Wednesday, March 9, 2016

To Michael Savage March 9th, Wed., 2016 AD


Yesterday Mr. Trump won Michigan and Mississippi primaries and Hawaii caucus, which is very good. Now he has an upper hand, for sure. Oh, this expression might be politically incorrect also?
The horrible human hurricane of lies was blowing toward Trump the whole last week. Dozens of Millions spent on that thrush.
You know what I like the most from his sayings? He says "I endorsed and donated Romney - he lost, same to Mccain - he lost, I said let me do this myself.'" !!! I love it. !!!
That's like anything I have done in my life; anytime anybody had to do something for me to get paid for it, I ended up doing it myself and founding out that I did better and faster.
Look at garbage-man-Romney, like all the horrible lies about Trump wasn't bad enough, he stuck his ugly-poisonous-sneaky- head out of a ditch and started attacking Trump. Why would he do that? What he has to gain from it?
Years ago, when he was running, he looked handsome to me. Now he looks like a real snake in human skin.
Is it just a pure-bitter jealousy that he can't keep down? I didn't figure out that yet. All I know for sure is that Trump endorsed him when he was running and proof is here;
What has changed in that sneak looking scumbag's mind? How many mental deceases it has been attacked and altered with? Do you know what his father Horhay said about white people, when he was in politics? I'll tell you if you pick up my phone call. It's so despicable that I don't want to write it in here. ********************************************************************
All I can guess from his political attitude and approach that he was a self-hating Mormon, who couldn't stand the Christians, and thus white man and people in general, because they're still simply the majority. Horhay was using minority run "discredit, disparage, lie, hate-n-destroy" tactics.
Those types of low-lives are never satisfied anywhere, no matter what and how much of it they have. I'm saying he was a self-hater too, because unprovoked hate comes from inside. Those who hate others for no reason, hate themselves first, that's the fact. Why would that garbage-taken-out-fool hate someone like Trump? What is he gaining from it? Besides that he's gone berserk because of mad cow disease, I don't see anything practical. Is he got on cocktail drugs? What altered his mind? The only theory my imagination can come up with at this point that mrs. Ann beat the sh.t out of him for not taking garbage out on time. I hope he still being let in the basement of the house and plays with his therapy tools. That will do world of good to him on his path of recovery.

So called ADL ain't no sh.t either (as we say in NYC streets). It didn't do anything to defend your reputation when cuckoo-British-teacher-woman banned you from that country, remember? Now IT'S getting on Trump's tail to discredit him. Can you imagine that rubbish? I watched the clip from that moment when Trump asks to pledge loyalty vote to him.
Of course, first of all, it was a joke, it was done for fun, no one can make you legally pledge on anything if there is no signature involved. It's part of exciting the crowd with some physical activity, such as movements.
I pledge my allegiance to Constitution of USA when I became a citizen, but for that I had not only say the pledge and/or raise a hand, but swear under oath and sign.
Everybody with average mind should know this, but some ex-ADL-Fox-man pretend he's as ignorant as the illegals who don't know that, because they haven't done it. He said that the way the crowds raised their hand "bothered" him, because it looked like a H-salute. You just look at that clip and the see the corner of the shut it was taken from. It's taken from the back and from high on top. Naturally
it looks like more stretched than raised. Who is he trying to fool this fool? He's spreading his paranoia thinking it's contagious? I don't think so. Unless you live with him and have a weaker mind, you won't be effected.
I'd suggest him to go to my friend, who is a psychiatrist and Jewish himself for general check up. It's time to upgrade his medications. I'm sure he will find out that his paranoia is getting on the 9th level (which is the worst) and he's getting some more "goodies" in his mind's basket, such as manic depressive, bipolar, etc. That list might be long.
I'm sure of another thing, if he'd given good money, he wouldn't  mind to kiss Trump's behind. I'm just praising him now, I don't want to badmouth him by saying he'd pay for it, so hopefully he won't come after me. That's a big, fat snake right there.
I previously thought that ADL should be a good organization, just for the name of it. I never heard of any big thing they have done for anybody or anything, but maybe I missed, I'm not sure they have done it or not. But the first time, today, I went to there website and didn't see really impressive stuff.
As usually done for fundraising, which is scarring people by saying "antisemitism is rising in the world," as you know very well, they're getting involved in politics, which is "suppose to be" none-of their business. Look at one of the comments under their site
"The ADL has breached Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations by quote: "public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity."

The Restriction of Political Campaign Intervention by Section 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organizations

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization in favor of or in opposition to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.  Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes. 
Certain activities or expenditures may not be prohibited depending on the facts and circumstances.  For example, certain voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter education guides) conducted in a non-partisan manner do not constitute prohibited political campaign activity. In addition, other activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process, such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, would not be prohibited political campaign activity if conducted in a non-partisan manner.
On the other hand, voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that (a) would favor one candidate over another; (b) oppose a candidate in some manner; or (c) have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute prohibited participation or intervention.
Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 15-Dec-2015

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