Tuesday, July 28, 2015

To Michael Savage July 28, Tuesday, 1000 year anniversary of Christianity in Russia


Day of Baptism of Russia! 1000th year birthday of Christian Orthodoxy of Rus. Congratulations!
It was exactly 1000 years ago when Prince Vladimir in today's Sevastopol, Crimea started baptizing all Rus. The Cathedral built on his behalf is still there.
Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians and many other ethnic groups came to that place, were baptized, became Christian  and got connected to each other with love of Almighty.
Today there were 1000s of celebratory sermons all over not only RF, but in all Christian Orthodox world. It's at 1tv.ru/news/social/288806. 
Christianity impacted Russia's culture fundamentally. Overall it's still a morally conservative  nation.
Putin called the Baptism of all Rus a key event in Russia's history.
From Kamchatka to Kaliningrad church bells rang and millions of faithful attended the ceremonies and services.
At 5:45min. Patriarch of Moscow ans all Russia Kirill says that were gathered in front of Great St. Prince Vladimir's portrait and asking him to be with them, look over them, give wisdom to the youth to carry his legacy, save and multiply."

In the meantime, when representatives of Kiev are meeting in Minsk, in Donbass guns are firing and bombs are blasting. An elderly woman who survived WWII got killed in his own home from direct hit, another was injured. Local civilians and defense believe that h there was a rotation in UA armed forces and the new thugs they've got on the line of fire are more enthusiastic to fight.
All these violation clearly show that UA side is not interested in peace.
OSCE  abservers also came under the shelling. It's at 1tv.ru/news/world/288808, heroic Uri Lipatov reporting. 

At 1tv.ru/news/polit/288809 report shows Putin's meeting with his security council.

In Moscow weather sucks today. Severe thunderstorm and flood warning was issued.

In his interview with a Swiss reporter Putin said that EU should be more independent in its politics, at RT.com/news/310908-putin-eu-us-politics.

I heard part of your show today, the middle part. You're right about O's devastating policies. If you'd live in minority areas you'll see how many are talking in other languages besides Spanish, most of whom don't want to speak English anyways. Increasing number of none-working, all clothed Muslim women speaking Arabic and in different languages of Africa.
O went lecturing Africa on "equal rights." Maybe he should also ..... let me stop here.

Just finished listening Dr. Cohen on RF and UA. Our views are matching in almost anything he talks about. He called Americans "provincial" and not aware of world history. With 800 military bases around the world Americans don't know what's going on in the world. Sad, but true.
O is pushing the envelope with P and it's all personal. Latter don't have "attention span" to listen to his lectures.

Oh, after French delegation Italian politicians want to visit Crimea. And, Nicolas Sarkozy of France is again running for presidency. I was living in France when he was running the first time and was elected. I followed all of the process and after the announcement of election results, the big concert in the middle of Paris where he said;
 Vive la Republique, vive la France!
For that I say; Allez-y Monsieur, projecte votre talent cache!
Sarkozy with Trump and Putin at the bar? T and P do not drink, don't know about S. I wonder what type of jokes each of them like.  ???
Check goTrumpgo.blagspot.com.

So long.


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