Friday, December 16, 2016

To Michael Savage Dec. 16, Friday


Wee hours.
This is Trump's Gettysburg speech in Oct. 22nd, when he revealed his plan of action for first 100 days in office. Here it is;
It's a contract between him and the American people. In the speech he called Americans to dream big.
After quarter of century living in the US, I voted for the first time. I dared to believe him. I want to keep the trust, but how can I do it without a proof? I was waiting for today for 25 years.
How do I approach him, how do I get his attention to show my project?
Anyone who reads this can leave a comment with an idea?
Now that he's so busy, so surrounded by countless big shots and fat cats, who's the average voter for him? He's now in lock down, surrounded, protected, watched, checked every second. After moving to WH it will just get worse. After awhile when it become a routine and a lifestyle, wouldn't he forget about all those millions of faces who supported him? Afterall it's human psyche "out of site out of mind." He'll be too busy. But, the thing I want to do is something no one else can.
That's the difference.
Maybe he should nationalize the entire media as public-private entity, put out for auction with certain criteria, such as demand of factual news reporting? Then create a "citizens fact check" organization which will monitor the media. It can generate corporate dividends and independent stake as "fact checkers."
Lying propaganda is not a freedom of speech, it's infringes it.

If all these losers I can't stand are proven wrong, at,  I must to be right, right? Right!!! Only with God's Grace... 

Trump is going to be in Orlando, FL tonight.

I listened to first part of your today's show, you were talking about different things and asking a Q "if as O claimed that Russia hacked the election, how come H got more votes?"
Good Q. I have the other part of it. How come it came out after Trump won, not when it was happening. If O would have proof, he's have guts to come out and tell us and be able to stop it, correct it, do something about it.
Yes, I watched 2 mins of Mrs. O interview with long forgotten O and she was talking about "hope."
You're right, she's talking about herself losing hope of taking Air-force 2 all by herself going to vacations. Not on tax payers' dime, not any more. I really hope that she'll keep her mother in her next house with them. Without other people's money, in one point, a fight is going to break loose. That's what I hope for.
How much the POTUS's mother-in-law costed taxpayer for last 8 years?
You said that you're going to vacation for 2 weeks, I don't blame you, you need it.

Putin finished his official 2 day visit to Japan, at
It went well, lots of business contracts were signed.
This became the highest point of relations between the two countries after WW2.

Trump is in Orlando now and his speech is being live-streamed, at (3h. 7min)
This is a short version with only his speech, at (53 min.)
He says that he was on the cover of Time magazine as a person of the year, but we all should be. "This is a movement folks, this is a movement and you made it happen." [I love it.]
He's talking about jobs, about cutting off NAFTA. Yeah! Building a great wall and finishing with illegal immigration and smuggling of narcotics which is killing our people, especially youth.
"You're incredible people will be in charge, you will be writing your own future. People saw, they heard, they came out and the other side didn't know what hit them!"
Dream big, bold and daring. I'm asking you to believe ones again to America, we'll make America wealthy again and great again.
He finished the speech at 9:16pm and I feel that this was my gift for Christmas from him.
I can dare to dream big and bold? WOW! That's why I came to America 25 years ago.
From the day I've got here my dreams were answered with negativity, disappointment and it went down the spiral from there.
Very few told me I could do whatever I put my mind to. Easy said than done if you're a single woman, educated, without family or relatives, decent and honest. Add to it being an introvert and creative type, living in NYC - there goes your dreamed perfect life down the drain.
Ones Rush L. called Manhattan "an armpit of dev.l. I was shacked how right he was. I always wander how would it feel to live somewhere where Americans love their country and don't hate a white person. Being white and immigrant is the lowest place you can be in this society. Everybody hates you, including your own type and there is nobody to go to. Actually, if you see my life live-streamed, you'll realize that I'm a hostage taken by black hate and there is no way for me to go for help.
I know this can sound from harsh to unbelievable, but that's why I said "live-streamed," not "talked about."
Anything white person says, doesn't count and/or can be held against. By who? By police, by employer, by a landlord. Any type of perpetrated by a fraudster and criminal, as long as he/she is black, automatically the law is on his/her side. You MUST see it to believe it. It's prohibited to talk about, to show, to pay attention. Minorities organized by media, lawyer's lobby and "community organizers" keep this country's majority hostage. There is no freedom of speech, no sir, none whatsoever. It's a biggest lie perpetrated on those who believe it, leave everything behind and come here for it and waste a life in here. Happened to me for 25 years.
Now, if I'm lucky that this man called Donald J. Trump in reality is and will be a keeper of his words, 25 years of my straggle to survive and hold on to my dream will be vindicated.
I have a note on my wall saying "believe in His timing."
In the times of disappointment and even despair throughout 25 years it kept me going.
I never stopped believing that God exists. I just thought if I can't do something, it means, in a way, it's His will. That as much as my self-consoling went.
Trump is a father, brother, cousin, friend I never had. Should I had one like him, my life would be much more productive and fruitful for myself and for humanity. Yes, I have things I can offer to humanity. Maybe it's time to reveal? Only with God's grace!      

Just look at this report and tell me how the "big shots" like EU rep. can lie so big in broad day light?
How this disinformation business of global caliber gone out of control so psychotically?
F. Magerini says that EU and UN are the only ones providing aid to Syria, at What is she smoking?
Who's going to tell those hook-nose Europeans that they're not the smartest thing in the world?
Look at the report, look at the Kerry saying that the US just decided to give to Syria $6 Billion.
My Qs; what is it so much exactly?
I can't take this anymore.

So long.

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