "everything is wonderful like never before and I'm the hero of all time."
First, thin-smoking-man wouldn't know what to do and how to fix it anyway, second he'll get someone else right away and have another "thankful" person behind his back.
Does one person is capable of learning about things going on in every gov. agency, even in most important ones? No, with all fairness, I don't think so. But, like you ask often "who is watching the watches."
We, your and my type concerned citizens of this country, are obligated to figure out who to come up with a system like that. My solution, which is very doable and will be most effective (because it wouldn't raise unnecessary Q like "where is the proof ") is again and again have a team of people who live-streaming devices showing the simple people's REAL life of this city on constant bases.
The least we can start from here. Simultaneously we can show and comment and question those people who got a hand on public airways and not doing their job "in a good faith" to say the least.
No I'd not want them to shut up, I want them to correct themselves and do not BS people of this country. That's all. Courts should decide if they should pay a price for their stupidity or spewing vile hostility toward their "mission" to their viewers/listener, and thus WE - the people.
While I'll be catching their tails I want lawyers on their computer lined up to file lawsuit after lawsuit, until will do the capital housecleaning in the industry of news and information.
If we see that courts are getting in cahoots with them (I believe some judges will, the ones who have someone involved), we'll have court of people - court of public opinion. I'm very optimistic that if and when people see in harsh proof that many of them (meaning most of main stream media) are busy running business of BSing, as they already assume, they can and will do the justice by not pushing the bottoms on their devices. That will only benefit their health, their well being, their emotional state and this list is long.
You and I can direct them to better things and keep them informed and entertained in healthier and happier ways. We have common sense, we have high and diverse education and training, sense of humor, you name it.
I should be the consultant and the conceptual to POTUS in starting a new type of media and new type of journalism which will be not for self-serving for paycheck, but with cause for the good of the people and the nation. I can't do this job for money. I can't sell my soul. I'd like to get paid when I'll do the things my way and I'll see the beneficial changes in society and in minds and hearts of my fellow citizens. Also nobody can explain and offer ideas how to fix the immigration system, better than I. Simple because I've got through it and I know many others who have gone through to totally different ways. It is THE proof that this country is not serious about its laws and laughs at the faces of those who are law abiding. We'll hire lawyers who'd sue their colleges for wrong doing and clean their ranks as much as we can. World lawyer and lair became synonymous in this country. How can we expect the wrong-doer respect the law?
You should get what you want, such as becoming the head of NIH, as you very well qualified for.
From me to you as a person and fellow citizen; please tell your children to give you more grandchildren. They can afford it and there is no excuse for not doing so.
I don't have a family, you should make up for my losses! Please...
Now, let's go to Int'l news, shall we?
Russian pilots did a super professional job and saved the airline and all the people on board by landing the burning jet safely on the ground, at
After 15 minutes Boeing 777 of Russian OrenAir company took off from Dominican Republic, on 6 000 meter height, boom, one of its motors got caught on fire. The jet had a full fuel tank - 80 000 ton avia-kerosene in it. Smoke got inside the plane, 355 horrified passengers, among them many kids, started panicking and fall into near death emotional state (mw). 355 + 20 crew = 375 people in total. [After the plane from Egypt, I'm not surprised.]
Reporter calls it a "second birthday" for all passengers and the crew of the plane. It's absolutely correct assessment to me. If that experience would not give those people a new perspective on life I don't know what else will. Miraculously, no one even got injured, Thank God!
You should read how the whole thing played out, it's an extremely dramatic and an amazing story.
I don't have time now to do it now.
May God bless the commanders Constantine Parikozha who has 15 years of experience and the rest of the crew.
In Munich, the head of countries involved in the process of trying to solve Syrian crisis in diplomatic ways got together again. there was Lavrov from RF and Kerry from USA,
at Their goal is to put all sides of the conflict around the table and get some consensus on further actions on deescalation of the situation.
In the meantime, while Russian air-force is accomplishing its goal in Syria, pentagon officials can't shot their mouths up and stop badmouthing Russian efforts.
"Where do you get your informantion?," was asked to P's spokes-mouth Steven Warren.
How Russian Ministry of Defense answered to those "accusations" is at
At; Putin was briefed about the progress of complex military drills,
which was done announced to rank and file to check the combat readiness. "It's going good as planned," reported MoD of RF Sergei Shaigu.
[I wonder how far vermin in the media will go to spread panic about this in here and how many contractors and politician will take the stick of scare and jump on the the backs of taxpayers to make more greens.]
Above is not all I found out today. I always know many times more than I put out.
I don't even have time to proofread what I wrote. This blog for me is like a notebook where are jot down the basics, not the final material.
So long.
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