Monday, January 2, 2017

To Michael Savage Jan. 2nd, Monday, fresh 2017!


Wee hours of the morning.
Look how some people 'out of this world' celebrated the coming of 2017, at
It suppose to be much fun to be in space looking down to all the human trivia.

Trump's Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that economic sanctions against Russia were political retribution by O, at

[This "hacking" thing is vague and thus stupid.
Trump should not bluntly believe in any report by anyone (if it pertains to such complicated stuff such as rapidly changing internet technology), including so called "intelligence" agencies. Yes, I said that. Why? Because those agencies are ran by people who can be corrupted as anyone else. Don;t forget they had to dance under O's music for 8 years. They can have interests in making money directly and indirectly from political tensions, conflicts and wars.
I can jot down a list, but don't have time now. ****************************************
Trump should always exercise his own common sense and healthy dose of paranoia.
He should surround himself with people who have no financial interest in political tensions one way or the other. He should have his own brand new specialists, total outsiders. who can analyse the behaviors and interests of officials running and working in crucially important departments of federal governments such as FBI, CIA, DHS and such.

We always ask "who's watching the watchers?" My answer is; we have to start putting "We, the People" in place to watch those "watchers." Some Generals also can be warmongers, because they love to fight. That's their career and for that they need an enemy. Such as among doctors can be killers, among firemen can be arsonists, etc.
You watch channel Escape before talking about those facts and statistics with me.

Look at Maghreb-Arab conquest of Europe in 2017 AD, at 
[I like gearing roosters' and dogs making noise in background. Were they taking those with them?
If yes, let them in, I'll take roosters and dogs and .... :) ]

Just found out about this;
Trump's legal council Michael Cohen with Rev. Darrell Scott created an organization called "National diversity Coalition," it's at
I'm excited to find this. Let me get some lunch now at 1am. Yes, my night is day and my day is night and I need to recharge now.
I'll eat while watching and enjoying New Year celebration concerts and other fun programming from Russia.
If you don't speak Russian, you're missing out so much fun. It's such a fun language, because it's very flexible and has very rich vocabulary. There are things that can NOT be translated, no way Jose.

11pm, in Istanbul people started burring their death and police says that they have the fingerprints of the perpetrator. Also most likely they now know how he looks like.
Among 39 dead are citizens of 14 countries, one of them is a Russian citizen, a young beautiful woman, at Among injured is one young American man.

Three blasts killed more than 40 and injured more than 60 in Baghdad today, at 
What a horror show!

Today airplane carrying 35 Russian diplomats and their family members, all together 96, arrived in Moscow, at
The New Year they met "on suitcases," as they say in Russian.

[Seriously, what a nasty thing to do kick out people so fast at such busy, festive time when small kids can't understand why and can even say good bye to their classmates. It's cruel. O style.]

Actually American diplomats had already arranged tickets to leave RF in anticipation of similar measure from Kremlin, but didn't need to use them. Not only Putin didn't go as low as O, but at the contrary he invited American kids to join the New Year celebrations in Kremlin with the kids of returned Russian officials.
In an interview with ABC Sean Spicer said that there is no evidence to back accusations of hacking and effecting American electoral process on the side of Russia. Temper with the democratic process was done by Clinton campaign when she was secretly given debate Q, Spicer said.
Cuckoo-looking-n-talking-adam-shiff, Dem from CA, said that if Trump will try to lift the sanctions against Russia, legislators will stop him and will push for worsening them.
[Who's this cuckoo? He looks like he owns a pot dispensary. He looks like getting high just from smelling 200 different types of dope on daily bases. If I'm mistaken and he doesn't own a pot dispensary, he must be going to one of them in his district with a shopping cart. Somebody, check this man's trunk.]
On this fun note, I say GN,

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