Tuesday, February 16, 2016

To Michael Savage Feb. 16th, Tuesday


I listened all 3 hours of your show today. You were fuming about Justice Scalia's mysterious death.
It smelled a rot right away. As soon as I heard about the pillow, unwrinkled bed sheets and no autopsy decision, a judge talking to marshal, then asking his doctor to call her, etc... You don't need to have any education to comprehend, you need a common sense to guess. Too many illogical things in one place at the same time with a figure like that.
Today I've got more Qs than yesterday. Let's start from the bottom line and figure out the answer to this fundamental Q about his position in this society. We can ask this about anyone.
Let's start from me, so the reader don't think that I do not have right to ask the following Q.
I'm a private individual and if I have a placard on my wall saying "no matter what happens to me, when, how, and in which circumstances I might die, I prohibit to have an autopsy on me," then it should be taken as a last wish and leave me alone, if  there is nothing looks suspicious and nobody rises any questions about unusual circumstance around the event, - my wish should be respected.
Let me say it again; I'm a private individual, which is a totally different thing.
So let's do this for him;
1. Was he a private individual or a public persons? This MUST be determined first.
2. Did he have a will telling he did not what autopsy "no matter when and how he dies"?
Where is it? Don't you think a judge would know how to write a last wish?
Let's say, we found out (which is next to impossible, if you ask me), from his lawyer son or the wife or from entire family's statement that he personally did not comment on it in writing and left it to family to decide, then we'll respect family's wishes.  
3. If his status as a person considered "public" (because of his sensitive and high ranking position) then whatever he said or his family says should NOT matter. OUR opinion matters and should be respected! He was our servant, he was in the business of "public service." We owe him to find out how he died and if there was a foul play.
4. Are any suspicions about a foul play involved? Yessir! Without any doubt. Too many people would benefit from his death.
a) In his career he dealt with vicious and powerful people's cases or cases which could effects the profits (huge at that, such a in Billions of $s), which happened with green-gang already, which might happened with union's case before him and who knows what types and how many else.
You, Dr. Savage, should put the list of cases in front of the court and underline his role in deciding those.
b) In his personal life he has too many who would benefit from his death starting from his own family. Yes I said it, didn't I?
Oh, you would say how dare I thinking that? Well, I don't know them and should I'd ask all these Qs to them. Even if I'd know them, where is death involved - there must be "trust, but verify." We can not bring that man back to talk to us to clarify, so why family is not doing it for themselves and for all of us who care about that man's demise?
5. His children, and any other children of that type of achieved father, will benefit financially, wouldn't they? Is it too ugly to ask? Whoever says "it is" is not being honest from the get go. Secondly, they if they think the rest of us live in a dark and do not have minds, are thinking stupid and acting sickly.
6. If that man was sickly so badly that it was natural for him to stop breathing at any moment, why his "lovely" wife was not by his side?
7. By being married too many years necessarily means people "love" each other and are not "tired" of their bondage called marriage. Who has the proof that in this particular case marriage didn't became bondage for that couple?
How many examples of old people who were married and tired of each other when one killed the other or created a circumstance for it needs to brought up to raise "reasonable doubt" and establish a valid case for suspicion?
7. His children, 9 of them, some might be lawyers themselves (I'm guessing) agreed on everything with him? He agreed with all the "choices" each and every one of them made in their personal and professional lives?
Hmmm, let me itch the top of my head.... I'm still thinking.
Your father argued with you and told you all sorts of negative, disappointing and discouraging things, (although you seemed never had been a stupid or troubled kid), why would you think that he did not the same to his kids? Oh, I'm sorry, he should be an angelic father? We don't know that, do we?
All his kids were born like angels and did only angelic things? Maybe, I'm not sure. But I'm not sure if they acted as angels all their lives, either. Do you?
Who knows where the jealousy, the resentment, the competitive nature in any of them consciously or subconsciously contributed to circumstances surrounding his really, seriously mysterious death.
8. After this outcry from many of us who care and are in their normal minds, his family is going to wake up and understand that this is not going to go away and they better do something to put this to rest sooner than later and order autopsy?
As time goes by, as deep my suspicion goes. Yes. a-ha. If they cremate the body, that's it, that would be a proof of cover up. In this time, late in the evening I'm not sure what they have done with the body. I'll check and comment on it later.
But, let me mark down that I'll come back to this topic and bring examples of real stories of perfect crimes that took only pure accidents to raise suspicion and a long time to crock the cases. One of them I saw just last night on TV. ******************************************************
16 years old Marie Robards was an excellent student, a beautiful girl. a dream for every parent and teacher. In 1993 she killed her 38 years old father by poisoning him. Guess what? Autopsy result founded that he got a heart attack. Isn't it "natural?" If someone gets heart or any other failure in any age, should it or shouldn't it considered "natural." What does it mean "natural?"
OK, let me answer; "no foul play" right? But wait; if word foul must be used in every occasion, then what's the "not foul" and why?
I have known a 104 year old who didn't not have a diet and din't have medications. Only thing she was using were her eye drops. She was doing it herself and didn't want me to help. She died in UWS of Manhattan with her housekeeper by her side. When I found out I went there and everybody said that there was an ambulance and the police when they took the body out.
She was not the only one. Every time someone dies in NYC police suppose to arrive and do a standard procedure. I had a neighbor who used to be head lawyer for NYC. He was retired for many years, he had variety of health issues, but when he died in his apartment alone (super found him in a few hours, because hey would check on him every day), his apartment was sealed and treated as a crime seen for weeks before before it was proven otherwise.
Every death suppose to be treated as a crime, before it proven otherwise. Not the other way around.
9. Does Texas have a different approach than NY? To me, at least for a person of the caliber like a Justice, it should not.
10. Shouldn't his stature demand that public knowledge of his death and erasing any doubts from it should overrun honoring of any religious, family and personal will?
I think it should. This is getting worse by the day. Screw Fox, - they're low-lives, screw main stream garbage, - they're nobodies, who else is left? US, the people, we, who care and have hearts and still working minds. That's all.
He should be prohibited to be cremated, autopsied with more than one or two local cuckoos who can be bought out or pressured, all the internal organs and relevant tissues preserved for further examinations and tests for many years to come. Those cells and tissues should be tested not only here but also in other countries, which are advanced in medicine and might have different/better equipment.
Local coroners often don't have latest and most expensive equipment.
Like in above mentioned Robards case, coroner saw the reason of death - a heart attack, but didn't have the machine which costs $150 000 and only is in certain labs, which detects poison in tissues.
Heart attack can be the reason that heart stops working, but it is not the cause, it's the final condition of the chain reaction in events happened inside the body. The poison, which attributed to heart attack was the cause, not the heart attack.
You know what I'm talking about and I hope who reads this also finds this very simple.
Let me put in other words for those who didn't study science like you and are not medical nurses like myself; Cause is a general name of chain of events accruing inside the human body, not a name of the condition of any given second. Cause goes in stages like 1-2-3-4-5-6- etc. It can start as simple of jealousy or the joy of killing, as simple as that. Anyone thinks I'm exaggerating should watch channel Escape's documentaries. They are real cases which are already tried and closed.
Can you believe that a nice looking, young, personable, hard working pediatric nurse can poison and kill little babies in emergency room of a big hospital? Can you believe that entire medical personnel becomes so used to that they laugh saying "if baby dies, it should be on Genene Jones shift?" and do not do anything to investigate why? She worked in hospital for many years before moving to a small town clinic where almost every other kid was dropping dead after she was touches them, when the doctor, the parent and others are around. She would escort a baby in ambulance to hospital and manage to inject the poor thing in the car too and finally finish her! They say she killed up to 46 kids. Of course that number is lower than the reality. Not every parent maybe until now found out about this vermin and her demonic work or some don't want to go through type of pain of going thought the pain of loosing a child again. It will require exhumation in every case; what if after such gruesome event body is deteriorated? Then what? And, for those cremated, - forget about it!
11. Why would I trust Scalia's doctor? Who is he/she? Am i obligated to trust anyone who went to some stupid place and passed the test?  There is no test to check the presence or the degree of presence of eval in human. Having a degree or a certain job is not a proof for having an angelic soul.' That's it, end of this story for today.    

Let's go to Int'l, shall we?
I heard the part of O's speech on your show. Didn't hear the whole thing.
You heard that he called people who fight against Assad "folks," remember?
Shouldn't it be an "a-ha" moment for all of us - the thinking people? Isn't it another sign like going to masque? How many signs this man has to show for American people to get sober and come to realization of reality?
Check at RT.com/usa/332706-obama-syria-kurds-turkey.
I can go step by step on this too, as I did above, but don't have time for it.
It started in 2008 when he put his picture wearing an imam garb in Kenya, Africa (in "his native country" as his wife said publicly) on his campaign website. No matter how many Qs and how much suspicion it rose, he did NOT take it off. he made sure they GET IT!
2. How come Arab world contributed to his run 100's of Millions of $s? Do you think they would give you something or anything if you run? How much and why not?
As son as he was elected he gave his first interview to Al-Jazeera not The View, where he was hanging with "ladies" and being entertained alright. The old woman called his father "dashing" while licking her fake lips and trying to smile like a saliva dripping poppy and bagging rounded eyes.
3. He went to Saudi that prays for the demise of this nation every day, 5 times a day and received a
golden chain with gems on his neck "like a rap artist from the promoter" as you rightfully called it.  
That is the talisman, it's the symbol of the bond between father and son. That what father gives to his son to continue his blood, his gene, his dynasty, his reign, his work, his agenda, his power, his name, his tradition and so on.
Even in Europe, if you see a President's inauguration (I saw Nicolas Sarkozy's), you'll see that they bring a necklace in a box and leave there for admiration, which was belong to, I guess, Napoleon.
It's not for wearing, it belongs to museum, it just being there for his swearing ceremony as a reminder of the same massage; - continue my work.
4. Freudian slip of the tongue saying: "myMuslim faith" on TV with Horhay Stephenopopopopolous, remember?
Who would confuse his faith so easily? He didn't even realized, he did not correct himself, Horhay corrected him and he didn't even change, he didn't correct himself even after Popopolous did, he did NOT say "sorry I've got confused."
This list can go on and on. Who knows what else he says to whom, where, when, how and why.
We can not possibly find out.
Come to NYC, go to any Muslim street vendor and ask what he thinks about him. They all believed he was one of them, - all, even those who I know for decades. Some become disappointed after he started marching on the first line of you know who and started calling him some low names.
Qaddafi also very proudly and firmly (with warning tone of "be careful" and waging a finger) said "our son is in WH!" You know why "our son?" Q; Who was he? An African Muslim! Why their son? Because they believed made him who he was! He was their doer, their continuation, their "little" tribesman who finally got the throne and the treasure chest.
The whole thing together had one message by asking one Q: "Who is your daddy now? I am your daddy now, - you the American people, do you hear me? look at my finger! And, the rest of the world coming after that, should get it right away. Capish?
O is not jealous of EU, he controls EU, he can't stand Russian, because it conducts independent policy, wants or demands to be partner not a subordinate and is rules by a strong white, christian, faith practicing man who is more popular than him in his country. It's a no-no for his psyche. Still mostly white Christian people in the biggest country of the world and is not under his whimsical control? Whoo-whoo-whoo, it should not be happening. As soon as they see or hear him they must thing he's a special creature and should treat him like an almighty.
If he doesn't get that feeling they must not be good or right, so let's destroy them; 1st with words, then with money and then with weapons.
First 2 he already archived, he is working on the 3rd one, which can backfire on all of us.
You should listen today's interview with Dr. Cohen. he is the only one who knows what he's talking about. He knows the history, speaks the language, visits Russian periodically, listens and sees the other side of the story. The bad thing he did, in my opinion, is vote for him for 2 times. I don't know if he regrets now. He has children and grandchildren.

Today RF, Qatar, Saudi and Venezuela representatives came together and talked oil,
at 1tv.ru/news/economic/302164. To stabilize the extremely low price in int'l markets they suggested to halt production in some cases and for some time. Saudis were thinking to cut it for 5%, but said that it's not the time yet.

Look, they covered a part of last debate when Mr. Trump blamed JebBush for being a front man for lobbyists and his approach to relations with RF, at ntv.ru/novosti/1606839.
Low-energy-man said that Russia can not be our natural ally. Mr. trump said "we're spending Billions in Syria on people who we don't have idea about."

[I feel that all my letters sent to all the major Russian TV networks are not gone in vain, thank God!]

On the good note, look at this at ntv.ru/novosti/1606759/video and tell me; if a tiger and a goat can get along, why Americans and Russian can not?
In Russian zoo tiger Amur and goat Timur met again after a brief separation.
Remind you that goat was given to tiger for dinner, but the latter decided to play with him, instead of eating him.
Even a wild animal like a tiger can have unnatural to him emotions and go against his natural survival need such as eating. Why humans like O can't use their intellect for their very own survival, especially those who have children?

So long.        

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