Wednesday, December 10, 2014

To Michael Savage Dec. 10th, Wednesday


Today you started the show asking if there are sedition laws on the books, as I agree with you, should be. But are there? I'm not sure. It makes complete sense to have those. I'd say it's necessary,
but I'll be optimistic now, just hoping there are some under other "definitions."
It's so stressful to see what's going on, that listening about it one more time, makes it more distressing. I couldn't listen to the entire show.
But look at that so called UN thing; who is it to tell what our intelligence community should do and not do?
To me, it's time to get those bums out of this town, give the building to Trump Corp. to convert it to condos. Let them have it in South Africa, where it might have more use, such as traveling, turism, etc. NYC residents shouldn't pay taxes to accommodate those bums and also shouldn't have provided
security to so called british royalty for their useless visit, who have enough money to bring their own security with them. The least I'd agree with, would be that City Hall should send a bill for all the expenses accrued for their show up, show off, self advertisement and entertainment.

Yesterday I was listening to Dr. Cohen on the radio, he talked about 50 prominent Europeans signing against sanctions against RF published in german press. Also he was assuming a possibility of Ukraine being partitioned not only west and east, but in many parts. Western Ukraine is formed from different parts coming together throughout history with their own ethnic majorities from neighboring countries, such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc.
That newly elected ultra right-wing parliament of theirs with western puppet oligarch president in reality does not have the support and followings of the rest of the country. Average Ukrainian don't like the war with their brothers and don't like the oligarchs either. I don't see that those oligarchs in UA giving out their money to pay for country's debt or even collaborating with each other for the good of the country.
Moreover none of them are in the front line fighting for their "cause" whatever that might be. Some have their own private armies, who do whatever they want to do on the ground and are not accountable to any authority, including the president.

But let me share a laugh with you. This made my day couple of days ago. Did you hear that Columbia Law school students took off or change the schedule of their exam because they were
"emotionally distressed" or "traumatized" by the grand jury decision about not indicting the cop?
I had a real good belly laugh. My monkey George laughed too.

At you'll see the convoy of humanitarian aid going from Russia to Eastern Ukraine. 40 tracks from Moscow region, then 80 more from other parts of the country carrying food and other necessary survival things all together 1200 ton are took off on Tuesday.
Also taking New Year presents for kids. In Russia Santa comes at night of Dec. 31st and brings gifts to kids only. Orthodox Christmas is at January 6th and it's a religious holiday only and does not include any gift giving to each other. You can give to anyone anything or donate to the church, but it doesn't have the connotation of custom or obligation to do so.
At reports that the people who live in Avdeyevka villege in Eastern UA are telling about the thivery of armed forces of UA.
Who knows who are they exactly? Could be anyone sent there to do whatever they want to do. Who is watching, who is watching "suppose" to be watchers when they're the one sending those out there.
At the report says that 80% of Ukrainians say that the political situation is bad. Duh? There is a hot civil war for a year already.
Their PM who is an "economist" is not covering up that for next year the economic situation will not improve and the goal will be to survive.

Youth in London is running around against their police, I'm sure you saw it. Can you believe that English white men are being killed in their own country with axes on the streets and the crowds are protesting against wussy british police? Why do you think this is happening? Look at those youth and then look at their mothers and fathers. Look who was babysitting them, what they were watching on TV, reading and learning from Internet.
i can write a book about this, but for now, so long.

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