Sunday, August 23, 2015

To Michael Savage Aug. 23rd, Sunday


Look at, and
Do you see what I see?
What I see is the end of Western Civilization as we knew it and it's being done without firing a gun.
Actually if there is a gun being fired is from white Christian men to other white Christian men.
This broad day light invasion of Europe is going to cause civil war on top of a sperm war. yes, I said sperm! What their ancestors couldn't do those invaders will do with their sperm. Yes, a-ha!  And this situation came from one thing in my humble opinion; - deterioration of morality, thus family, thus death of morale of those nations to protect themselves.
Look at this clip and tell me that I'm wrong, at Look what ooh-la-la culture is preoccupied with. I can't believe that there was a time that I loved that language and culture. See what's left of it. Go there, look at people on the streets; dog sh.t, littlemosques all over and very loud prayer music inArabic. More and more fully clothed women with mire and more children who do not work but have enough food to eat and multiply.
Just last week, when you were here, in NYC, right around where you were broadcasting from I saw totally black absolutely closed burka wearing women with their children and husbands by their sides.
Even eyes were covered with black lace piece. Hands in black gloves, feet in black closed shoes. How she could survive this hit in those, I don't know. I know one thing; in her mind she's better than any of us who let her in. How she got in? This is my Q! How did she have her picture and showed it at the border? How she crossed? What if it's a man? Next thing is going to be that used against us. To walk in masks in public is prohibited by the law, if I'm not mistaken. Why is this allowed? Frag-french banned it from public areas, didn't they? ? ? Only Le-Pen can save it.
First of all, Western Civilizations should get rid of a sickness called prostitution and pornography at first. That's just my opinion. Then this insanity, which don't seem to have any limits, running faster and faster by the day, at At least this particular puts has money to pay for removal of his shmendrik. Whole family is sick in the head, you're right, but that's not my concern of first degree, because many sicker ones in this society voluntarily paying to look at their pictures and watch their sick lives. To me it's 50/50. Under Ocare you'll be paying for someone doing it in jail, what about that? Ask those muslim Arabs and Africans who I know personally. Hear what they say about O (who they ran to elect), right now. They say he's like that too and calling him "har.m." He lit up that house with rainbow colors alright. Under every major religion that place is an official b.rd.llo like holliweirdo-club now. What's the difference?

If we wouldn't protect this country right now, starting today, who would? Invaders are not coming to add to this culture and be like the ones who build this country. They're coming to spit on your face, your families face, torture your descendants, God forbid. While you, Dr. Savage, talking of protecting Yezidi women, you don't talk about Russian, Ukrainian and other nationalities being killed by neo-nazis paid and organized by America, where you still pay your taxes, in Eastern Europe, - in Eastern Ukraine. Why?
Last week you were in NYC for a few days. Did you meet with any of your loyal listeners?
How many? How many phone calls a year you take from those who gave you business for so many years? Are you sure that you have millions and millions listeners and how we, the listeners, can know for sure.
One thing is still good in your show; you're on Trump's side. Does he know that you badmouthed him in "Political Zoo?" I don't think so. If he does, I'd respect him more for overlooking that and still coming to your show.
Last week, at 19th Wed. on your show you talked about several things at first 2 hours, among them
Trump, his courageous stand to uphold the law of the land on immigration issue, specifically "anchor baby" law and the border security. Economic side effect is worsening the situation of people on the lower economic class. T. will make Americans to feel American again.
Also you read the ridiculous sounding headlines from local papers. Those bunch of words not only put together to confuse, but also don't make grammatical sense. That already shows 2 possible things; 1. people there are not literate enough and 2. they believe their readers are stupid to notice it anyway.
Otherwise, I assume that they could afford to pay for a proof reader.
I agree with you that Trump already made his mark by making people feel that success is OK.
At 4:15pm you "tripped" though, you said he will be able to "out-negotiate" Putin. Real leader and a decent man will not look to "outsmart" another one, but fairly compare and respect the other side's interest and be reasonable. That's how he/she can make long term partnership. Lie has short legs, it don't run to far.
Also you mentioned that Hillary-the-hilarious said that she'll talk about black-lives-matter only with white people. I'd suggest to her, should i have a chance to check the facts about how many die from white-to-black and black-to-white crime before she opens her big-old-n-lying mouth.
America is a state of mind; if we believe it's great, will make it great, you're right.
Trump was on a few shows yesterday still standing up firmly on his position on immigration. Good for him. The person who can be his best consultant on that issue will be me and me and me again. Why? I've gone through it, I know more about it and I can find out more than any other person. I didn't use a lawyer-liar, I didn't need one, neither any most of them know how things work and never will tell you what they know anyway. Simply, because your don't pay them and you'll never can pay them more than their career-livelihood. Simple enough?
Trump adversaries said that his solutions are too "simplistic" like Scott-walker-who-needs-a-walker- -for-his-brain, as far as I'm concerned. Fat-butt-chisti was saying that he knows the law (I wonder if he can apply it) and will put Hillary-out by cross examining her. Maybe, who knows? 2 crooks with law degrees getting on each other's nerves? I'll definitely watch it.
Before that he got my Yellow Card for exceeding his feed limit. I'd advise him not to be the first one in a row from where cameras are shooting. It's an image killer for GOP.

Trump should ran as an independent-patriotic party leader. He should create one like that.
I consider myself conservative, but moderate-conservative. I'm against "all-dirty-sex-doers-should have-babies" mentality that rigid conservatives like you are preaching.
I'd ask; "how many abortions women that cons laid with had?" Statistically 50% of children are born accidentally against the will of their parents or the time they wanted to have them. Who told this?
A famous psychologist who was on national radio for decades. Cons call themselves "pro-life," which is intellectually dishonest argument with false definition. What do I call it?
That's what I call "forcible breeding of a women." You can paraphrase it more scientifically as "forcible breeding of a human female species," if you want.
Should you want to have a "normal" conversation (not a 30 second call on the radio) with me about this, we should take all the time needed to talk about subject like this. One Q at the time from both sides and i'm sure you'll use all your training and decades of experience "how to win an argument."
I never read about it, got training for it and exercise it, because I never needed it. And from now on, at my age, I'm wise enough from learning from life to talk naturally and make my points without illusion of "pleasing" all the people.
I think that I'm none-conformist conservative who likes changes that can benefit not only me, myself and I, but everyone else who can do good to themselves and others. One of those things is NOT having children you don't want to have thinking that's a right thing to do. Also I don't want to hear from those who think that's a good thing, but are not there to take care of it. Talk is cheap.
Journalism is like any other business unless it has a purpose. When it has a purpose, then it becomes a service to society. Don't wish others things you don't want to happen to you.  That's my motto. Stand for those who don't bother others, don't take much of anything from anywhere and anybody and contribute lot more than take. Only by encouraging good we can move society forward and stop its demise. Unprotected, wild, dirty sex at "nature's demand" should NOT be one of them.
I always hated liars and thieves and they go hand in hand. I haven't gotten into journalism working for anyone because;
1. i'm smarter than many of them who work in those businesses.
2. i can not lie for them, for money or for fame; - couldn't care less.
3. having sex has not been a concern all my life. i can live without it perfectly fine and actually be rewarded having no headaches, - thank you very much!
4. immorality of mind, body and soul just has NOT been ways of my survival in this world.
5. having a clear conscience is the most rewarding thing for my psyche and that's what makes me happy in absence of all worldly things in life (some are very necessary) that I don't have.
The only way I can show something is actually only to show something. Most of it better without commentary. All of it is the best live-streamed; - 24/7, everywhere! It's simple and can be done.
It's not easy because it'll require independent means of operation and access to public. Only Trump can do it, if he'd want to. All major networks are playing vermin as they are with him.
Public TV/radio networks survive on spreading lies and perversion, so won't be giving up easily at any time soon.
What to do? Just show. Show, show, show some more and only show; - LIVE!

I just accidentally came across to this at clip where you're talking about workings of cuckoo ex-professor in England trying to make a pedophilia a normal thing. Oh well, couple of years ago i wrote about something I heard being taught in some of universities of lower learning in here. Don't want to repeat it, so it won't be picked up by vermin.

Also this at, Kiev thugs are continuing to attack people in their homes in Donbass. 
Trump is better for Russia, he said we shouldn't be against Russia because of Ukraine,
it's at, 
Kissinger says peace con't be without Russia,
it's at,, 
This is nice, look how Crimea looks like at

So long.


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