Wee hours of the morning in NYC.
Ceasefire started in Syria. Damascus got quieter at this hour, at ru/novosti/1609418/video.
Overall it's working in entire territory. Only some small groups who didn't agree to ceasefire are acting up here and there. This situation is not effecting on the mission against .S.L and some such.
The responsibility to oversee the process is mainly on US and RF and UN will "take reports."
[As usually I say boo-hoo to that one.]
Also at showing the situation on the ground. Lots of people are returning to their homes, etc. shows the devastation in once vibrant city of Aleppo, which was multinational, multicultural, religiously diverse place. Rich in history, culture, I know so many people who came from there to USA who had good memories and those who didn't come because they liked it better in there.
Entire christian areas are shelled to the ground, dozens of churches are destroyed, city's divided in 2 sides fighting against each other and some sub-sides where some groups are holding on their own grounds.
Yesterday, outside of Belfair, Washington, a madman killed 4 members of his family among them 2 adopted sons from Russia. 12 year old daughter managed to escape unharmed by running out of the house. In standoff with SWAT vermin killed himself too.
Trump was in Oklahoma yesterday evening and totally rocked the boat! Did you see the pictures of that arena full of people? Wa-wa-wa-wum!
Evangelical Pastor Robert Jeffress also endorsed Trump, saying that if he's elected evangelicals can have a true friend in WH.
Cruz continues to cruise for better job for himself while getting paid by taxpayer for the job he doesn't show up to do.
This should be totally illegal. Somebody should say over and over again, that those who have current jobs should not be able to keep their positions. How simple is that? If you're busy looking for another job and can't show up for work should not have that job. Like anybody else. That's it. End of the story.
Because i don't have a microphone yet, you should say this constantly. This should become a law.
Let me make you laugh; look at the clip when Christie is getting on Trump's plane. He has a big bump, he looks like hardly dragging it while walking up the air-stairs. I mean, common, he should afford to have good care for himself. Remember they put him first on the lineup on Fox debate?
Don't you think it was on purpose? Yes, it was. Don't you think to put those 2 hyenas on both sides of Trump in Huston was a set up too? Yes, it was. And, they were encouraged to do so. It's like a circus. You were right yesterday saying that the candidate is not obligated to answer to every Q. Especially if they're redundant and stupid, I might add.
He never should soften, he should stay harsh. We're tired of wusses. getting soft will not benefit anyone and will fundamentally harm his character at this point. he can only soften up a little when he's elected and need to bring all sides to work together internally. I'm all for it. But for foreign policy he still should stay tough with despotic rulers of the world. And, there are many of them.
I make sure, if given a chance to make him and Putin a best friends. Only I can do it. I mean it.
Today NYSlimes had an article that GOP is desperately trying to stop Trump. Wow, even the commies who work there got a hint. It's the proof that God exists. :)
This is your motivational from your website;
This clip has intense pictures and loud music. I'd prefer you had done it plain.
Your Feb. 24th show is a landmark, here it is;
Sunday, wee hours of the morning.
Russian news; A terrible tragedy in town of Vorkuta where last Thursday was a blast in the mining shaft. Previously missing 26 miners are declared dead plus 6 more today, 5 of them rescuers.
What an absolutely worst type of tragedy. Those men all have families with children, those people live in very harsh conditions and their lives mainly go around mining jobs and careers.
Why Americans don't show this on the news? They can read this in English.
Why do they show people in all sorts of remote, unknown places, far from average Americans' imagination, but when this happens in Russia, it's not worthy of news?
Here is your interview on Friday with Trump where he says he don't think there will be brokered convention, at
US election system is really a hot mess in my opinion. First goes popular vote, then delegates, then super-delegates who're not obliged to go by anything, then the whole thing can turn around and go the other way or start again.... what kind of thing is this? Everybody who can put a scratch on the paper can go vote without ID, dems and repubs have different system of running their "brand," then voting machines are controlled by foreign governments?
When is this going to end? Who can possibly break this system down and knows how to fix it?
I feel it's about the time. Why in the world they use a voter registration, when ID is not needed for voting?
Sewage of Hollywood can't make documentary about this process to teach the public how things work? If I don't know, the rest don't know either. I can take a mic and go around in Manhattan asking millions about this. I'm sure they're oblivious. I need a crew to organize this and show to the gen. public. It has to be done on live-stream.
Somebody has to do it, that somebody is maybe just me - here and now. That's why I need a sponsor. ********************************************************************************
I can't work under anybody. I have to speak my mind freely as much as I want, about what I want to talk, etc. Maybe this year is the time of my star to shine high and bright.
Trump is different, they call him bully, because they can't control him. You said "they hate him because they fear him." I agree.
Hatred comes from jealousy and fear. I haven't seen a poor man who says the rich man is a good man. I'm sure there are couple of them in the world, but I'ven't met one yet.
Rich can be bad people, but poor are worse. Rich will exploit you, poor will kill you.
To say this and not be accountable to anyone is the only freedom I have. I'm not threatened yet, because I'm still anonymous. Also this freedom is free for me for only one reason that nobody pays for it. As soon as someone pays, he/she needs things to be done certain ways.
My daily life is like a hostage situation. Not physically, but emotionally and psychologically. What I am talking about? Racism, lies, frauds, corruption, nepotism, you name it, are all around me and in my face. What can I do about it? Nothing. Everything is covered up in many layers so brilliantly thast unless it is streamed live 24/7 no one would want to hear or try to find out.
You have to see it to understand and believe. Talk will not do it at all. Most of main stream media is total garbage and couple of people here and there don't know about the things I see every day. Every white person who feels that they are being discriminated against (which should be almost all of them who work outside) much wear a gadget with live stream on.
Actually I should create my own stream. How do i do that? Can Trump help me?
This is what I'm going to pray for.
So long.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 26th, Friday
Did you ever heard of Ministry of Reconciliation? I just found out that Syria has it.
That's the organization doing the work of arranging the ceasefire.
Report at says that some so called opposition groups are turning on the side of government forces. Now who is who in this mess? Why Americans don't go sort it out and let Russian know? How many have you seen working there? I have seen none whatsoever.
The Syrian PM's adviser in reconciliation process says that after Russians got involved as mediators, the work became easier. Already in several regions they succeeded in convincing people to lay down arms and start talking to get together.
In here, feet-to-mouth-biden was saying that building a wall is dangerous for America, trying to throw a stone in Trump's yard. In the meantime Russian servicemen, away from their homes and families are working day and night to get rid of as much as vermin they can.
Russia's economy is hurting on so many fronts;
1. the war in Syria,
2. oil prices are down and after Iran resurgence to global market can go further down,
3. sanctions imposed by EU (which is in trouble and getting only worse) and the the US,
4. Ukraine is not paying its $3 Billion debt,
5. all sorts of emergencies happening in winter season,
6. economic sanctions with turkey and worsening political ties with it, etc. etc.
The only danger that American people face is its own government's stupidity. Let's see the approval rating for Congress; as of yesterday - 11.8% approve, 77.8% disapprove.
Isn't it a beautiful thing? It will be a gorgeous picture if American people will come out to streets and throw those bums out of Capitol Hill. I'd prefer one by one, not like a herd. I have class. Make sure thorough pictures are taken.
I'm serious. Isn't there a law saying that if disapproval rating of the work of people's "servants" goes over let's say 75%, the whole barnyard should be disbursed and new elections should be held automatically. I'd give 2 mouths the most and do elections a little differently. This old fashion messy mess is too much of a mess. There should be time limits on this too, so crazies like bloody war monger mcshame would not rat in there. It sticks to high heavens.
To another announcement from CIA and Pentagon as if Russia is the main treat to the US, Russian Defense Ministry's spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said that it's just an excuse to approve next year's huge military budget. "What they would do without us?" he asked, at
[He's right, the whole thing is fear-mongering in order to cash in. It's a juicy budget, look at the number. How many flies can sit on that pile? ]
I heard most of your show today. Mr. Trump was on for a few minutes. You're so bad on taking calls that you almost cut him short. Couldn't you let him say as much as he wanted? What seemed to be the problem?
That's why I strongly believe he needs his own network. ************************************
I've got a new name for ice-cream-man; ice-cream-cube-man. He melts like an ice-cube.
Trump said it at post-debate with chris cuomo; we can't have president who has that (meaning the condition of profusely sweating like he just came out of the shower.
Christie's endorsement of Trump was a good news. Very smart move on his part. The man is fat, but not stupid. Can be good on attorney general's position.
I'm glad that you're excited that the massage you put out there for so many years starting to see light in the horizon. I hear almost euphoria in your voice while talking about it and it excites me to go out and do something about it.
All these years I didn't vote, I'm not even registered. Once before I was ready when I realized that anybody without any ID could and was going to voting place and voting. That was an eye opener.
This country is getting messier and messier in terms of values and the law. If you're a decent, responsible person (both in theory and in practice), respecting the law and abiding by it, you can be as good as outcast, if you're not powerfully connected.
That's what I saw and experienced in daily life during last quarter of century in here. Show me otherwise, make me change my opinion, I'm all for it, asking for it and so..... ready to experience it in my daily life.
All these years in here I watched, saw, observed, listened, read, traveled and have so much to tell.
Thanks for repeating that Russia is not our enemy, but our natural ally against
To me Russian Federation is a natural partner in everything. They rule the space, they're more cultured, they're hard working people. Before the "excuse" in order to hassle and destroy them was that they were communist, now they're capitalist. What changed?
Putin said that he was naive to think that after collapse of former soviet union the capitalist west will embrace and partner with them. Yessir, even Putin could be wrong and admit it.
Now, let's go there see what's happening, shall we? City Vorkuta is the place of news.
In the report at you'll see that they're searching for 26 miners still trapped in the shaft.
The blast was about 500 meter deep in the result of explosion of methane in one of the shafts.
This has been a horrible tragedy happened last Thursday; 4 dead, 9 injured, 81 brought out, more than 500 came out safe, 26 are still trapped inside at the time of this report.
50 rescuers are working around the clock to get to them, another 70 came to help from city of Kemerovo and more will come, if needed.
[I put a candle and prayed for their safety already and I will do so again after I sign off.
Vorkuta a mining town, a cold place in Republic of Komi. I never would survive living in there.
You have to give it to those people. One of the strongest and hardest working people on the planet.
I wonder why anybody does not pay attention to these types of things between our countries. Why America don't offer help? Why Americans reach out with good will in human tragedies? Maybe they did? Maybe I don't know about it? Who is in charge for these types of thing in here on federal level? Which ones are on the local? Can they initiate offer like this? How the whole thing can work in the future? If I won't find out, who will?] ************************************************
Oh, look at this, this one is a beauty; more than 400 people serving foreign intelligence agencies were detained in Russian Federation over the past year.
Putin had a talk with Fed. Security Service (FSB) about it, at
[Who knows how many more are there; 10 times, 100 times? And, Putin is not suppose to know about this? To me most NGOs are suspicious entities. What do they do, for who and for what?
This one is another topic.] *********************************************************
I just watched the clip again when Trump is responding to the Q how is he going to make Mexico pay for the wall when ex-pres. fox said that his country is not going to pay for f.n wall. Trump said "the wall just got 10 feet taller."
People around Mr. Trump should understand that if they're being intimidating and facetious they're going to get worse. They better start preparing to get used to it. I can help them with that ********************************************************************************
He explained, very plainly, that we have huge trade deficit with Mexico and the price for the wall is a fracture of that amount. Those around him are not only incompetent in economy, but are not fully developed adults. They're not seasoned people to deal with the rest of the world.
I can't listen to Cruz; his voice, intonations, manners disgust me. He should be reading poems about nothing.
Maybe I should try to write some for him, called "poems of nonesanse." That would be a nice sketch on SNL. ****************
If they had a show about nothing called Seinfeld which made billions, why wouldn't I do this?
Also the suggestion to put 4% tax on money transfers from one of your listeners that you brought to Trump's attention, is a very good idea. I just checked the website of WU, they're charging $5 for $300 sent online. That definitely can be increased, which should go to fed. gov.
Oh, another thing; ice-cube-man didn't know what choke meant when he was called a "choke artist."
He thought it was misspelled, was making fun of it and his damn crowd who's worse than him was laughing.
They should be used as a laughing sketch on my show.
So long.
Did you ever heard of Ministry of Reconciliation? I just found out that Syria has it.
That's the organization doing the work of arranging the ceasefire.
Report at says that some so called opposition groups are turning on the side of government forces. Now who is who in this mess? Why Americans don't go sort it out and let Russian know? How many have you seen working there? I have seen none whatsoever.
The Syrian PM's adviser in reconciliation process says that after Russians got involved as mediators, the work became easier. Already in several regions they succeeded in convincing people to lay down arms and start talking to get together.
In here, feet-to-mouth-biden was saying that building a wall is dangerous for America, trying to throw a stone in Trump's yard. In the meantime Russian servicemen, away from their homes and families are working day and night to get rid of as much as vermin they can.
Russia's economy is hurting on so many fronts;
1. the war in Syria,
2. oil prices are down and after Iran resurgence to global market can go further down,
3. sanctions imposed by EU (which is in trouble and getting only worse) and the the US,
4. Ukraine is not paying its $3 Billion debt,
5. all sorts of emergencies happening in winter season,
6. economic sanctions with turkey and worsening political ties with it, etc. etc.
The only danger that American people face is its own government's stupidity. Let's see the approval rating for Congress; as of yesterday - 11.8% approve, 77.8% disapprove.
Isn't it a beautiful thing? It will be a gorgeous picture if American people will come out to streets and throw those bums out of Capitol Hill. I'd prefer one by one, not like a herd. I have class. Make sure thorough pictures are taken.
I'm serious. Isn't there a law saying that if disapproval rating of the work of people's "servants" goes over let's say 75%, the whole barnyard should be disbursed and new elections should be held automatically. I'd give 2 mouths the most and do elections a little differently. This old fashion messy mess is too much of a mess. There should be time limits on this too, so crazies like bloody war monger mcshame would not rat in there. It sticks to high heavens.
To another announcement from CIA and Pentagon as if Russia is the main treat to the US, Russian Defense Ministry's spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said that it's just an excuse to approve next year's huge military budget. "What they would do without us?" he asked, at
[He's right, the whole thing is fear-mongering in order to cash in. It's a juicy budget, look at the number. How many flies can sit on that pile? ]
I heard most of your show today. Mr. Trump was on for a few minutes. You're so bad on taking calls that you almost cut him short. Couldn't you let him say as much as he wanted? What seemed to be the problem?
That's why I strongly believe he needs his own network. ************************************
I've got a new name for ice-cream-man; ice-cream-cube-man. He melts like an ice-cube.
Trump said it at post-debate with chris cuomo; we can't have president who has that (meaning the condition of profusely sweating like he just came out of the shower.
Christie's endorsement of Trump was a good news. Very smart move on his part. The man is fat, but not stupid. Can be good on attorney general's position.
I'm glad that you're excited that the massage you put out there for so many years starting to see light in the horizon. I hear almost euphoria in your voice while talking about it and it excites me to go out and do something about it.
All these years I didn't vote, I'm not even registered. Once before I was ready when I realized that anybody without any ID could and was going to voting place and voting. That was an eye opener.
This country is getting messier and messier in terms of values and the law. If you're a decent, responsible person (both in theory and in practice), respecting the law and abiding by it, you can be as good as outcast, if you're not powerfully connected.
That's what I saw and experienced in daily life during last quarter of century in here. Show me otherwise, make me change my opinion, I'm all for it, asking for it and so..... ready to experience it in my daily life.
All these years in here I watched, saw, observed, listened, read, traveled and have so much to tell.
Thanks for repeating that Russia is not our enemy, but our natural ally against
To me Russian Federation is a natural partner in everything. They rule the space, they're more cultured, they're hard working people. Before the "excuse" in order to hassle and destroy them was that they were communist, now they're capitalist. What changed?
Putin said that he was naive to think that after collapse of former soviet union the capitalist west will embrace and partner with them. Yessir, even Putin could be wrong and admit it.
Now, let's go there see what's happening, shall we? City Vorkuta is the place of news.
In the report at you'll see that they're searching for 26 miners still trapped in the shaft.
The blast was about 500 meter deep in the result of explosion of methane in one of the shafts.
This has been a horrible tragedy happened last Thursday; 4 dead, 9 injured, 81 brought out, more than 500 came out safe, 26 are still trapped inside at the time of this report.
50 rescuers are working around the clock to get to them, another 70 came to help from city of Kemerovo and more will come, if needed.
[I put a candle and prayed for their safety already and I will do so again after I sign off.
Vorkuta a mining town, a cold place in Republic of Komi. I never would survive living in there.
You have to give it to those people. One of the strongest and hardest working people on the planet.
I wonder why anybody does not pay attention to these types of things between our countries. Why America don't offer help? Why Americans reach out with good will in human tragedies? Maybe they did? Maybe I don't know about it? Who is in charge for these types of thing in here on federal level? Which ones are on the local? Can they initiate offer like this? How the whole thing can work in the future? If I won't find out, who will?] ************************************************
Oh, look at this, this one is a beauty; more than 400 people serving foreign intelligence agencies were detained in Russian Federation over the past year.
Putin had a talk with Fed. Security Service (FSB) about it, at
[Who knows how many more are there; 10 times, 100 times? And, Putin is not suppose to know about this? To me most NGOs are suspicious entities. What do they do, for who and for what?
This one is another topic.] *********************************************************
I just watched the clip again when Trump is responding to the Q how is he going to make Mexico pay for the wall when ex-pres. fox said that his country is not going to pay for f.n wall. Trump said "the wall just got 10 feet taller."
People around Mr. Trump should understand that if they're being intimidating and facetious they're going to get worse. They better start preparing to get used to it. I can help them with that ********************************************************************************
He explained, very plainly, that we have huge trade deficit with Mexico and the price for the wall is a fracture of that amount. Those around him are not only incompetent in economy, but are not fully developed adults. They're not seasoned people to deal with the rest of the world.
I can't listen to Cruz; his voice, intonations, manners disgust me. He should be reading poems about nothing.
Maybe I should try to write some for him, called "poems of nonesanse." That would be a nice sketch on SNL. ****************
If they had a show about nothing called Seinfeld which made billions, why wouldn't I do this?
Also the suggestion to put 4% tax on money transfers from one of your listeners that you brought to Trump's attention, is a very good idea. I just checked the website of WU, they're charging $5 for $300 sent online. That definitely can be increased, which should go to fed. gov.
Oh, another thing; ice-cube-man didn't know what choke meant when he was called a "choke artist."
He thought it was misspelled, was making fun of it and his damn crowd who's worse than him was laughing.
They should be used as a laughing sketch on my show.
So long.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 24-25, Thursday
Today you're talking about having regrets and taking calls. Not really like yesterday's brilliant show.
Maybe I should regret writing this blog for almost 6 years without knowing if you're reading it or not. Just kidding. :)
You know what happened yesterday? For full 3 hours I listened and commented and during your show. Then, took a break and went back to add Int'l news and boom! pushed a wrong button and deleted the whole thing. More than 3 hours work - gone!
Your Feb. 24th show was brilliant! Trump should hear it, all 3 hours of it!
The problem with my writing is that most of the time I lie down, put my laptop on my stomach and type without looking at the keys. If i catch something wrong from the last sentence, I try to correct. After that, I don't even have time to look back. It's too much work, especially that I'm a perfectionist and can "improve" sentences over and over. When I go and randomly have to check something already there, I get chocked why what I wrote don't make sense to me. Then, I realize that most of the time when I change the words or the structure of the sentence I simply forget to delete prior words.
I go like "oh my, oh my, what the reader was reading?" Also the mouse of my computer is another thing. It jumps on its own all the time and if I don't pay attention in puts words I'm typing in other places on the text. So, one day, when I'll get the chance to devout myself to editing this blog, I need to print it on the paper and do corrections manually.
If I write calmly on the paper I write better than CU grad with MBA. Two professors who teach there told me that. And many more in other faculties. Maybe the English teacher in there (not in public schools, no way) will be better than I, but giving the fact that I never ever in my lifetime studied English, I'm pretty good. My best friend graduated from teacher's college at CU, she says I'm better than her. I can transfer thought much better.
Now, let's make up for yesterday. I want Trump to hear all 3 hours of your show aired yesterday, on Feb. 24th, 2016.
You declared the day of HOPE in "Savage States of America" under leadership of Donald Trump. Yeah! Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
You said that he's the only hope we, the people of USA have. I agree.
He's the only one who is not being bought so far. The rest of them all depend on their donors, thus special interests, thus they're poppets. As simple as that. You were asking who should be the vice-president. I wanted to call and "You and I - part time." Yes. Why not? You'll be the vice-president, I'll be your lieutenant. Another part time you'll work for DOH and I'll be liaison with RF. Maybe another part time I'll be MoC. This is going to be a new position. We don't have it yet. Another part time - you might still do your show. So simple.
You said that you can not sit in an official attire all day sitting behind the desk and get money, give out contracts, hire and fire, etc. Me neither. It's simple. We're a different types on personality chart. Those people are hierarchical, to be ruled and rule is normal for their nature. They have vertical type personalities.
They sit around rectangular table by the rank, from head to toe. We are horizontal types. We want to sit around an around table. We don't like to rule and can not stand to be ruled. On top of it, we're creative. Does it mean that we don't have respect and/or authority for those who we suppose to answer to in certain instances, such as a job? No. The difference is that we respect those who we can learn or benefiting from, but without bending over to them backwards. We have thick necks. We work hard and play fair and can't stand humiliation. Corporate America is full of humiliation. You have to be crewed and go screw someone else and believe that that is a normal thing to do.
More people are like that, than like us. Our type is about 17%. We, members of creative group in this type, like to make changes. Ads to it too much education and being born with big mouths, - there goes your perfect neighborhood. Compare to a man like you who was born in here, had a family, spoke the language, etc, for me who came with no language, no money, still innocent, decent, having ideas and ideals and no connections, to just survive is a hell of a hard work. Almost impossible. I'm not saying that nobody did, but I'm saying I did and you should compare to see.
Yesterday you brought up lots of fundamental points for the safe structure and survival of this country, such as from "trickle up poverty" and others and gave yourself lots of credits for your intellectual work. You deserve it, I give it to you. I didn't read most of your books, though, but I hear your ideas on the air.
Also you talked about desperate times when you were struggling and were about giving up, but seeing your kids asleep you didn't dare to leave them without a father.
Good for you. At least you dared to have children, I did not. I did not have enough support by my standards that I could feel safe to raise a family. Making children is one problem, but rasing them are way too many. You're lucky that they're gown ups and both successful now.
With your type of conservatism you should be grandfather of 10 grand-kids now. ??? Why not?
Yesterday you also mentioned that mad-woman-hilary saying that she a danger to security of this country. Yessir. She will push us to war with RF, and plus create a civil war within. What else do you need more for a complete disaster?
I agree, she's encouraging violence from blacks against whites (because she's scared of them, not of us) just to grab power, just to make more money, just to be inside constant crowds. That woman is really a dangerous creature. I'm sure you heard her stupidity last Tuesday evening talking about RF, Middle East and Libya. She should be locked up, before we all go after her and get into the deep ditch.
Who possibly can vote for that thing, is so amazing to me. An old warmonger woman, who's husband don't want to keep her around? Putin called her brainless. Duh?
The rest of the world is still male dominated. What do you think the bunch of men who rule the world are saying to her in their minds while handshaking with her? I know what Arabs say in Arabic, French say in French, Russians say in Russian and some more, but... can't put in in here.
About stupid apple phone issue. I never liked that company, i do not know why. I just don't. Something unsettling even about Steven Jobs character I had in my guts. When he died I felt relieved. Honestly. It's a nasty thing to say, but that's how I left. I had a feeling that longer he lived, closer we'd get to the distraction of civilization. All these technologies are killing human interactions, making entire generations stupid and to me just expediting the global demise if this civilization.
One proof I've got about SJ not having a common sense, let alone genius, was when he got sick with aggressive cancer, he started eating grass to cure himself. What kind of logic did he have for his own survival? he had a d.monic face, his biological father was another basket case of a human, but guess what - has PHD, who worked in restaurant.
"Oh, boo-hoo" I say to that. I never liked how iphone looked and felt like; too flat, small screen, too heavy, low battery life, everything come with it is expensive. I was wondering why every street vendor in NYC (who are mostly Muslim) have an iphone. They none-working pregnant wives with whole bunch of children walking around also all have iphones. I thought that's maybe a "status" idem for them. They love it and have to have it. Now I'm thinking, maybe because it can't be unlocked even by the manufacturer? What you think? They said, on the media, that that phone those vermin couple had was belong to government, it wasn't even their own. ??? Did you hear that?
What was that about? About this topic I can say;
1. I feel sorry for all pathetic gov. agencies that couldn't have it done by themselves. They don't have "expert" in existing phone functions? Nice. All the graduates from computer sciences from Ivy schools heard that and did not respond to help for free or for a fee? I don't get it.
2. That crook-Cook is another sleazy looking creature to my eyes. I don't know why. I really don't.
My guess is, by saying and doing what he did so far, he enhanced the sell of that thing to those
who are on the other side of our security. More he procrastinates and b.llsh.ts, more stuff he sells.
I have an IPad for 3 years now. Got a gift. Didn't use it. It's collecting dust in the drawer.
It's just not attractive or even comfortable thing for me. It feels just a heavy slit of metal. It has no personality. I have a few cases for it, those that makes it stand, etc. The other day I saw cheap compact keyboard, which could go with it and make it easier to use, but didn't buy it.
I feel that Apple product is for teenagers (for those who ask for snacks from you all the time) who want to show off and for those who cherish 'extreme secrecy.'
For God's sake, Mr. Trump is right; do NOT buy Apple product! That's all.
Int'l news from yesterday, 24th, at In territories freed by Syrian Army in Homs area (with the help of Russian forces), people started to return to their homes.
Really heart warming to see that happens although most found their homes destroyed, but now they have something to look forward to.
Authorities in Egypt finally admitted that the Russian plane full of tourists was downed by t.r.r.sts on Oct. 31st of last year in Sinai killing all 224 people on board.
There are already signs that RF and US agreement on Syria is working,
Turkey, which benefits from that conflict tremendously, is waging its tale saying "if the ceasefire threaten Turkey's security it will not oblige to its commitment,
In Greece, from the beginning of this year, already more than 100 000 refugees arrived from Middle East and Northern Africa. Go Greece go, do it to yourself! Who knew? They asked for bailout, now got more eating mouths who want them dead? Nice.
'Schengen will break down in 10 days if no solution for migrant crisis immediately found' said EU commissioner for migration and citizenship D. Avramopoulos to the media today,
From today's news, at report say that only couple of days remain to the date of announced ceasefire in Syria.
After the deadline will be clear which side intends to continue fighting.
GOP debate started, I'm watching. I never watch cuckoo -cnn.
At 9:45 Cruz is getting on my nerve. His aggressive overreaching gestures, his squeaky voice (like a rubber toy), he acts like a clown trying to play a prosecutor.
Trump just said that he'll dissolve DoE, because all education should be local.
[Oh my God, it's so overdue. They should stop the teaching of fraudulent subject like "education about education," which in simple words means "teacher's colleges."
Now they're asking Trump about his taxes, he says that he's constantly being audited and when IRS will finish its work for this year, he'll submit his.
[I heard Romney said something against trump. I don't want to repeat it, but should I meet that bozo in person I'd ask him to harry up and make sure his household garbage is taken out. Remember his wife said he's the one taking the garbage out? Yes, that's what I'm talking about.]
There is another clown - Huue-huu-huwitt asking Qs. A long while ago I listened to his show couple of times. Do you know what I remember from it? He said "my issues have issues." That's all I remember.
I feel like Trump is on defensive in this ring of hyenas. When Cruz is overreaching he should be defensive of his territory. He should stare and shout back at him, if needed. I feel he needs to do it.
He's getting the most Qs. Why? Why they don't ask one by one to each of them.
10:11pm they're asking about Israel, Trump says he always was a big supporter and donor and if he can bring peace he will. ice-cream man says that Trump's stance is counterproductive and peace can not be done. OK, fine, but he hasn't help with anything (even with an ice-cream cone) beside the lip-service, isn't he? Now kasich is saying that he'll do regime change in north Korea.
Now Carson says that we have to get rid of IRS.
Now #3 size shoe woof-woof asking Trump about Syria and the ceasefire brokered by US and RF.
He says he's not backing it, because not all the sides involved in conflict are participating in that deal and we see already that it's not working. [Wow, how much he knows about it? Who is consulting him? Ceasefire starts at Feb. 27th, at noon. How did he see it's not working.
To me personally, RF should not stop, it should finish when it finds appropriate. If the ceasefire won't work, it won't work for Russia's advantage. You got to mold the metal hot. That's what I'm saying.]
Cuckoo kasich just said that we have to arm Ukrainians in order to act like Americans. Did you see how he threw his hands to the air and got applause? Oh my, oh, my.
Mr. Trump is a little tense, he should be more relaxed, those hyenas are attacking him left and right.
He said "this is fun" at last. Now the Q is Apple vs. FBI.
There is a Spanish cute face lady on the moderator's chair, I never have seen her before. She's asking Trump why not a wall along the Canadian border comparing it to Mexican border, [which is intellectually dishonest.]
If she can hardly read with that breaking voice and accent, I must be streamed live 24/7 to entire planet.
Now; Puerto Rico wants $72 Billion debt to be let go by bankruptcy? I didn't even know about it.
Ice-cream man said NO (good for him, he made a good point).
Trump made a closing statement saying that nobody knows politicians better than him. Hallelujah.
Now he's with Chris Cuomo talking about the debate, saying that he enjoyed it. Calling ice-cream man a choke artist, saying that we can't afford to have someone like that. Also apparently ice-cream man sweats like raining dogs and cats. It means he has some neurological disorder if not a serious disease. I just learned what choke artist is.
Can you try to figure it out what that condition might be and talk about it on your show?
Cruz is wrapping up his "thoughts" about the debate, but I can't listen to that man's voice.
I'm serious. There is something very peculiar about his face, mimics, gestures, voice, intonations of it, etc. I do not trust that man. Something negative jumps up out of him.
My final thought on this debate; a bunch of hyenas were attacking 5 people in the middle of circus and the real player who run over all of them was the Trump the Tiger.
I came out with a name, see? ********************************************************
Do you believe that when Cruz was running for senate Trump donated $5 000 to his campaign?
Cruz brought it up, like he was the one who was taking the credit and he was the one who mentioned the amount. Isn't it something?
Carson was mistreated that's for sure. He wasn't given enough Qs. The vermin were shooting at 3 in the middle. That Anderson Cooper really aged, look at him. I hadn't seen him fr a long time.
Verminic yahoo put a photoshop with Trump and ice-cream man next to each other, portraying Trump at defensive gesture with red face while IC-rubio as if cool, calm and smiling. What a shame for the rats in main stream media. Trump must have his own network. Why would he go on this circuses? Times are so changed. All these debates are archaic way of doing business anyway. This only makes money for the vermin, this do not inform average person. It's a shame. No class, no intellectual honesty, just a sick talk of politicians who say memorized lines while getting paid for not working in their offices, Trump didn't need to waste his time and drag his big family into this to comply with this low way of doing business. ************************************************
They still asking him about taxes, What kind of s..t is this? He should just ignore. More he explains,
more they ask him about the same thing over and over. They like pimps for ratings. Oh, my, now he's on another panel. A lady on this panel is looking at him like she wants piece of him, she looks exactly like bloody-megyn in brown skin. Nice.
Apparently aunt-annie's garbage takeing hubby was twitting during the debate keep asking about Trumps taxes. When he was running he released his in Sep. 21st, today is Feb. 25th, why is he burning his behind?
Papa Bush was in audience on his wheelchair, did you see? Why did he go there, his son wasn't on the stage anymore? Maybe for the entertainment.
Ted Cruz can not win simply becasue he's a fraud to taxpayer already. He should be conducting his senatorial duties instead of going for interviews for another job. Campaigning and debating is the job interview for president, sin't it? In what other job you can be a no-show and still get paid? 11:55pm
So long.
Today you're talking about having regrets and taking calls. Not really like yesterday's brilliant show.
Maybe I should regret writing this blog for almost 6 years without knowing if you're reading it or not. Just kidding. :)
You know what happened yesterday? For full 3 hours I listened and commented and during your show. Then, took a break and went back to add Int'l news and boom! pushed a wrong button and deleted the whole thing. More than 3 hours work - gone!
Your Feb. 24th show was brilliant! Trump should hear it, all 3 hours of it!
The problem with my writing is that most of the time I lie down, put my laptop on my stomach and type without looking at the keys. If i catch something wrong from the last sentence, I try to correct. After that, I don't even have time to look back. It's too much work, especially that I'm a perfectionist and can "improve" sentences over and over. When I go and randomly have to check something already there, I get chocked why what I wrote don't make sense to me. Then, I realize that most of the time when I change the words or the structure of the sentence I simply forget to delete prior words.
I go like "oh my, oh my, what the reader was reading?" Also the mouse of my computer is another thing. It jumps on its own all the time and if I don't pay attention in puts words I'm typing in other places on the text. So, one day, when I'll get the chance to devout myself to editing this blog, I need to print it on the paper and do corrections manually.
If I write calmly on the paper I write better than CU grad with MBA. Two professors who teach there told me that. And many more in other faculties. Maybe the English teacher in there (not in public schools, no way) will be better than I, but giving the fact that I never ever in my lifetime studied English, I'm pretty good. My best friend graduated from teacher's college at CU, she says I'm better than her. I can transfer thought much better.
Now, let's make up for yesterday. I want Trump to hear all 3 hours of your show aired yesterday, on Feb. 24th, 2016.
You declared the day of HOPE in "Savage States of America" under leadership of Donald Trump. Yeah! Yes, that's what I'm talking about.
You said that he's the only hope we, the people of USA have. I agree.
He's the only one who is not being bought so far. The rest of them all depend on their donors, thus special interests, thus they're poppets. As simple as that. You were asking who should be the vice-president. I wanted to call and "You and I - part time." Yes. Why not? You'll be the vice-president, I'll be your lieutenant. Another part time you'll work for DOH and I'll be liaison with RF. Maybe another part time I'll be MoC. This is going to be a new position. We don't have it yet. Another part time - you might still do your show. So simple.
You said that you can not sit in an official attire all day sitting behind the desk and get money, give out contracts, hire and fire, etc. Me neither. It's simple. We're a different types on personality chart. Those people are hierarchical, to be ruled and rule is normal for their nature. They have vertical type personalities.
They sit around rectangular table by the rank, from head to toe. We are horizontal types. We want to sit around an around table. We don't like to rule and can not stand to be ruled. On top of it, we're creative. Does it mean that we don't have respect and/or authority for those who we suppose to answer to in certain instances, such as a job? No. The difference is that we respect those who we can learn or benefiting from, but without bending over to them backwards. We have thick necks. We work hard and play fair and can't stand humiliation. Corporate America is full of humiliation. You have to be crewed and go screw someone else and believe that that is a normal thing to do.
More people are like that, than like us. Our type is about 17%. We, members of creative group in this type, like to make changes. Ads to it too much education and being born with big mouths, - there goes your perfect neighborhood. Compare to a man like you who was born in here, had a family, spoke the language, etc, for me who came with no language, no money, still innocent, decent, having ideas and ideals and no connections, to just survive is a hell of a hard work. Almost impossible. I'm not saying that nobody did, but I'm saying I did and you should compare to see.
Yesterday you brought up lots of fundamental points for the safe structure and survival of this country, such as from "trickle up poverty" and others and gave yourself lots of credits for your intellectual work. You deserve it, I give it to you. I didn't read most of your books, though, but I hear your ideas on the air.
Also you talked about desperate times when you were struggling and were about giving up, but seeing your kids asleep you didn't dare to leave them without a father.
Good for you. At least you dared to have children, I did not. I did not have enough support by my standards that I could feel safe to raise a family. Making children is one problem, but rasing them are way too many. You're lucky that they're gown ups and both successful now.
With your type of conservatism you should be grandfather of 10 grand-kids now. ??? Why not?
Yesterday you also mentioned that mad-woman-hilary saying that she a danger to security of this country. Yessir. She will push us to war with RF, and plus create a civil war within. What else do you need more for a complete disaster?
I agree, she's encouraging violence from blacks against whites (because she's scared of them, not of us) just to grab power, just to make more money, just to be inside constant crowds. That woman is really a dangerous creature. I'm sure you heard her stupidity last Tuesday evening talking about RF, Middle East and Libya. She should be locked up, before we all go after her and get into the deep ditch.
Who possibly can vote for that thing, is so amazing to me. An old warmonger woman, who's husband don't want to keep her around? Putin called her brainless. Duh?
The rest of the world is still male dominated. What do you think the bunch of men who rule the world are saying to her in their minds while handshaking with her? I know what Arabs say in Arabic, French say in French, Russians say in Russian and some more, but... can't put in in here.
About stupid apple phone issue. I never liked that company, i do not know why. I just don't. Something unsettling even about Steven Jobs character I had in my guts. When he died I felt relieved. Honestly. It's a nasty thing to say, but that's how I left. I had a feeling that longer he lived, closer we'd get to the distraction of civilization. All these technologies are killing human interactions, making entire generations stupid and to me just expediting the global demise if this civilization.
One proof I've got about SJ not having a common sense, let alone genius, was when he got sick with aggressive cancer, he started eating grass to cure himself. What kind of logic did he have for his own survival? he had a d.monic face, his biological father was another basket case of a human, but guess what - has PHD, who worked in restaurant.
"Oh, boo-hoo" I say to that. I never liked how iphone looked and felt like; too flat, small screen, too heavy, low battery life, everything come with it is expensive. I was wondering why every street vendor in NYC (who are mostly Muslim) have an iphone. They none-working pregnant wives with whole bunch of children walking around also all have iphones. I thought that's maybe a "status" idem for them. They love it and have to have it. Now I'm thinking, maybe because it can't be unlocked even by the manufacturer? What you think? They said, on the media, that that phone those vermin couple had was belong to government, it wasn't even their own. ??? Did you hear that?
What was that about? About this topic I can say;
1. I feel sorry for all pathetic gov. agencies that couldn't have it done by themselves. They don't have "expert" in existing phone functions? Nice. All the graduates from computer sciences from Ivy schools heard that and did not respond to help for free or for a fee? I don't get it.
2. That crook-Cook is another sleazy looking creature to my eyes. I don't know why. I really don't.
My guess is, by saying and doing what he did so far, he enhanced the sell of that thing to those
who are on the other side of our security. More he procrastinates and b.llsh.ts, more stuff he sells.
I have an IPad for 3 years now. Got a gift. Didn't use it. It's collecting dust in the drawer.
It's just not attractive or even comfortable thing for me. It feels just a heavy slit of metal. It has no personality. I have a few cases for it, those that makes it stand, etc. The other day I saw cheap compact keyboard, which could go with it and make it easier to use, but didn't buy it.
I feel that Apple product is for teenagers (for those who ask for snacks from you all the time) who want to show off and for those who cherish 'extreme secrecy.'
For God's sake, Mr. Trump is right; do NOT buy Apple product! That's all.
Int'l news from yesterday, 24th, at In territories freed by Syrian Army in Homs area (with the help of Russian forces), people started to return to their homes.
Really heart warming to see that happens although most found their homes destroyed, but now they have something to look forward to.
Authorities in Egypt finally admitted that the Russian plane full of tourists was downed by t.r.r.sts on Oct. 31st of last year in Sinai killing all 224 people on board.
There are already signs that RF and US agreement on Syria is working,
Turkey, which benefits from that conflict tremendously, is waging its tale saying "if the ceasefire threaten Turkey's security it will not oblige to its commitment,
In Greece, from the beginning of this year, already more than 100 000 refugees arrived from Middle East and Northern Africa. Go Greece go, do it to yourself! Who knew? They asked for bailout, now got more eating mouths who want them dead? Nice.
'Schengen will break down in 10 days if no solution for migrant crisis immediately found' said EU commissioner for migration and citizenship D. Avramopoulos to the media today,
From today's news, at report say that only couple of days remain to the date of announced ceasefire in Syria.
After the deadline will be clear which side intends to continue fighting.
GOP debate started, I'm watching. I never watch cuckoo -cnn.
At 9:45 Cruz is getting on my nerve. His aggressive overreaching gestures, his squeaky voice (like a rubber toy), he acts like a clown trying to play a prosecutor.
Trump just said that he'll dissolve DoE, because all education should be local.
[Oh my God, it's so overdue. They should stop the teaching of fraudulent subject like "education about education," which in simple words means "teacher's colleges."
Now they're asking Trump about his taxes, he says that he's constantly being audited and when IRS will finish its work for this year, he'll submit his.
[I heard Romney said something against trump. I don't want to repeat it, but should I meet that bozo in person I'd ask him to harry up and make sure his household garbage is taken out. Remember his wife said he's the one taking the garbage out? Yes, that's what I'm talking about.]
There is another clown - Huue-huu-huwitt asking Qs. A long while ago I listened to his show couple of times. Do you know what I remember from it? He said "my issues have issues." That's all I remember.
I feel like Trump is on defensive in this ring of hyenas. When Cruz is overreaching he should be defensive of his territory. He should stare and shout back at him, if needed. I feel he needs to do it.
He's getting the most Qs. Why? Why they don't ask one by one to each of them.
10:11pm they're asking about Israel, Trump says he always was a big supporter and donor and if he can bring peace he will. ice-cream man says that Trump's stance is counterproductive and peace can not be done. OK, fine, but he hasn't help with anything (even with an ice-cream cone) beside the lip-service, isn't he? Now kasich is saying that he'll do regime change in north Korea.
Now Carson says that we have to get rid of IRS.
Now #3 size shoe woof-woof asking Trump about Syria and the ceasefire brokered by US and RF.
He says he's not backing it, because not all the sides involved in conflict are participating in that deal and we see already that it's not working. [Wow, how much he knows about it? Who is consulting him? Ceasefire starts at Feb. 27th, at noon. How did he see it's not working.
To me personally, RF should not stop, it should finish when it finds appropriate. If the ceasefire won't work, it won't work for Russia's advantage. You got to mold the metal hot. That's what I'm saying.]
Cuckoo kasich just said that we have to arm Ukrainians in order to act like Americans. Did you see how he threw his hands to the air and got applause? Oh my, oh, my.
Mr. Trump is a little tense, he should be more relaxed, those hyenas are attacking him left and right.
He said "this is fun" at last. Now the Q is Apple vs. FBI.
There is a Spanish cute face lady on the moderator's chair, I never have seen her before. She's asking Trump why not a wall along the Canadian border comparing it to Mexican border, [which is intellectually dishonest.]
If she can hardly read with that breaking voice and accent, I must be streamed live 24/7 to entire planet.
Now; Puerto Rico wants $72 Billion debt to be let go by bankruptcy? I didn't even know about it.
Ice-cream man said NO (good for him, he made a good point).
Trump made a closing statement saying that nobody knows politicians better than him. Hallelujah.
Now he's with Chris Cuomo talking about the debate, saying that he enjoyed it. Calling ice-cream man a choke artist, saying that we can't afford to have someone like that. Also apparently ice-cream man sweats like raining dogs and cats. It means he has some neurological disorder if not a serious disease. I just learned what choke artist is.
Can you try to figure it out what that condition might be and talk about it on your show?
Cruz is wrapping up his "thoughts" about the debate, but I can't listen to that man's voice.
I'm serious. There is something very peculiar about his face, mimics, gestures, voice, intonations of it, etc. I do not trust that man. Something negative jumps up out of him.
My final thought on this debate; a bunch of hyenas were attacking 5 people in the middle of circus and the real player who run over all of them was the Trump the Tiger.
I came out with a name, see? ********************************************************
Do you believe that when Cruz was running for senate Trump donated $5 000 to his campaign?
Cruz brought it up, like he was the one who was taking the credit and he was the one who mentioned the amount. Isn't it something?
Carson was mistreated that's for sure. He wasn't given enough Qs. The vermin were shooting at 3 in the middle. That Anderson Cooper really aged, look at him. I hadn't seen him fr a long time.
Verminic yahoo put a photoshop with Trump and ice-cream man next to each other, portraying Trump at defensive gesture with red face while IC-rubio as if cool, calm and smiling. What a shame for the rats in main stream media. Trump must have his own network. Why would he go on this circuses? Times are so changed. All these debates are archaic way of doing business anyway. This only makes money for the vermin, this do not inform average person. It's a shame. No class, no intellectual honesty, just a sick talk of politicians who say memorized lines while getting paid for not working in their offices, Trump didn't need to waste his time and drag his big family into this to comply with this low way of doing business. ************************************************
They still asking him about taxes, What kind of s..t is this? He should just ignore. More he explains,
more they ask him about the same thing over and over. They like pimps for ratings. Oh, my, now he's on another panel. A lady on this panel is looking at him like she wants piece of him, she looks exactly like bloody-megyn in brown skin. Nice.
Apparently aunt-annie's garbage takeing hubby was twitting during the debate keep asking about Trumps taxes. When he was running he released his in Sep. 21st, today is Feb. 25th, why is he burning his behind?
Papa Bush was in audience on his wheelchair, did you see? Why did he go there, his son wasn't on the stage anymore? Maybe for the entertainment.
Ted Cruz can not win simply becasue he's a fraud to taxpayer already. He should be conducting his senatorial duties instead of going for interviews for another job. Campaigning and debating is the job interview for president, sin't it? In what other job you can be a no-show and still get paid? 11:55pm
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 23rd, Tuesday
I listened part of the show only. You were talking about O letting people with all sorts of nasty diseases into the country. I have a guess why is he doing it but I can't put it in here.
ClosingGitmo is another thing.
I believe they should keep them all together, not spreading around into different jails and put them in Alaska. Pork should be a must on the menu. I'd give them raw like Derek Nance eats it. That's all.
You said that yesterday you took only one call and wanted to take many calls today. Then you said that to have regular callers is not a good idea. It depends/ With me you could cover many different topics. By saying "regular" you mean the same mentality applied to the same or similar topics.
I don't like to call anyway, it's a nerve racking experience.
Today is the day of Homeland Defender, in short it's the Men's Day. Because military service was mandatory, everybody had a defender in their family. We gave gifts to brothers, fathers, husbands, etc. Feb. 23rd was and is like our Father's Day in here and March 8 was and is Mother's Day.
It's a festive day in there; with parade, concerts, athletic competitions, going out for dinner, to discotheque, visiting each other, etc.
At you'll see what happened in Moscow.
Putin received the parade, put a wreath on the Monument of Unknown Soldier in Alexander's Garden. Despite bad weather caused by yesterday's blizzard, people came out to participate in celebrations, allies, marches and festivals.
Minister of Culture opened a monument to military doctors and nurses.
Minister of Health Veronica Skvortsova said that medical instructors (corps) on the front lines had the shortlist lives - 40 second. They knew that most likely they won't make it alive. They made miracles, though.
There were some trophy and contemporary military machinery on display on the streets where people could watch and kids could play on them. 150 military service families got the keys to their apartments in Saratov region. The end of the day was marked by more than 10 000 fireworks in the hero cities around the country.
[I miss those things.]
Top commander Sergei Shoigu via videoconferencing addressed Russian forces working in Syria and congratulated them for their holiday, at Song and dance group of Black Sea Fleet entertained them with singer Alex Rosenbaum.
At Moscow and Washington agreed on ceasefire in Syria in result of which many displaced people are going and will be able to go back to their homes.
[This is a 10 min. clip, you have to watch it all.]
Here, at you'll see some people from freed villages of Homs are already returning.
[It's so nice to see people find each other and try to renovate their homes and put together the pieces of their broken lives. It's like getting new lease on life. This made me emotional.]
In Cuba, the elder brother of Castros' Ramon Castro is dead at 92. [boo-hoo!]
Potato face ketchup-kerry said that Russia's role is essential in resolving Syrian conflict, but US has a "mysterious" Plan-B, which might be the partitioning of the territory, if planned ceasefire at Feb. 27 fails to hold, at
Slashings are up in NYC subway and Guardian Angels are back on the patrolling the system. Even RT covered it. He calls the mayor and the Police Commissioner 'delusional' and in 'medically induced psychosis.' [Good job Curtis!] He also has a group in Moscow.
I listened part of the show only. You were talking about O letting people with all sorts of nasty diseases into the country. I have a guess why is he doing it but I can't put it in here.
ClosingGitmo is another thing.
I believe they should keep them all together, not spreading around into different jails and put them in Alaska. Pork should be a must on the menu. I'd give them raw like Derek Nance eats it. That's all.
You said that yesterday you took only one call and wanted to take many calls today. Then you said that to have regular callers is not a good idea. It depends/ With me you could cover many different topics. By saying "regular" you mean the same mentality applied to the same or similar topics.
I don't like to call anyway, it's a nerve racking experience.
Today is the day of Homeland Defender, in short it's the Men's Day. Because military service was mandatory, everybody had a defender in their family. We gave gifts to brothers, fathers, husbands, etc. Feb. 23rd was and is like our Father's Day in here and March 8 was and is Mother's Day.
It's a festive day in there; with parade, concerts, athletic competitions, going out for dinner, to discotheque, visiting each other, etc.
At you'll see what happened in Moscow.
Putin received the parade, put a wreath on the Monument of Unknown Soldier in Alexander's Garden. Despite bad weather caused by yesterday's blizzard, people came out to participate in celebrations, allies, marches and festivals.
Minister of Culture opened a monument to military doctors and nurses.
Minister of Health Veronica Skvortsova said that medical instructors (corps) on the front lines had the shortlist lives - 40 second. They knew that most likely they won't make it alive. They made miracles, though.
There were some trophy and contemporary military machinery on display on the streets where people could watch and kids could play on them. 150 military service families got the keys to their apartments in Saratov region. The end of the day was marked by more than 10 000 fireworks in the hero cities around the country.
[I miss those things.]
Top commander Sergei Shoigu via videoconferencing addressed Russian forces working in Syria and congratulated them for their holiday, at Song and dance group of Black Sea Fleet entertained them with singer Alex Rosenbaum.
At Moscow and Washington agreed on ceasefire in Syria in result of which many displaced people are going and will be able to go back to their homes.
[This is a 10 min. clip, you have to watch it all.]
Here, at you'll see some people from freed villages of Homs are already returning.
[It's so nice to see people find each other and try to renovate their homes and put together the pieces of their broken lives. It's like getting new lease on life. This made me emotional.]
In Cuba, the elder brother of Castros' Ramon Castro is dead at 92. [boo-hoo!]
Potato face ketchup-kerry said that Russia's role is essential in resolving Syrian conflict, but US has a "mysterious" Plan-B, which might be the partitioning of the territory, if planned ceasefire at Feb. 27 fails to hold, at
Slashings are up in NYC subway and Guardian Angels are back on the patrolling the system. Even RT covered it. He calls the mayor and the Police Commissioner 'delusional' and in 'medically induced psychosis.' [Good job Curtis!] He also has a group in Moscow.
Monday, February 22, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 22, Monday
I heard part of the second hour only. You were boiling. That's one heck of a grueling job you have.
See what's going on on dem's side? I love it. Sanders winning, the-hilarious getting all the delegates. Nice... That is a super delegate? Aren't they all lobbyists?
Years ago on TV they showed a 21 undergraduate student of CU and said he was a "super-delegate."
On who's neck that monkey was sitting is steal boggling my mind.
I had a hard weekend. You should see it to believe it. You should see my life in NYC and what TV is showing at the same time to get the whole picture. They show just exactly opposite of the reality.
The good news was that Jeb dropped out. Trump won SC!
P. spoke with O and agreed on ceasefire on Syria from Feb. 27th.
See what happens. Not good for Russia to give into any American proposal. O is just saving vermanic lives by giving them more time to multiply. That's all, that how I see it.
P says that attacks on .S.L and some such will continue. I wonder if he's going to ask O which ones are they? He says there will be a working group of experts exchanging info, a hotline giving info. about the situation on the grounds in different areas, etc., at
P looks and sounds too optimistic to me.
In the meantime big-turk announced that he'll reserve the right to decide who are the t.r.r.sts and who're the "good" guys. For him Kurds are t.r.r.sts too and he'll not refrain from killing them.
So long.
I heard part of the second hour only. You were boiling. That's one heck of a grueling job you have.
See what's going on on dem's side? I love it. Sanders winning, the-hilarious getting all the delegates. Nice... That is a super delegate? Aren't they all lobbyists?
Years ago on TV they showed a 21 undergraduate student of CU and said he was a "super-delegate."
On who's neck that monkey was sitting is steal boggling my mind.
I had a hard weekend. You should see it to believe it. You should see my life in NYC and what TV is showing at the same time to get the whole picture. They show just exactly opposite of the reality.
The good news was that Jeb dropped out. Trump won SC!
P. spoke with O and agreed on ceasefire on Syria from Feb. 27th.
See what happens. Not good for Russia to give into any American proposal. O is just saving vermanic lives by giving them more time to multiply. That's all, that how I see it.
P says that attacks on .S.L and some such will continue. I wonder if he's going to ask O which ones are they? He says there will be a working group of experts exchanging info, a hotline giving info. about the situation on the grounds in different areas, etc., at
P looks and sounds too optimistic to me.
In the meantime big-turk announced that he'll reserve the right to decide who are the t.r.r.sts and who're the "good" guys. For him Kurds are t.r.r.sts too and he'll not refrain from killing them.
So long.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 18th, Thursday
Wee hours of the morning.
I couldn't listen to you yesterday. Was too busy. I liked when your show started at 9pm ET. 3pm is in the middle of the day, very hard to listen all the time.
Yesterday's int'l news from Europe is at
Putin and Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban met in Moscow and talked about economy, specifically anti- Russian sanctions. Discussed the project of building 2 new nuclear power reactors in Hungary with the help of Russian specialists. This project will cost $12 B, 80% of which will be loan from RF to HU. Putin said that they're ready to fulfill this promise.
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Wee hours of the morning.
I couldn't listen to you yesterday. Was too busy. I liked when your show started at 9pm ET. 3pm is in the middle of the day, very hard to listen all the time.
Yesterday's int'l news from Europe is at
Putin and Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban met in Moscow and talked about economy, specifically anti- Russian sanctions. Discussed the project of building 2 new nuclear power reactors in Hungary with the help of Russian specialists. This project will cost $12 B, 80% of which will be loan from RF to HU. Putin said that they're ready to fulfill this promise.
Russian nuclear technologies used by Hungary, provide about 40 percent of electricity. Commissioning of new units will double this figure. "Hungary will continue this cooperation," said Orban.
100's of militants crossed the border from Turkey to Syria heading toward city of Azaz near Aleppo, at
At you'll read that British cuckoos working in defense business of that country played stupid by taking off and "escorting" Russian Strategic bombers -TU-160s in in the air on their ways from Northern Sea to south. Why did they do it. Happened to be they don't know either. Their officials announced that Russian air-crafts didn't not cross the UK's airspace. ??????
Ukrainian cuckoos in Rada have nothing to do but change the names of whole bunch of cities, towns, villages, monuments, etc. They had to work to amend their constitution in December of last year according the order of their EU and US maters. Apparently, instead of doing most important thing for their survival (Russia is waiting for it) they're busy with self-entertainment. mw
Official report about this is at
Official report about this is at
In the meantime, Canadians stopped bombing .S.L in Iraq and Syria, at
Kurdish commander said that they have proof that Turkey is backing .S.L., at
Also Turkey wants a 10 km line in Syria, at
Some cuckoo by the name jeffCohen, a so called "journalism professor" (sounds like a double sh.t) in Ithaca College (anybody heard of that one?) was on RT with another anti-american self-hating Th.mHartm.nn who has a show at RT called "The big picture."
I wonder who gives this lowlife a psychotherapy? I can, but don't believe he can afford it! It's going
going to be on my highest scale. He needs medications for sure. Only talk is not going to do it. Progressive and psychotic together is a hardest case to put up with.
I don't know why RT is giving time for these type of garbage of humanity. It's not good.
If Trump becomes the President and I'm his media adviser, I'll send their lawsuit to Kremlin.
Did Trump do a 2 hour town meeting on msnbc? Good for him. It burned lots of a..holes!
I'm going to find it, oh, wait, here, I found it, but not the whole thing intact.
They dissected it in small parts, this is part 1 at
I wonder if they cut anything out? I don't trust msnbc, Never, ever watch it, look what that creature called mika-brrrrrrz and her father stand for.
I understand Trump has to talk to everybody, use every forum he can get.
When I'll watch all of 2 hours, I'll comment on it.
This one is a beauty; in Kiev a prosecutor tried to bribe an official of National Anti-Corruption Bureau to get higher position there with $10 000; at
[Biden is running that country, maybe he should explain what anti-corruption means? Oh, sorry, I forgot, his son is "working" there hidden under the daddy's umbrella.]
Turkish warplanes bombed northern Kurdish military camps in northern Iraq.
Kurdish military leader said that he has no idea who was behind the bombing in Ankara previously.
It seems like in a day after Ankara bombing there was another one in southeastern Turkey, which killed 7 soldiers.
During the day Ukrainian thugs shelled Lugansk 3 times. Nobody is paying attention to those poor, deprived people who live in southeastern Ukraine. Gunfire resumed in there. Those people have no jobs, no food, are in cold in their own homes on their own land where they lived 1000 years and worked decades in hazardous jobs like mining.
Instead O went somewhere and let his mouth loose saying that he thinks that Trump will not be the president of the US. Trump answered beautifully; he said that O did a lousy job and should he run 4 years ago, he would be one term President. !!!
On twitter a saw a few pics from Syria where .S.L and Turkish flags are hanging side by side. Anything else you want to know?
It's 5am and can't get off this thing. News is pouring in from twitter and other sources and and can't put everything in here.
Putin condemned attack in Ankara.
EU leaders are to meet for 18 and 19, where Deutsche-tran's fate can be decided. I can't wait to see that witch go.
I really do not expect much logic from those low-lives who left no country for their own children.
What do you expect? If they did it to their own, what can they do to Russia or American should they get a chance. No one among those unwashed likes America and Americans. All the BSing and picture taking is a phony fake front game. I see them thought and through.
It's 6:30am and I'm still up.
Computer screen ate a lot of eyesight of mine during the last a few years. And all I did was for free, from my heart, as a good Samaritan and a caring citizen of this country.
I feel I'm ready to go public, especially if that can help Mr. Trump. We have no choice besides him.
I watched couple of programs on public TV last night and the whole things goes from bizarre to absurd. I can also say from ... let me stop here, let's start from nice and calm words like bizarre and absurd, they sound more innocent than the real I have in mind.
I don't have time to go to I just need to take some parts covering only Trump and put in there. So far I kept that blog light.
So long.
Some cuckoo by the name jeffCohen, a so called "journalism professor" (sounds like a double sh.t) in Ithaca College (anybody heard of that one?) was on RT with another anti-american self-hating Th.mHartm.nn who has a show at RT called "The big picture."
I wonder who gives this lowlife a psychotherapy? I can, but don't believe he can afford it! It's going
going to be on my highest scale. He needs medications for sure. Only talk is not going to do it. Progressive and psychotic together is a hardest case to put up with.
I don't know why RT is giving time for these type of garbage of humanity. It's not good.
If Trump becomes the President and I'm his media adviser, I'll send their lawsuit to Kremlin.
Did Trump do a 2 hour town meeting on msnbc? Good for him. It burned lots of a..holes!
I'm going to find it, oh, wait, here, I found it, but not the whole thing intact.
They dissected it in small parts, this is part 1 at
I wonder if they cut anything out? I don't trust msnbc, Never, ever watch it, look what that creature called mika-brrrrrrz and her father stand for.
I understand Trump has to talk to everybody, use every forum he can get.
When I'll watch all of 2 hours, I'll comment on it.
This one is a beauty; in Kiev a prosecutor tried to bribe an official of National Anti-Corruption Bureau to get higher position there with $10 000; at
[Biden is running that country, maybe he should explain what anti-corruption means? Oh, sorry, I forgot, his son is "working" there hidden under the daddy's umbrella.]
Turkish warplanes bombed northern Kurdish military camps in northern Iraq.
Kurdish military leader said that he has no idea who was behind the bombing in Ankara previously.
It seems like in a day after Ankara bombing there was another one in southeastern Turkey, which killed 7 soldiers.
During the day Ukrainian thugs shelled Lugansk 3 times. Nobody is paying attention to those poor, deprived people who live in southeastern Ukraine. Gunfire resumed in there. Those people have no jobs, no food, are in cold in their own homes on their own land where they lived 1000 years and worked decades in hazardous jobs like mining.
Instead O went somewhere and let his mouth loose saying that he thinks that Trump will not be the president of the US. Trump answered beautifully; he said that O did a lousy job and should he run 4 years ago, he would be one term President. !!!
On twitter a saw a few pics from Syria where .S.L and Turkish flags are hanging side by side. Anything else you want to know?
It's 5am and can't get off this thing. News is pouring in from twitter and other sources and and can't put everything in here.
Putin condemned attack in Ankara.
EU leaders are to meet for 18 and 19, where Deutsche-tran's fate can be decided. I can't wait to see that witch go.
I really do not expect much logic from those low-lives who left no country for their own children.
What do you expect? If they did it to their own, what can they do to Russia or American should they get a chance. No one among those unwashed likes America and Americans. All the BSing and picture taking is a phony fake front game. I see them thought and through.
It's 6:30am and I'm still up.
Computer screen ate a lot of eyesight of mine during the last a few years. And all I did was for free, from my heart, as a good Samaritan and a caring citizen of this country.
I feel I'm ready to go public, especially if that can help Mr. Trump. We have no choice besides him.
I watched couple of programs on public TV last night and the whole things goes from bizarre to absurd. I can also say from ... let me stop here, let's start from nice and calm words like bizarre and absurd, they sound more innocent than the real I have in mind.
I don't have time to go to I just need to take some parts covering only Trump and put in there. So far I kept that blog light.
So long.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 16th, Tuesday
I listened all 3 hours of your show today. You were fuming about Justice Scalia's mysterious death.
It smelled a rot right away. As soon as I heard about the pillow, unwrinkled bed sheets and no autopsy decision, a judge talking to marshal, then asking his doctor to call her, etc... You don't need to have any education to comprehend, you need a common sense to guess. Too many illogical things in one place at the same time with a figure like that.
Today I've got more Qs than yesterday. Let's start from the bottom line and figure out the answer to this fundamental Q about his position in this society. We can ask this about anyone.
Let's start from me, so the reader don't think that I do not have right to ask the following Q.
I'm a private individual and if I have a placard on my wall saying "no matter what happens to me, when, how, and in which circumstances I might die, I prohibit to have an autopsy on me," then it should be taken as a last wish and leave me alone, if there is nothing looks suspicious and nobody rises any questions about unusual circumstance around the event, - my wish should be respected.
Let me say it again; I'm a private individual, which is a totally different thing.
So let's do this for him;
1. Was he a private individual or a public persons? This MUST be determined first.
2. Did he have a will telling he did not what autopsy "no matter when and how he dies"?
Where is it? Don't you think a judge would know how to write a last wish?
Let's say, we found out (which is next to impossible, if you ask me), from his lawyer son or the wife or from entire family's statement that he personally did not comment on it in writing and left it to family to decide, then we'll respect family's wishes.
3. If his status as a person considered "public" (because of his sensitive and high ranking position) then whatever he said or his family says should NOT matter. OUR opinion matters and should be respected! He was our servant, he was in the business of "public service." We owe him to find out how he died and if there was a foul play.
4. Are any suspicions about a foul play involved? Yessir! Without any doubt. Too many people would benefit from his death.
a) In his career he dealt with vicious and powerful people's cases or cases which could effects the profits (huge at that, such a in Billions of $s), which happened with green-gang already, which might happened with union's case before him and who knows what types and how many else.
You, Dr. Savage, should put the list of cases in front of the court and underline his role in deciding those.
b) In his personal life he has too many who would benefit from his death starting from his own family. Yes I said it, didn't I?
Oh, you would say how dare I thinking that? Well, I don't know them and should I'd ask all these Qs to them. Even if I'd know them, where is death involved - there must be "trust, but verify." We can not bring that man back to talk to us to clarify, so why family is not doing it for themselves and for all of us who care about that man's demise?
5. His children, and any other children of that type of achieved father, will benefit financially, wouldn't they? Is it too ugly to ask? Whoever says "it is" is not being honest from the get go. Secondly, they if they think the rest of us live in a dark and do not have minds, are thinking stupid and acting sickly.
6. If that man was sickly so badly that it was natural for him to stop breathing at any moment, why his "lovely" wife was not by his side?
7. By being married too many years necessarily means people "love" each other and are not "tired" of their bondage called marriage. Who has the proof that in this particular case marriage didn't became bondage for that couple?
How many examples of old people who were married and tired of each other when one killed the other or created a circumstance for it needs to brought up to raise "reasonable doubt" and establish a valid case for suspicion?
7. His children, 9 of them, some might be lawyers themselves (I'm guessing) agreed on everything with him? He agreed with all the "choices" each and every one of them made in their personal and professional lives?
Hmmm, let me itch the top of my head.... I'm still thinking.
Your father argued with you and told you all sorts of negative, disappointing and discouraging things, (although you seemed never had been a stupid or troubled kid), why would you think that he did not the same to his kids? Oh, I'm sorry, he should be an angelic father? We don't know that, do we?
All his kids were born like angels and did only angelic things? Maybe, I'm not sure. But I'm not sure if they acted as angels all their lives, either. Do you?
Who knows where the jealousy, the resentment, the competitive nature in any of them consciously or subconsciously contributed to circumstances surrounding his really, seriously mysterious death.
8. After this outcry from many of us who care and are in their normal minds, his family is going to wake up and understand that this is not going to go away and they better do something to put this to rest sooner than later and order autopsy?
As time goes by, as deep my suspicion goes. Yes. a-ha. If they cremate the body, that's it, that would be a proof of cover up. In this time, late in the evening I'm not sure what they have done with the body. I'll check and comment on it later.
But, let me mark down that I'll come back to this topic and bring examples of real stories of perfect crimes that took only pure accidents to raise suspicion and a long time to crock the cases. One of them I saw just last night on TV. ******************************************************
16 years old Marie Robards was an excellent student, a beautiful girl. a dream for every parent and teacher. In 1993 she killed her 38 years old father by poisoning him. Guess what? Autopsy result founded that he got a heart attack. Isn't it "natural?" If someone gets heart or any other failure in any age, should it or shouldn't it considered "natural." What does it mean "natural?"
OK, let me answer; "no foul play" right? But wait; if word foul must be used in every occasion, then what's the "not foul" and why?
I have known a 104 year old who didn't not have a diet and din't have medications. Only thing she was using were her eye drops. She was doing it herself and didn't want me to help. She died in UWS of Manhattan with her housekeeper by her side. When I found out I went there and everybody said that there was an ambulance and the police when they took the body out.
She was not the only one. Every time someone dies in NYC police suppose to arrive and do a standard procedure. I had a neighbor who used to be head lawyer for NYC. He was retired for many years, he had variety of health issues, but when he died in his apartment alone (super found him in a few hours, because hey would check on him every day), his apartment was sealed and treated as a crime seen for weeks before before it was proven otherwise.
Every death suppose to be treated as a crime, before it proven otherwise. Not the other way around.
9. Does Texas have a different approach than NY? To me, at least for a person of the caliber like a Justice, it should not.
10. Shouldn't his stature demand that public knowledge of his death and erasing any doubts from it should overrun honoring of any religious, family and personal will?
I think it should. This is getting worse by the day. Screw Fox, - they're low-lives, screw main stream garbage, - they're nobodies, who else is left? US, the people, we, who care and have hearts and still working minds. That's all.
He should be prohibited to be cremated, autopsied with more than one or two local cuckoos who can be bought out or pressured, all the internal organs and relevant tissues preserved for further examinations and tests for many years to come. Those cells and tissues should be tested not only here but also in other countries, which are advanced in medicine and might have different/better equipment.
Local coroners often don't have latest and most expensive equipment.
Like in above mentioned Robards case, coroner saw the reason of death - a heart attack, but didn't have the machine which costs $150 000 and only is in certain labs, which detects poison in tissues.
Heart attack can be the reason that heart stops working, but it is not the cause, it's the final condition of the chain reaction in events happened inside the body. The poison, which attributed to heart attack was the cause, not the heart attack.
You know what I'm talking about and I hope who reads this also finds this very simple.
Let me put in other words for those who didn't study science like you and are not medical nurses like myself; Cause is a general name of chain of events accruing inside the human body, not a name of the condition of any given second. Cause goes in stages like 1-2-3-4-5-6- etc. It can start as simple of jealousy or the joy of killing, as simple as that. Anyone thinks I'm exaggerating should watch channel Escape's documentaries. They are real cases which are already tried and closed.
Can you believe that a nice looking, young, personable, hard working pediatric nurse can poison and kill little babies in emergency room of a big hospital? Can you believe that entire medical personnel becomes so used to that they laugh saying "if baby dies, it should be on Genene Jones shift?" and do not do anything to investigate why? She worked in hospital for many years before moving to a small town clinic where almost every other kid was dropping dead after she was touches them, when the doctor, the parent and others are around. She would escort a baby in ambulance to hospital and manage to inject the poor thing in the car too and finally finish her! They say she killed up to 46 kids. Of course that number is lower than the reality. Not every parent maybe until now found out about this vermin and her demonic work or some don't want to go through type of pain of going thought the pain of loosing a child again. It will require exhumation in every case; what if after such gruesome event body is deteriorated? Then what? And, for those cremated, - forget about it!
11. Why would I trust Scalia's doctor? Who is he/she? Am i obligated to trust anyone who went to some stupid place and passed the test? There is no test to check the presence or the degree of presence of eval in human. Having a degree or a certain job is not a proof for having an angelic soul.' That's it, end of this story for today.
Let's go to Int'l, shall we?
I heard the part of O's speech on your show. Didn't hear the whole thing.
You heard that he called people who fight against Assad "folks," remember?
Shouldn't it be an "a-ha" moment for all of us - the thinking people? Isn't it another sign like going to masque? How many signs this man has to show for American people to get sober and come to realization of reality?
Check at
I can go step by step on this too, as I did above, but don't have time for it.
It started in 2008 when he put his picture wearing an imam garb in Kenya, Africa (in "his native country" as his wife said publicly) on his campaign website. No matter how many Qs and how much suspicion it rose, he did NOT take it off. he made sure they GET IT!
2. How come Arab world contributed to his run 100's of Millions of $s? Do you think they would give you something or anything if you run? How much and why not?
As son as he was elected he gave his first interview to Al-Jazeera not The View, where he was hanging with "ladies" and being entertained alright. The old woman called his father "dashing" while licking her fake lips and trying to smile like a saliva dripping poppy and bagging rounded eyes.
3. He went to Saudi that prays for the demise of this nation every day, 5 times a day and received a
golden chain with gems on his neck "like a rap artist from the promoter" as you rightfully called it.
That is the talisman, it's the symbol of the bond between father and son. That what father gives to his son to continue his blood, his gene, his dynasty, his reign, his work, his agenda, his power, his name, his tradition and so on.
Even in Europe, if you see a President's inauguration (I saw Nicolas Sarkozy's), you'll see that they bring a necklace in a box and leave there for admiration, which was belong to, I guess, Napoleon.
It's not for wearing, it belongs to museum, it just being there for his swearing ceremony as a reminder of the same massage; - continue my work.
4. Freudian slip of the tongue saying: "myMuslim faith" on TV with Horhay Stephenopopopopolous, remember?
Who would confuse his faith so easily? He didn't even realized, he did not correct himself, Horhay corrected him and he didn't even change, he didn't correct himself even after Popopolous did, he did NOT say "sorry I've got confused."
This list can go on and on. Who knows what else he says to whom, where, when, how and why.
We can not possibly find out.
Come to NYC, go to any Muslim street vendor and ask what he thinks about him. They all believed he was one of them, - all, even those who I know for decades. Some become disappointed after he started marching on the first line of you know who and started calling him some low names.
Qaddafi also very proudly and firmly (with warning tone of "be careful" and waging a finger) said "our son is in WH!" You know why "our son?" Q; Who was he? An African Muslim! Why their son? Because they believed made him who he was! He was their doer, their continuation, their "little" tribesman who finally got the throne and the treasure chest.
The whole thing together had one message by asking one Q: "Who is your daddy now? I am your daddy now, - you the American people, do you hear me? look at my finger! And, the rest of the world coming after that, should get it right away. Capish?
O is not jealous of EU, he controls EU, he can't stand Russian, because it conducts independent policy, wants or demands to be partner not a subordinate and is rules by a strong white, christian, faith practicing man who is more popular than him in his country. It's a no-no for his psyche. Still mostly white Christian people in the biggest country of the world and is not under his whimsical control? Whoo-whoo-whoo, it should not be happening. As soon as they see or hear him they must thing he's a special creature and should treat him like an almighty.
If he doesn't get that feeling they must not be good or right, so let's destroy them; 1st with words, then with money and then with weapons.
First 2 he already archived, he is working on the 3rd one, which can backfire on all of us.
You should listen today's interview with Dr. Cohen. he is the only one who knows what he's talking about. He knows the history, speaks the language, visits Russian periodically, listens and sees the other side of the story. The bad thing he did, in my opinion, is vote for him for 2 times. I don't know if he regrets now. He has children and grandchildren.
Today RF, Qatar, Saudi and Venezuela representatives came together and talked oil,
at To stabilize the extremely low price in int'l markets they suggested to halt production in some cases and for some time. Saudis were thinking to cut it for 5%, but said that it's not the time yet.
Look, they covered a part of last debate when Mr. Trump blamed JebBush for being a front man for lobbyists and his approach to relations with RF, at
Low-energy-man said that Russia can not be our natural ally. Mr. trump said "we're spending Billions in Syria on people who we don't have idea about."
[I feel that all my letters sent to all the major Russian TV networks are not gone in vain, thank God!]
On the good note, look at this at and tell me; if a tiger and a goat can get along, why Americans and Russian can not?
In Russian zoo tiger Amur and goat Timur met again after a brief separation.
Remind you that goat was given to tiger for dinner, but the latter decided to play with him, instead of eating him.
Even a wild animal like a tiger can have unnatural to him emotions and go against his natural survival need such as eating. Why humans like O can't use their intellect for their very own survival, especially those who have children?
So long.
I listened all 3 hours of your show today. You were fuming about Justice Scalia's mysterious death.
It smelled a rot right away. As soon as I heard about the pillow, unwrinkled bed sheets and no autopsy decision, a judge talking to marshal, then asking his doctor to call her, etc... You don't need to have any education to comprehend, you need a common sense to guess. Too many illogical things in one place at the same time with a figure like that.
Today I've got more Qs than yesterday. Let's start from the bottom line and figure out the answer to this fundamental Q about his position in this society. We can ask this about anyone.
Let's start from me, so the reader don't think that I do not have right to ask the following Q.
I'm a private individual and if I have a placard on my wall saying "no matter what happens to me, when, how, and in which circumstances I might die, I prohibit to have an autopsy on me," then it should be taken as a last wish and leave me alone, if there is nothing looks suspicious and nobody rises any questions about unusual circumstance around the event, - my wish should be respected.
Let me say it again; I'm a private individual, which is a totally different thing.
So let's do this for him;
1. Was he a private individual or a public persons? This MUST be determined first.
2. Did he have a will telling he did not what autopsy "no matter when and how he dies"?
Where is it? Don't you think a judge would know how to write a last wish?
Let's say, we found out (which is next to impossible, if you ask me), from his lawyer son or the wife or from entire family's statement that he personally did not comment on it in writing and left it to family to decide, then we'll respect family's wishes.
3. If his status as a person considered "public" (because of his sensitive and high ranking position) then whatever he said or his family says should NOT matter. OUR opinion matters and should be respected! He was our servant, he was in the business of "public service." We owe him to find out how he died and if there was a foul play.
4. Are any suspicions about a foul play involved? Yessir! Without any doubt. Too many people would benefit from his death.
a) In his career he dealt with vicious and powerful people's cases or cases which could effects the profits (huge at that, such a in Billions of $s), which happened with green-gang already, which might happened with union's case before him and who knows what types and how many else.
You, Dr. Savage, should put the list of cases in front of the court and underline his role in deciding those.
b) In his personal life he has too many who would benefit from his death starting from his own family. Yes I said it, didn't I?
Oh, you would say how dare I thinking that? Well, I don't know them and should I'd ask all these Qs to them. Even if I'd know them, where is death involved - there must be "trust, but verify." We can not bring that man back to talk to us to clarify, so why family is not doing it for themselves and for all of us who care about that man's demise?
5. His children, and any other children of that type of achieved father, will benefit financially, wouldn't they? Is it too ugly to ask? Whoever says "it is" is not being honest from the get go. Secondly, they if they think the rest of us live in a dark and do not have minds, are thinking stupid and acting sickly.
6. If that man was sickly so badly that it was natural for him to stop breathing at any moment, why his "lovely" wife was not by his side?
7. By being married too many years necessarily means people "love" each other and are not "tired" of their bondage called marriage. Who has the proof that in this particular case marriage didn't became bondage for that couple?
How many examples of old people who were married and tired of each other when one killed the other or created a circumstance for it needs to brought up to raise "reasonable doubt" and establish a valid case for suspicion?
7. His children, 9 of them, some might be lawyers themselves (I'm guessing) agreed on everything with him? He agreed with all the "choices" each and every one of them made in their personal and professional lives?
Hmmm, let me itch the top of my head.... I'm still thinking.
Your father argued with you and told you all sorts of negative, disappointing and discouraging things, (although you seemed never had been a stupid or troubled kid), why would you think that he did not the same to his kids? Oh, I'm sorry, he should be an angelic father? We don't know that, do we?
All his kids were born like angels and did only angelic things? Maybe, I'm not sure. But I'm not sure if they acted as angels all their lives, either. Do you?
Who knows where the jealousy, the resentment, the competitive nature in any of them consciously or subconsciously contributed to circumstances surrounding his really, seriously mysterious death.
8. After this outcry from many of us who care and are in their normal minds, his family is going to wake up and understand that this is not going to go away and they better do something to put this to rest sooner than later and order autopsy?
As time goes by, as deep my suspicion goes. Yes. a-ha. If they cremate the body, that's it, that would be a proof of cover up. In this time, late in the evening I'm not sure what they have done with the body. I'll check and comment on it later.
But, let me mark down that I'll come back to this topic and bring examples of real stories of perfect crimes that took only pure accidents to raise suspicion and a long time to crock the cases. One of them I saw just last night on TV. ******************************************************
16 years old Marie Robards was an excellent student, a beautiful girl. a dream for every parent and teacher. In 1993 she killed her 38 years old father by poisoning him. Guess what? Autopsy result founded that he got a heart attack. Isn't it "natural?" If someone gets heart or any other failure in any age, should it or shouldn't it considered "natural." What does it mean "natural?"
OK, let me answer; "no foul play" right? But wait; if word foul must be used in every occasion, then what's the "not foul" and why?
I have known a 104 year old who didn't not have a diet and din't have medications. Only thing she was using were her eye drops. She was doing it herself and didn't want me to help. She died in UWS of Manhattan with her housekeeper by her side. When I found out I went there and everybody said that there was an ambulance and the police when they took the body out.
She was not the only one. Every time someone dies in NYC police suppose to arrive and do a standard procedure. I had a neighbor who used to be head lawyer for NYC. He was retired for many years, he had variety of health issues, but when he died in his apartment alone (super found him in a few hours, because hey would check on him every day), his apartment was sealed and treated as a crime seen for weeks before before it was proven otherwise.
Every death suppose to be treated as a crime, before it proven otherwise. Not the other way around.
9. Does Texas have a different approach than NY? To me, at least for a person of the caliber like a Justice, it should not.
10. Shouldn't his stature demand that public knowledge of his death and erasing any doubts from it should overrun honoring of any religious, family and personal will?
I think it should. This is getting worse by the day. Screw Fox, - they're low-lives, screw main stream garbage, - they're nobodies, who else is left? US, the people, we, who care and have hearts and still working minds. That's all.
He should be prohibited to be cremated, autopsied with more than one or two local cuckoos who can be bought out or pressured, all the internal organs and relevant tissues preserved for further examinations and tests for many years to come. Those cells and tissues should be tested not only here but also in other countries, which are advanced in medicine and might have different/better equipment.
Local coroners often don't have latest and most expensive equipment.
Like in above mentioned Robards case, coroner saw the reason of death - a heart attack, but didn't have the machine which costs $150 000 and only is in certain labs, which detects poison in tissues.
Heart attack can be the reason that heart stops working, but it is not the cause, it's the final condition of the chain reaction in events happened inside the body. The poison, which attributed to heart attack was the cause, not the heart attack.
You know what I'm talking about and I hope who reads this also finds this very simple.
Let me put in other words for those who didn't study science like you and are not medical nurses like myself; Cause is a general name of chain of events accruing inside the human body, not a name of the condition of any given second. Cause goes in stages like 1-2-3-4-5-6- etc. It can start as simple of jealousy or the joy of killing, as simple as that. Anyone thinks I'm exaggerating should watch channel Escape's documentaries. They are real cases which are already tried and closed.
Can you believe that a nice looking, young, personable, hard working pediatric nurse can poison and kill little babies in emergency room of a big hospital? Can you believe that entire medical personnel becomes so used to that they laugh saying "if baby dies, it should be on Genene Jones shift?" and do not do anything to investigate why? She worked in hospital for many years before moving to a small town clinic where almost every other kid was dropping dead after she was touches them, when the doctor, the parent and others are around. She would escort a baby in ambulance to hospital and manage to inject the poor thing in the car too and finally finish her! They say she killed up to 46 kids. Of course that number is lower than the reality. Not every parent maybe until now found out about this vermin and her demonic work or some don't want to go through type of pain of going thought the pain of loosing a child again. It will require exhumation in every case; what if after such gruesome event body is deteriorated? Then what? And, for those cremated, - forget about it!
11. Why would I trust Scalia's doctor? Who is he/she? Am i obligated to trust anyone who went to some stupid place and passed the test? There is no test to check the presence or the degree of presence of eval in human. Having a degree or a certain job is not a proof for having an angelic soul.' That's it, end of this story for today.
Let's go to Int'l, shall we?
I heard the part of O's speech on your show. Didn't hear the whole thing.
You heard that he called people who fight against Assad "folks," remember?
Shouldn't it be an "a-ha" moment for all of us - the thinking people? Isn't it another sign like going to masque? How many signs this man has to show for American people to get sober and come to realization of reality?
Check at
I can go step by step on this too, as I did above, but don't have time for it.
It started in 2008 when he put his picture wearing an imam garb in Kenya, Africa (in "his native country" as his wife said publicly) on his campaign website. No matter how many Qs and how much suspicion it rose, he did NOT take it off. he made sure they GET IT!
2. How come Arab world contributed to his run 100's of Millions of $s? Do you think they would give you something or anything if you run? How much and why not?
As son as he was elected he gave his first interview to Al-Jazeera not The View, where he was hanging with "ladies" and being entertained alright. The old woman called his father "dashing" while licking her fake lips and trying to smile like a saliva dripping poppy and bagging rounded eyes.
3. He went to Saudi that prays for the demise of this nation every day, 5 times a day and received a
golden chain with gems on his neck "like a rap artist from the promoter" as you rightfully called it.
That is the talisman, it's the symbol of the bond between father and son. That what father gives to his son to continue his blood, his gene, his dynasty, his reign, his work, his agenda, his power, his name, his tradition and so on.
Even in Europe, if you see a President's inauguration (I saw Nicolas Sarkozy's), you'll see that they bring a necklace in a box and leave there for admiration, which was belong to, I guess, Napoleon.
It's not for wearing, it belongs to museum, it just being there for his swearing ceremony as a reminder of the same massage; - continue my work.
4. Freudian slip of the tongue saying: "myMuslim faith" on TV with Horhay Stephenopopopopolous, remember?
Who would confuse his faith so easily? He didn't even realized, he did not correct himself, Horhay corrected him and he didn't even change, he didn't correct himself even after Popopolous did, he did NOT say "sorry I've got confused."
This list can go on and on. Who knows what else he says to whom, where, when, how and why.
We can not possibly find out.
Come to NYC, go to any Muslim street vendor and ask what he thinks about him. They all believed he was one of them, - all, even those who I know for decades. Some become disappointed after he started marching on the first line of you know who and started calling him some low names.
Qaddafi also very proudly and firmly (with warning tone of "be careful" and waging a finger) said "our son is in WH!" You know why "our son?" Q; Who was he? An African Muslim! Why their son? Because they believed made him who he was! He was their doer, their continuation, their "little" tribesman who finally got the throne and the treasure chest.
The whole thing together had one message by asking one Q: "Who is your daddy now? I am your daddy now, - you the American people, do you hear me? look at my finger! And, the rest of the world coming after that, should get it right away. Capish?
O is not jealous of EU, he controls EU, he can't stand Russian, because it conducts independent policy, wants or demands to be partner not a subordinate and is rules by a strong white, christian, faith practicing man who is more popular than him in his country. It's a no-no for his psyche. Still mostly white Christian people in the biggest country of the world and is not under his whimsical control? Whoo-whoo-whoo, it should not be happening. As soon as they see or hear him they must thing he's a special creature and should treat him like an almighty.
If he doesn't get that feeling they must not be good or right, so let's destroy them; 1st with words, then with money and then with weapons.
First 2 he already archived, he is working on the 3rd one, which can backfire on all of us.
You should listen today's interview with Dr. Cohen. he is the only one who knows what he's talking about. He knows the history, speaks the language, visits Russian periodically, listens and sees the other side of the story. The bad thing he did, in my opinion, is vote for him for 2 times. I don't know if he regrets now. He has children and grandchildren.
Today RF, Qatar, Saudi and Venezuela representatives came together and talked oil,
at To stabilize the extremely low price in int'l markets they suggested to halt production in some cases and for some time. Saudis were thinking to cut it for 5%, but said that it's not the time yet.
Look, they covered a part of last debate when Mr. Trump blamed JebBush for being a front man for lobbyists and his approach to relations with RF, at
Low-energy-man said that Russia can not be our natural ally. Mr. trump said "we're spending Billions in Syria on people who we don't have idea about."
[I feel that all my letters sent to all the major Russian TV networks are not gone in vain, thank God!]
On the good note, look at this at and tell me; if a tiger and a goat can get along, why Americans and Russian can not?
In Russian zoo tiger Amur and goat Timur met again after a brief separation.
Remind you that goat was given to tiger for dinner, but the latter decided to play with him, instead of eating him.
Even a wild animal like a tiger can have unnatural to him emotions and go against his natural survival need such as eating. Why humans like O can't use their intellect for their very own survival, especially those who have children?
So long.
Monday, February 15, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 15th, Monday
Happy George Washington's birthday.
You stated your show with a very familiar music to me which was used in one of the soviet films that I grew up with. I said to myself "oh, oh, there is a conspiracy and/or crime committed."
Although that movie is a comedy, but it was still about the thief, but a "good" thief. He was stealing and giving the money to orphans. You should watch it, it will warm your heart.
But... you were talking about the possible conspiracy in the death of Antonin Scalia. Of course, it's very suspicious. I had Qs right away, as soon as they said that he died of "natural causes," instead of usually naming the disease. After they said "heart attack." Then, they said that family didn't want to autopsy. ??? Why? maybe religious reasons? I could understand that if he's died in his home surrounded by his family. He was alone. Fine. But, if he was suffering from variety of ailments, as it was reported, why a man of that caliber is in rural area all by himself in a room? Why wasn't his wife along with him? Money shouldn't be an object for them. She, according to public info. has been a devoted spouse. This story do not go together. Too many dark spots in between lines.
I agree with you that government should get involved and demand autopsy. In this particular case, with this particular individual with his stance in highest levels of political elites being able to effect their profits, this should be a scandal until the last shred of info. comes out. You said he blocked $Billion profit from green gang, he was against abortion, etc.
My Qs; "1.Supreme Court is on recess now? 2.If he had a heart disease why was he hunting? Wouldn't shooting a gun effect his health? 3.Why his wife wasn't with him? 4.Who put a pillow on his face?" Those are just off top, without doing researching as who was there with him in that resort, who he dinned with the last time, who was his last hunting partner(s), where are footages from security cameras, etc. You already told us that the owner of that establishment is O's crony.
That is a big fat red light right there. Sometimes cronies don't need to be told what to do, they do things knowing that the result can make their "master" happy. Some things go without saying. We all know it. A hand-shack, a smile, a smirk, a hello note, you name it, can go a long way.
Someone should get bottom of this and make a movie. Hardly rats-in-holy-weirdo will do it.
I saw a few photos from that place, it looks so gloomy. I'd not go there. Look at nasty looking furniture, the ambiance, the design, the whole thing is depressing.
You had trump in the bottom of 2nd hour. I couldn't listen to 3rd.
You asked him about the debate, he said he thought it was OK.
He didn't look happy or enthusiastic last Saturday. He was too serious. Sometimes you have to just look happy. Happy to be there. Of course he put up a goof fight, I give it to him. He's right that Cruising-cruz is a liar, because he already proved it. His campaign made a flier looking like an election form made by government. It was a beauty. If they would give it to me, I'd not Q. trump should take a copy of that and carry with him showing over and over. Putting the picture on his site, posting on his twitter, etc. His children should raise a hot-hell about that and robocalls saying Trump is not going to participate in debate, etc. Cruz is a multi-layer liar. He came out of institute of lower learning like Harvard-law. Haven't we have those types for last 7 years in public housing already with their extended family like a mother-in-law paid by taxpayer?
He heard that he's a devout catholic, but wiki entry about him says Baptist. He goes from one to another, or half the family goes to one, half to another? Not that I care about that thing. You can go any church you want, as long as you believe the same messenger and the same massage.
I care about this
sentence I'm linking from Wikipedia;
"Rafael Cruz earned Canadian citizenship in 1973[8] and ultimately became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005."
If this is a true fact, he became a US citizen only 10 years ago. I have been almost twice as long. Why can't I run for Presidency of this country?
Does he still have his Canadian citizenship? When he denounced it. I want to see that document verified by an immigration judge.
Trump MUST sue him. Not only for himself, but for all of us. How Rafael becomes "Teddy?"
He doesn't look like teddy to earn a nick-name, he looks like a... I'll be back on that. *************
I don't believe in those none-abortionists. Especially if they're men. Justice Scalia might get a pass from me, because he proved with believe was genuine on his own merits by having 9 children.
He wasn't older man also, compare to Cruz and lived in different reality in this country. Cruz is only 45 (he looks much older though) and has only 2 kids. Well, if he'd have 18 more, then I'd believe he means what he says. He doesn't need to shag up that much, he can adopt. He can afford enough food, cloths and shelter and he's still young, isn't he?
You now what I didn't like about him from the get go, beside knowing that for at least 99% of lawyers lying is a second nature? - His "poetic tone." Everything he says he starts from melodic sound with poetic face.
I'd have him try to read my poems on public TV, but... I don't what this guy talk like that to my enemies. His facial features look like an image of crushed cup-cakes stock together in baking tray.
Why don't I call him "cop-cake" instead of "cruising-cruz?"
After you Levin came on and started badmouthing Trump and praising the "cop-cake." He's really running out of his mind. Sometimes I was listening to him to just hear another version or analysis of the event, but he's really getting up there. Once he interviewed trump and put Russia and Iran together in one sentence next to each other as the same - "R&I" and pushed it through. Trump is smart, he didn't didn't take the bait. He was just polite, he didn't stop, sort it out and corrected him, but just let it go like that. Wasn't 100% good answer for me, but I'll take 50% at any time when the talk is about USA and RF. Only Mr. Trump gets it. He needs me and Dr.Cohen by his side on that issue. To me it's most important, most sensitive, life and death issue that poem-reading-pot-heads
can't comment on. Let alone deal with it.
Look at this for a proof for my words above, see how insane American sponsorship of conflict in that huge territory is getting day by day.
At report says that for retaliation of not letting Russians humanitarian aid go to Suffering from war people of Donbass, Russia might take the similar measures and ban Ukrainian trucks from entering and exiting Russia.
Do you know how many people can suffer, starve and perish because of this types of measures?
Both sides are suffered brethren to each other. Both sides are the same people. One side, the small part of west Ukrainians are taken by Western "goody-goodies" and victimizing their own with a false 'dream" of living "better." How better they can live, if they broke entire UA down to the deep bottom like never before and spread of fiery war which already killed 1000's and devastated entire regions?
NATO is sticking its ugly head from under the fence of Russia's backyard. Playing with scary weapons by the gate making war noises and saying "you can't tall me where to play, putin! We can play wherever we want, make noise, fire shoots, gang up with your neighbors and set-them -up against you by paying them, then might throw some sh.t to your windows and set your doors on fire, but if you say 'you don't like it,' I'll do worse and get mack-daddy-america to come here too. see he's giving us more money for this year and next year."
Thugs in Kiev didn't even inform Moscow that they were shutting their borders. Convoy was on the way and got stuck. Among those are the freight paid by Int'l companies and some of the staff can perish if not delivered on time, at
UA's rat-face PM said that the measure is temporary, but it takes a fool to believe another fool.
It's a violation of Int'l transportation law and Medvedev ordered to take counter measures.
Tomorrow UN will discuss bombing of Syrian Kurds by Turkey, which was requested by RF,
So long.
You stated your show with a very familiar music to me which was used in one of the soviet films that I grew up with. I said to myself "oh, oh, there is a conspiracy and/or crime committed."
Although that movie is a comedy, but it was still about the thief, but a "good" thief. He was stealing and giving the money to orphans. You should watch it, it will warm your heart.
But... you were talking about the possible conspiracy in the death of Antonin Scalia. Of course, it's very suspicious. I had Qs right away, as soon as they said that he died of "natural causes," instead of usually naming the disease. After they said "heart attack." Then, they said that family didn't want to autopsy. ??? Why? maybe religious reasons? I could understand that if he's died in his home surrounded by his family. He was alone. Fine. But, if he was suffering from variety of ailments, as it was reported, why a man of that caliber is in rural area all by himself in a room? Why wasn't his wife along with him? Money shouldn't be an object for them. She, according to public info. has been a devoted spouse. This story do not go together. Too many dark spots in between lines.
I agree with you that government should get involved and demand autopsy. In this particular case, with this particular individual with his stance in highest levels of political elites being able to effect their profits, this should be a scandal until the last shred of info. comes out. You said he blocked $Billion profit from green gang, he was against abortion, etc.
My Qs; "1.Supreme Court is on recess now? 2.If he had a heart disease why was he hunting? Wouldn't shooting a gun effect his health? 3.Why his wife wasn't with him? 4.Who put a pillow on his face?" Those are just off top, without doing researching as who was there with him in that resort, who he dinned with the last time, who was his last hunting partner(s), where are footages from security cameras, etc. You already told us that the owner of that establishment is O's crony.
That is a big fat red light right there. Sometimes cronies don't need to be told what to do, they do things knowing that the result can make their "master" happy. Some things go without saying. We all know it. A hand-shack, a smile, a smirk, a hello note, you name it, can go a long way.
Someone should get bottom of this and make a movie. Hardly rats-in-holy-weirdo will do it.
I saw a few photos from that place, it looks so gloomy. I'd not go there. Look at nasty looking furniture, the ambiance, the design, the whole thing is depressing.
You had trump in the bottom of 2nd hour. I couldn't listen to 3rd.
You asked him about the debate, he said he thought it was OK.
He didn't look happy or enthusiastic last Saturday. He was too serious. Sometimes you have to just look happy. Happy to be there. Of course he put up a goof fight, I give it to him. He's right that Cruising-cruz is a liar, because he already proved it. His campaign made a flier looking like an election form made by government. It was a beauty. If they would give it to me, I'd not Q. trump should take a copy of that and carry with him showing over and over. Putting the picture on his site, posting on his twitter, etc. His children should raise a hot-hell about that and robocalls saying Trump is not going to participate in debate, etc. Cruz is a multi-layer liar. He came out of institute of lower learning like Harvard-law. Haven't we have those types for last 7 years in public housing already with their extended family like a mother-in-law paid by taxpayer?
He heard that he's a devout catholic, but wiki entry about him says Baptist. He goes from one to another, or half the family goes to one, half to another? Not that I care about that thing. You can go any church you want, as long as you believe the same messenger and the same massage.
I care about this
sentence I'm linking from Wikipedia;
"Rafael Cruz earned Canadian citizenship in 1973[8] and ultimately became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005."
If this is a true fact, he became a US citizen only 10 years ago. I have been almost twice as long. Why can't I run for Presidency of this country?
Does he still have his Canadian citizenship? When he denounced it. I want to see that document verified by an immigration judge.
Trump MUST sue him. Not only for himself, but for all of us. How Rafael becomes "Teddy?"
He doesn't look like teddy to earn a nick-name, he looks like a... I'll be back on that. *************
I don't believe in those none-abortionists. Especially if they're men. Justice Scalia might get a pass from me, because he proved with believe was genuine on his own merits by having 9 children.
He wasn't older man also, compare to Cruz and lived in different reality in this country. Cruz is only 45 (he looks much older though) and has only 2 kids. Well, if he'd have 18 more, then I'd believe he means what he says. He doesn't need to shag up that much, he can adopt. He can afford enough food, cloths and shelter and he's still young, isn't he?
You now what I didn't like about him from the get go, beside knowing that for at least 99% of lawyers lying is a second nature? - His "poetic tone." Everything he says he starts from melodic sound with poetic face.
I'd have him try to read my poems on public TV, but... I don't what this guy talk like that to my enemies. His facial features look like an image of crushed cup-cakes stock together in baking tray.
Why don't I call him "cop-cake" instead of "cruising-cruz?"
After you Levin came on and started badmouthing Trump and praising the "cop-cake." He's really running out of his mind. Sometimes I was listening to him to just hear another version or analysis of the event, but he's really getting up there. Once he interviewed trump and put Russia and Iran together in one sentence next to each other as the same - "R&I" and pushed it through. Trump is smart, he didn't didn't take the bait. He was just polite, he didn't stop, sort it out and corrected him, but just let it go like that. Wasn't 100% good answer for me, but I'll take 50% at any time when the talk is about USA and RF. Only Mr. Trump gets it. He needs me and Dr.Cohen by his side on that issue. To me it's most important, most sensitive, life and death issue that poem-reading-pot-heads
can't comment on. Let alone deal with it.
Look at this for a proof for my words above, see how insane American sponsorship of conflict in that huge territory is getting day by day.
At report says that for retaliation of not letting Russians humanitarian aid go to Suffering from war people of Donbass, Russia might take the similar measures and ban Ukrainian trucks from entering and exiting Russia.
Do you know how many people can suffer, starve and perish because of this types of measures?
Both sides are suffered brethren to each other. Both sides are the same people. One side, the small part of west Ukrainians are taken by Western "goody-goodies" and victimizing their own with a false 'dream" of living "better." How better they can live, if they broke entire UA down to the deep bottom like never before and spread of fiery war which already killed 1000's and devastated entire regions?
NATO is sticking its ugly head from under the fence of Russia's backyard. Playing with scary weapons by the gate making war noises and saying "you can't tall me where to play, putin! We can play wherever we want, make noise, fire shoots, gang up with your neighbors and set-them -up against you by paying them, then might throw some sh.t to your windows and set your doors on fire, but if you say 'you don't like it,' I'll do worse and get mack-daddy-america to come here too. see he's giving us more money for this year and next year."
Thugs in Kiev didn't even inform Moscow that they were shutting their borders. Convoy was on the way and got stuck. Among those are the freight paid by Int'l companies and some of the staff can perish if not delivered on time, at
UA's rat-face PM said that the measure is temporary, but it takes a fool to believe another fool.
It's a violation of Int'l transportation law and Medvedev ordered to take counter measures.
Tomorrow UN will discuss bombing of Syrian Kurds by Turkey, which was requested by RF,
So long.
Sunday, February 14, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 12-13-14 Fr.- Sunday
Today I listened to your show just a little bit. You were furious how thugs and their anti-American sponsors undermine the majority of this country and try to run everything down.
You're right, if the pickle-salesman gets the job, police would hide from hoodlums like mice from cats. They don't want to work for many years by now, I can't imagine where further demoralization of department can take them and us after them.
Hilarious got money from 2 huge donors; notorious-soros and some other one.
PO got convicted with second degree murder for firing his gun in staircase of a public housing building. he was claiming that it went off accidentally, but you know the pressure of the street can effect those types of decisions. If I'd be in jury I'd not agree with conviction for very simple reason;
He did not shoot at the guy, bullet went out hit the wall, ricocheted and then hit the young man. If course, it's a tragic things. But that's all it is - tragedy. Those buildings can be very dangerous, they can shot a cop and any second. Prosecutor said that he didn't have a reason to keep his gun out or keep the finger on the trigger. Nice wish. Theoretically it's reasonable to say all those things, but in practice, when you're in dangerous environment where most people not only don't want you to be there, but want to frighten you and can shoot you first.
If I'd be a cop, I'd walk on stairwell of the housing project only and only my weapon drawn.
After this young man convicted, his partner, another rookie cop, was fired. Why? Because he was next to him? What kind of garbage is this?
Now commi-mayor is saying that rookies should not be together on those types of assignments, but every one of them should be with an experience one.
[Well, I do not see any experienced ones anymore. It looks like this department got rid of them like exterminator from roaches. Overwhelming majority of them are very young, for some of them this is their first job, most of them minorities and women. What minority women would tell a white woman like myself who called for help, you have to see it to believe it. It can be another book written, another show created and the racism and discrimination lawsuit won right away, should it be documented by livestream. Every white person who dials 911, who live in NYC, especially among minorities should carry a hidden cameras from every corner of their body only and ONLY live-streamed to entire world. I don't think world going to help me, not at all, but only by having proof, which can NOT be contested, covered up and twisted around, we can try to stop this extreme fraud of justice, extreme fraud of lies and deceits and absolute and utter victimization of white population in USA and around the world. White and Christian became synonymous to "no good" human. The way the lies are spread with psychopathic words used to cover up what is really going on is the call to not only oppress them, but to get rid of them all together. I mean it. Look at Middle East. They don't even use words to cover up like here. Look at Europe, which became a victim of its own "political correctness" which is substitute for truth. Beware of "nice" words. Vermin and scumbags use good words to start their dirty work.]
Landmark event happened in history of Christianity. Patriarch of All Russia and Pope met in neutral territory in Mexico. They ties was severed from 1054 AD. It has been forever. How are they going to patch things up I don't know.
Pavel Krasnov reporting from Havana one hour before Pope's landing, at
Russia had a good relationship with Cuba for a long time, so Castro should be happy to see the Patriarch. Pope and him are going to meet in one of the halls of airport, then going to go to another room and sign some documents.
The topic of discussion will be the persecution of Christians in middle east and around the world.
Here, at the time of this report they are already together, at Cuba has
15 000 Orthodox faithful and this meeting was being cooked for last 20 years.
Meeting was warm, they embraced each other with joy and symbolic 3 time kiss.
Counting almost 1000 years of misunderstanding, this is very important event. Meeting was planned to rap up within 2 hours.
[What's is the difference between theses 2 churches, i do't know and believe it or not I don't want to find out. ]
Kerry threatened Assad with sending additional ground troops if the latter will not comply with the agreement signed in Munich, at
Saturday, 13th.
It's freezing in NYC. All sorts of warnings from city authorities to be cautious. I'm staying home.
A little more detail from Patriarch's and Pope's meeting at
They exchanged gifts and said that their first meeting will not be the last.
"Finally," Francis said as he and Kirill entered through doors on opposite sides of a room at Havana airport, "We are brothers. It is very clear that this is the will of God."
Another historic thing is going on in Munich, Germany. It's the center of global politics today. Medvedev had a wonderful speech saying that the West and NATO are going closer and closer to Russia's borders and it created the second cold war already, at
He talked about how sanctions hurt Russian economy.
He said that it effected 1/3rd of Russian economy and half of turnover with Europe.
Kerry on his part talked stupid, as always, telling Russia not to "respect" Ukraine's sovereignty. He insisted on "strengthening" security of Europe and continuing economic sanctions.
[Whatever this man is smoking I can only imagine. All I deeply believe is that that substance MUST be illegal.]
Antonin Scalia died today at 79. He was a real conservative. It's a bad news for conservatives.
More coverage from Munich Security Conference today; at
This is worth to watch and plus listen to Medvedev's entire speech.
He quoted John Kennedy who said that domestic policy can only fail us in election, but foreign policy can kill us all.
It's so true!
Look what Kerry said and compare what wabc770 broadcasted today. Kerry let Kiev's-thug-uncle-PP know that time of advance payments is over and Kiev should abide by Minsk 2 agreement. Geniuses in your radio station took one sentence out of his speech, where he says that if Russia won't stop tempting on Ukraine's sovereignty, sanctions will continue.
When Russia took over Ukraine, is still unclear, because he's hallucinating. If Russia would take over Ukraine [in my opinion it should have done so 2 years ago already ], he wouldn't have time to contemplate, waste American money and manpower, plan a BS artistry and until today busy blabbing stupidly. If Russia would cut gas to Ukraine today, Kiev's thugs and the rest will freeze to death. For real. More than $3Billion debt is bot paid and growing and kerry and alike are not paying for idiots either. What kind of darn damn game is this? ]
In the meantime in eastern ukraine gunfire continues and at at 5:35min. you can hear Lavrov saying that the participation of DNR and LNR in Minsk agreements, which is ratified by UN, shows that there is no Q about their legitimacy, but some in EU pretend not noticing. He suggests to put an end to childish approach, sort out who is responsible for realization of which part of agreement and seriously get down to work.
Sunday, 14th, Happy Valentine's Day for those in love.
I'm not in love and it's my fault. I stopped looking for it a long time ago. Maybe I should start this year? We'll see where presidential elections are heading. Maybe that will encourage me to get socially active. Mr. Trump said "vote for me, your depression will go away." I though he was talking directly to me. Are there other people who are depressed too? :)
Yesterday I watched the half of the debate from South Caroline only. It was making me sick. He was the one who made sense. Carson also made sense, he can be very good VP. I didn't watch the second part, because in my building we were having a Valentine's Day party and I didn't want to ruin. My neighbors were waiting for me. I'm one of the stars of the party. To watch the first part I took my food and went upstairs, as if I wanted something, I didn't tell them I was watching politics. None of them would give a damn. they would laugh at me. I know one going to vote for Katz's-pickle-man.
I'll watch the second half and comment on it.
This shenanigan should stop. How people who lost a common sense, assuming that they have it before, can get so far in such high places that can possibly give them power to make decisions for millions of people?
It would be at least entertaining if it wouldn't be so sad.
During the day I turned the TV on public channel, just because it has no commercial. It was an orchestra music, then a forum. You won't believe who was sitting there, saying what about who.
It's a really sad state of affairs that people can get their faces on TV screens and say vile lies and nobody disputes or confronts them. They MUST be sued to be held responsible.
Only I can do it. I'm so serious about this, you have no idea. I'll write about it tomorrow.
I should start my program live, put all this garbage on live, show other sides of the stories by asking Qs, showing facts and galvanizing a public discourse against propagandists who call themselves
"intellectuals," reporters or journalists.
First of all, let me say this before I forget; nobody should collect a government salary while not being in their offices and working on their jobs. What kind of garbage is this? Senators and governors are applying for another job, running around the country for interview (that what campaigning is) and getting paid? Hell no! It should not be happening. Who are taking the phone calls from citizens in their offices? Interns? That's what I'm guessing. How many interns work on high gov. offices.
To me - it should be absolutely prohibited. I mean hiring free staff and running for another job while getting paid. Only trump has a dignity to talk his face wide open. Last time the-hilarious pulled the
short one on NY tax payers when she run while "working" as senator. Now at least she can claim a "free agency" status.
Now back to burning zone - Middle East. Look at this at
Turkey is bombing Syrian Kurds who are fighting against .S.L. Also it bombarded Aleppo suburbs. The US told them that Kurds are our allies in that region and asked them to stop, but they gave ultimatum to us by saying "or us or Kurds." Nice...
Americans are in between crazy and insane and can't figure out who is their natural ally.
Today O called P, said whatever he says usually (I don't want to bother with it) and I'm sure will continue its cuckoo policies.
After bombing 2 hospitals in and around Aleppo, pentagon blamed RF fr doing so. Russian Ministry of Defense regularity shows the air raids and didn't come short of showing that those weren't Russian, but American military air crafts.
Imagine a military man in Washington gets on TV and gives a false information as if Russians did the wrong thing and plus plays with people's feeling saying "in the result of bombing hospitals 500 Syrians left without life saving access to medical help."
Head of the press center of Russian MoD Igor Konashenkov characterized Steve Warren's "report" as a "dangerous nonsense."
He said that yesterday Russian military didn't even worked around Aleppo area, it's targets were at least 20 km away from it. At its head of Press Center Maria Zakharova called the US and UK info absolutely twisted and turned around disinformation which comes out of the West regularly.
She said that the person who spreads these lies from London is the one who did 3 jail times in Syria and has a mission of this type of propaganda. "It's absurd from spectrum of reality, but it's a "good job" as propaganda against RF," she said.
Anyone remembers Gen. Lloyd Austin's report to Congress that US Army spent $500 M to train 54 Syrian "opposition" soldiers, from which 4-5 are still alive in there?
Yessir! Even crazy McCain called it an "object failure." Imagine, if you can; these are the people from here who dare to blame Russia for trying so hard to clean up the utter mess created in Syria by Americans and their "allies" for last 4 years.
Leave alone the Iraq invasion which opened the Pandora Box at the first place.
Carson was right in SC yesterday saying that people in ME were ruled by dictators for 1000's of years and unless we have a ready plan how to replace any of them with better and functional person or structure, our efforts to do so only brings more destabilization.
So long.
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Today I listened to your show just a little bit. You were furious how thugs and their anti-American sponsors undermine the majority of this country and try to run everything down.
You're right, if the pickle-salesman gets the job, police would hide from hoodlums like mice from cats. They don't want to work for many years by now, I can't imagine where further demoralization of department can take them and us after them.
Hilarious got money from 2 huge donors; notorious-soros and some other one.
PO got convicted with second degree murder for firing his gun in staircase of a public housing building. he was claiming that it went off accidentally, but you know the pressure of the street can effect those types of decisions. If I'd be in jury I'd not agree with conviction for very simple reason;
He did not shoot at the guy, bullet went out hit the wall, ricocheted and then hit the young man. If course, it's a tragic things. But that's all it is - tragedy. Those buildings can be very dangerous, they can shot a cop and any second. Prosecutor said that he didn't have a reason to keep his gun out or keep the finger on the trigger. Nice wish. Theoretically it's reasonable to say all those things, but in practice, when you're in dangerous environment where most people not only don't want you to be there, but want to frighten you and can shoot you first.
If I'd be a cop, I'd walk on stairwell of the housing project only and only my weapon drawn.
After this young man convicted, his partner, another rookie cop, was fired. Why? Because he was next to him? What kind of garbage is this?
Now commi-mayor is saying that rookies should not be together on those types of assignments, but every one of them should be with an experience one.
[Well, I do not see any experienced ones anymore. It looks like this department got rid of them like exterminator from roaches. Overwhelming majority of them are very young, for some of them this is their first job, most of them minorities and women. What minority women would tell a white woman like myself who called for help, you have to see it to believe it. It can be another book written, another show created and the racism and discrimination lawsuit won right away, should it be documented by livestream. Every white person who dials 911, who live in NYC, especially among minorities should carry a hidden cameras from every corner of their body only and ONLY live-streamed to entire world. I don't think world going to help me, not at all, but only by having proof, which can NOT be contested, covered up and twisted around, we can try to stop this extreme fraud of justice, extreme fraud of lies and deceits and absolute and utter victimization of white population in USA and around the world. White and Christian became synonymous to "no good" human. The way the lies are spread with psychopathic words used to cover up what is really going on is the call to not only oppress them, but to get rid of them all together. I mean it. Look at Middle East. They don't even use words to cover up like here. Look at Europe, which became a victim of its own "political correctness" which is substitute for truth. Beware of "nice" words. Vermin and scumbags use good words to start their dirty work.]
Landmark event happened in history of Christianity. Patriarch of All Russia and Pope met in neutral territory in Mexico. They ties was severed from 1054 AD. It has been forever. How are they going to patch things up I don't know.
Pavel Krasnov reporting from Havana one hour before Pope's landing, at
Russia had a good relationship with Cuba for a long time, so Castro should be happy to see the Patriarch. Pope and him are going to meet in one of the halls of airport, then going to go to another room and sign some documents.
The topic of discussion will be the persecution of Christians in middle east and around the world.
Here, at the time of this report they are already together, at Cuba has
15 000 Orthodox faithful and this meeting was being cooked for last 20 years.
Meeting was warm, they embraced each other with joy and symbolic 3 time kiss.
Counting almost 1000 years of misunderstanding, this is very important event. Meeting was planned to rap up within 2 hours.
[What's is the difference between theses 2 churches, i do't know and believe it or not I don't want to find out. ]
Kerry threatened Assad with sending additional ground troops if the latter will not comply with the agreement signed in Munich, at
Saturday, 13th.
It's freezing in NYC. All sorts of warnings from city authorities to be cautious. I'm staying home.
A little more detail from Patriarch's and Pope's meeting at
They exchanged gifts and said that their first meeting will not be the last.
"Finally," Francis said as he and Kirill entered through doors on opposite sides of a room at Havana airport, "We are brothers. It is very clear that this is the will of God."
"Their churches are being barbarously ravaged and looted, their sacred objects profaned, their monuments destroyed.
In many countries of the Middle East and North Africa whole families, villages and cities of our brothers and sisters in Christ are being completely exterminated," they said in a joint declaration in apparent reference to violence by militant groups such as Islamic State.
They also said large-scale humanitarian aid was required to tend to refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq, lamenting the "massive exodus of Christians."
Pope Francis (L) and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill sign agreements in Havana, February 12, 2016. …
Cuban President Raul Castro stood to the side during the ceremony.
[I'd like to see what they put out as a concrete plan to save and help those who suffered because of their Christian faith. All this picture taking is impressive and heart warming, but things need to done done by works, not words and very fast.]
Also reported at historic thing is going on in Munich, Germany. It's the center of global politics today. Medvedev had a wonderful speech saying that the West and NATO are going closer and closer to Russia's borders and it created the second cold war already, at
He talked about how sanctions hurt Russian economy.
He said that it effected 1/3rd of Russian economy and half of turnover with Europe.
Kerry on his part talked stupid, as always, telling Russia not to "respect" Ukraine's sovereignty. He insisted on "strengthening" security of Europe and continuing economic sanctions.
[Whatever this man is smoking I can only imagine. All I deeply believe is that that substance MUST be illegal.]
Antonin Scalia died today at 79. He was a real conservative. It's a bad news for conservatives.
More coverage from Munich Security Conference today; at
This is worth to watch and plus listen to Medvedev's entire speech.
He quoted John Kennedy who said that domestic policy can only fail us in election, but foreign policy can kill us all.
It's so true!
Look what Kerry said and compare what wabc770 broadcasted today. Kerry let Kiev's-thug-uncle-PP know that time of advance payments is over and Kiev should abide by Minsk 2 agreement. Geniuses in your radio station took one sentence out of his speech, where he says that if Russia won't stop tempting on Ukraine's sovereignty, sanctions will continue.
When Russia took over Ukraine, is still unclear, because he's hallucinating. If Russia would take over Ukraine [in my opinion it should have done so 2 years ago already ], he wouldn't have time to contemplate, waste American money and manpower, plan a BS artistry and until today busy blabbing stupidly. If Russia would cut gas to Ukraine today, Kiev's thugs and the rest will freeze to death. For real. More than $3Billion debt is bot paid and growing and kerry and alike are not paying for idiots either. What kind of darn damn game is this? ]
In the meantime in eastern ukraine gunfire continues and at at 5:35min. you can hear Lavrov saying that the participation of DNR and LNR in Minsk agreements, which is ratified by UN, shows that there is no Q about their legitimacy, but some in EU pretend not noticing. He suggests to put an end to childish approach, sort out who is responsible for realization of which part of agreement and seriously get down to work.
Sunday, 14th, Happy Valentine's Day for those in love.
I'm not in love and it's my fault. I stopped looking for it a long time ago. Maybe I should start this year? We'll see where presidential elections are heading. Maybe that will encourage me to get socially active. Mr. Trump said "vote for me, your depression will go away." I though he was talking directly to me. Are there other people who are depressed too? :)
Yesterday I watched the half of the debate from South Caroline only. It was making me sick. He was the one who made sense. Carson also made sense, he can be very good VP. I didn't watch the second part, because in my building we were having a Valentine's Day party and I didn't want to ruin. My neighbors were waiting for me. I'm one of the stars of the party. To watch the first part I took my food and went upstairs, as if I wanted something, I didn't tell them I was watching politics. None of them would give a damn. they would laugh at me. I know one going to vote for Katz's-pickle-man.
I'll watch the second half and comment on it.
This shenanigan should stop. How people who lost a common sense, assuming that they have it before, can get so far in such high places that can possibly give them power to make decisions for millions of people?
It would be at least entertaining if it wouldn't be so sad.
During the day I turned the TV on public channel, just because it has no commercial. It was an orchestra music, then a forum. You won't believe who was sitting there, saying what about who.
It's a really sad state of affairs that people can get their faces on TV screens and say vile lies and nobody disputes or confronts them. They MUST be sued to be held responsible.
Only I can do it. I'm so serious about this, you have no idea. I'll write about it tomorrow.
I should start my program live, put all this garbage on live, show other sides of the stories by asking Qs, showing facts and galvanizing a public discourse against propagandists who call themselves
"intellectuals," reporters or journalists.
First of all, let me say this before I forget; nobody should collect a government salary while not being in their offices and working on their jobs. What kind of garbage is this? Senators and governors are applying for another job, running around the country for interview (that what campaigning is) and getting paid? Hell no! It should not be happening. Who are taking the phone calls from citizens in their offices? Interns? That's what I'm guessing. How many interns work on high gov. offices.
To me - it should be absolutely prohibited. I mean hiring free staff and running for another job while getting paid. Only trump has a dignity to talk his face wide open. Last time the-hilarious pulled the
short one on NY tax payers when she run while "working" as senator. Now at least she can claim a "free agency" status.
Now back to burning zone - Middle East. Look at this at
Turkey is bombing Syrian Kurds who are fighting against .S.L. Also it bombarded Aleppo suburbs. The US told them that Kurds are our allies in that region and asked them to stop, but they gave ultimatum to us by saying "or us or Kurds." Nice...
Americans are in between crazy and insane and can't figure out who is their natural ally.
Today O called P, said whatever he says usually (I don't want to bother with it) and I'm sure will continue its cuckoo policies.
After bombing 2 hospitals in and around Aleppo, pentagon blamed RF fr doing so. Russian Ministry of Defense regularity shows the air raids and didn't come short of showing that those weren't Russian, but American military air crafts.
Imagine a military man in Washington gets on TV and gives a false information as if Russians did the wrong thing and plus plays with people's feeling saying "in the result of bombing hospitals 500 Syrians left without life saving access to medical help."
Head of the press center of Russian MoD Igor Konashenkov characterized Steve Warren's "report" as a "dangerous nonsense."
He said that yesterday Russian military didn't even worked around Aleppo area, it's targets were at least 20 km away from it. At its head of Press Center Maria Zakharova called the US and UK info absolutely twisted and turned around disinformation which comes out of the West regularly.
She said that the person who spreads these lies from London is the one who did 3 jail times in Syria and has a mission of this type of propaganda. "It's absurd from spectrum of reality, but it's a "good job" as propaganda against RF," she said.
Anyone remembers Gen. Lloyd Austin's report to Congress that US Army spent $500 M to train 54 Syrian "opposition" soldiers, from which 4-5 are still alive in there?
Yessir! Even crazy McCain called it an "object failure." Imagine, if you can; these are the people from here who dare to blame Russia for trying so hard to clean up the utter mess created in Syria by Americans and their "allies" for last 4 years.
Leave alone the Iraq invasion which opened the Pandora Box at the first place.
Carson was right in SC yesterday saying that people in ME were ruled by dictators for 1000's of years and unless we have a ready plan how to replace any of them with better and functional person or structure, our efforts to do so only brings more destabilization.
So long.
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Thursday, February 11, 2016
To Michael Savage Feb. 11th, Thursday
You had a substitute today, I didn't not listen.
Local news; Al-slim-shady-sharpton, as Cutis Sliwa calls him, is on the top of his game those days. Doing what he's best at; - pimping/selling black people's votes. I heard him saying to 2 cuckoo-dems "you have to "earn" the black vote. How did it happen that commi-sanders won NH in double digits, but the-hilarious got 9 electoral vote more? The whole process is some retarded stuff that no one really understands, including "expert constitutionalists," one of them on the same radio dial with you. If Bloomi runs he'd be another mack-daddy for Al-Sharp-tong. I do not trust him for simple reason that when he was the mayor with his PC they changed the criteria for indictments in PD; felony became misdemeanor, misdemeanor became violation, etc. PD was not taking complains out-right, in the open, harassing people and not working at all. That's why they reported crime down. Crime was not down at all. Crime against those who reach out to Police was up to sky. He told them "I want these numbers down" and they gave it to him. They had no reservations. They acted insolently and aggressively victimized the victims. Once, when he was new, a black lady found out his home number, call him and demanded to do something.
He came out on press-conference announced about it proudly to show how nice he was picking up his home phone and how he accommodated her request. He said "it's all about who works for who." Nice. I agree, that's wonderful. He deserved to get credit and be praised for being "people's mayor."
But, I'm more than sure, I'm so positive for 1000%, that if the caller would be me, a white person, especially with foreign accent, he wouldn't not give a darn about what I had to say, ask much less request and would have somebody to contact me with serious warning not to attempt to contact him personally anymore.
Is he charitable? Yes, he gave out lots of money, God bless him. But to me he feels like the one who would prefer to be nice to worse ones first, before he can be normal to the best. Some of my Jewish friend tell me that there are some Jews that will take blacks and give them jobs, just because they're black, instead of them who are more qualified. Unless they know the person personally, there is less chance to be hired by them. Don't blame me for saying this. I'm not Jewish, I didn't make this up, but I know for sure, that I wouldn't even temp to think that I'd have the same approach in places ran by Jews.
I saw the same trend even in my ethnic group. Whenever there is a black person he/she treated like "special human." They all come first, they're given most attention, respect, consideration etc.
I don't mind everybody body treats anybody with as much as goodness as they wish. Not at all.
But, if we're talking about "equal opportunity" and some other "higher-order" thinking, those words are just for headline while the facts of story shows all the other way around.
Dinkins got rid of almost all light skin people from city employment roaster. He did it broad day light acting like a knight in shining armor accomplishing his "mission." Nobody dared to say anything, show or white about it. We just news about it, mentioned it between us, because we saw it.
That was all. Then Giuliani told on TV' "illegals come to NYC!"
He cleaned the streets a lot though. i give it to him.
Then, came Bloomi, who didn't want to know what was going on, he wanted his numbers "right." Now this commi with his behavior is inciting violence against the majority, which are still white. This one hates Police and white people together! He wants to see both punished and vanished. That's how I feel. That's how police treated me when I call them - with treat of arrest.
It never goes "are you the person who called us and why? What happened?" It's always "oh, you're alive and you called, it's a crime, a felony, let me get your name." Because I don't confront them verbally, emotionally or physically (I'm a middle age, delicate, educated, calm person) they "warn" me to call when I'm dead, laugh and leave. If I would have any of my experiences on tape you would not believe what you'd see. Absolutely not. None of it whatsoever.
For people like me, who live in NYC, who never, even bother anybody, much less commit a crime of any type, every step should be streamed live for the world to see. I know world can't help me, but I still hope in this country one person, one only person, can be willing to say; "I'm NOT going to let this sh.t go on like this" and be able to do something about it.
The only person that exists now, who can be that ONE ONLY PERSON is Mr. Donald J. Trump.
Although I believe that he and any of his family members never experienced things that I he to go through living in NYC, but, I have a gut feeling that if shown the proof not just only tape, but live-streamed, he will understand, he will feel the pain the way the other person felt and he will DO something about it.
He is my ONLY HOPE to become a journalist again, to say things the way I experience them,
be able not only to protect myself by saying that "equality" must pertain to people like myself too,
but also make it a reality.
Doc, once, a long time ago, on your show, you mentioned people who you called "not connected and innocent."
You said; "I'm for those in this society who are innocent and not connected." It made my heartbeat faster. I though you knew about me and people like myself and you were the one who cared. At least by words. At least you said it. What would, could and will you do I don't know. Just taking my calls would be nice enough for me, but that sentence was the glue that worked and made me a loyal listener for so many years. I know your heart is in the right place.
Would you be nicer to take a call from a black person, or person who calls from Ireland, than mine, maybe, still maybe my answer is "yes."
But, when after many many years of listening, the first time I've got on the phone with you and you said "Anna, it's a pleasure, I can talk to you for hours," it put a smile on my face. I was delighted.
We can't talk over the phone too much, you're nerve racking fast and controlling.
I wish we can talk calmly and think very very deeply how we can help Mr. Trump, on daily bases, day in and out, with concrete things, until he gets when he suppose to be.
The rest from both sides will only wreck a havoc on this country and jeopardize the very existence of it. There is not a bit of exaggerations in these words. I take full responsibility fro saying these things and ready to show with facts.
There are many things that the "hero" of street thugs and rappers in WH, who puts his big-feet on the table with arrogant smile on his face in highest office of this land (can you imagine trump doing it? I don't), don't know, can't find out and will not be able to fix. Not even locally, let alone globally.
Let me bring an example, so that you know I know what I'm talking about.
There is an inherit distrust and rivalry type tension between our federal bureau of investigations and intelligence agencies, like in smaller scale it is in between NYPD and FDNY. Everybody who reads, watches TV should know this by now. That is not only on the regular news, but in documentaries showing process of investigation of spying incidents. I can point out the programs with show the heads of those agencies saying it on TV.
Consequently, logically, there is no coordination for any future strategic work in defense of this country's security. There were people who were trusted to work in both agencies and ended up working for enemy for decades, before they got caught. What type of damage it did, no one can be certain, according to those who were in charge and who're saying this on TV.
These are stories which are closed already. My Q is; How many cases are still open and not even founded yet? Who is doing anything to fix this dysfunction between such sensitive agencies'?
Who is going to analyze what's wrong with this picture and have an intelligence to come up with fit-up plan?
Those who are talking on TV are already retired heads and officers of those agencies. They're not going to get reprimanded for telling the truth now. They want to show that they "found" something and did something about it.
Those who are doing the job now never will come out and tell el-jefe that something is "wrong" and thus they can't do their job properly. Employees don't go and say those things. They say "everything is wonderful like never before and I'm the hero of all time."
First, thin-smoking-man wouldn't know what to do and how to fix it anyway, second he'll get someone else right away and have another "thankful" person behind his back.
Does one person is capable of learning about things going on in every gov. agency, even in most important ones? No, with all fairness, I don't think so. But, like you ask often "who is watching the watches."
We, your and my type concerned citizens of this country, are obligated to figure out who to come up with a system like that. My solution, which is very doable and will be most effective (because it wouldn't raise unnecessary Q like "where is the proof ") is again and again have a team of people who live-streaming devices showing the simple people's REAL life of this city on constant bases.
The least we can start from here. Simultaneously we can show and comment and question those people who got a hand on public airways and not doing their job "in a good faith" to say the least.
No I'd not want them to shut up, I want them to correct themselves and do not BS people of this country. That's all. Courts should decide if they should pay a price for their stupidity or spewing vile hostility toward their "mission" to their viewers/listener, and thus WE - the people.
While I'll be catching their tails I want lawyers on their computer lined up to file lawsuit after lawsuit, until will do the capital housecleaning in the industry of news and information.
If we see that courts are getting in cahoots with them (I believe some judges will, the ones who have someone involved), we'll have court of people - court of public opinion. I'm very optimistic that if and when people see in harsh proof that many of them (meaning most of main stream media) are busy running business of BSing, as they already assume, they can and will do the justice by not pushing the bottoms on their devices. That will only benefit their health, their well being, their emotional state and this list is long.
You and I can direct them to better things and keep them informed and entertained in healthier and happier ways. We have common sense, we have high and diverse education and training, sense of humor, you name it.
I should be the consultant and the conceptual to POTUS in starting a new type of media and new type of journalism which will be not for self-serving for paycheck, but with cause for the good of the people and the nation. I can't do this job for money. I can't sell my soul. I'd like to get paid when I'll do the things my way and I'll see the beneficial changes in society and in minds and hearts of my fellow citizens. Also nobody can explain and offer ideas how to fix the immigration system, better than I. Simple because I've got through it and I know many others who have gone through to totally different ways. It is THE proof that this country is not serious about its laws and laughs at the faces of those who are law abiding. We'll hire lawyers who'd sue their colleges for wrong doing and clean their ranks as much as we can. World lawyer and lair became synonymous in this country. How can we expect the wrong-doer respect the law?
You should get what you want, such as becoming the head of NIH, as you very well qualified for.
From me to you as a person and fellow citizen; please tell your children to give you more grandchildren. They can afford it and there is no excuse for not doing so.
I don't have a family, you should make up for my losses! Please...
Now, let's go to Int'l news, shall we?
Russian pilots did a super professional job and saved the airline and all the people on board by landing the burning jet safely on the ground, at
After 15 minutes Boeing 777 of Russian OrenAir company took off from Dominican Republic, on 6 000 meter height, boom, one of its motors got caught on fire. The jet had a full fuel tank - 80 000 ton avia-kerosene in it. Smoke got inside the plane, 355 horrified passengers, among them many kids, started panicking and fall into near death emotional state (mw). 355 + 20 crew = 375 people in total. [After the plane from Egypt, I'm not surprised.]
Reporter calls it a "second birthday" for all passengers and the crew of the plane. It's absolutely correct assessment to me. If that experience would not give those people a new perspective on life I don't know what else will. Miraculously, no one even got injured, Thank God!
You should read how the whole thing played out, it's an extremely dramatic and an amazing story.
I don't have time now to do it now.
May God bless the commanders Constantine Parikozha who has 15 years of experience and the rest of the crew.
In Munich, the head of countries involved in the process of trying to solve Syrian crisis in diplomatic ways got together again. there was Lavrov from RF and Kerry from USA,
at Their goal is to put all sides of the conflict around the table and get some consensus on further actions on deescalation of the situation.
In the meantime, while Russian air-force is accomplishing its goal in Syria, pentagon officials can't shot their mouths up and stop badmouthing Russian efforts.
"Where do you get your informantion?," was asked to P's spokes-mouth Steven Warren.
How Russian Ministry of Defense answered to those "accusations" is at
At; Putin was briefed about the progress of complex military drills,
which was done announced to rank and file to check the combat readiness. "It's going good as planned," reported MoD of RF Sergei Shaigu.
[I wonder how far vermin in the media will go to spread panic about this in here and how many contractors and politician will take the stick of scare and jump on the the backs of taxpayers to make more greens.]
Above is not all I found out today. I always know many times more than I put out.
I don't even have time to proofread what I wrote. This blog for me is like a notebook where are jot down the basics, not the final material.
So long.
You had a substitute today, I didn't not listen.
Local news; Al-slim-shady-sharpton, as Cutis Sliwa calls him, is on the top of his game those days. Doing what he's best at; - pimping/selling black people's votes. I heard him saying to 2 cuckoo-dems "you have to "earn" the black vote. How did it happen that commi-sanders won NH in double digits, but the-hilarious got 9 electoral vote more? The whole process is some retarded stuff that no one really understands, including "expert constitutionalists," one of them on the same radio dial with you. If Bloomi runs he'd be another mack-daddy for Al-Sharp-tong. I do not trust him for simple reason that when he was the mayor with his PC they changed the criteria for indictments in PD; felony became misdemeanor, misdemeanor became violation, etc. PD was not taking complains out-right, in the open, harassing people and not working at all. That's why they reported crime down. Crime was not down at all. Crime against those who reach out to Police was up to sky. He told them "I want these numbers down" and they gave it to him. They had no reservations. They acted insolently and aggressively victimized the victims. Once, when he was new, a black lady found out his home number, call him and demanded to do something.
He came out on press-conference announced about it proudly to show how nice he was picking up his home phone and how he accommodated her request. He said "it's all about who works for who." Nice. I agree, that's wonderful. He deserved to get credit and be praised for being "people's mayor."
But, I'm more than sure, I'm so positive for 1000%, that if the caller would be me, a white person, especially with foreign accent, he wouldn't not give a darn about what I had to say, ask much less request and would have somebody to contact me with serious warning not to attempt to contact him personally anymore.
Is he charitable? Yes, he gave out lots of money, God bless him. But to me he feels like the one who would prefer to be nice to worse ones first, before he can be normal to the best. Some of my Jewish friend tell me that there are some Jews that will take blacks and give them jobs, just because they're black, instead of them who are more qualified. Unless they know the person personally, there is less chance to be hired by them. Don't blame me for saying this. I'm not Jewish, I didn't make this up, but I know for sure, that I wouldn't even temp to think that I'd have the same approach in places ran by Jews.
I saw the same trend even in my ethnic group. Whenever there is a black person he/she treated like "special human." They all come first, they're given most attention, respect, consideration etc.
I don't mind everybody body treats anybody with as much as goodness as they wish. Not at all.
But, if we're talking about "equal opportunity" and some other "higher-order" thinking, those words are just for headline while the facts of story shows all the other way around.
Dinkins got rid of almost all light skin people from city employment roaster. He did it broad day light acting like a knight in shining armor accomplishing his "mission." Nobody dared to say anything, show or white about it. We just news about it, mentioned it between us, because we saw it.
That was all. Then Giuliani told on TV' "illegals come to NYC!"
He cleaned the streets a lot though. i give it to him.
Then, came Bloomi, who didn't want to know what was going on, he wanted his numbers "right." Now this commi with his behavior is inciting violence against the majority, which are still white. This one hates Police and white people together! He wants to see both punished and vanished. That's how I feel. That's how police treated me when I call them - with treat of arrest.
It never goes "are you the person who called us and why? What happened?" It's always "oh, you're alive and you called, it's a crime, a felony, let me get your name." Because I don't confront them verbally, emotionally or physically (I'm a middle age, delicate, educated, calm person) they "warn" me to call when I'm dead, laugh and leave. If I would have any of my experiences on tape you would not believe what you'd see. Absolutely not. None of it whatsoever.
For people like me, who live in NYC, who never, even bother anybody, much less commit a crime of any type, every step should be streamed live for the world to see. I know world can't help me, but I still hope in this country one person, one only person, can be willing to say; "I'm NOT going to let this sh.t go on like this" and be able to do something about it.
The only person that exists now, who can be that ONE ONLY PERSON is Mr. Donald J. Trump.
Although I believe that he and any of his family members never experienced things that I he to go through living in NYC, but, I have a gut feeling that if shown the proof not just only tape, but live-streamed, he will understand, he will feel the pain the way the other person felt and he will DO something about it.
He is my ONLY HOPE to become a journalist again, to say things the way I experience them,
be able not only to protect myself by saying that "equality" must pertain to people like myself too,
but also make it a reality.
Doc, once, a long time ago, on your show, you mentioned people who you called "not connected and innocent."
You said; "I'm for those in this society who are innocent and not connected." It made my heartbeat faster. I though you knew about me and people like myself and you were the one who cared. At least by words. At least you said it. What would, could and will you do I don't know. Just taking my calls would be nice enough for me, but that sentence was the glue that worked and made me a loyal listener for so many years. I know your heart is in the right place.
Would you be nicer to take a call from a black person, or person who calls from Ireland, than mine, maybe, still maybe my answer is "yes."
But, when after many many years of listening, the first time I've got on the phone with you and you said "Anna, it's a pleasure, I can talk to you for hours," it put a smile on my face. I was delighted.
We can't talk over the phone too much, you're nerve racking fast and controlling.
I wish we can talk calmly and think very very deeply how we can help Mr. Trump, on daily bases, day in and out, with concrete things, until he gets when he suppose to be.
The rest from both sides will only wreck a havoc on this country and jeopardize the very existence of it. There is not a bit of exaggerations in these words. I take full responsibility fro saying these things and ready to show with facts.
There are many things that the "hero" of street thugs and rappers in WH, who puts his big-feet on the table with arrogant smile on his face in highest office of this land (can you imagine trump doing it? I don't), don't know, can't find out and will not be able to fix. Not even locally, let alone globally.
Let me bring an example, so that you know I know what I'm talking about.
There is an inherit distrust and rivalry type tension between our federal bureau of investigations and intelligence agencies, like in smaller scale it is in between NYPD and FDNY. Everybody who reads, watches TV should know this by now. That is not only on the regular news, but in documentaries showing process of investigation of spying incidents. I can point out the programs with show the heads of those agencies saying it on TV.
Consequently, logically, there is no coordination for any future strategic work in defense of this country's security. There were people who were trusted to work in both agencies and ended up working for enemy for decades, before they got caught. What type of damage it did, no one can be certain, according to those who were in charge and who're saying this on TV.
These are stories which are closed already. My Q is; How many cases are still open and not even founded yet? Who is doing anything to fix this dysfunction between such sensitive agencies'?
Who is going to analyze what's wrong with this picture and have an intelligence to come up with fit-up plan?
Those who are talking on TV are already retired heads and officers of those agencies. They're not going to get reprimanded for telling the truth now. They want to show that they "found" something and did something about it.
Those who are doing the job now never will come out and tell el-jefe that something is "wrong" and thus they can't do their job properly. Employees don't go and say those things. They say "everything is wonderful like never before and I'm the hero of all time."
First, thin-smoking-man wouldn't know what to do and how to fix it anyway, second he'll get someone else right away and have another "thankful" person behind his back.
Does one person is capable of learning about things going on in every gov. agency, even in most important ones? No, with all fairness, I don't think so. But, like you ask often "who is watching the watches."
We, your and my type concerned citizens of this country, are obligated to figure out who to come up with a system like that. My solution, which is very doable and will be most effective (because it wouldn't raise unnecessary Q like "where is the proof ") is again and again have a team of people who live-streaming devices showing the simple people's REAL life of this city on constant bases.
The least we can start from here. Simultaneously we can show and comment and question those people who got a hand on public airways and not doing their job "in a good faith" to say the least.
No I'd not want them to shut up, I want them to correct themselves and do not BS people of this country. That's all. Courts should decide if they should pay a price for their stupidity or spewing vile hostility toward their "mission" to their viewers/listener, and thus WE - the people.
While I'll be catching their tails I want lawyers on their computer lined up to file lawsuit after lawsuit, until will do the capital housecleaning in the industry of news and information.
If we see that courts are getting in cahoots with them (I believe some judges will, the ones who have someone involved), we'll have court of people - court of public opinion. I'm very optimistic that if and when people see in harsh proof that many of them (meaning most of main stream media) are busy running business of BSing, as they already assume, they can and will do the justice by not pushing the bottoms on their devices. That will only benefit their health, their well being, their emotional state and this list is long.
You and I can direct them to better things and keep them informed and entertained in healthier and happier ways. We have common sense, we have high and diverse education and training, sense of humor, you name it.
I should be the consultant and the conceptual to POTUS in starting a new type of media and new type of journalism which will be not for self-serving for paycheck, but with cause for the good of the people and the nation. I can't do this job for money. I can't sell my soul. I'd like to get paid when I'll do the things my way and I'll see the beneficial changes in society and in minds and hearts of my fellow citizens. Also nobody can explain and offer ideas how to fix the immigration system, better than I. Simple because I've got through it and I know many others who have gone through to totally different ways. It is THE proof that this country is not serious about its laws and laughs at the faces of those who are law abiding. We'll hire lawyers who'd sue their colleges for wrong doing and clean their ranks as much as we can. World lawyer and lair became synonymous in this country. How can we expect the wrong-doer respect the law?
You should get what you want, such as becoming the head of NIH, as you very well qualified for.
From me to you as a person and fellow citizen; please tell your children to give you more grandchildren. They can afford it and there is no excuse for not doing so.
I don't have a family, you should make up for my losses! Please...
Now, let's go to Int'l news, shall we?
Russian pilots did a super professional job and saved the airline and all the people on board by landing the burning jet safely on the ground, at
After 15 minutes Boeing 777 of Russian OrenAir company took off from Dominican Republic, on 6 000 meter height, boom, one of its motors got caught on fire. The jet had a full fuel tank - 80 000 ton avia-kerosene in it. Smoke got inside the plane, 355 horrified passengers, among them many kids, started panicking and fall into near death emotional state (mw). 355 + 20 crew = 375 people in total. [After the plane from Egypt, I'm not surprised.]
Reporter calls it a "second birthday" for all passengers and the crew of the plane. It's absolutely correct assessment to me. If that experience would not give those people a new perspective on life I don't know what else will. Miraculously, no one even got injured, Thank God!
You should read how the whole thing played out, it's an extremely dramatic and an amazing story.
I don't have time now to do it now.
May God bless the commanders Constantine Parikozha who has 15 years of experience and the rest of the crew.
In Munich, the head of countries involved in the process of trying to solve Syrian crisis in diplomatic ways got together again. there was Lavrov from RF and Kerry from USA,
at Their goal is to put all sides of the conflict around the table and get some consensus on further actions on deescalation of the situation.
In the meantime, while Russian air-force is accomplishing its goal in Syria, pentagon officials can't shot their mouths up and stop badmouthing Russian efforts.
"Where do you get your informantion?," was asked to P's spokes-mouth Steven Warren.
How Russian Ministry of Defense answered to those "accusations" is at
At; Putin was briefed about the progress of complex military drills,
which was done announced to rank and file to check the combat readiness. "It's going good as planned," reported MoD of RF Sergei Shaigu.
[I wonder how far vermin in the media will go to spread panic about this in here and how many contractors and politician will take the stick of scare and jump on the the backs of taxpayers to make more greens.]
Above is not all I found out today. I always know many times more than I put out.
I don't even have time to proofread what I wrote. This blog for me is like a notebook where are jot down the basics, not the final material.
So long.
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