Today Russians buried their hero son, 25 years old officer Alex Prokhorenko. He gave his life in a hot war in Syria by bringing the fire on himself. What a real man and a hero!!!
In his native Oldenburg region today is declared an official trauer day. His wife is about giving birth and was not allowed by doctors to attend. Good choice, she couldn't emotionally handle the stress.
He was following his ancestors' path who were military men.
Look around the world, see how many of those you can find among 7.5 Billion people? Numbers are too far in between.
We have to find more of those in here and rely on them to help this country to go forward.
Domestic news; Paul Ryan of all ugly faces said that he's not ready to endorse Trump just yet.
To me he's trying to play "hard to get" card, but instead he's looking stupid, as his face exhibits.
Also he said that as if Trump inherited Republican party.
For reply at his @realDonaldTrump account Mr. T. said that he didn't 'inherit' GOP, he won it with millions of voters.
I caught up with your second hour, starting right now.
You're saying that we're watching a revolution unfold in front of our faces.
People are awaken and rising up already and between us is face-painted media. But, the makeup is melting down from their faces already.
You're talking about colleges, who denied you from teaching position, because you are a white man. Yes, of course, they didn't put it out that way. I agree. I'm in the same position for 25 years now. Although a woman, but white, educated, not connected and not willing to bend to a boss over for a job, I too, am a living proof of discrimination.
Did you hear about the book just came out that's about people who work in entertainment and media that are screwing each other left and right all over the place? Did you have any doubt? I didn't. It is just not talked about and not being shown. I'm a middle age woman, when I go my legs open in the summer, most men want to jump on me. Imagine I'd ask a job from them or already getting paid by them. What do you think would happen? I worked for women bosses who were straight, but those were also jealous when I'd wear a dressy shoes with skirts. I don't wear long usually, but also not short. Just appropriate. I don't wear makeup, I'm a middle age woman and have no shortage of men, young and old asking me out. I just don't go out with anybody. Just like that. Haven't done it for a looooong time. If a man can't make my day easier and more enjoyable, don't have means to help me to do what I can, want and need to do in my life to feel happy, to me he's not to waste time with.
Do I have friends and neighbors who I socialize with? Of course. Actually, I'm a very social person. Just happened that last several years I have no mood and no energy to socialize much with those who can't teach me anything. Simply don't have extra time to teach and/or entertain them. That's all.
Most man wants good meal and sex anyway. Isn't it true? The rest is just a talk around it while trying to get to it. Isn't it the case?
4;30pm you're ranting about the death of truth thus death of our national security by the vermin in MSM and our government officials.
Yes, national security must be the main concern. Governments' first obligation is to keep their population alive. Once person or people are dead, there is nothing they can "enjoy" anymore, unless some go to heaven, which is not a tangible commodity, the least to say. So, let's leave that dream alone and concentrate what can and must be done by government, which is run by sinful, egomaniac humans.
Trump said he didn't need a unity in GOP to win, he was and still is right. Ryan is withholding his endorsement for Trump for now, so what, who cares?
Ryan's face reminds me of a genetic kleptomaniac guy I knew growing up. Some things can not be cured. I don't believe a word come out of his mouth. I want hos daily life streamed 24/7.
Before that I'm entitled to my opinions formed by expression of their looks, words and behaviors.
You're saying that we have traitors among us like we had them before. Of course. Every time every country had its own spies and traitors. I came out of my building and the news goes around about what was I wearing and accordingly where I might be going. Unless they ask directly and I see the jealousy and resentment on their faces. Couple of woman, which I never had seen before, in my building are constantly threaten me for last 2.5 years me living here. No police want to hear or do anything about it. I'm tired of reporting, because police threatens me for that. I'm not suppose to "bother" them with any problem. My only thing should be dropping dead, then they'll come, see, enjoy, take a picture, go home. Other than that I haven't seen police do anything to prevent or get involve to do something about the illegality and crime. NYPD is consist of low-life, low-class, low-brain-cells creatures who are not capable of understanding that they're at work and they should do something. They're thought by their superiors 'it's not worth the pay, go home.' If they get a call it's like a personal insult to harm them. It's taken as an attempt to personally harm his peaceful, quiet life, take over his paycheck, thus hurt his/hers family, etc.
Black officers will scare me because I'm white, Hispanics come and speak their own language to others who can understand, make fun, stare to scare and leave. The white one will do the worse in order to show that he/she is not 'raciest.' Whites harass whites more to please the minorities by showing that they're on their side. You know it, I know it, I live it every day.
All those articles in constitution with all the amendment absolutely do not give me any protection from any vermin criminal in daily bases. I can ask for a federal probe into one huge none-profit organization's conduct of having hired their own people on all sorts of no-show jobs. You think media is going to cover, or those government inspectors have brains to figure out? I don't think so.
THE ONLY thing is to live-stream my life 24/7. I'd love FBI to be on tail all the time, around the clock, even if I'm asleep. That will only keep me safe.
I welcome and will be very happy for it, I promise. Not only happy, but grateful. I believe to get in contact with Trump and his family members we all need clearance. I'd LOVE it! Some who has power enforcing the law comes and checks me out, finds out who I am, what I did and do, what I stand for, what are my plans for future? Find out that I'm this incredible clear, clean, honest, honorable person and live a life in most humble ways, never bothered or bothers anybody, but helps as much as possible? What can be more exciting for me? That would be the signal that my time to shine is approaching. It's time for me to be able to put all I accumulated out there to work.
There is nobody else out there can do the stuff I can in my own unique ways.
No one has my mindset how to accomplish most important things in the world, which can have impact of life and death for millions of humans. No one has my plans and projects, no body can understand, because they're not intelligent enough.
You, Dr. savage, and I have been on the same page for average 95% of the time on most important issues, foreign as well as domestic. Foreign - I know more than you. Naturally.
In domestic front my opinions based on my daily life experiences vary from your opinions , which are based on your experiences just a little bit. Maybe 5%, no more. This is as good as it can get.
I disagree with you in 2 'conservative' issues, but I think we'd meet and have a quiet conversation I'd be able to convince you otherwise. All you have to do is not to scream and rant and answer.
Those are issues that you talk about all the time.
On those you say you're rigid conservative and I say I'm an independent. So, I'm middle right, like the most of the rest of this country. The difference is that most of the rest don't know why they're this or the other way, they go by the tide around them. Look at the cesspool, the sewage pipe installed in most college campuses of this country. Look at those "IVY" colleges, which charge arms and legs, brainwashing young against everything around them. including their own parents and the country, and sending them out with crying and confused faces with a huge debt hanging in their pants and pulling it down. They have to keep it down to get a job anywhere.
I worked in one of Ivy colleges in this country. Prozac, birth control pills and M&M were in the same pockets of most of girls - out in the open. All considered a candy.
5:46 your'e saying that most of people are off to weekend at this time and asking us to raise a hand :) if we want you to 'light up" a bit. Yes, I do, but you don't see my hands.
They're up and shaking 'yes.' :)
4:53pm you're talking about your F-book stuff and asking us to check it out. I don't bother with it whatsoever; don't use it, at least hasn't done so yet.
Where is your cheer? How you're ranting again, saying that we should have the equivalent of LAC
(love America committee) to check what and why our government doing this and that. That said that Putin bombed the heck out of .S.L in Syria and now withdrew and media is not talking about any of these.
Well, you and I know that media is taken and ruled by semi-pseudo-intelligent crowd ruled by enemies of this nation. Look at the top on that hill-of-big-sh.t; of holly-weird industry and Soros and Murdock types are on the wheel injecting poison in society and pushing it into abyss. More mess in society is more money for them. What can be simpler than that?
Bad news is a good news for them and that's the bottom line. I bet their families hate them. They don't have anyone who cares and/or wishes them well. Even those who lay under them to get or keep their pathetic "jobs."
To it's be much easier to show how stupid they're rather than bother with analyzing that they say and why. Who cares what they say? I want to know who they are and how they conduct their lives. And, because I'm no interested in that, so I can find my own news and do my own commentary. Let others who have nothing better to do listen to them and waste their precious time.
The end of your show; you're screaming that you're banned from all major networks and are allowed only in handful. We know it. I also say the same thing that you say; judge a person not only by his friends but also by his enemies.
Big thinkers have a hard time to be a part of a group, meaning have whole bunch of friends. Most people don't want to hear or hang around people who are smarter than them. That's why we have fewer friends. Not because we don't want more, but because it's how human nature is constructed.
Lower of the law in society are the gangs. Why? What brings them together and makes them do things the way they do? I know. I;m sure you know and ht readers of this blog should find out themselves, if that will interest them. ***********************************************
Look at this at
It his interview to TASS agency Minister of Culture of FR - Vladimir Medinsky talked about "why the world needs Russia's victories." He spoke of heroism of Russian military, suffering of Syrian people, approaching victory day, etc.
In this clip you can listen to the full consent given by Russian orchestra in Palmyra. It's called a "Pray for Palmyra." I'm going to enjoy it now. Check and follow it @nnr_news.
Also is very good. It reports that mayoral candidate for city of London is a Muslim man with Pakistani roots who is promoted by Labor party. He's ahead, but it seems that (I've got from other up to minute sources) the final stroke of confirmation is going to be put in place on Saturday.
If he's confirmed, he'll be starting work on Sunday as a first Muslim mayor of London.
See how it looks like from afar to all of us? That's how ours look to others in abroad. It just still do not feel alright.
It looks like London ran out of European, white, British, Christian, straight men to work for them. Isn't it?
With Hillary the rest of the world see the same; - America ran out of men and relying on an old, jaded woman. Sorry, Hill.
So long.
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