Saturday, August 15, 2015

To Michael Savage Aug. 15-16, weekend edition


Wee hours of Saturday morning.
I was listening part of the show last 2 days. You were talking about hillary-rotten-clinton and her "disappeared" emails, middle east and iran-deal, RandPaul's curly hair (you call him "curly," I call him "poodle"), befriending of Cuba by O and opening the embassy there, etc.
No word about the continuous bloody standoff of US manufactured war in Eastern Ukrainian, right in Russia's backyard. For an American first, as you call yourself, why is this less important than situation in middle east for you? But...
let me say some things before I forget about the Cuba deal; raulcastro didn't shake O's hand because suddenly he started to like him. This was O's initiative to put the hand on Cuba, so Russians won't think about coming into his backyard again. That's all.  "I'll come to your backyard, you can't come to mine," that's the massage. But that's not going to be for free for american taxpayer. Wait to see that american taxpayers pay for that "friendship" dearly. I wrote about it already. Raul asked for $$$$s! After that "historic handshake" between two of them he said that Cuba entitled to "reparations" from all those years of embargo. Duh? I wander where I heard that before from other groups???
Gitmo-club is another problem might arise from this shenanigan. O might give it back to Cuba, bring prayer-rags into mainland and flood the streets of america with them.
I see more and more of those in the streets of NYC, so I'm not relying on imagination at all. Who is going to stop it? This my Q. What is going to happen when  huge amount of people start putting their rags in the middle of the streets, bend over and block the traffic? What should we do? Bend over backwards while crawling our way around or somehow find a way to fly away and disappear all together? Maybe joining them is the solution, so that way the whole world can stick their behinds above their heads?
The difference between the streets of Manhattan of 20 years ago and now is very visible to me.
There are 3 very alarming trends that this city or the country might not be able to handle in coming years unless somebody with big mouth and strong pair of c.jones comes along, points out the truth and does something drastic about it. Trump comes to mind, unless he gets disappointed, demoralized, tired or betrayed by his own. He has a very good life and devoting that type of time and energy can and will be very destructive to his family and hos own personal well-being.
You also talked about the issue of legalizing the world's oldest profession and asked listeners to call about it. You're notoriously a bad call taker that's why i don't call, but my opinion about it is that humanity should get rid of it all together. That's is as low as human being can crawl along with a few more worse-than-animalistic behaviors.
Oh, did I offend anyone? Too bad so sad for those who can't sue me.
Scott Walker appear to be a psychotic according for what he said about policy against Russia.
Last Tuesday Dr. Cohen mentioned US ambassador to Ukraine Pyatt's excitement about US "policy" getting into Ukraine and of course, as professor predicted, "staying" there.
Like nothing else to do, right? 800 US military bases/stations around the world and counting?
Is this number correct? At MarkLevin show Trump mentioned trillions of dollars of debt to China and illegal immigration. He said he was doing good with Hispanic vote.
Trump has to be that bird which takes on dragon and scares him off, a cat chasing and smacking the snake on the head, a squirrel which takes on the snake and puts it down, a mongoose which kills the snake and throws it away, etc.
I'll put videos with these scenarios later. *************************************************************
Lately, after the hidden video came out about the fetus-parts-selling business, you have been talking about it a lot. I have my thoughts and opinion about that.

Now, let's go to Eastern Ukraine; look at this man, an ethnic Ukrainian living in Donetsk who is wounded just because O hates P and wants his people kiles and his country in war.
Yes, this is just directly what it is; 
I haven't seen that clip, I just found it and it really disturbed me. I knew he was wounded, but didn't know it was that bad. Look at 17 kids who got hurt from war in Donbass arriving to Moscow for medical help, at Many more couldn't get out and suffering right now. What about those? Who is going to rescue those?
Ask any psychologist or psychiatrist friend of yours to explain in privacy why O wants these type of people killed. Killed in their homes or on their way to work and school.
Dead, dead and more dead all over the place.
These are one of the most hard working and productive humans that you can find in the world.
Show me better ones if you can.
Look the irony of universe; their killers' representative; the finance minister of UA was at 2 day talk in San-Fran asking from US to write-off their $19 Billion debt. Of course they call it "restructuring."
She told Washington that it's a last chance to prevent her country from collapse.
mw. [It's collapse already, as far as I'm concerned.]
Wash. got rid of her saying they'll continue the talks over the phone, finalizing it in mid. September.
Trump is the only one on GOP line-up that might use a sober head and stop this psychosis which is running loose dangerously.
Good for him for mocking old-crazy-mccain. It reminded me a bird click-clicking on cobra's head in one of the clips on youtube. I'm going to send him a ThankYou card every time he does it. I'm going to request to call gov. of NJ a "fat sissy" too.
Mark Levin had him in his show and put Russia in one line of bad guys in his Q, but T didn't pay attention. Good job!

Sunday, the 16th, midday.
Just turned the news on and saw this report; Situation in Donbass drastically worsened over night. In the result of shelling from Kiev's thugs, 4 civilians are dead in one town in DNR, about 30 residential buildings are damaged or destroyed. In LNR a woman got injured when bomb landed on her house. Contact Group landed by Denis Pushilin is going to meet with OSCE to discuss the situation.
ms [What is OSCE doing there besides spying and reporting to those who cooked this situation at the first place? This is my Q! Today I pray for a miracle that someone super-powerful will come to those poor people's rescue. O arranged this because of the personal hate toward P. He couldn't do in Russia what he recently went and preached in Africa - queer-agenda. Yes, after he gave money printed out of thin air, he did his preaching alright. A friend of mine who is from Africa and Muslim told me that Robert Mughabi made fun of him asking him to marry him, - on TV! Ain't it something? ]

who is doing what in culture and religion in today's world of decaying moral fabric of society?
Some people do it here like this small conservative student group at George Washington University did in 2014. At For not attending lglglgbtqq "sensitivity training" they were blames for committing "act of violence.", - Young America's Foundation, chapter at, - George Washington University, headed by Amanda Robbins, stood up for defending their members' individual rights to follow their Judea-Christian values.
Check also 
In Russia some like those at The George Washington University still have guts to get out and voice their opinion without being feared of being physically attacked and legally destroyed.
An Orthodox religious group called "The will of God" or "God's will,"
Their site is (means "for cross"). They went to one of Museums in Moscow, called and took on 4 items in there. One of them that you see in the clip suppose to be depicting the head of John the Baptist. It looked like a stuffed mitten with holes in it put on a black plate.
mw[That's good they took it out."
This clip is too short to see what exactly transpired. If i find a better one, I'll post it.**************
Want  to know why O hates P? A long story. You'll see one of the main and fundamental reasons when you read this article at There are several more like that. *********************************************************************

Trump was on TV shows today, one of them on NBC's Meet the Depressed. The entire interview should be on their website and also @realDonaldTrump and
He is leading in all polls and that bozo at Channel4 and his "contributors" and "analysts" who were trying to bend over and crawl in the paddle of mud for their agenda, as always, and was doing everything to undermine Trump by asking him vermanic Qs. Who is that goat looking aggressive "interviewer"  anyway? I wonder how many pants were put on his head during his "journey" of getting and keeping that job?
His choice of words, upside down Qs, hidden words, mind games, gestures, the body language, all were disgusting for me to watch. Only one thing make me personally happy while I'm watching this intellectual atrocity, is that I didn't dirty my soul with mud of lies by working for anyone in the field of journalism.
Readers of this blog, please, go to and donate.
Maybe, just maybe for me it's time to get out and get involved by doing active journalism.
Late, late night now and I'm getting more and more ideas how to counteract the deceit of media.

So long.


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