I'm listening right now. It's second hour. I also listened both conventions that you covered. I appreciated that you stayed behind from going for vocation with your family to be on front of mic. Hope all other listeners did too. Every year this day brings back somber memories.
I'm in Upper West Side and listening on internet, looking to the faces of people while walking. Can't believe how fast summer gone by. I missed so many things, like I'm carrying the pressure
of the world on my back. At 38th minute of 2nd hour you're talking about Hollywood sewage.
There is a nice poster on the side of telephone both with an ugly, but groovy animal character.
Underneath it reads: Eats flies, dates a pig - a Hollywood star. It's the green frag with triangle face. How many are different in life from this one?
Talking of racism with peanut butter sandwich. It's funny. I personally hate it, but racism??? What else is not racism these days. You should find out about my daily life. The only way to really cut the sh.t short if I'd have a streaming video broadcast and everyone would see on live time.
Underneath it reads: Eats flies, dates a pig - a Hollywood star. It's the green frag with triangle face. How many are different in life from this one?
Talking of racism with peanut butter sandwich. It's funny. I personally hate it, but racism??? What else is not racism these days. You should find out about my daily life. The only way to really cut the sh.t short if I'd have a streaming video broadcast and everyone would see on live time.
I'm continuing to listen and wondering if any other woman is listening to you in UWS. It's hard to get someone to talk to around here about issues we agree on.
I need a sponsor to get our of this situation.
Do you really believe prayer helps? What kind and how much of it? No wonder even Mother Teresa
had her doubts.
So long.
Do you really believe prayer helps? What kind and how much of it? No wonder even Mother Teresa
had her doubts.
So long.
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