Monday, October 24, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 24th, Monday


Wee hours.
I'm linking to this clip again  Trump delivering policy speech, telling what he'd do first 100 days in office in symbolic place - Gettysburg, PA.
At 4:45min he says that H should be precluded from running at the first place, but FBI and DoJ covered her crimes, which included lying to congress and FBI in numerous occasions, including that she told "I don't remember" to the FBI for 39 separate times.
Both she and her husband belong to jail, as far as I'm concerned. Even for a short time. But, if and when they go, this country will have a much better face to look at the world.
Look at the terrifying numbers who many millions are registered, but are not citizens, how many are dead. but still voting, how many vote in separate places, etc. And, this statistic is low, because it includes only those who they (whoever does the counting) could count. What about others?
Who was watching those that I know of who're illegals and went and voted in NYC?

Trump was in Naples, FL yesterday, at Nationally his numbers are leading now. !!! Drain the swamp, Mr. Trump!

Yesterday I was watching some stupid public channel and couple of black women, one of them "professor" of government in local university, talking about "voter suppression," saying that to obtain ID is such a "hardship" for "people of color" that asking for it is a "racism." How much bigger a vermanic deceit can go in a mass media? Can you believe that such lie can be said in public and nobody arrests them for "slendering the integrity if the country." Do we have such law? Why don't we? Our ally Turkey has. WH don't care to appose it. How much and how long the lie can be allowed to victimize normal people, who're the majority, of this country?
People, read Trump's "Contract with America." Plan of David against Goliath.     ******************************************************************************

It's time for some of us, who care, stand up and create new type of media. I'm thinking if I'd not do it, who will?
I believe in my gut that Trump will win. I pray that God will not abandon this country from its protection. I hope (although I can't see them), that majority of this country is still sane and wants to continue to go on. We're on 0 point on survival scale. It can go any way, left or right, up and down
at any hour, at any time.
We have a sane man, who can think with cool head and make decisions to guarantee our survival. That's Mr. Donald J. Trump. He has a beautiful family, extremely successful business and wealth to protect. He loves his country. No doubt about it.
In other hand we have an old, sick, crooked witch, who is suicidal power manic with warmonger-fornicator-predator mate, who couldn't care less to lose him or lose it all. "Propadi on propodom!" she'd say, if she'd speak Russian. Oh... let me think... she has grand-babies? She likes them?
Oh really? I'm a woman. I know for sure that every woman dream is to become a grandmother. Every woman's biggest joy is to take care of her grandchildren; hug and kiss them, feed and change them, sit, wall and sleep with them, sing and play with them, bond with them and leave them with most precious thing in life; memories of love. This witch is not even thinking about it, let alone doing it.
What kind of a woman is that? Who needs a mother who's not there to care for her grandchildren? Her daughter needs her? Since when? She needs her money, that's for sure. I wonder what is she going to do for so much of it? When a woman is having children she always searches for her mother and wants her to be around. That's not a high philosophical materia, it's just a normal human
interaction whiteout which can not be love. Who's loving her now? I believe nobody! Nobody even in her own family. Maybe good old paints' dropping predictor billy-willy wants to back in WH to hand around army of interns. "Unlimited supply" for his appetite. Witch will be bogged down in the office and the "first man" will use every bad in every bedroom to play hide and sick and cat and mouse with interns who're aspiring to earn their knee pads.
Wouldn't it be a "recruitment" tool for those who hate those kinds of behaviors, at least religiously?
I don't even want to imagine such nightmarish embarrassment for this country once again from the hands of hillbillies. Their grandchildren are going to remember them from pictures. Yikes, tu!

This Mosul surge right now and some other things coming soon is designed to help Dems' in the election. Look what French military expert, ex-military commander Caroline Galakteros is saying (4:05min), at
Look at this huge mess, at I can't even start bringing this report down, it's too saturated with facts. Why don't we have this kind of profound reporting?
Oh, I see, we don't have journalists, sorry, I forgot. 5:03am.

Late evening; this is your today's show at
You were fuming, saying if we, the "deplorables," care about western civilization, we should pay attention that those mentally disordered liberals, who are the most suicidal ones, are in work to bring this one down. "From Beethoven to rap in one POTUS," you say.

Those right now are surrounding H - lock, stock and barrel. Things now stand as life and death; life under Trump, death under H, you say, - it's clear as a bell. Civilizations do not die, like the Roman one, they're assassinated.
You're right, sadly. Idiots go to football game and support tattooed bombs who make fortunes playing ball, then kneel to show contempt.
We're living minority tyranny, that's so true. You should see those I deal with on daily bases. You said "we're on precipice, on the line of life and death."

Trump was in St. Augustine, FL today, Giuliani gave speech before him, at He starts at 55min. into the tape. At 58th min. he says that his campaign represents a change of a lifetime and it's a movement like none-other.
This is Sean's interview of Jeff Rovin, Pence and Kelly, at
O love when Trump sticks his finger out pointing at media in hte back of the hall and calling them liars and thieves right on their faces. He says "H would be nothing without them!"
Hallelujah, praise the Lord! Somebody has guts to say it from that high podium to entire country.  

So long.

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