Wednesday, October 12, 2016

To Michael Savage Oct. 12th, Wed.


About 2pm.
Everybody is talking about Trump's poll numbers. I don't believe a second that he's down in the first place. And, if he's it don't matter. I never have been "polled" by anyone, nor I know anyone who has been "polled." I don't know where they get their numbers anyway. When more than 80% of the media is against him and working 24/7 relentlessly on that agenda, what do you expect? I heard on the radio it's 80%, but I feel that number should be 98%.
There is another factor; those who're publicly on his side in the media like yourself, don't live in swing states to make a difference in polling place. You live in CA and your vote most likely is not going to make a difference for him. I live in NYC and as of today I'm not even registered yet. Should I go through the hassle, go to a polling place and see anybody can walk in and do the same like me, going to effect mental health. My vote, most likely than not is not going to make a deference for him in NY State. Is Sean H who's on his side also lives in NYS? Only Rush's vote might count in swing state of FL. One person in media has 50% chance to be counted for anything? WOW!!!

Today is Yom Kippur, maybe you're not going to work. Sabbath of Sabbaths. Go tell your sins, ask for forgiveness so you can open more room for more.... ;) I'm just joking.
Yesterday you were talking about it, saying that nobody is perfect, so we shouldn't ask perfection from Trump. Catholics do the same thing very week on a smaller scale, Jews do once a year on a big scale. It's good to ask for forgiveness and forgive others. It's all for good. My thing with it is this; what kinds of sins are those and how many times someone committes it. I don't like when libs confuse people by calling a crime a "mistake," like crooked H did the other day.
Messing up with classified info. she calls a "mistake." Killing someone is mistake too, but what kind of mistake?
This election is so crucial for the survival of this country, I can't even go there.

I'm checking some pussy-talk all over the world, from Lavrov's mentioning of Pussy Riot in Russia to T-pussy-locker-room-talk in US elections.

Putin said that US gov is created an anti-Russian hysteria and scaremongering its own people.
I agree with it a 100%. I can't even believe what I hear from our media full vermin like Andersen Stupor. At

Your show started, you have a substitute. Hope you pray long and deep for your sins. :) Yesterday you were saying that nobody is perfect. I say you're wrong. I'm perfect. I was thinking to ask to forgive my sins, but then I couldn't find any.

One of today's papers called Trump "a party of one." I'd say one leader of party of silent majority.
H is a member of a horde. Leave her alone one day, see who she gets up from her bed and eats her breakfast. I'd like to see one full day of that woman all by herself, doing daily things. That would close the chapter on her very fast. If she's elected world war III will be looming. Putin calling diplomats and their families to go home to motherland.
Look at the amount and locations of US military bases around Russia on this site,

Also, in "Russia calls" forum in Moscow, Putin said that to isolate Russia with economic sanctions will not succeed. 'Those are provocations and will only harm those who created them,' he said in front of 2000 businessmen from 60 countries around the world, at
Despite sanction a barrel of oil is stable at $50 and interest to invest in Russia is increasing.

So long.


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