Wednesday, September 19, 2012

To Michael Savage (part 35)


That's brilliant! You said "Body armor against Liberalites? Ha, Ha, Ha! I'm in library and laughing out loud.
You hear? They're going to approve unlimited tax overpayment? Nice, finally...  I want to see how much
Mr. Buffet is going to sent to IRS. Like he couldn't do that before? Yeah, right, tell me about it.
I'm listening to you.
If you'd know what liberalism is doing to my life every day in every way, directly and indirectly, you wouldn't believe. Equality wasn't the thing minorities had in mind and wanted to be mixed. That was only the first step to turn the abuse, control, violence through the power they're seizing especially after last elections.
You could hear it openly from black entertainers, especially one comedian (who by the way is black and my favorite), confessing.
Racist blacks and other minorities (such as Spanish and Asians joined by self-hating white liberals) everywhere doing whatever they want, no police, no nothing. Nothing helps. Entire system for me is dysfunctional because of my "wrong" color and I have to pretend that this is not happening in order to survive. Unless it's on hidden camera streaming live, you won't believe. No notes, no pictures, no books can tell the real story. Only live video can. Racism against white people, against this country and its good, law abiding citizens, especially the one like myself - innocent, decent and not connected, not only goes unpunished in daily bases, but is being provoked and encouraged by media complex. Remember "no new is a good news" for them, because the bad news is feeding them.This is a direct conflict of interests between them and public they "supposedly" serve, while they're using public airways. Go figure!
This is the country I came for freedom of speech and equality 21 years ago. American mythical reality confusing the world and ruining productive lives in here and in countries around the world.

So long.

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