Wednesday, July 8, 2015

To Michael Savage July 8th, Wednesday


Today BRICS and SCO started in Russia, it's at
We are witnessing a birth of none-western Eurasia which will put EU and the US in doubt about their superiority over the rest of the world. Although those are not military alliances, but members of SCO has been collaborating in security and anti-t.rr.rism fight already. Allies in both groups are there on equal bases of power. All together they involves about 40% of world's population and 22% of world's gross national income, according to Russian experts.  Most of the members are developing countries with nuclear powers with Russia being also the biggest energy power.
China has "Silk Road Economic Belt" vision" and we'll see it developing in front of our eyes in near future. With its people so determined, hardworking and diligent, I'd put my bet on its success.
Another beautiful thing for me was to see the representatives of India and Pakistan around one table.

In Brussels Greece is running out of time and EU is running out of patience. EU don't want Greece to leave euro zone, but gave ultimatum to make up its mind until Friday.

In western Ukraine old nazi collaborator, who fought in SS-galichina-division was buried with full honers dressed in nazi uniform. Despite the UA Law as if banning nazi symbolism, thugs in Kiev decided to give this vermin a military funeral. Go figure. Where are all those mighty media-owning- and famous journalist Jews of the world starting with NYT? Where is the news in the West and in America? Don't they see this? Where is the outrage? Every day, in one way or the other, on radio or on TV, I still hear about Holocaust. It's seems strange to me that the same people who want to show their humanism daily bases as many times as they can (not that I'm against it) about things happened 70 years ago, pretend they don't see it today. Neo-nazism is creeping its ugly head out of hell-holes of humanity more and more often right this day.

While Frenchmen in charge of military base in Marseille (which didn't even have security cameras) were fooling around, some people broke into and stole whole bunch of military ammunition.
I wonder what kind of bloody news those weapons are going to create for French, when they go off. There country is invaded by its enemies and continues to go down steadily.
That's what socialistic-laziness with immoral-liberalism can do to any society, no matter how old, established, self-confident and arrogant it is.

The world is used to "not powerful" China for only 150 years and Russia only economically for 20 years. That's all.
Together only these 2 can rock any boat. Then come India (with 1B people) and Pakistan with their nukes,... Oh, boy, are you kidding me?
But,....  Russia knows that on the stand for its independent policies and sovereign politics against West it's alone and don't cater to illusions that any of the partners in those 2 clubs will be fighting for them against the US. They have their own interests in already ongoing trade and other ties and they will continue so, which is normal.
The old and demographically sinking into abyss world is going to hold a tight grip on its hegemony and we're going to witness new and exciting changes in the world power centers for years to come.
I really want US putting its act together and starting prioritize the concept of survival of the nation in its policies foreign and domestic.

I'm also following the local news about confederate flag in south, Trump being badmouthed, World Cup US women champs, etc. Good job, girls!

So long.


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