Tuesday, May 3, 2016

To Michael Savage May 3rd, Tuesday


Wee hours of the morning.
Look at this report at novorosinform.org/news/id/52124. Easter  night there was gun fight in DNR in result of which 2 self-defense soldiers died.

The 'civilized' world does not notice those poor people's deaths. Why? What have those poor, suffered people of Donbass done to anyone?
Why WH is paying our money to murderers in Kiev to kill their own people in their own country? Why? Who is going to help those people and put an end to this war?
Why is the West getting emotional satisfaction on bloodshed in southeastern Ukraine, why?
I have my own very bad answers for this, but can't write in here.

Confucius said; education breeds confidence, confidence breeds hope, hope breeds peace.
Low information voter together with those driven by blunt hate are controlling our streets and holding this country down. It is already in financial marsh and going down surely. Unless someone who knows how to dry marshland and make it habitable again gets into WH, we're doomed.
I don't mind to be the pessimist in this equation.

Other quotes from Confucius;
- It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
- Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. 
- I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. 

I don't agree with the part of the 3rd one saying "I hear and I forget." That's for visual types. 

I'm auditory, I say 'I hear and I remember, I see and I might remember too, I do and I achieve." I don't need to do everything to understand it. It's for some occasions only, such as computer stuff. 

Early afternoon;
Talk shows are talking about a picture that was posted in Inquirer a few mouths ago. That was a photo where "unidentified" man with JFK's killer.
It didn't make any noise then, but apparently something came up pointing that the unknown man suppose to be, or looks like Rafael Cruz Sr, - Ted Cruz's father.
Apparently Trump said about it on Fox&Friends and Cruz got berserk and talked back to Trump saying that he crossed his father.
Should I work for media and be interested to find out first I'd want to know if his father is still alive and has something to say. Then, if he's not to bring more photos of him and show to try to clear the thing up. But, I'm not and I'm not interested about this topic.
I was the clip when Carly Fiorina fell off the stage, Cruz look and continued to shake hands as appose to jump and pull the lady up. It was so bizarre that I at first second I though that was a fake clip. There are times that you see something which was made up for comedy shows. I have to be sure of those things. Second, in the back of my mind I's expect Cruz to act like a jerk. I don't know why, but it's just my impression of him. The way he talks politics like he's reciting verses and preaching at the same time makes me not trust his words. On top of it is his crooked face that don't make it easy to figure out. Then, his Canadian citizenship that he didn't denounced. Enough? For me it is. That's all.

Another thing I feel while listening to major talk shows makes me feel like whenever you're on one candidate' side, Rush and Levin take on the other. Rush was hot on Palin, you were saying she's not electable. Now, you're on Trump's side, Levin and Rush are not. Am I right all the way on this? I'm not sure. We'll see after Trump's nomination if they will continue to talk against him. 1:15pm.....

10:30pm, oh, sweet sound of Rafael Cruz saying bye-bye. That made my whole week.
I could not trust a word that man was saying. He should be in his senatorial office or on the floor of congress working on his job. People pay him to do his job, not to run around asking for another one and still get paid. It's most disgusting thing that I witness. Who else can do that in this country? Maybe some do, but they're not senators, who "suppose" to be so "important" and not doing it in front of the world. It's good for him tough. If he didn't lose his conscious yet, he knew he was pulling a short and couldn't do the job of President anyway. Now he can get back to a more normal fraudulent existence. To him I'd say - "Show up to work already Teddy-boy. It's time to work for the money you're getting from taxpayers."

To me Bernie makes more sense than the Hillary. I can't argue with him that younger demographic goes after him. That's a fact. Is it necessarily better? I'd hope so should I see smart people in public square or in media talking to them, explaining things to them and addressing their concerns.
Tuition is totally unbelievably high compare what they get in return. Most of them are drowning in debt from their teenage years.

I heard only part of your show. I'll listen the podcast when I get a chance.
Levin was livid today. He blamed Trump for not citing from Constitution. Oh, boo-hoo!

So long.

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