I'm listening right now and today's show is brilliant. You should read from Bible a little bid every day on radio. Let me say this again to confirm your comments and predictions: most disadvantaged and discriminated people in USA today are white Christians who established this country and gave everyone else the same rights. Particularly the ones with accent and alone.
They gave and others took and took and took and took some more until the majority ended up without civil or human rights. Remember they found out that EEOC wasn't looking into inquires which were filed by whites against blacks' discrimination? I was one of those victims that waited for a 1.5 years and heard nothing from them. This was accruing at Ivy collage, which is ran by minorities belong same old dem. party. I endured all sorts of discrimination, harassment, sometimes even violence against me for 4 years to be able to save my job.
Finally, when I ran out of patience and opened my mouth, actually wrote the sh.t in the book, they got rid of me first very fast (for absolutely no reason, having "excellent" evaluation of job performance every year), then settled (after 2 years) with contract to keep my mouth shut.
Union? You know and I know very well - that's for friends.
A few days ago you were saying that if we would know what you were going through in life these days, we wouldn't believe. The same is with me; I'm going through another straggling phase and if I'd have a hidden video camera with live-stream, you'd see unbelievable racism and discrimination every day in every way against me, right on my face, threatening even my safety, inside and out my residence, everywhere. If I'd right about this, it would consider a fiction. If you won't see it, you can't believe. People come to this country writing those type of stories to get political asylum. Where do I get asylum from here?
You're right that this admin. divided this nation more than ever. You are the only one who has gut feeling to mention these things with warnings of gloomy future. Rush also says many things, true in many important aspects of society, but his tone doesn't warn or alarm. It sounds more of "declaration." Others I listen to also are smart and informative, but you have that immediate earthly feeling to dig into it and bring the stink out into everyone's nostrils.
Good for Russian jurisprudence that locked up those thugs called pussy-garbage-riot -vermin. 2 years is too little, if you ask me. In former Soviet hooliganism carried 1-3 years, they should give 3 and double it for blasphemy. At least 6 years of harsh colony in cold place and the rest of their useless life to spend working for free and living in monastery and obeying their rules and disciplines. No marriage, no shagging up and no drugs - legal or not. That would send a just and righteous massage.
Where do you think they got the idea like that and hoped to get away with that type of act in Church? Rotten immorals in Europe and left perverts in America gave them money and drugs, along with the idea. Mr. Putin was right saying that, they should try in in any masque in Northern Caucasus's region or in Synagogue somewhere in Israel, see what would happen to them.
With al-Hamdullah and thank Hashem justice would be brought to them very fast - hallelujah!
But, the God's good news is that WE - You and I, are here and most of our fellow Americans (50-60% of population) agree with us. And, I live in Upper West Side of Manhattan and I listen to you for many years. We just don't have control over main stream media and You and I and the rest who agrees with most what you say, should get together and find that one "zillionair" (they are some in the world) who would help us to change the course of collision of distraction of Western civilization and all that it will bring to the rest of the world.
We need people like Bill Gates to get to listen to you.
I heard on your program Rupert Murdoch and Mayor Bloomberg endorsing illegality, which would be against their grand-children's future. It is so unbelievably shocking. You're a son of an immigrant, I'm a naturalized citizen, who did it legally, came as a professional, single, educated young woman and still straggling. Why can't I say to anyone out there to do the same thing? I know why California will go down. Because people that I knew from former Soviet, came with phony pretenses and over decades living off the system and will die consuming. Just eat, sh.t and go to doctors - that's it! Have fun!!! Let Savage screams his lungs out for his country and legal and moral people who have decency pay the price, get anxiety and deprecation in result.
I personally respect Michael Bloomberg. I don't know who the next one going to be and how worse it can get. He just need me as an adviser to show him things that he don't know about. I'm giving him benefit of doubt that he don't know, but does he want to find out???
Under his watch police is deteriorating. He hires almost only minorities, youngsters and women who are mostly hostile to entire system of governance in this country, including especially white people, whose grievance goes nowhere.
Police simply, very boldly, refuses to respond. It goers like this: After you call 911 in NYC;
1. they just don't simply come,
2. they come late ( such as in 6 hours),
3. they come after you called 4 times and creaming your lungs out, which is being recorded,
4. they come and tell you you're not dead yet and go,
5. they see an injury, such as redness on your hands from hitting, which is on the camera in residency, still don't look at anything or anyone anyway,
6. if you have a scratch and blood came out, they still don't give a darn damn sh.t, don't take a picture, don't make and arrest,
7. you ended up calling ambulance and you're crying in distressed, ambulance takes you to hospital and they keep you for entire night (when only 3-4 people in entire emergency room
being treated)
8. you asked for a doctor all night and you never see any in Harlem hospital,
9. Physician Assistant, which is a black woman, who can't stand the site of you, because you're white, looking at you like she's your life coach and tell you how to live your life,
10. she, the PA "forgets" to put anything about the injury in medical records that you most likely submit in the court, thinking that in Harlem it's most likely a black person who did it,
11. District attorney's offices in 2 boroughs of the city, don't treat you as a client and the victim, they call you a "witness" and try everything to throw away paperwork from their workload,
12. if ambulance comes and they contact your regular doctor, which give you a paper that her patient was assaulted and was in distress, still the same person who did it to you will goes unpunished and continues the same under the security camera paid by tax payer.
Don't you think if you're a taxpayer you entitled to see those things?
If you're in Harlem and you're mugged while sitting in a State agency (that would be department of labor) directly under the camera and so called "security" walking around, nothing will help you, because they're black and you're white! They would gang on you like a tribe and only be happy that you lost your purse and you're crying.
13. Police comes, mostly black, looks at you with degauss because you bother them while still alive, "pretend" to look at the security camera, most likely see their own cousin getting into your jacket packet, while it's between you and the back of the chair you're sitting on, and leave without saying anything,
14. they file a report (by only the reason of being deaf), not hearing from you that your debit card was in your valet too among cash and metro cards, leave it out so it won't go into investigation to defectives' quad,
15. while taking your ID, such was my Passport, which had my SS card in it, the lowlife policeman was taking my SS card number also. Why would he need my passport, date and birth and SS number to file a report, when this lowlife is not allowed to ask ID from illegals?
16. you can go to 28 precinct from the end of January till the end of July many many times to find only ONE policeman who would give you your report number on official slip. No matter who you call, no matter where you call - their supervisors in every shift, 311 and file a complain, - NO ONE gives a sh.t! Certainly not Bloomberg and not Ray Kelly on top of the rest!!!
This will not end in a blog. I need to write a book about this. And this could be accompanied by a documentary, should I have had it recorded and broadcasted live while these things were happening to me over 2 decades living in NYC, living next or amongst minorities, being very compassionate to their past, ending up as a no-rights, no class citizen, because I'm white, innocent, honest, decent, moral, educated, nice looking and not connected.
I can talk about 24, 119, 28, 32, 19, 79, 84 and midtown precincts and their retarded, fraudulent, often stupid cops and detectives and show Mr. Bloomberg how things really are in NYC.
The worse thing to think is that he knows and he's happy. He got crimes numbers down, because they don't report crimes, and I'm more victimized than ever. I have been an Auxiliary Police officer in 24th precinct and lived around it for most of the years. I want to vomit when I hear that number. Worse thing can happen to you if you call help from them. You'll be laughed at, harassed and even threatened when I'd go physically to precinct to file a report. . I lived next to a Brazilian male prostitute for a year, paying the most market price in the city, while welfare was paying his living, didn't sleep for entire year at nights, lived around Swastika in hallways.
He would scream "kill the Jews, kill the Jews" laughing and singing, thinking I was a Jew, because I didn't get together with him to sue the Jewish owner of the building, he's call Mayor Bloomberg "a filthy Jew" every day. Every day everyone would hear, because he was living his doors open and making sure he's voice is all over even cross the street in Riverside park. Mr. Bloomberg should get his guts together, move in into the place I lived and close the door. He'd learn lots of things about this city life. I'd like to see how he calls 24th and report all if it.
Pervert prostitutes, illegals, minorities who hate this country and live in their own world are most cherished, respected and catered to. No matter what law say, on the ground reality is that they have all the power over the law, court system, medical care, etc.
You're right Doc, race relation are worse than ever for last 2 decades that I live in NYC. It was bad, when I came, I was thinking time will heal, the other person will be different, the other place would be better. I wish Mr. O will see what his presidency brought to this country. White liberals that I talk to, even the ones who were ambivalent, voted for him thinking this will be the end of so called "discrimination and racism business" perpetrated by minorities. They too now know it failed and failed miserably.
Ones recently you said there is no racism in this country. You meant black to white. You're right, but you didn't say there is a growing dangerous racism from blacks to whites.
Next time you should specify what do you mean.
Let me tell you about soda thing Bloomberg brought up. I listened to him on John Gambling show and agreed with him on this. You call it a "nanny state" approach. "Nanny" don't pay for you, right? Who pays the nanny - the parents. Can't parents who pay say something about your eating hobbits or health? Don't they decide to pay for those things or not?
Now hear this; NYC, which is broke, pays $4 billion for obesity treatment, because doctors made it a "disease." No, oh, oh, don't touch those, we can't talk about overeating like pigs, we just have to figure out how much we can benefit from their problem, right? Right! This city is bankrupted by freeloaders and fatties, he is the Mayor and he is a huge taxpayer. Why should he say or do about it? I was surprised he could do something about smoking. Less stink around, less poison in the air. God bless him for that.
I'll talk about fatties next time. I just become a Certified Nutritionist.
So long.