Tuesday, December 27, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 27th, Tuesday


8:00am My sleep cycle is all upside down, couldn't sleep all night.

They found the first of 3 so called "black boxes" of Tu-154, which is the voice recorder, and already delivered to the special lab in Moscow region where it will be decoded. It seems to be in OK condition. Also they found out where the other 2 are located in the water and it's matter of time to retrieve them. Also one of the engines is already pulled out of the water, at
1tv.ru/news/issue/2016-12-27/15:00#3 and 1tv.ru/news/issue/2016-12-27/15:00#4. 
No more bodies yet, unfortunately. The number of found still stands at 12.
Some faces of victims at rt.com/news/371891-tu154-plane-black-box-found.

[Why they call those boxes "black" when they're orange in color?]

The good news of the day in that region is that today Russian gas got to Crimea. The poor peninsula was suffering from the hands of Ukrainian thugs who economically blockaded it and were and are plotting t.r.r. attacks against its people and infrastructure, at 1tv.ru/news/issue/2016-12-27/15:00#1.

[Putin should be given Noble Peace Prize for saving millions of lives. What O did to get it? Nothing?
Yesterday he said that should he run again, he'd win. No, he wouldn't. All the key states which voted for him, all voted for Trump. I guess, people got a hint for real. Speaking of him running at the first place, I's say he didn't compete with me and many others who're better citizens of this country in terms of patriotism, but we didn't even think of running because we believed Constitutional laws are applicable in this country. After he's out of there, I want so called "journalists" retrieve his school records to clarify for all of us if he pretended to be a foreign student in CU and got a scholarship because of it. For types like him lying is living and its a mission which laughs at law and truth. I'm surrounded by those types in my daily life and should I have a place to run and survive, I'd easily expose fraudsters of the system and society. All I have to do is live-stream my daily life. No comments will be needed, I promise.]

Moscow court satisfied the claim of plaintiffs, which were the former President of Ukraine and many members of its parliament, called Rada, and declared 1914 February events in Kiev as 'Coup d'etat,' -overthrow of government, at 1tv.ru/news/issue/2016-12-27/15:00#6. For those who lost their legitimate status in government is was important to hear legal definition of aggression committed against them personally, against their duly elected professions positions and thus their livelihoods.

[It's about 3 years of chaos, thanks Biden and son, Inc. DC politics of killing white Christians by brother O and some self-hating, self-destructive rulers of EU who hate Putin, because they're jealous of his smarts and popularity.]

Russian children donated tons of gifts and sweets to their Syrian counterparts living in city of Tartus, at 1tv.ru/news/issue/2016-12-27/15:00#7.

Today is 'Day of Rescuer' in Russia and President Putin congratulated them and thanked them for their bravery and commitment to pubic good, @KremlinRussia.

9:30am just came in; divers found a part of second engine and the tail of the Tu-154 plane and about pulling them out.

In the meantime (I didn't forget people of Donbas) Kiev shows its contempt to Minsk agreements,
its thugs are still firing bombs on civilian residential areas and especially are shelling Debaltsevo-Svetlodarskiy base of self-defense forces.
A shelling also came down in the place where OSCE reps were working.

[What are those people doing there? Are they all spies giving the number of dead to Biden and O to cheer them up, or they have some other function in there? I'm just curious. Why one of out "journalists" is not reporting about their "work" in war zone in that part of the worlds. Oh, sorry, silly me, we don't have journalists, we have screwballs getting paid as such. ]

9:55am just came in; 2 other Black boxes of Tu-154 are being pulled out of Black Sea at this minute.

American spy plane RC-135W just came close to Russian borders in Kaliningrad region,
10am Signing off. Have a big day ahead.

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