I heard your opinion on not indicting the cop yesterday. What would be the reasons behind the decision, we do not know, unless we'll be able to see what was presented to them. But what came out of it is much more harmful to white people living in NYC and around the country, because all this type is to make mad money to those agitators in the street. Tax payers who are at work right now and got NOTHING to do with it will pay an enormous price and make all those people behind the mics on TV screens richer and more famous.
Am I on the side of cops? Not all the time. If I given to walk the street by the side of the cop instead of one standing in the corner and plus who knows doing what, I'd certainly prefer the cop. Do cop do what they suppose to do when I need them and call them. Nope, they never did. They play stupid and leave or even worse, harass and intimidate me for calling. Should I had those incidents on tape, you'll be shocked to hear they actually like to "work" such as do something about something while in their uniforms on their job. Do I know a little bit about the penal law and police function in general.
Maybe. I have been an Auxiliary Police officer at NYPD. Got the training, passed the test, put the same uniform on without gun and volunteered for the goodness of my heart. Garner died in hospital and he had many underlying conditions. What coroner said has no meaning to me personally, because every one of them would not be mind to get a fortune out of it and retire. Who is going to double check their work? YOU?
Should a black cop who shot a white man cause this type of a steer? It had not before? Yes it did and it's forgotten.
I know one thing from yesterday; streets in NYC are getting more dangerous for people like myself. And, you're not there psychically to protect us.
Now, after 3pm, you started your show with the same topic while I'm writing this. You keep putting the tape for us to hear and it's disturbing. I'd be you, I'd try to contribute for prevailing of cool heads now, rather than putting more oil on already burning fire. I don't want to go out to the city because of unpredictable crowds. I use public transportation unlike you and live in predominantly minority area, where 3 weeks ago right around the corner of my block at 7:30 in the evening I almost got mugged by a teenager. I spent the cash on food and had only food shopping bags in my hands, which I offered to him and treated him like he'd be my son. He kept repeating "give me all your money, all your money, all your money," looking into my eyes, trying to scare me with his a few inch away face. I really didn't and told him. I said "take the carrot cake, do you like carrot cake?, that's my favorite."
I was not prepared to get defensive, had no time, he approached me very nicely running from the other side of the street and calling me "miss, miss, excuse me." When i stopped and turned to him I said "yes, baby what are you looking for, what you need?" My initial feeling was that he was asking for direction, because nobody else was on the street. When he came close he asked if I had money. When I said "no, i don't have cash, he got emotionally belligerent and got on my face with scary look. I kind of offer help to take what ever he could from me by offering what I had. I thing he just believed me and left. I told a girl behind me to hold off until he's gone. She was very thankful to be warned. Both were black and very young. She said I was lucky, because maybe he just started his "journey" for the night. He'll keep going until he'll get what he was looking for.
Top of the 4 o'clock news now on the radio says that it was NOT a chokehold that cop applied, it was a 'take down' text book maneuver.
To me, it can't be double jeopardy. Someone can't go to jail and the taxpayer pays the bill. One or the other. Law should be changed. If cop is guilty, he goes to jail. That's it. If you want more punishment, such as what you call for "violation of human rights" he should pay the monetary price. To me it should be one or the other. If he/she has no money, victim should get no money. That's it. As in my case. I've got hurt by a bozo bam, who pays me? She went to prison eating and doing other things for free victimizing the society more everyday.
Victim's family should be offered one or the other thing;
Money or prosecution. That's all. End of the story. Let's mandatorily indict all cops, see what happens or settle the case. Give the money publically and have them sign on live TV that they'd take, go, enjoy it and never talk about it publically, otherwise public should sue for damages.
I'm sick and tired of listening anti-white racist rhetoric by media, which is escalating in streets by the hour. The law-life and snake oil salesman before your program on your station here was spewing hatred for 5 hours yesterday instead of 3, continued today for 3 more and you join the band afterwords. Enough is enough. The lies on the streets are so perverted that I can't believe what I'm seeing. Phony "black lives matter" (as if they haven't been matter for 150 years by now) in reality is cover for subliminal message of "kill all whites, they don't matter anymore, black power mobs ruling the streets starting from WH." That's the real headline underneath.
Real politics is going on in eastern Europe, which can effect all of us here - white, black and in between and you're not talking about it.
At 1tv.ru/news/polit/273209 and /273210/11and full version at /273180 Putin says that the most important political event of 2014 was reuniting Crimea to motherland as it was always part of and belonged to. If you'd read the text in English you could learn more about the history, culture and the politics of that region today. Your grandparents come from there, right? Your grandmother talked the language, so it should be close to home. Maybe you should read Ivan Ilyin, see what he says about Russia.
Putin says that disbalance of power is dangerous for USA too, because it gives them a false believe that they're almighty. "More tolerant and cooperative we've got with the WEST last 2 decades, more insolent our adversaries got," he says.
I mean you should really listen what he says and how and compare with the bloody fiction thrown on us by the main stream media in here.
He also said that RF is not interesting in new and costly arms race, but won't let anyone to intimidate and endanger its safety and security. "Difficulties create new possibilities" he said at the end.
That's true, RF is big and have great resources and by not importing stuff, they'd be more inclined to produce their own goods and services.
For example in Silicon Valley the first language is not English, but Russian. They're building good accommodations to try to take them back. All they have to do to pay them as much as they can get in here. That's all. I think more of them we'll go back.
So long.
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