Sunday, March 13, 2016

To Michael Savage March 13th, Sunday


I just watched the beginning of "de-face the nation" program where Trump was on. He was asked about the disturbance in his recent rallies in Chicago and Kansas. The tone and choice of words of the lib. running the program were sneaky - the least to say. Trump answered pretty good by saying that media has been very dishonest. In my opinion the best way to answer to those vermin is to put answers in reverse and throw back at them. His presence always drives the ratings up for the vermin and all he gets back is defamation of his character. He has to put out conditions of the interviews to make them professional. I don't even want to call it 'fair' because that would be too much of imposition. It's like blaming hyena for not being vegetarian. It's genetic, how you can train that?
He needs a new type of coverage, the type that will take on all of them, I mean the entire industrial complex. It's time to sort things out. Only I can do it. Only I can roar at the roofs of their hid-outs and make them shack and crumble. I have a nothing to loose, I don't care about their hate and treats and that's my advantage. I answer to one entity in this world - GOD. He/she is the only almighty. The rest come and go. That's how I see it. Those so called "protesters" at Trump rallies are professional disruptors who need to get a few seconds in the spotlight of cameras for their sick egos. How otherwise you can characterize them? Trump wants to bring jobs back to this country and they're attacking him. Go figure.

I was watching Roger Stone's interviews to many channels local and Int'l. You should put him on your show. ???
What you think of this at ?

Car bombing in Ankara Turkey, in 2 Kurdish towns curfew is imposed indefinitely. Putin condemned the attacks and expressed condolences.

In a resort in Ivory Coast at least 16 tourists are dead from gunfire among them women and children, 5 of them French nationals.

Russian space shuttle 'Soyuz' took off from Baykonur cosmodrome )spaceport in English) with Satellite 'Resource-P' on board.

Russia stopped changing its daylight saving time practice. The whole thing is at least annoying to me. Statistics from sources that I believe in say that is nit saving any energy, but doing just opposite.
I remember when my nephews were little it was a nightmare to wake them up at different time that they used to. In farms cows didn't know that they had to give milk an hour early, so that is one of million other examples involving agriculture and industry. Lots of accidents happen in here on the roads because people are so sleepy when they have to sleep an hour short. Cashiers in my grocery store were yawning and confused. The whole thing is needless for anything the least to say.

Tonight I'm going to Barclay's center to watch Net's hosting Bucks. Last time I was there, a month ago, they lost badly. Hope they won't disappoint us at this time. Keeping fingers crossed!

Came back from the game, they lost again. Arena is nice, but people who work there don't know what is where. I had a free T included in the ticket price, they gave me a run for my money. About 7-8 people sent me back and forth and around and around, wasted my time so bad that before I was able to find the place they were closed and the T could be given only for that game.
It wasn't a big deal for me to begin with. Should I know it would be a hassle, I wouldn't even try it.
What I regret is not to have videotaped that ordeal.
In short, they keep loosing and customer service sucks.

So long.


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